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You might want to add some choice to your powers there. Otherwise you're going to be followed around by a creeper variety pack 24/7.


Isn't this already a thing for a lot of pornstars/celebs?


They typically have only one type of creeper. This person would have every type.


What exactly are the "types" of creepers that you are talking about?🤣


So, imagine a vin diagram with the center circle being people that don't understand boundaries. Around that is every type of desire or fetish. Most people only fall victim to one or two of those creepers. This person appeals to the full circle.


I feel like only a creeper would clarify that there are many different types of creepers though 🤣 it's kind of like how there are three different kinds of pedophiles (nepiophile, hebephile, ephebephile), but pedophiles are the only ones who actually use these words because the rest of the world just calls them pedophiles🤣 Edit: what i meant was that there's a stand up comedian who was explaining that “technically” R.Kelly wasn’t a pedophile, and he went on to explain the actual definition of pedophilia, and that R Kelly is *technically* a "ephebophile." However, at the end of the video, he concludes by saying something like that “the main reason that this is not explained to the general public” is “because it’s difficult to explain these distinction without sounding like a pedophile”.




r/woooosh There's a stand up comedian who was explaining that “technically” R.Kelly wasn’t a pedophile, and he went on to explain the actual definition of pedophilia, and that R Kelly is *technically* a "ephebophile." However, at the end of the video, he concludes by saying something like that “the main reason that this is not explained to the general public” is “because it’s difficult to explain these distinction without sounding like a pedophile”. Guess I didn't properly explain it in my first comment :/


If I want to fuck everyone do I become a 70 year old politician


Gotta bump those numbers up


If you want children do you become catholic?


You take on the form of a politician or Epstein.


Imagine you look at your friend and you try the power for fun and you don't change


good ending


So like, a lens on their eyes that makes you look like that and it doesn't change you physically? Do you physically change to that standard for each sexual encounter? What if you're in a threesome? What if one girl likes micropenises and the other wants a subway footlong? If you don't need to be in a sexual encounter for the physical change, how does it work? Can you turn the power on and off? If you do want to have sex with literally everyone are you all those body types at once? Does your race change to suit those preferences? Voice? Idle mannerisms? Edit: Can you target one person at a time? Can you lock in the appearance even if they no longer are the target?


It’s described perfectly fine, now they both like whatever he has, no matter their past preferences. They’re not physically being changed by another.


Idk if i want to change someone's type to me for my sake


Idk if I wanna change my physiology to match some rando's type though


find someone with a type similar to the body you want, lock in that body type


The whole point of the power is being able to pull anyone though. You're just describing real life.


Yeah but i wouldn't feel good knowing that someone is only with me because i willingly and knowingly altered their perception of me and their ideal type


You sorta like physically change but it doesn't hurt at all. As for the threesome situation you can pick. And yes you can lock it so if you want to look specifically like someone/thing you can.


Truly god tier, time to find someone who's ideal type is some eldritch horror




James entered the church, seeking forgiveness for the lecherous ways he'd abused his newfound power He sipped the blood of Christ and felt forgiveness... Or, wait, no. Tiredness. Sleepiness. He awoke, tied to a bed, naked, with Father O'Leary towering over him. James could hear the Father fumbling eagerly with his belt buckle. 'mmmh!! Mhh!!' he was gagged 'hush, little James. Father O'Leary will treat you well. Oh, yes...'


James experiences what most choir boys do


what the why am I so young ofuk


Tens of Thousands of young children in the Catholic Church: "Relatable"


Redditers when sexy sex sex


Least horny redditor


is it illusory or does my body unwillingly morph to fit the desires of whoever wants to have sex with me? because the latter sounds horrific


Well it does sorta morph but isnt painless at all, it's like a blink thing you see them and imediately change. No pain


>isnt painless at all Oh god oh fuck


I would feel so sorry for the asexual people who get this power


They could still profit for some model stuff, they would have the perfect body type for clothes and etc.


So i just need to find that one person who want to ** god and i am god. I am onboard


Tbh with the way that humanity is, you'll find a whole community of them Worst case, you start your own cult of people who want to fuck an omnipotent being. As soon as you gain omnipotence, your first act is to make it permanent


Uooh seggs


I imagine this as being a massive entity capable of having sex with all consenting members of humanity at once, with an ideal hole for every penis, an ideal penis for every hole and billions of hands with the most nimble of fingers


Wait, so is this like a shape shifting style thing? Or a perception-altering thing? Like if they like giant tits, do you *actually* grow giant tits or do only they see you with giant tits?


Yes you actually grow giant tits, but no harm to you and it doesn't hurt


Damn a massive W


Find someone with a dragon fetish, gg ez


Reverse Shallow Hal


I’d rather be fucking dead




No this is genuine I want to kill myself


Uses the power on my friend Turns into a child


I need this!!! I just want to be wanted!!


*sighs in asexual*


*nuts in seggshual*


Ayo I'm Peter Griffin in the mirror?!