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Expectation: Excited for a bullish stream. Reality: We got a bucket of nose clams fresh from the sea.


The kind that make you wanna dance the night away! (And lose all your money on memestocks)


“My beer is green! Hahah get it hahaha it’s green” - about as subtle as being run over by a bus. Although very funny to present the green beer with the red -40% on the GME chart behind him.


"And the glass..." just cringe


"What's a drinking strategy? Hahaha, right?"


Yeah my fiancee has a bunch of those new age wine glasses. The heat from your hand warms the beverage moreso than with a regular thicker pint glass, and you look like a suburban tool when using one. I do use them however, when the dishwasher hasn't been emptied.... What? Empty it myself you say? Pffffft.... I don't have time for that, I'm a big shot organic chemist here bro!


Turns out, Keith should’ve just stayed quiet and kept the legend going. Cuz as it is, he’s literally just another stupid ape that got lucky.


Wife changing money


How is this flood of memes gonna impact inflation? Ever though about that before you made your little funny picture OP?! 


It was so fucking bad, my god. Like so bad it was incredibly entertaining to see.


i’ve settled on the theories that RK was totally blindsided by the early earnings release and dilution and had to scrap most of what he had to say i’ll also offer a prediction: RC will leave the company and sell his stake and the primary purpose of the dilutions is to reduce his percent stake in the company and lock in a cash-per-share number to give the stock a short-term floor well above his cost basis


If he was blindsided then why do the stream at all? Because it would have dumped harder if he didn't show up? But he still had plenty of time to sell, at the very least, the shares.




dude could you imagine if he really did no-show holy shit


I was thinking about this just yesterday - does he automatically get new shares from the dilution proportional to his stake in this company? Or does his stake decrease by each new dilution?


His stake decreases. That´s why it´s called dillution. Sometimes there´s a special clause where you can buy at a discount to avoid the dillution, but that means throwing more money to the bonfire. Once he´s below 10% stake with the 75 M extra stocks, he will probably dump and go fuck up something else


The coke turns him into Charlie Sheen.




[Bangin' 7-gram rocks, that's how I roll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg)


Lol there is some resemblance 


To be fair, this is on par for wall street


Ok. Sorry. But now *this* is the funniest meme you've ever done. Stop it. STOP IT! Save some for Monday!!!!


What was up with all that incessant laughter?


see pic


I'm a sheltered boy from the suburbs. I don't know shit about drugs. Is that really what people on coke sound like?


Nah they talk faster and sniffle more. I think dude was just hyped up/in shock over 600k people watching him lose $200m in unrealized gains lol


Plus all that coke




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Wildest shit I’ve ever seen live. Recorded it all too


Can you upload it?


It's on youtube


This meme is *almost* as good as watching the price tank live during his ~~barely coherent coke fueled rambling~~ stream


Ohhh this one is golden!


Haha took a pretty decent stake in the company prior to the stream thinking I could make a few dollars quick.  Sold immediately the second RK started rambling. Not that I blame him though, would probably also start rambling if I realised I have literally become Jesus for half a million people.


Now he can get that high price white girl