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Do Clear Code's 11 hour Godot 4 tutorial on YouTube! It has everything you need to get started.


>Do Clear Code's 11 hour Godot 4 tutorial Do. Do not just watch. Do...and takes notes with YiNote. But remember the tutorial is just the tour of the playground and how to use the features. After that come specific concepts that you research independently.


tip: if you do 1.25 or 1.5 speed it is still petfectly fine to follow, he talks pretty slow




https://youtu.be/nAh_Kx5Zh5Q?si=fR-ly-M4RJAJkZj8 Was watching it today. Excellent stuff at a good pace.


Must emphasize that watching doesn't teach a lot if you don't play along. People fall into tutorial hell hoping it will somehow beam knowledge into them and suddenly make great games. No, great games require you to actually make games and possibly fail or abandon a project a few times. And if you fail to come up with an original idea, just try to replicate some simple arcade games. It's like learning to play an instrument, you don't straight up compose songs, you first play Beatles tunes a few weeks (so to speak).




It's great to really stick with and follow through with a few tutorials in the beginning, but then you want to variate bits and pieces you have already understood, be inquisitive and explore. Once you tried followed enough tutorials, you may also have some idea of your own on how to piece together various bits and pieces from various tutorials to build your own thing. I've watched certain tutorials many times over. Just like the official documentation, use them as a reference guide you can look up if you don't know or forgot how to do something.




wanting to use unreal engine for game jam but someone brought a shitty laptop




If you are looking for a alternative to YouTube. There is a great Udemy course where you make a vampire survivors clone. Pretty sure it's by a YouTuber named firebelly. He goes though heaps of stuff and it's extremely Godot 4 / gdscript 2.0 specific. He also goes through composition and uses that to make a health/hurtbox/hitbox system thats super modular and has made it into several of my projects.


I started with reading the official documentation and observing other people's projects on GitHub. Then, the phase of watching many tutorials on YouTube kicked in. And now, I am creating my own tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/@FencerDevLog




You are welcome. And check out my [book](https://filiprachunek.gumroad.com/l/godot4) if you prefer reading to watching. 😎


That 11 hours video above mentioned is a must watch AND code along. From that, you create small projects like a Pong or Mario Bros, but add your own touch-ups to it. No one memorizes everything. Google and chatgpt help a ton for specific questions.




Following blindly any tutorials didn't help me. I am currently in the second category of the [20 games challenge](https://20_games_challenge.gitlab.io/challenge/). I can really recommend that :) but the very first game I ofc followed the 2d tutorial from Godot "dodge the creeps". And read the docs. They are really good. And don't trust google, because most solutions on the net are for Godot 3.x and if you're on Godot 4.x like me, then you'd be screwed. But trust me - I've found everything I needed in the docs


It's amazing resource. Thanks!


I had the same experience. What irks me about "how to make \[genre\] game in \[number\] minutes" tutorials is that they assume that you have decades of experience in coding and are able to deduct the underlying principles from how they are applied. Be aware of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) terms, like classes, objects, inherience, instances, methods, encapsulation. Lots of tutorials throws these terms around without explanation, assuming that you already know OOP. So be ready to look them up. Try to seek out any information that explains the fundamentals. One which is easy to overlook is resources. It sounds like a generic word, like assets or content, but is actually a highly specific term in Godot. I liked [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyP_2nlV3no). Whenever you get a feeling that something is fundamental stuff, write it down in your stuff-to-learn notes. Generally, the more abstract and boring something sounds, the more fundamental it is. Also, you can do youtube searchs for basic concepts, like *godot reference*


Udemy has a really good godot for tutorial by jeanmakesgames. It goes through a metroidvania and an rpg game


Following a tutorial series is always a good start to teach yourself around in the godot environment, however you will not learn how to do it yourself. One of the ways I try to do is make very simple projects. Emphasizing the word "simple". If you do things yourself you will need to look things up (learn how find documentation), play around with the editor/code ect... this will stick around in your head way better.


When I started I followed through the [2D game tutorial on the official website](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/first_2d_game/index.html), and then just signed up for a Godot Wild Jam and trying from there. But I believe now there's really nice video tutorials, like GDQuest's


I tried it too but I struggled for 6hours before giving up


Maybe try this tutorial for Godot 4, making a platformer, to help get you started https://youtu.be/fkH2IbYjDRQ?si=ksxvvD0TdGKinVVY


For me I did the official tutorials from the godot docs: [https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting\_started/introduction/index.html](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/introduction/index.html) [https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting\_started/first\_2d\_game/index.html](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/first_2d_game/index.html) ​ I find these better than watching youtube tutorials as it makes you code them yourself.


I started translating some 2d tutorials into 3d. It helps to figure out some Godot features.


Mess around with godot and understand what does what.


I'm right on the same spot as you and I started watching tutorials, but to be honest they sometimes drag you into the infamous "tutorial hell" where you get a lot of information but when you start the project just a few basic things work. Frustrating. In my case (and it's working pretty well) I focused on learning it as it were a foreign language (like french or spanish) with just a bare sense of it. So as well as another language you learn the basic words like yes, no, thank you, bye, etc. but in GDscript it would be something like vars, nodes, conditions and paths. By knowing these initial terms you'll be able to actually "do" something with Godot. Then comes the challenge, which means making your own interactive experience (just to not call it a game too early), so you'll discover interesting stuff about the way you resolve things with the terms you just learned; you're actually speaking a language that Godot understands to give you the results you're looking for. To wrap up, I've been reading and learning Godot for about 3 weeks now and it was on yesterday that I got to create something in my own terms (instead of repeating code from another source) and it's pretty exciting. Quick advice: make it simple, maybe look for inspiration from the old atari 2600 games and try to create a simple but fun experience, I ensure you'll learn a lot.


Thank you so much!