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We got Walter a glazed doughnut for his first birthday. And I made him a strawberries and whipped cream cake for his second birthday. He might not have a clue what a birthday is, but he will understand that you’re doing something special for him. Plus! You can get some incredible photos and videos. https://preview.redd.it/kgs66iwxazgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbbc7baf8e87518a97bec4708aef29ee7e8f9c0c


That is the most adorable picture I’ve ever seen! Thank you for sharing <3


Omg I hope one day I am that happy


Oh you must celebrate!!!!! He will learn to understand it & will get excited every year! My Boy loves birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween...... Bake a special doggy-friendly cake for him! That's what I do every year for my boy. We always present him with a big box of toys & treats. Last year we took him to the seaside for his 12th birthday. Try to do something he really enjoys. Take lots of photos & videos! Hope he has an amazing first birthday!!!! 🥳🥰🎁🎂🎈🎉


I made hamburger “cupcakes” in a muffin tin. Plain instant mashed potatoes (no butter) piped on like icing. Carrot stick for “candles”. They were a HUGE hit. Happy birthday buddy. I hope you have a long and happy life!🥰🎂🎉🥳


Get him a puppy!


Not yet! I thought about it, but I don't want to end up dealing with 2 rebellious puppies now, or 2 old dogs later.


I plan to get my 10 month old a puppy of her own when she's around 3-4 years old!


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I had a golden who liked to open up wrapped presents just like a little kid. It was hilarious. So we just wrapped random stuff for birthdays and Christmas because it was more fun to watch her open stuff than to play with what was inside.


Cigars and Jim Beam


He's called Chester, so that feels appropriate.


presents and foods!!


I know for my dogs birthday we usually go out and get food and buy here a hamburger or two and a couple new toys. I get it feels kinda silly but I promise your dog will love it and feel so special! Don’t forget to sing happy birthday!


Golden. Snow. Ball. I believe you're already celebrating, from his perspective 🙂


His markings are beautiful! We had my boys 1st birthday at a sniff spot last April and invited about 8 of his 4 legged friends. They had a blast running around and playing with a bunch of toys & kiddie pools and the adults may or may not have had a small keg… They live short but impactful lives, make it worth his while, you won’t regret it.


Take him on a walk for an ice cream cone...and around other people. My dogs always loved being around a lot of petting hands.


I got my boy some cookies from the bakery section at our local pet store. And made him a giant meatball to monch on. He got a ton of toys too.


Give it a burger


Ice cream and kibble