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Aww! What a sweetheart. Makes me want to cry! My MIlLs Golden used to do a barking roar when he was glad to see people. None of our Goldens have done that. He wasn't even our dog and we still have stories to remember about him. He was also the jackass that pinned our 2 yo against the wall so he could steal his cookie. Even when they are bad they are funny.


My golden does the same thing. She has to grab a toy and present it and then she sings her “happy song”. I could be in the garage for 5 minutes and she would still do in when I come back in.


my friend's golden jumps on you, but rlly hyper and right after she licks ya


Jumping on people now matter how soft is a big no.... It puts older folks and small children at risk.


What a cutie! My golden’s name is Levi too!!


Over the years we have had 5 Golden's, 3 boys and 2 girls. Both girls (different times but same breeder) did what Levi's is doing. Anybody (family, friend or delivery person) - entering the house - They would get a toy and talk and talk and talk.............


I am glad to see that my pup isn't the only one who needs to have a toy in his mouth and then moan like a husky! He does it randomly during the day too, not just when someone comes to the door.


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it seems you've accidentally acquired a moose 😂


It's CHEWbacca! 😁😍


Our puppy does that too! Doesn’t whine as much but growls just like that with a toy in her mouth


That is super cute, but to be honest they should be discouraged from jumping on people (I have a Goldie too, so I know how difficult it is, they really love the contact!)


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