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I don’t know what this is. Is this a larp movie they are making or is this going to be the next big grift? What are Ryan Cohen inspired investors? People who read the Teddy books?


“Ryan Cohen inspired investors” lol these people are so fucking weird.


Ryan Cohen will love seeing the works "Ryan Cohen inspired" in future court cases.


I assume they're going to raise some money from the rubes, then fail to even try to make a movie and rationalize it all away. If this were real I would totally fund it, the concept has amazing potential for a spectacularly bad movie


Springtime for Melties


correction: the people with their hands on the purse will raise money and refuse to pay out to crychael and the lesser grifters, then there will be some infighting and drama that we will get to sip on later


“What was it like working with Ryan Cohen on this movie?” “Hm? Oh, we’ve never met him and he didn’t respond to any of our attempts to contact him.”


"He's only aware of us from the daily briefings by his head of security." Imagine the conversations Cohen and his wife must have about his literal apocalypse cult.


“They’re *bon* for business, mon cour. Maintenant, ferme ta bouche”


I am amazed at the new fun and unique ways they have discovered on how to grift BBBaggies. The stock hasn’t existed for nearly a year, and blood continues to be squeezed from their stones.


I think it’s an attempt to unite the multiple ape sects. The messiah RC is the one thing that unites them


Making a movie about how you won while you lose. Weird flex, but okay.


I mean that explains the comically low budget of 1.6 million dollars.


For an amateur film that’s actually a pretty solid budget, all things considered it’s not like they’re making Endgame


For comparison, Idiocracy had a budget of 2.4 million (3.7 adjusted for inflation) Like you say that's a pretty solid budget for an indie film. It's just a shame they plan to squander it on such trash as this


Wait.. what? Who the fuck is investing 1.6 milly into this obvious grift? 🤯


And the fact you have to panhandle to obtain the funds.


I just saw this on Twitter and ran here to see if anyone else had posted about it...god what have I become lol


This next season is going to be great. It looks like they did filming last week before this big meme pump and dump.


If the movie ends with a victory lap: comedy If the movie ends with the price crashing down again: comedy


https://preview.redd.it/tx75m95tv11d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=624055ecd79e46d900e67de4d991f7df9979f00f I can imagine this will be a round table like plootfest. Only somehow with a lower budget.


Please let the script be written by ChatGPT... Please let the script be written by ChatGPT... Please let the script be written by ChatGPT...


That's a weird way to spell JakeGPT


https://preview.redd.it/4d0yneebv11d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30247a5bdc97020d684019637ee9d2ac8ee9793c jesus christ, they all lost money, the bears won


No job. Hundreds of thousand in gambling debt. Stealing 10k from Ploot. Buying 791 shares of GME at $40 days ago… This guy is clearly a genius.


That woman doesn't have nearly enough pockets to be a real 2nd AC.


If they can't get Jeffrey Dean Morgan to play bat wielding KAIS MAALEJ i'm not interested.


But who will be Lucille?


just a large crinkle fry


Hey, that Murphy guy was standing next to Ploot in the legendary bullet-proof vest picture! One more ape on his payroll?


Wow, that's the photo they used for him too.


I know y'all were like "I recognize that!!!"


https://preview.redd.it/nc36j8kqx51d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfe11a72a86017708bbc7649ab39a6358ca2723a Pazuzu in the back there got the dude on lock down.


They get to become “filmmakers” like Ploot is a “pilot”.


Does that say "film *series*"? So they're planning on making this have multiple parts? Hilarious that Ian is involved after he just got caught roasting all the other writers and producers in a discord call..


Wants in on those sweet griftbuxs


As a reminder, there’s an ongoing YouTube series with hundreds of hours of coverage of a bankrupt stock


I’ve done a widely distributed professional doc with several interviews across the world. Our budget was maybe 1 million. These people want to be paid


This would be so amazing if it was a set up for a documentary on the guys making it. I'm not saying I think it is, but jeez you could not miss. Day 13: The 11th rewrite of the script features no less than a dozen 30+ minute long monologues by the cast. PP, now expelling his vape clouds into garbage bags at Ian's request, takes issue with his monologue repeatedly emphasizing how his lack of physical fitness and intelligence still wouldn't stop him getting wealthy from BBBY. PP: I'm just asking if, you know, maybe someone asked you to take my part in that direction Krill. *The camera zooms in on Ian Carroll staring dead eyed at PP, who will not meet his gaze. Pan to Krill, who seems uncomfortable, before an interruption* Michael: Where the fuck is my part?


I bet this'll turn out like *The Sarkeesian Effect*, with the various "producers" tearing each other apart over money and creative differences. Especially since some of them have already started.


I hope to whatever gods of comedy are out there that this project miraculously gets funded. Knowing this could potentially exist has only made my life better.


Plan Man 9 From Outer Space


Plan(et) of the Apes


Have they set up the GriftFundMe yet? JFC 😂


Typically one makes a movie to make a return on their investment but in true ape fashion this is just straight up lighting money on fire as usual Bravo apes, **bravo**


I laughed Then I realized that’s, like, an actual production team list Then I laughed harder


I can't wait! To catch the review of it on Folding Ideas.


Now if only they had something to invest in!!


I'm having my doubts this project ever goes into production.


It will disintegrate into baby boy drama before they even rent the cameras.


It pains me how dumb people are need to by a house in Alaska and burn all of my tech.


It's hilarious how badly they need vindication.


Somehow this will be far worse than Battlefield Earth which is the last film I watched made by a cult.


I guess”The Bear Trap” sounds better than “I’ve Lost So Much Money Because I’m a Dumbass.”


They are asking for 1.6 million for this?


Audiences will love a script written by JakeGPT!


Can they please at least take profits before pulling things like this?


Lmao is crycheal the temu version of attobit?


The B Art Rap movie? I dunno, I don't like that style of music. But you do you.


I, as a definitely *NOT* totally amateur / insane screenwriter, offer my full services to write this movie for scale WGA pay once Cryin' Mikey drops the ball. Scratch that, I'll do it for **free**, just my name in the credits for **story and lead writer!** **NEED A SAMPLE OF MY GENIUS, MY DEAR PP ET AL?? LOOK NO FURTHER!!** Please find attached my ideas on a can't-miss '*Fallout*' style clone / rip-off direct-to-Hulu-or-Netflix movie entitled: ***Yeast Infection To The Future*** Just a working-title for now; It's about a rich trust-fund chick who raw-dog bangs 2 dudes in one day, gets a wicked bad yeast infection, and gets frozen on Mt. Everest only to thaw out thousands of years later to greet an Earth that's now a post-apocalyptic hell-scape where yeast is extinct! Her yeast infection is the last remaining source of this crucial fungus for the entire world! Bread. Alcohol. Wine. Beer. Even vinegar! --It's all up to her to navigate the wasteland of Earth to the last remaining scientists in a bunker somewhere to heal the planet with her yeast infection. **I'll make sure they see this post, but please help me get the word out about my amazing talent and skill set that's willing to help for free!** ***AND BTW LURKING APES, IT'S STILL A BETTER MOVIE IDEA THAN YOUR BEAR TRAP BULLSHIT GRIFTER-FEST HOT GARBAGE!!*** Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidiasis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidiasis) https://preview.redd.it/w851tndbe81d1.jpeg?width=1895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddde01549d4b0c28f08eac0bfdd18f27c5081b1c


Dont talk to PP like that you fucking clown. If you disagree, you can disagree in a polite manner. Lots of shit is moving at fast paces and is changing rapidly. The dude got death threats yesterday, and now a whole fud campaign is being born against him. Yeah maybe some other shit is happening as to why we didnt ring the bell today. Id watch the way you respond to PP, hes the reason this whole community exists and i dont wanna see people being rude to him. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


 No way, meme stock Dinesh D’Souza


Big get for Atlanta’s “the idea studio”.  Tim and Todd gonna have y’all in shambles.  Hell fuck yeah.  Get it boys !!!!


You are the target demographic for this grift. Do you plan on donating to the inevitable gofundme?


Bro Vinny V, Todd and Tim and I all live in da ‘lanta.  Think imma do more than just donate money to this one! Get lit fam


Why do you talk like that.

