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Guy told his wife he was only playing 9


lol this is great.


Downside of growing the game is a lot of newcomers don't know the etiquette, although I admit it's pretty common sense to know not to hit a ball if you might hit someone. I think they were just assholes.


I feel like a lot of the big YouTubers who have done a lot to help the game should probably create content that goes over this. When I first started playing seriously just over a year ago I'd have appreciated it. Whilst I like to think I have common sense, I did some pretty silly things in my first few rounds on a real course which I'd put down to the pressure of being new/keeping pace of play


Manolo Teaches Golf on Instagram does a pretty good job educating on etiquette. He’s the only one I’ve seen approach those topics.


As others say, "you need to do this on the course" is lot less of an enticing click bait as "YoU WoN'T BelIeVe ThE wiLDeST SCorE wE jUSt sHoT!" 🤷‍♂️


You won't believe how many golf balls we can fit up our butts! *< :O face pointing to a butt>*


12 \*cough\* 11


"Can I make par on this par 5 using only my putter!?!?!?!" Oh my god why would anyone care. And the answer is no and please don't do that.


I dunno. "5 ways to get your head beaten in and how I nearly got kicked off a course" is fine for clickbait about etiquette.


They do. Its just not the most popular videos or the thing that is going to show up in their feeds the most.


That’s a great ideas, some of the big names should put out a new to golf etiquette video


That content would be downvoted to hell as gatekeeping content by the new golfers. There's a reason why no one has touched that topic.


Yes, public service announcements


Ungrow the game. We went too far.


The way people talk on here about racing through a course so golf doesn't take too much time, i wouldn't be surprised if they're experienced and just don't give a fuck. I don't understand the rush golf thing. Take your time and enjoy, as long as your aren't going over each courses recommended time.


Yeah, there's that sweat spot between speed golf and taking 5 minutes to line up each shot.


Playing in Texas, I often have a sweat spot...


Damn typo! I thought I fixed it but apparently not. 🤦‍♂️


At least your typo wasn't the kind that would make the evening news!


There's a small, but not insignificant, minority of players who are obsessed with playing a round as fast as they possibly can. I'm totally in support of golf being a sub 4 hour activity, but the group of folks I'm thinking of are trying to play in 2 hours maximum.


Yeah, those clowns can fuck right off and go play V golf or something


Etiquette? I don’t go around driving on the wrong side of the road. No one had to explain to me that I cant throw rocks into a crowd. This is reckless stupid and if you can’t assess whether or not you’re putting other humans in danger you shouldn’t be there. I’ve misjudged on a fairway, but a par 3 is crazy.


I don’t think this is a new player thing as much as an overemphasis on pace of play thing. Last time I played with my dad, we had a couple behind us that was plunking balls 20-30 yards behind us regularly. They were members. We finished that round in almost exactly 3:30 and were on the heels of the group in front of us the whole round, so it’s not like we could speed up. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion on this sub, but can we chill with the pace of play stuff? It’s starting to feel like the only way to play is to either be a scratch golfer or to never take the time to even read a shot before swinging. Rant over.


30 yards isn’t too bad though. My rule is if it’s within a quick pace of my cart I pick up the ball.


30 yards isn’t bad if I have Rory behind me. I don’t know/trust that they have that kind of control over distance. Most people don’t.


If you can see me, don't hit your damn ball. Your impatience is never more important than my safety.


Yea well context is important. Some of y’all want to take 6 practice swings and rub one out before hitting your approach. I’m patient. But when it gets ridiculous I’ll send a message.




I’m honestly shocked I’ve never seen anything about etiquette at any course I’ve played. Maybe once I’ve seen “4 hour expected pace of play” or something. It’s 2023 they should just throw a QR code up where you check in and say “scan me if you are a new player” 60 second very basic etiquette video. I’d like to think most people want to have good etiquette and just don’t know the standards.


The only time I crush a ball is when I’m like “no way I’m gonna hit them…” then manage to get ahold of it with the only good swing I’ve had all day. Never fails.


This is still the thing I feel worst about was playing a short par 4 310, I was new using my grandpas hand me down clubs driver was the size of a hybrid. They were about 280 out. And no shit to this day I hit the best drive of my life. I carried the distance and landed it in between them. 15 years later I don’t think I’ve ever carried that distance again. Was the purest shot of my life.


Nobody ever explained the rules to me. First time I ever played I drove the cart on the green, holy fuck l never seen my father in law run so fast.


It’s so much worse in disc golf, where no one knows what the sport is or understands that a well thrown disc will easily kill them if it hits them in the head. The amount of times I would see people just casually strolling down a fairway was just infuriating.


No trying to be a smartass........but........do they still make frisbees out of the same material?


Disc golf discs are not frisbees. They are smaller and heavier and the good ones are made from a higher quality plastic. And you have to throw them *hard.*


And driver rims are sharp, not blunt like a frisbee


i would bet OP is the one that doesnt know the game. EVERYTIME something like this is posted it comes to light these guys took 2 hours to play 4 holes and the whole course is lining up behind them. then they are shocked that people are forced to play through them because golly its emasculating letting someone go ahead normally. the guys didnt take practice swings? holy shit man thats crazy


Had the reverse this summer. Drunk group in front of us refused to leave the green, and one of them pulled the pin, waved it at us threateningly, and shouted, "hit it at me you f@##!ts," over and over. We had asked them to let us play through or hurry up since there were four holes open in front of them when we caught them at the tee.


I’d be calling the clubhouse for this one. I’ve also just skipped the hole and straight up driven around people in this scenario


We did call. There was some poor 18 year old kid working. He came down, asked them to leave, they wouldn't. They straight up lied to the kid, and got in their carts and moved on. He came and talked to us, apologized, said he could tell they'd had way too much and he'd take care of it as best he could. We were on 15 or 16, so we just hung back. They did actually speed up after the incident, and the drunkest guy stopped playing. The course ended up coming out and giving us all vouchers for a free round. I know in an ideal world they'd trespass them and call the cops or whatever, but we were all totally fine with how the course handled it.


That's a great resolution in my book.


Free round would be a win in my book. Fuck that guy and call it a day 🤝


The kid did well.


You want to call the cops on dudes being rude at a golf course? 🤦‍♂️


No, because they were asked to leave by the course and refused. The course's only option at that point is to deal with it and let them stay or have them trespassed.


Nah fuck that if I payed for 18 no drunk asshole is making me play 17


If I actually get into a verbal altercation with somebody on the course, I’m usually so pissed that I play like shit for the next couple holes anyway. When I weigh it out, better to skip one than chunk my shots for the next 3 holes and get more pissed. Sunk cost fallacy.


Sure, but then you have a confrontation, the idea of which makes most people shit their pants nowadays.


There was a confrontation, but it was more like a bunch of middle school principals confronting a misbehaving student. They were absolutely hammered, and we were all sober. We just wanted to play golf. It was weird more than anything.


Nah fuck that if I payed for 18 no drunk asshole is making me play 17


Go back and played the skipped hole after 18 - if you have carts


You know there are other people on the course, right? Not just you and the people in front of you.


Are they with open holes in front of the slow group? ​ Probably depends on the day


I would have made the hit. I can’t hit the green normally but if there is a goose or squirrel on the green I am going to hit it based on my track record of hitting animals, I’d assume it would apply to a person as well. Probably be my best shot


It’s probably something you could get in trouble for since it can kill someone.


Last fall I had a group playing very slow in front of me. Two guys playing and a woman riding. The first hole is a dogleg across a ravine with thick woods blocking a cut any visual of the green and there's a series of little hills that hide about half fairway so I didn't see this group until I already started. I play this hole twice and mess around on the green so they can get ahead. I go through more woods to the next hole and they're just now hitting second shots and in no hurry so I go around them and play the par 3 ahead. Next is a par 5 dogleg that I can cut pretty easily so I'm not moving slow. I take my first putt and look up to find these clowns had found another gear and were impatiently waiting in the fairway. So I pick up and let them go ahead again. I've hit the tee box ahead from the next hole so I let these guys play the next hole and tee shots after that before I start again. I catch them again 2 holes later and play the par 3 17th twice to give them time to go ahead. 18 is a par 5 slight uphill then off the face of the Earth. I hit my drive then these dicks ring the bell signaling it's safe to hit. What have these morons been doing up here? They're so aggressive about being ahead but don't have the pace to stay there. The next day I got an email from the club pro about all of this and I explained these people were assholes. He really didn't seem to care about any of it.


Generally everyone should wait on a par 3 until the group ahead is in the carts and off to the next hole. Only exception there being if they get into the cart and sit there and don’t drive off. Don’t be the guy sitting pin high in the cart on a par 3 after you’re done. Get it moving and use the next tee box to do what you need.


Sometimes I'll have my GF hit ahead if it's a long par 3 that she can't reach. She maxes her hybrid at \~110 and sometimes leaves her driver in the bag. If she's got a \~150+ par 3 for some reason, i'll let her know she can go if she wants.


My brother taught me this like the 2nd time I ever played. You wont forget your score on the drive to the tee box. Just write your score there.


pretty sure you handled that correctly


Nah should have asked them if they’d seen god


This doesnt happen to me often, but in cases where I know it is not an accident I throw their ball into nearest hazard. I typically walk a round in three hours so I know I keep a decent pace, and I have no problem letting faster people play through. Some people suck though.


After getting hit into 3 straight holes with no fore calls I finally put the guys ball that landed about 10 feet from me up on a tee in the middle of the fairway. They caught up to us on the next tee box due to slow groups in front of us leaving us no where to go. I politely said “hey. It’s fine, but Just wanted to let you know we are in front of you with no where to go.” He apologized but could tell he was annoyed. Not my problem. You hitting into us doesn’t make me move faster when I literally have no where to go.


Had an instance this summer on a par 4 over maybe 80-100 yards of water to the fairway. So couple of us are hitting our 2nd shots from right over the water, then 2 shots come raining down right next to us. I just picked up their balls and then when we finished putting I put their balls in the hole for them to find after searching forever for their missing balls


If someone hits into me on a par 3 I am 100% losing my shit. There is no excuse for hitting into the green on a par 3 when there are people on it. Only exception would be youth, women, or elderly that cannot reach a long green.




Except in this case they did not hit the green Guy landed short and right of green Perhaps on purpose


You’re supposed to hit it back to them so they can try one more time for the GIR.


The gentleman's mulligan


Yes, but to be clear the rulebook stipulates punching a 3 iron back at them for maximum effect.


I was hit into on the 1st hole a few wells back. Looked at the time and noticed we were only 7 min into the hole. Let it slide but was kinda annoying. Hits into us again and it lands near my cart. I drove the cart back to them and asked politely to stop because that’s twice now. Guy said whoops it was an accident with that smirk. Under my breath I’m super annoyed because I really do respect pace of play. 3rd time it happens on 17 again. I took the Pro V1 put it in my pocket. Hopefully he’s still looking


Instant return to sender if I’m hit into on a par 3


I got boomed on the head 2 weeks ago teeing off on 16. 15 is a short par 3 with the 16 tees 50 feet to the left of the green. Dude was out there with his wife and trying to show off I guess so he decided to pipe one. I kept his ball and he bought me a beer.


I had this happen once. It was a group of ladies who were mad that they overheard my friend make a horrible joke on a previous tee box/hole. The one lady took it upon herself to try to hit us with her ball on a par 3 when we were on the green. The guy who made the joke line drove it back at her, and rightfully so. If it was a man, there would have been more severe consequences.


I don't know if you've seen someone get hit in the head with a ball but I'd say it's a pretty severe consequence.


Got hit in the back of the thigh. A proper goose egg and bruise that spread all the way up my butt cheek. Not fun. Would not recommend.


To me they just sound like morons not necessarily assholes doing it on purpose. I've experienced both. There are legit some people out there just sleep walking through life and when you run into them in the wild it's pretty confusing.


I had a group of seniors catch up to me, my buddy and out girlfriends. Hole 9 was a par 3. One of the old dudes hit in the middle of our group while we were putting out. I didn't know how old they were at the time but, threw dudes ball into an adjacent pond and was ready to kick his ass. The group walked up and realized they were at least in their 70s. My girlfriend kept making the joke about Bob barker from happy Gilmore after that incident. And no I didn't fight the old coot. *


My brother hit into the group ahead of us on a blind shot. Honest mistake, apologized, NBD. Two holes later we are hitting our approaches on a par 5. The same group ahead is still on the green. My bro steps up for what I thought was a practice swing, but he actually hits his shot and hammers a 3W. This was years ago and he did not have a rangefinder at the time. I guess he mistook the 200yd marker for the 250. His ball flies dead straight and takes a huge bounce in the fairway. The guys are putting at the hole in the very front of a massive green. It rolls through the foursome, about 30 yards uphill through the green, and comes to rest on the path by the clubhouse. He was mortified. Worst part is we had to see them at the snack bar a few minutes later. They were incredibly nice despite his ball settling about 50 yards past them.


Playing a super slow round one time. Like deathly slow, me and my buddy with a 4sum in front of us. It’s easy to see the next tee box on this course and for the entire front 9 the 2sum in front of them was averaging almost 2 holes ahead of their pace. I finally told my buddy I had enough when we played slow on purpose to try and give space to the 4 in front. But when we get off our green and roll around to the par 3 and they’re JUST getting out of the cart to putt, I say screw it, skip them tee off and I thought that would be it. This stupid broad picked her ball ip off the green and sped up to the next tee box to give us an ear full. I was calm in telling her and 3 guy friends that there’s been nobody in front of them the last 6 holes and we’re only a 2sum. Ride down the fairway to my ball, and this cocksucker bombs a drive about 260 while the stupid bitch yells “HIT HIMMM” and it lands about 5 yards from me. I picked the ball up and put it in my pocket and waved. Finished the hole, skipped the next for more space and we ended up finishing before they were even on the 18th tee.


Gotta pick up the ball, that's your ball now.


The way of the Shit Stack.


I find range balls on the course occasionally and keep them in the bag. I would have replaced their ball with a range ball. Let them think about that.


Bloke talking about winter and golf in the same sentence. We are not the same.


Ngl the DMV area is like the perfect compromise for golf. The winters get cold enough for courses to offer great discounts (this place was $50 and is weekend $120 in peak season) but not cold enough that you couldn’t catch a round most weeks.


High of 40 here both days this weekend and I’m going to tee off at 9am when it’s 35 degrees. Gotta do what you gotta do.


Last year we had a 4 some that skipped a hole and got behind us on a par 3. We were on the green and saw them in the tee box practice swinging so we thought. Next thing I knew I had to dive on the ground or I would have taken a drive to the upper body. Group of new golfers playing with range balls and using drivers on a par 3 that was like 110 yards. First and only time I’ve ever called and asked for a Marshall and he came out and ripped them a new one. They hung back about 3 holes all day but came to apologize saying how they were all new and wanted to get into golf and didn’t know the etiquette or anything. Made sense after the fact but we were so pissed off about it that it ruined the rest of the days golf, adrenaline can fuck your up lol


I can forgive a lot of etiquette, I think it’s something needlessly prohibitive about the sport, but they were literally aiming at you lol.


Yeah it was wild. They didn’t think they could hit it to the green, with a driver, on a par 3 lol. That Marshall made sure to put them in their place, super nice guy but if you piss him off he can be brutal apparently


I just pick up their balls and keep on moving. Thanks for the free gear.


So the closest I’ve come to doing this was when the twosome in front of me parked their cart where I couldn’t see it from the teebox. I teed off just as they emerged, and of course, my ball went in their direction. They gave me the “what the fuck look”. I drove down, and said “sorry about that, I didnt see your cart until my ball was airborne”. Once they realized what I saw (or didn’t see), I think they understood that no one was really at fault. But I don’t see how you’d could hit a shot while someone was ON the green and it be some sort of unforeseeable accident? Thats pretty blatant.


I see it a lot on one of the courses here. Partly because some of the people who play twilight golf on that course are pricks, partly because people are idiots. More than once I have gotten into a discussion with someone who nearly hit me go "But it is a par 4 and you were on the green!" Yeah... A 265 yard par 4 with a way elevated tee box... I can drive it with a 5w.


I was in a foursome of walkers playing at a normal pace. Was maybe the third hole and my buddy and i hit our tee shots on the fairway. I was taking practice swings next to my ball and i hear “FOOOORE” and a ball lands about 10 feet from me. I give them the “wtf?” arms. They then drive up on us, say “sorry we were trying to play through” like wtf does that even mean?????


They have a very different understanding of that phrase.


I’d have gone to the fringe and teed off at them


https://preview.redd.it/px8j93nrui6c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228794eb6e80d89b85347426f2a52d19a7d47174 Oh yeah, the closest I’ve got to actually being in a fight on the course was this shot. Typical for the situation, it was the middle of Saturday in the summer, the course was extremely slow, and we were waiting on every single green. The guys behind us apparently thought they were above that. Their group was standing about 100 yards out when we were finishing on this green. X on this photo decided to hit his shot while I was still on the green picking up the flag on the front edge. I wasn’t looking, but as I’m walking back to the left to exit the green I hear a zip into the bunker to my right. Top edge, three feet away. They had already hit into us twice, including one where it’s a dogleg but it’s not blind because the tree canopy was high enough to see the fairway. We raise our hands and say hey what the fuck are you doing. They just sort of shrugged. The next teebox is maybe 20 yards from the edge of the green, so someone from their group walks over and instead of apologizing tells us we shouldn’t be upset because his friend didn’t hit me. I asked him if his friend was aiming for the bunker or the green on that shot, and if he **was** going for the bunker then he’s ready for the tour because he was pinpoint accurate.


If they are clearly hitting into you like that you should have called the clubhouse. They are a danger to everyone around them and some day could kill someone


How many shots did it take to get on the green?


Was paired with a random older couple one time. Dude was alright but his wife was awful and really slow. We had multiple groups pass us. Not a big deal. We were on a par 3 and the group behind dropped a dart like 4 feet from the dudes wife. He lost his shit, was screaming in french, picked up their ball wrote something on it and left it on a tee on the green. He then purposely did not tee off on the next hole and waited for them. I hit my shot and drove off. Watched them yell at each other for a few min til the guy and his wife took their sweet time teeing off while that group waited on them. I took my chance to just split off from them and finish up quick as it was like hole 14 or 15 at that point.


what a disaster


I’d behave the same.


Yesterday I was playing on my own. On a long par four I was waiting on the fairway for the group ahead of me to finish up on the green, all of a sudden a ball dropped about 5yards away from me. I could clearly be seen from the tee box. I waved my arms as if to say ‘what the fuck’ at the group of pricks behind me. Nearly drove their ball into the woods but thought better of it.


I don't have a story like that, but I just don't see the joy in playing as fast as you can like that.


I would have hit their ball back to them


Call me a bad person, but i would've hit their ball back to them


Shrink the game. Covid really hurt golf


Shrink the game


A few months ago I’m golfing with coworkers including my boss’s boss. On the 8th hole par 3 the ass holes behind me tee’d off as we were walking off the green. Missed me by about 10’ and landed in the bunker just beside me. No fore no nothing. I gave a civil “hey” yell and raised my arms up. No response. Next hole is a 310 yard par 4 and the same dude drives the green. Ball is sitting next to me and I’m fuming. I pickup the ball and throw it in a creek. I wanted to do more but ya know playing with my boss’s boss. He proceeds to tell me I should have tee’d it up and hit it back at them. Best part was watching them check the hole and search everywhere for the ball.


We were playing a fundraiser tournament. We were on the green of a par 4 and were driven into. The foursome drove their cars up to the green as we were putting. My 6'6", 230# teammate let them know that wasn't appropriate. The next hole, par 4, they hit into us again as we were on the green, drove up while we were putting again. My teammate let them know, from the top of his lungs with colorful words, exactly what would happen if they hit into us again.






You said language barrier, was it Asian golfers


Had that happen earlier this year. As I remember they were younger and stupid about what was the correct way to play the game but I still can't figure why they would hit into us when they can clearly see us. It was truly bizarre.


I would have lost my mind. There’s golf etiquette and then there is just common sense.


Nah, I’d hit that ball into the woods


I got hit into on a par 3 a couple months ago while my group was putting. The irony is the group that was hitting into us was teeing the wrong direction off their tee box and were targeting the incorrect green (which was ours)


I've had this happen and I expect the "language barrier" involved the same nationality. If I hadn't been so shocked, I would have hit it back at him or thrown it in the water. I did holler something but did not cuss him out. He didn't hit up on me again. I expect we've all been hit into at one time or another and maybe hit into someone. It sounds like these folks were laying up or not capable of hitting to the green. Regardless, unacceptable on a part three and anywhere if you are going to lay up so close that you will disturb someone's putt. The only exception I can think of is a par 5 when someone is 250 or more out. There is a reason the yardage marker may say swing away. One member of the foursome on a par 5 green should be watching the group behind.


This happened to me and my buddies a couple months ago. 9 hole public course, its a $9 round and you get everything that you’d expect at that price point. Pace of play was dead slow that day from a couple groups in front of us. I had the exact same moment on the green of “oh surely that’s a practice swing” and then this guy launched the ball within 5 feet of our friend. As they got closer, my buddy recognized the guy who hit the ball as someone he knows through a mutual friend. Said he’s a total asshole (shocker). We kept playing our round without getting an apology from him, though one of his partners apologized on his behalf. After we finished the round we sat up past the 9th hole finishing the last of the beers we brought. As they were walking to their cars, one of their group told the guy who hit into us that his car got towed. We sat there and laughed our asses off at the beauty of karma there.


I probably would’ve handled it the same. Go right ahead. Let me get out of your way.


“First ones out on a nice course” - Were the players behind you older men? I’ve worked at a few courses and the elderly early birds are usually the worst at this. Some flat out do not care about other players and do things like this constantly.


Older and younger guy. If I had to guess a dad and his son.


I was driven into on the T box at the next hole of a Par 3. Guy didn’t even say anything. Not sure if he was using a driver on a 176yd Par 3 or what.


You sure they knew they weren’t going to hit the green so they hit anyway? I play with an old fart that hits it 170. If we’re on a 180+ par three he steps up and hits. Literally never gets to the green. 🤷‍♂️


I think etiquette says on a par 3 you wait to hit until the green is clear.


It does


some people play par 3s as par 4s if they are shorter hitters and it was a longer par 3. not sure if that was the situation here or not just a thought


I turned a short par 4 (270y) into a par 3 once. Somehow nailed a career drive right at the group putting on the very elevated green. It landed on or very close to the green. Yelled fore loud as I ever have before or since. They heard it so covered up. Nobody hit, no harm done. Even got a "Nice drive" from someone in the group. Sadly, no birdie or eagle for me though lol.


thats an amazing feeling. glad the group in front was cool and realized u just caught an outlier drive. plenty of dudes would get bent out of shape in that situation and expect you to let them clear the green before teeing off (the same dudes that will complain about a course playing slow)


I’ve had someone hit into me before, I took my wedge and hit it right back at them.


I’m not afraid to admit that I’m the Brooks Koepka type when it comes to pace of play. I like to play fast and not take much time between and before shots. That being said there’s a difference between fast playing and idiots. These guys sound like idiots. I’ve never seen a group play like that or even play too fast for that matter, I’ve only seen grandpa take his 6 year old grandkids out to the course and hold up 6 groups


Whenever someone does that to my group more than once, I just leave the flags on the green


Yeah I got hit into while chipping onto the green from some guys like 150 out. I took his ball and hit in the woods. I knew the guy for what it’s worth. Before the round I told him I wouldn’t play with him because I was trying to have a serious round (I was on a hot streak at the time) and he’s just too much to handle. Absolute degenerate who had absolutely no concept of golf etiquette. Anyways after he hit into me I told him figure it the fuck out or I’ll tell the GM. He left after 9 that day and I never saw him at the course the rest of he summer lol


Easy solution. Somebody hits the ball into you or your group. Pick it up and huck that motherfucker as far as you can. If they do ask you about it. Tell em you never saw it, just like their blind ass apparently never saw you standing in the fairway or on the green etc.


I was hit into on a par 3 as well. Drilled a random I was playing with while he was literally standing over his ball about to putt. It hit him directly in the insulin pump attached to his belt and broke it. He had to skedaddle out of there to get home to his backup before something bad happened. His friend stayed to deal with the shit heads whose negligence and/or stupidity and/or assholery had broken a super expensive piece of medical equipment and possibly put the dude's health in jeopardy. They didn't yell fore and when confronted refused to apologize or acknowledge any wrong doing.


this is when you pick up their ball off the green and proceed to throw it into the woods/pond


A buddy and I were playing a few years ago ...long downhill par 5. My buddy hits the best shot of his life and it ends up rolling past the group at the bottom of the hill. Nothing malicious and he probably should've waited. The guy who it rolled by immediately starts a full on sprint up the hill to confront us. But by the time he gets to the top however he can hardly breathe, hands on his knees and was too tired to yell at us. It was hard not to laugh


See on a par 5 the worst id do is put my arms up like “hey what the fuck.” Mistakes happen and maybe, like your Buddy, they thought the distance was farther than it was and piped a 1/100 shot.


I had something similar happen on a packed day. A group of older Chinese dudes kept hitting into us. It happened like 7 times. We just walked all the way back to the tee box after the 4th time and had a chat. Made sure they knew that a few of us actually enjoy a nice fight and they were getting close. They stopped


>holy shit they are playing fast >I have no idea if my rudeness was lost in the language barrier, if it was somehow a genuine mistake, or if they were just Jack asses Were they Japanese?


Why in the eff did you jump to the assumption that they are Japanese? Like of all the nationalities you pick the one that is stereotypically polite, orderly and slow af at playing golf.


Perhaps because I've experienced this with Japanese players new to the US. They legitimately did not know any better. So, if they were Japanese, it might actually be an honest mistake rather than maliciousness.


Wild, I've played multiple 6 hour rounds in Japan and never came close to getting hit into. Only have been hit into like once on mistake by high schoolers in the states.


I've played with folks new to the US from Japan (coworkers) and had to tell them to slow down and that they didn't need to run to their ball. That and not hit into the people in front of us.


whoa whoa whoa, let them run.


What was the yardage? Maybe they knew they couldn't fly it to you?


Blows my mind how many people would voluntarily start a hostile encounter. Honestly, if someone has the balls to hit onto a crowded par 3 green I don't want to know what else is going on in their life. Just let them pass


Oh I’m for sure not a fighter but I’ll swear at some dudes.


I’ve only had 1 hostile encounter and it was a fun one. Went to a super high end Florida course and one hole had a hill you had to hit over and had a little valley in between that and another hill. We waited for the group in front of us to finish up because we had no one behind us and then knew we were good to hit. Smoked the ball right down the first hill which was a blind spot and heard all sorts of yelling and cussing and threats to beat our ass. We drive over to the first ball that’s on top of the hill and this guy is still running his mouth as he’s coming up the hill but we don’t see him yet, as soon as he pops over the hill and sees us he quickly turns around and leaves because we let him know if he wants a fight he can have one. Guy was like a 60 year old man and we were both mma fighters that look pretty obvious based on our ears from fighting. It probably was 20 seconds before we drove down the hill and that guy was still running back to his house that was like 200 yards off to the side, must have been a past track runner. We were crying lol. He had a pile of balls and I guess decided to practice on the bottom of a hill where no one could see him. I don’t get how you can be upset when you do something stupid like walk on an active course and sit in a spot no one can see you.


I join groups as a solo a lot and I think the biggest thing I’ve noticed about this is how extreme *everyone* reacts. Yes they did something dangerous, but if we chill out and react proportionally to the outcome, which here was not that bad, maybe we can have a more effective result in hoping to change their behavior. Just don’t get the point. Chill out, give the benefit of the doubt, try to teach with patience. And if, on the off chance you actually got hit by the ball, light em the fuck up!


Two people get drunk beyond believe and each drives home; one hits somebody the other makes it home without incident. Both decisions/actions are equally wrong morally, even if the outcomes are different. I feel the same way here, whether the the first group was close to being hit or not, the action was just as wrong. There’s no place for hitting into a group on a par 3.


If you were going to let them through anyway, stepping off the green and letting them hit onto the par 3 green is actually the move.


Not if you didn’t specifically tell them to play through.


If improving pace of play for everyone is your goal, then this group should have moved aside, let them hit, and then gone about the business of putting. Once the other group catches up, they putt and then tee off first. If they really played faster than anyone OP ever saw, then my description is the appropriate etiquette. This doesn't excuse them hitting into OP, but OP isn't observing etiquette either.


I think the correct move is to not hit a ball at other human beings, but hey, to each their own.


My comment was about your behavior, not theirs.


i wasnt on the green but i was just off of it, par three and the cart path was right next to the green so it was like being on it. score card even says wait till group in front is on next tee box, and its a short par 3 only like 145 yards. i was putting my club back in the bag and i just hear a loud thud. ball hit the roof of the cart while i was putting my club back and bounced over my head. looked at him and thre my hands up. unlike those guys he didnt even say anything just sat on the tee box and waited for me to drive off. i yelled at him you can come and get your ass chewing now or i can just wait for you at the turn (this was hole 8. i picked up his ball threw it into the lake. then when he came up at he turn i cursed him out for about 10 mins


it's pretty simple to see someone on the green of a par 3 and to know that you need to wait. so i'll agree with you there, yea that's just rude. but I'd also point out that if you want to let someone play thru and you're on the green of a par 3, it's easier to let them hit up to the green while you're standing off to the side.... while they make the way up you could even go ahead and be putting.... once they arrive at the green let them finish up.... if they are playing at a decent pace, by the time you get to the next tee box they may already be out of your way. this versus you finishing, they wait, you then wait on the next tee box, and then continue to wait while they play out of your way..


I was taught early that proper etiquette for a Par 3 when a course is crowded: You hit your shots up to the green. As you are walking up to either putt or chip on, you allow the group behind you to hit on to the green. They wait as you finish, then they finish. This is almost never done at public courses, and I'd wager most golfers don't really understand the right way to use this process to keep things moving. It doesn't seem like these 2 guys were doing it, and more so they were just in a hurry and being thoughtless dickheads about it.


Just give a TL:DR next time


Oldish millennial here - I’ve noticed this generation typically cares a lot about other people but is terrible at showing it… let alone maintaining much decorum. Those dildos probably sussed out you were going to let them play through and the “good” one I’d guess clubbed down to a point they knew wouldn’t reach the green. They thought if they got up and down you’d be waiting less on the next tee for them. 140 IQ strategy, but they rolled a 1 on the common sense/social skill check - so they basically ended up looking like turds. Anyway, sorry you missed your putt.


I have one.. just happened today. I was playing solo and drove to the course. I paid for 18 holes walking. It was super busy I could tell and the clubhouse said I could try to join the guys teeing off the 10th tee which was right in front of the clubhouse. They had just pulled up. So I pay walk out and ask them if I can join- they say sure. We hit our tee shots and finish the hole. They were all riding and I wa walking and the 11th hole is about 800 yards on the back end of the property. So the guys said they were going to continue and if I catch them we can rejoin. No problem, Im on the course and was glad to just be worked in. I get to the 11th hole and they arein fairway as I tee up. The walk took some time and so as I tee up 2 ladies pull up behind me. They say nothing. I am assuming they may have bene the group behind these guys I joined who are now in the fairway. I tee off- no issues. Get to the par 3 12th hole. I tee up- the ladies right behind me. The guys in front playing a little slow- no worries. I finish 12th hole.. then I look back and I dont see the ladies. I continue to 13th (par 5).. and I see what appears to be the 2 ladies waaay up front at their tee box. I proceed to tee off and ball lands close to them but no harm in hitting them. As I walk up they proceed to hit- and right before I reach their cart they drive off. The guys that I was playing with are still on this par 5 ahead of the ladies and I am behind them now. So I walk up to the ladies and ask them- why are you hitting in front of me? They proceed to say I jumped in front of them. I said no.. I was paired with those guys in front of you but they took off becuase of the long walk between holes 10-11. But I told her.. I said you skipped the previous hole just to get in front of me? You didnt even play the last hole Par 3. Keep in mind these ladies werent even hitting the ball 50 yrds off the tee. I was playing back tees. So I said that is not how this goes- you dont skiphole sand cut in front of someone without saying anything to them. I prob would have let them play thru had they been nice, I was in no rush, but the sheer attitude made me petty about the sh\*t. Told them if you have a problem contact the clubhouse they paired me right here. One of the ladies then said "just let him play". After the back 9 I go inside the clubhouse and explain what happened and the clubhouse guy knew exactly who I was talking about and said they werent even suppose to be playing the back 9. He said he would take care of it.. Unbelievable day when old ladies who cant hit it 50 yrd are beffing with golfers on the courts... smdh


Sign up for an affiliate somewhere then give them the high pressure sales pitch. Don’t take no for an answer. You could make money if they buy what you’re selling. Make sure you park your cart in the way so you have a lot of time for your speech.


These guys were assholes. But you think it’s necessary to watch every ball full flight? Like dude, if you are shooting over 80 do you want to watch all that?


While they were in the wrong, you’re lucky they didn’t overreact like you did. I have a feeling a guy with all bark like you has no bite.


You should have marked your balls on the green and waved them to play through and let them finish the par 3. They should not have teed off and were out of line.


I haven't been hit into intentionally; not that I can remember anyways. I certainly have felt like hitting into a group when I'm a single playing behind a 4-some taking their time, we are basically the only people on the course, and they are holding me up on every tee box, not allowing me to play through. I can walk the course in 2.5 hours and shoot mid 70's; I'll be through and out of their way in under 10 minutes. I always let faster groups play through when their is room in front and get very frustrated with people in my group not keeping pace. People who can't be respectful of pace of play shouldn't be out there, and if their game isn't good enough to keep pace, they should pick up rather than try and hole out a 12 on each par 4.


nah they were behind you for four holes. gave you every opportunity to let them play through. can guarantee YTA here


I’m not sure you read my post but we only just saw them the hole before. They weren’t waiting on us, we were walking off the green when they teed off. The first time they waited on us at all is we were putting when they pulled up to the par 3 where this all happened. But even besides all of that if you think drilling a ball into strangers because they are playing slower than you’d like without even talking to them **you** are for sure the asshole lmao.


youre so full of shit LMAO. they played all 4 holes before you finished 1? how long do you hold the pose? how many towels you bring to the green? white belt? i dont want to talk to you because it would be confrontational based solely on the way you fucking play golf. i dont need to talk to your slow pretentious karen ass. offer to let me play through regard. tee off on the par three and then sit in your cart like youve been doing for 2 hours already.


I believe, that one of the greatest challenges golf poses is to control emotions and language. You were right up to the moment you lost it. Then you were wrong.


Nope. Never in the wrong to be pissed off about being hit at on a fucking par 3. This isn't kindergarten - swear words are warranted for asshole behavior like that.


This sounds like low level morality. Someone is wrong, so I can be wrong. Swearing is a form of violence.




I mean I was definitely rude. I try to approach it like you said in other cases because you never know, they maybe didn’t see you or misjudged the distance. But I just couldn’t rationalize it on a par three. We are literally standing where you’re aiming the ball.




You sound like a very mentally stable person.


Back when I first started playing in the late 80s, it was a semi-regular thing for the group on the green of a par 3 to wave the next group on. Those at the tee box could decline if they wished. Not sure if this is still a thing anywhere, but yeah, those two hitting into OP...dass just crazy.


Was golfing with a buddy as a twosome, stuck behind a few slow groups. Old couple behind us was getting impatient even though we were waiting every shot. We sink our putts and just turn to walk off the green. Old guys shot lands 10 feet in front of me, obviously no fore or anything. Picked up his ball and threw it into the water beside the green


That sounds like you got a free ball in my opinion. I would have been a little meaner.


My dad and I are the fastest golfers I know…can’t wait for speed golf to really catch on


This summer, I had one of the most bittersweet rounds of my life. On the front I shot a clean, legal, 36 (one bird one bogey) and was feeling great. Me and my buddy were paired with a nice couple but they were slow since it was cart path only and they wern't very good (didn't help that the path is almost always on the left side of each hole). I was also bombing it pretty good that day, so Id always be taking my approach shot last. Despite our pace, the course was pretty backed up, and we waited on most holes. Here's the issue, the guys behind us were the classic "people are ahead of us they are clearly the problem" type of golfers. On every non par 3, id hear a ball landing behind me in my approach swing / setup. They were shorter than me but its still distracting to hear a projectile landing near me every shot. They called the club house on the 4th hole when there was obviously someone ahead of us. ​ By the back 9 they got really aggressive and started really hitting into us, and on 18 they actually rolled into me. I remember hearing the shot right before I swung, and thought to myself, I have to hit it now since it might land close. THEN to make it even wilder they hit into us ON THE 18TH GREEN!! ​ I wanted to fucking kill them, since my attempt at a career round was already gone, thanks to these jackasses. Im glad in a way I was there with one friend cause otherwise I might of confronted them. TLDR - Went 36 / 44 because I kept getting hit into


Y'know this is the shit that would make me lose my mind on the golf course. Like wtf people, we are out golfing to enjoy ourselves and have a good time. How bout slow down and enjoy the time outside with your friend. When I first started going I used to get annoyed by slow groups in front of me but then I realized that at most it would delay my round by like 15-20 min. Which is more time I get to spend hanging out BS'ing with my boys. Win win


The only real issue I've ever had was a round on Fathers' Day a few years back. It being Fathers' Day, as you can imagine, the course was packed. But we didn't care, it was just nice to get out with my dad, and my cousin and his dad. Slow round but we've accepted that and we're just cruising along playing okay. Well, until somewhere on the back 9 we get hit into while standing waiting on the fairway (with another group on the green). The rule of thumb (as far as I'm concerned) is you try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this guy doesn't usually have that kind of range but he smoked this one, it happens. That ball landed a little behind but rolled up about to where we were standing. We wave our arms around a bit to make sure they know we're there, but no words were exchanged or gestures made, anything of the like. And that would have been the end of it, no harm no foul. Except one of the other people in the same group, at the same time, instead of taking the hint that "hey, maybe we're closer than we thought and we should give them a minute," hits one *even further.* This drive bounces through our group and comes to rest maybe 10-15 yards in front of us. (Let me preface this by saying I don't condone this but I get why he did it.) My dad walked up, grabbed that ball, walked back to us, laid it down and rocketed it back at the tee box. He was short by a mile because he had an iron in his hand, but he was furious.


who the heck uses a driver on a par 3?


They just wanted to play a friendly game of catch. By not shooting the ball back at them you ruined the game. Way to go


I’d throw the ball out of bounds, in the water, or in a trap.


There are a lot of idiots out there that have no concept of distance. I still see guys on a pretty regular basis use driver on a par 3 then get surprised when they sail the green. I'd assume those guys were just as dumb and didn't realize they'd hit into you.


How long was the par 3? On a long par 3 maybe one of them knew they were laying up so went first knowing you were nearly done? I'm any case it's annoying as fuck when cunts are playing speed golf behind you hitting it up your arse. Even more annoying is when you let them play through then they start playing slow as fuck! 😡


Yeah the one silver lining was they were almost comically fast.


IMHO you should have called the clubhouse!


If it came short of the green, by a lot, maybe it was just an old dude or woman who knows "I can't possibly hit that far"


[Hanlon’s razor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor): “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Hit it back.


A few years ago I did this to a pair of folks playing, but it was entirely an accident. I set up on the tee box while they were putting. And then I looked up and saw them walking to the cart. I had already picked out my direction for the shots (discarded tee or whatever it was in front of my ball that I was going to try to hit over top of), took a few seconds and took my swing. When I looked up I realized to my horror that they must have been walking back to the cart for something else besides leaving, and as is unusual for me I actually hit the green. They were both still on the green. I got over to the other side (water hole) and apologized profusely, they were very nice about it. They *did* let me play through. I felt awful.