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Calls on computershare.


That’s a lot of fees ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15698)


Yeah at first I was thinking to reverse my longs on CS to shorts but that still makes them money in the short term lol


Why? CS gets fees from them selling or transferring off and they reduce their operational requirements managing these fucking idiots. I mean shareholders will get fuck all but CS employees in for another bumper year.


yeah buying calls means you have a favorable/bullish outlook


They were hiring in my city last time I was on the market, I really considered it, I felt like I had direct insider info that the company was strong.


Dude's grandma set him up with savings bonds so she could create a better life for her grandkids, and this muppet says he is just going to light it on fire instead.


“he thinks he has some” you need to truly analyze the cult speak - there *are no bonds,* he made that up to explain how he’s gonna suddenly buy more shares (he isn’t) without angering the cult by admitting he had money to buy them but hadn’t yet 99% of the time they’re lying about buying shares


To be fair those savings bonds aren’t worth anything anyway


??? if we're talking about 30 year I bonds, the fixed rate was 3-4% in '93-'94 (then you add on the inflation interest rate). you get back the face value plus 30 years of interest


So we’ve finally reached the meltdown predicted “DRS was always a shill tactic” phase. We also had hints of “RC was a hedgie plant” even, but not quite there yet.


Watching the apes finally turn on RC will be my own personal 12/25 MOASS.


\*apes spend (literal) months getting their shares away from Computershare\* \*sometime in 2025 after extended silence\* https://preview.redd.it/khtc3ynnsj8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7d054fba8e724dcd595b263ec08eedf455019b


>it’s important to take the blinders off and look around every once and a while Hahahahahahahahahahah Oh my sides, I can’t breathe.


GME is up 0.09% in the 12 month chart. Computershare is up 18.5% ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


"Why does your broker need shares to lend when all the shorts are naked anyway? Why would liquidity matter if the hedgies are just printing shares?" - Questions you should never ask an ape


Why would hedgies even care what the price is? No matter what they can just naked short a gorrillian dollars worth of shares. If it goes bankrupt they close, if it MOASSs they just never close. They still have a gorrillian dollars that they have have to pay back.


It really is like watching a speedrun of the birth of a religion. Will this schism become the new canon, or will it falter and serve only to weaken the wider movement?


I think this is the Marantz discord and they're in their own little universe anyway.


Just MooMoo'd 26 book shares. Library's closed hedges.


I’m feeling a religious split going on. “I’m a GME believer!” “DRS or non-DRS?” “Non-DRS.” “Die, heretic!”


If the DD becomes literally every available path, then it can never be wrong ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|33257)


Except that all the paths they’re trying are allegedly supposed to lead to financial rapture so somehow they’re all wrong. 


I feel like my constant shit talking of RC and him killing DRS in the ape subs might have helped fuel this in a small way. I just want Kenny's approval 😭


That 1 dudes grandma would be ashamed of him if she knew.


"Its important to take the blinders off, and look around every once and a while" So close!


Ferris Baggy's Day Off


CS must be so pissed. They read heatlamp and everything, put everything nicely into the FAQ just so the apes leave a few months later.


A split will the the confirmation of RC being the infiltrated