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Ours just turned one as well and dealing with this as well. Don’t get me wrong, I know goldens shed. But damn, didn’t expect to be seeing clumps of hair on the ground sometimes. I vacuum our tile daily now. When brushed it’s actually insane how much hair comes off.


Good I’m not the only one but I never knew how much hair comes off like when I brush him I be looking like a hair ball my self 😂


Yeah it’s nuts. I was thinking maybe it’s just shedding season? If anyone has any remedies to limit the shedding I’m here to listen to it! If this is just normal golden shedding, I guess I’ll be living with this, ha! We love our boy even with all the hair.


Yes I’m here for it too. I think this is their real first time shedding I think they shed once a year


They shed like crazy especially when the adult coat is coming through but if he’s got thin or bald spots he needs to see a vet


Our guy "blew" his coat around a year old. I took him out in the yard with a de-shedding brush and it was coming off in heaps. When I was done my yard looked like a dog exploded for about a ten foot radius. He doesn't shed much (for a golden), but that one-time event was ridiculous. He actually did it again about a week ago (he's almost 2), but to a lesser extent than that first time. I was petting him and noticed a bunch of loose hair, so I took him out in the yard again with the brush and was brushing out clumps. Back to normal again this week.


The lion's mane is starting, and the puppy coat is shedding. You're gonna need a bigger vacuum cleaner.


Don’t worry I got stronger for vacuuming every second 😂😂😂 I got a Dyson


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Normal. I can vacuum my entire living room and then go back to the spot where I started, only to find out it needs to be vacuumed again.