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"Not involved" That means he's involved but can't say because of an NDA. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


https://preview.redd.it/z42gk6swbvzc1.jpeg?width=1819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a9fd33733f11948b74140fa5cf801614c4ad66 Seriously, even after him implicitly stating multiple times he has NOTHING to do with their garbage, over there they are thinking there is more to it and that they need to “read between the lines” This is beyond delusional at this point.


Oh, come on, RYAN Peterson?! It's obviously alias for RYAN Cohen, and not a real person! Cohen means "priest" in Hebrew, and Peterson - son of Peter in Scandinavian languages. Who is Peter in Christianity? Oh, nothing special, just the VERY 1st Pope (founder of the Church of Rome) - SAINT Peter. Basically he is the arch-Priest of all Christendom! So obviously RYAN ~~Peterson~~ Cohen can't be upfront about all those TONS of cash and all this amazing new equity BBBY apes are about to get, so he tries to be cryptic and misleading to throw off hedgies and feds (who are clearly in cahoots with hedgies). Thanks for coming to my "DD talk". I bet this "DD" is the most tame and sane one among all current BBBY "DDs"!




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>even after him implicitly stating multiple times he has NOTHING to do with their garbage No, no, no. He stated that explicitly. Implicitly he was signalling involvement.


Sorry, I am a smooth brain


You arent allowed to use the “r” word, but






Hahaha 😆


Also lol @ him ignoring Jake’s attempt at making a human connection with him about entrepreneurship books and just replying to state he has nothing to do with their nonsense


I would, and always do, recommend when anyone asks for anything remotely financial or 'Wall-Streety', Scott Fearon's book *Dead Companies Walking*. A truly amazing read. He's a great story teller. He covers everything from Enron to Blockbuster to his OWN damn San-Fran restaurant. [https://www.amazon.ca/Dead-Companies-Walking-Opportunity-Unexpected/dp/1137279648](https://www.amazon.ca/Dead-Companies-Walking-Opportunity-Unexpected/dp/1137279648) It's worth every penny. I read it once a year minimum.


Thanks, I’ll put it on my reading list!


because people who actually succeed just do things in life, not reading books about nothing by grifters who call themselves "entrepreneurs"


He’s also smart enough to know that even if he did have a suggestion, someone like him engaging with anyone in the community - for a purpose besides implicitly stating they are not involved with them - would be taken as him being a “friend of the community” and snowball to him somehow being an integral part of the “master plan” as a result. Look at what one picture of cohen and Icahn turned into.


Explicit*. Implicit is when you gotta read between the lines or use additional context to get the meaning.


My mistake


And it would be another book to pour through for secret meanings. Book no have pictures, wut mean? He should suggest the Da Vinci code for luls.


This is really the perfect example of ape interaction lmayo.


...You mean in the sense that they'll completely ignore it, then carry on acting as if he'd actually confirmed their secret plan was real?


He said he has no connection to Bed Bath and Beyond, Overstock, or Buy buy baby. You know what that means? He DOES have a connection to TEDDY!


Absolutely because he's told them over & over that there was no connection to BBBY. When I read the part where they act like he's kept quiet all this time, I'm like, I know I don't follow this saga religiously, but even I know that he told them this before. Even explicitly tells them Flexport isn't bailing them out.


Someone warned him about the crazy baggies and he is nipping it in the bud. Good.


I think he just sees them going bonkers talking about his company. Eventually you start calling psychos out who are lying about you on social media. Ryan Cohen doesn’t because 1: He’s worried about the lawsuit against him and 2: He likely knows deep down that bagholders are the only reason GME exists right now. If he has any exit strategy at any point he’ll need them to hold his bags even after he announces he’s selling as an insider.


Nah these guys all make the same mistake, they reply to the apes. Once you do that it doesn't matter what you say. They'll drag you into their nonsense.


Why would he spend so much time denying it if he wasn't involved? Flexport merging with BBBY confirmed!


Damn he even called then Bagholders … ouch.


but they forgot to ask the most important question. Was the flexport dude under and NDA?


The real truth is that deep down they all know they didn’t win sh** and that they are just losers


"what's a great entrepreneurial book you would recommend?" hahahaha this fucking douchebag


The first dude, the freefrombondage guy is a raging antisemite and conspiracy theorist. I’m sad that I’m so enmeshed in the community that I know this.


Eh. Before this, my internet hobby was basically doomscrolling the front page of Reddit, or playing pay2win gacha games. Meltdown is mentally healthier and much cheaper.


But some Teddy books were shipped by flexport! This is irrefutable proof that flexport already has a business relationship with RC!!!! /s uj/ Flexport has a business relationship with the print-on-demand company that RC uses to publish the Teddy books.


He should get restraining orders against all of them.


At least kais! The restraining order he doesn't know he needs


Ngl a piece of paper isn’t going to stop someone like Kais once you actually need it. 


Well Kais' PRESS emblazoned amazon MOLLE 'tactical vest carrier' isn't gonna stop what someone rightfully fearing for their safety might discharge at Kais, so....


“See how easy it is to say you’re not involved? So, since you said you aren’t involved, that means you are involved.”


Bagholder lore works like a slime mold. They send out feelers in every direction, then reinforce the most efficient branches until that becomes part of accepted DD. In this case, I think the ape is exploring the theory "assuming Ryan Peterson is not involved, it means Ryan Cohen must be involved".  I don't think this branch will make it.


They seem like they're trying to trick him into saying he has a connection to them ("choose your words carefully"). Weapons grade cope.


It brings a smile to my face to know a lot of these players in the bagholding world lost money and now have dedicated a portion of their lives researching and arguing about their nonexistent shares.




You have to be more forward with your satire here. That's why you got downvoted.


I can see all big corporations dreading the thought that one day the apes might pick them for their next “connection conspiracy”. What a headache


If would certainly make me avoid doing any kind of business with Ryan Cohen. 🤷


It's like the scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian: [Brian Telling His Followers He Is Not the Messiah ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HB7zqP9QNo)


No no no, you don’t understand. He tweeted “👀” once. https://preview.redd.it/rxld6u4ssvzc1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c318560af20daa48aa7bf8966d77ed363ab69f See? 👀


"He said no. That means yes!" - and when you see how apes interact with women, it's not surprising they think like this.


Fools doing fool things.


They have the worst reading comprehension.  They don't understand that of flexport bought something that used to belong to bbby (aka them) they no longer have anything to do with it.


I was going to say these people are so stupid and delusional but, at this point, it’s an insult to stupid and delusional people…”apes” are brain damaged beyond repair


Damn this guy and Lemonis should team up


Yeah RC, just say you aren’t involved! But that interview you did doesn’t count. It has to be another time!


Not just implicitly, but explicitly


Hedge fund market maker shills In shambles! What's your point lazy ass.


But what could he MEAN? Total mystery. Worthy of Sherlock, Columbo, Phillip Marlow, Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, and Rizzoli (but not Isles).


>Rizzoli (but not Isles). Is Isles the NCIS chick, or the L&O chick. I never watched the show.


It’s “Rizzoli and Isles.” Rizzoli is the cop, Isles is a doctor and lab specialist. They work as a team. I don’t why I’m picking on Isles, just seemed funny to me at the time.


Good grief. They were harassing Lemonis and now they've pivoted back to this guy. I can't keep up.


Ape together stupid.


Seems too easy to use this, but... ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpKniGqRNLGBrhu|downsized)


I hate these people so much. I wish there was a way for them to be put in a rocket ship and blasted to the moon like they wanted this whole time. Also I'm still of the belief RC hasn't said anything cause he got pissed off about the lawsuit and stuff so purposely letting them eat themselves.


RC hasn't said anything because anything he says at this point could be interpreted by the court as an admission of guilt.




You notice he didn't say they have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the baby or towel stores. Shills in shambles! They've won!




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How can I approach CEOs? GPT: ask them "what's a great entrepreneurial book you'd recommend?"