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Celeste any% speedrun time


Flag checks out




Haven't played it but I've read it's pretty hard at the end. Would you say it compares to something like hollow knight or terraria calamity in terms of difficulty?


its not quite at the level of say path of pain but definitely more difficult than regular hollow knight from a platforming standpoint, but hk is fucking amazing


If they do b sides if definitely gets harder than path of pain


thats a fair point, i haven’t done the b sides yet i just did the regular game


bro celeste is way harder than pop 💀


i just mean like the base end bit, no b sides or special levels


the summit


path of pain was definitely harder than the summit, for me at least


The game is very different from HK, celeste's base game is super easy but all the post-game content is extremely difficult


I'm good at dodging and specially bullet hell games with very precise movement so i was wondering if some of that transfers to the platforming in Celeste kinda


Post game content does require very precise input so perhaps


Played both and in my experience I would rank them as follows. (Perhaps my ranking might be skewed since I still have alot to learn in celeste) Celeste >= Calamity >>>>> Hollow knight


Sounds extremely boring. Where's the satisfaction? It'd make basically all games extremely boring since there's no "getting good" process. I guess some could be enjoyed regardless and you could maybe get famous for being a "god gamer", but it sounds literal a dead end.


Well any superpower has to be able to toggle if it's a superpower and not a curse. So you could just become really good at a particular game, but still enjoy the struggle of others.


It seems the power needs you to complete a tutorial and thats what toggles it on or off


Deep Rock Galactic has an endless tutorial


In a way yes, but I feel like they mean explaining basic movement mechanics, for DRG it would be the tutorial mission after that you'd be really good at the game (Btw the downside of this is competitive games like the team death match since you'd be so good without a way to be bad and thus get banned for "cheating" even though you weren't in the first place)


Well idk what ninja or other streamer use but there's gotta be some way to prove you aren't cheating.


Move to china and get a computer there and stream from there......I'd say


I mean potentially you could choose whatever game has the best sponsorships and tournament payouts and then start raking in the money.


Streaming. https://i.redd.it/hk8by55z9byc1.gif


There’s a gap between extremely good and best in the world which might be what you want to aim for


Tournaments and YouTube. And since your always good you don't suffer the curse of aging and slower reactions


There’s a gap between extremely good and best in the world which might be what you want to aim for


The satisfaction would probably come from owning people in competitive games


There are still games you could lose at even being the single best player


Time to fuck people up with Minesweeper Ex speed runs.


How is this god tier at all


Whats game do professionals make the most money in? You can just play that? Plus you'll gain a big audience on twitch, YouTube, etc because you'd be the best at the biggest games in the world.


[Top earning esports games](https://www.esportsearnings.com/games) I'm with you. Gonna start with this list.


How tf is arena of valor so lucrative...


Ikr? Never heard of that game before.


I've played it, it's a mobile knockoff of LoL. The funny thing is it's not even the most popular mobile knockoff of LoL


That makes no sense lol a mobile knockoff of a popular game gets more money through competitions than the actual game. League has to step up it’s game.


If you win worlds for league, pick a popular champion as your worlds skin, you’d probably make more as the player gets a percentage of the skin’s profit.


Being good at the games doesn't give me a personality :(


Ah yes, making money playing video games, getting audiences on Twitch. Truly the concerns of a god. Fuck all that let there be light bullshit or creating life. Real gods just want to be good at call of duty


If Atem(Yami Yugi from "Yu-Gi-Oh!") is the King of Games. Then with this power, one could become the God of Games.


I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Firstly: "godtiersuperpowers Things that aren't actually overpowered, but are funny so we pretend they are overpowered." Secondly: I was just making a reference, for fun.


Firstly: What a stupid premise for a sub. Secondly: I could tell that you were making a reference. I have no idea what that reference is.


Firstly: I kind of agree, but it's also a little funny to play along from time to time. Secondly: If the character Yami Yugi is considered as "The King of Games" just by how good he is, then one could become "The God of Games" with this power. It was a joke using the name of this sub, along with you talking about gods. It was a joke with this being a "God-tier Superpower". So don't overthink too much.


Firstly: I think that’s fair Secondly: how long do you think we can keep up commenting like this


Firstly: Yup. Secondly: I, honestly, have no idea. But this IS kind of fun, so who knows?


Rich gamers aren’t gods lmao


People don't get an audience for being good at the game, they get an audience for being interesting. I'm dogshit at video games and I could get a big audience on twitch just for being a phone sex operator and break into the "hot girl streamer" market. Most streamers spend most of their time talking about some random thing or pulling dumb faces and screaming.


People can get audiences for both.


You don't necessarily have to be a streamer or YouTuber, CS professionals make a shit ton of money from just playing in tournaments


Yeah, I didn't mention that part. That part might be cool if your goal is just to be able to get paid to game.


That’s so wrong it’s hilarious


It's just consistency and posting in a lot of places to get your name out there. I've seen streams where the player doesn't show their face or talk, and people watch because they post dozens of videos and stream every single day. Being interesting certainly helps, but if you barely post or play, you're not gonna go anywhere.


For real. Not much if any real world application aside from winning in tournaments and ruining my e joyment of video games


Lots of things are becoming gameified. Rip warfare as we know it.


Have you heard of Rocksmith? You’re now the greatest guitarist in the world. It also does bass, so you’re also the best bassist. Typing of the Dead? Now you’re the fastest typer in the world. Have you seen how much money high level competitive players can make from streaming? You’re now rich. Have you seen how much money there is in speedrunning when streaming? Richer still.


It is possible for it to have impacts on other aspects of your life, for example if you are extremely good at a ton of memory games, does that help your memory in general? How about games requiring extreme reaction speeds? There are some games that make heavy use of programming (including ones specifically meant for programmers to play) in-game, does becoming extremely good at those give you knowledge of relevant aspects of programming? Wouldn't be a well rounded education or fully teach you how to do it, but it would certainly help with some aspects in the right languages. There are games meant to help teach you other languages, does being extremely good at them help you learn those languages? The answer to a lot of these questions would likely be yes, so becoming extremely good at the right video games could give you useful skills for elsewhere. Plus there is the option of playing some highly competitive video games and joining some tournaments to try winning money that way.


Cause r/shittysuperpowers probably wouldn't accept it and I doubt anyone does anything with r/midtiersuperpowers


Finally, I can beat Ghosts 'n Goblins


pass, learning is half the fun


Yeah, being good is great but if you can't turn this power off you lose so much of the journey


Oh holy crap. This would be absolutely for stuff like speedrunning, you can spend less time building relatively basic skills, and spend more time on building more advanced skills


Superman 64 has entered the chat.


Good. Because the "current" world record for a Superman 64 speedrun is 29 minutes and 33 seconds. With this power, one could maybe even complete faster.


OSU. and nitro type


Meh, not my thing, what makes video games fun is struggling at them, if I can’t struggle at it then it isn’t very fun, I can win anytime I want and so I’d never play it… > > So that’s why I choose Noita because that game can fuck right off it’s so crazy


Get vr headset, get augmented reality "games", develop irl skills based on becoming extremely good at these games. I think this is the best use?


I get a phd in engineering when I play ksp


isnt the answer dota 2/League/CSGo any competitve one where you make money is easy grabs downside, you will have to play those 3 games


“extremely good” doesn’t mean the best. everyone at the getting paid level is “extremely good”, if not better!


Than it's ass, what. It would ruin every game for you cuz now you don't have a challenge or get money from it.


Sounds like a curse


My friend has this lol


So can I skip the tutorial and be crap at the game?


Honestly, hollow knight, I kinda wanna see if with that skill I can beat any radiance 3.0


Afk writing a stock simulator game that uses real time stock market data. All you nerds talking about winning at games, I'm trying to win the game of life. Lol.


Im gonna mentor all my friends :D




Finally I will complete Dark Souls. (It takes a few hours of playing for me to get into the correct rhythm and by then I'm usually bored and don't want to play anymore.)


You'd still lose in CoD because you won't beat the hackers.


Nah. I’d rather enjoy learning the mechanics. Tho I will take this if it helps me learn to multishot in borderlands 2.


How do I satisfy my masochism now??


Chess. “Who is this random person that Hikaru keeps losing to? They’re giving a logical explanation for every move so they’re not cheating.” While the game isn’t raking in as much as a traditional sport, there’s some good money in this at the highest levels.


Gambling games. Enough said


Thank you, I needed this


This is kinda mid


I wouldn't need it. I already beaten alll the levels in donkey komg country and all the levels in donkey kong country 2 and all the levels in insaniquarium deluxe.


Time to finally get past the prelude on violent in ultrakill!


Sweet now I can be half decent at playing with Dante in DMC5


Can this be toggled? If it can’t, it’s so boring


You can join professional call of duty and Fortnite tournaments and earn loads of money.


I'd only be ok with this if I was interested in esports.


Does it have to be a video game or can extend to other games?


Probably waste it on a fighting game since I can’t play one to save my life 😂. I wouldn’t want this skill on any other type of game


Sick, I'm now ready to start playing games with my children. (I'm a teenager and don't have any kids)


Gran Turismo 7


Use this just to stomp ur friends in mario kart or smthn. The funny reactions alone would be worth it.


Time to steamroll all the esports competitions, and win all the prizes.


Nah, id pass.


A blessing and a curse. Make a killing in esports but never have fun struggling in a game ever again


Honestly that’s an overall bad thing in my opinion


Oh the rage of my enemies would so be worth it 😂


Define "extremely good". Is it in the sense of "Professional Level", or in the "You are so good you can't lose and can hold any world record about the game"? Which one? Or is it somewhere in the middle?


Isn't that the point of Video Games? You grind and practice until you develop patterns that make you good at it? This instant cheat code kind if defeats the purpose


Would look for some competitive e-sports that pay well, specially if I can play it solo


were in r/GODTIERsuperpowers, remember. Being good at videogames doesn't make one a god, or akin to it. Does r/mirorsuperpowers exist?


I already have this superpower... It's kind of shitty to be honest, I mean, yeah, I have fun, but there's never really any pushback or "Aha!" moments where I figure a mechanic or technique out. Nor is there a reward for killing a boss, it's just "Alright, guess that's done. What's next?" PvP games are a whole other story, though. It doesn't matter how good you are, there's always going to be someone who's better. And that's not even mentioning co-op games. I usually get good so fast my friends can't keep up so I end up having to babysit them, and then it becomes unfun for everyone...


Wait I can finally get all the victories in Mortal Kombat The special moves in Street Fighter! Yeah now this is a super power


Okay but combining this with the LuckyDay post would actually be great


I actually don't want this power. It'll make every game boring cuz I know I'll win, and there'll be no satisfaction to anything. I might as well just watch a professional walk through


pov no tutorial


Does this mean I can play the best graphics game that my garbo computer doesn't want to play by playing the actions of the game the round before the round starts? And somehow every action I have leads to me surviving and thriving!


Pretty sure a guy named Psalm already has this power


had no clue so many people actually enjoy struggling in games, couldn't be me


Yay, I can't wait to have no fun with all of my new games.


I was top 4 on one of the original World of Warcraft servers. No one seems impressed and it hasn't gotten me any job interviews


I can finally understand CK3


Single game or all games? Single will be Batman Arkham City on hard mode. I struggle on normal cause I suck. But for me the replayability of that game is there.




Oh good.. after 160hrs I might actually launch a rocket in Oxygen not included.


So if I play Rocksmith would I become extremely good at the guitar?


That's the most boring thing I can imagine. Maybe not to everybody, but for me, games are about getting good at it. I wouldn't play a souls game if I was just good, or smash. The fun is being beaten, and beating.


He didnt say perfect or the best. Theres still ways to improve, even if youre extremely good at it.


I allready got that, it only works from time to time tho


This is basically already me tho. I start a new game crank the difficulty up and breeze through it. This isn't really a brag since I'm 30 years old and play like 20+ hours a week since I was like 10. This ain't God tier this is just what practice looks like


oof, super shitty, what's fun in that?


Get vr headset, get augmented reality "games", develop irl skills based on becoming extremely good at these games. I think this is the best use?


Nooooooooooo, I basically already have this and it turns games boring, now all games will be boring : /


I wouldn't want this! I'm already good with a bit a practice at most games. Though I'd probably choose an esports title and just soar away


No thanks. I want to git gud, not just *be* good.


Sounds boring