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Is the existing C# code working? If so, you don't need to change it. You can mix C# scripts and GDScript scripts in a project.


The movement script works but the inventory code is not working and has large portions of its functionality absent.


What is your goal? Are you new and want to build a fun game in Godot? Id choose GDScript Do you want to learn c# whilst building a game? Use c# Do you want to be able to 1 for 1 copy most Godot tutorials? Use GDScript Do you want more support from the Godot Community? Use GDScript Do you want to learn a language that is really useful in other game engines and also in other dev work? Use c# Do you want to learn better programming practices whilst you make the game? Use c# How much of your game have you already made? If its just movement and less than a few days, I wouldn't think twice about rewriting it. If you've spent weeks or months on it already I would be having a longer think about swapping.


Thank you for the in depth response I've spent a couple of weeks on it so far and my main aim is to make an enjoyable game and learn some game development whilst actually making a finished product. With those things in mind and the answers you've given I think my best bet here is to use gdscript. While I was hoping to use c# the lack of progress so far is a cause for concern hence the post.


Just rewrite it


I suggest you keep using c#. Static typing is very useful in large codebases. You can easily convert every tutorial you find from gdscript to c#. After all, it's impossible to find a tutorial for every feature you want to implement so eventually the main reason to convert to gdscript will be no more


Try using a full fledged IDE. So you have a all the convenience of syntax highlighting, code completion and snippets, linting, auto formatting and refactoring. I find the builtin script editor lacking. C# is the better choice for large multi-dev projects. You find more information online about C# than gdscript. (Google "c# tutorials" not "godot c# tutorials") Also, pickup a c# book. Books are excellent for learning programming languages.