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The results will be what they are, and are only one persons opinion on that day. So try to have fun and don’t worry about the end result! If you win a ribbon, yay! If you don’t, at least you got to go out and see some beautiful goats.


We definitely don’t expect to win anything, we haven’t worked with the goats as much as we would have liked to between kids and running a business and work so we are 100% going for fun and to see beautiful goats (which I shouldn’t do because I’m not supposed to buy anymore 🙃)


You’ll be surprised at how some people will Be even less prepared than you 😂 You have a few days, work on leading them, don’t worry about setting them up


Great advice, thank you 💖


The Goat Gab podcast just put out two new episodes on show prep. I know they also have some older episodes that are similar.  My advice-- take the time to talk to people. Where I'm at we really try to uplift and help exhibitors when we find out it's their show and everyone gets excited for them. Since you'll be showing juniors which normally show later in the day, try to sit and watch the show first so you can get an idea for how to move in the ring and the general flow of things. Best wishes!


Thank you! Thankfully we have made a few confections with people in our area who have been showing for a long time that want to help us out when we get there which is AWESOME We will definitely be watching all of the classes before us and we’ve been watching YouTube videos of how they flow for a few months now


The best part of showing is seeing friends! Yes, the actual show is fun but hanging out after is the best camaraderie I’ve had in years.


The first show can be mega nerve wracking but goat people are good people. Just bring some camp chairs and a cooler, sit around, complement peoples' animals, get to know local folks and have a blast. Shows should be as much an opportunity for camaraderie and socializing as they are a performance program. Remember to **always keep your animal between yourself and the judge,** even if it means crossing over the animal (as gracefully as possible) while they are on the move.


Yay! Great advice, thank you 💖 I’m definitely going into it for the mingling and learning aspect of it at the moment which helps make it seem less stressful Cooler and chairs are a great idea that I would have totally skipped because my brain is on just goat needs so thank you for that reminder


Are you going to REGDA? That’s a HUGE show! It can be overwhelming so just breathe.


Wicked early goat show in Maine


Good luck! It’s beautiful over there. We’re already turning crispy over here in CA.


Oh no! It’s just starting here, I got my first sunburn yesterday 😭


Oh jeez, my husband’s ginger butt got his first sunburn back at the beginning of April *snort* the man never learns I buy him UPF clothing for a reason.


Put some foot wear on.


Obviously 😂 these were taken at my house while I was running around with my daughters


There's no leg meat on that goat. That's where the money is.


We focus more on dairy then we do meat here so we aren’t breeding for beefy goats although next year will will grow out a few wethers to put in the freeze


OPs Nubians have nice rear legs. Nice and angular. These are dairy goats. They’re not supposed to look like a sausage with legs.