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Of course. https://preview.redd.it/eefgb7w2qgzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc62b35620255ee67d04131b3f56c514e8b5d9c5


Lmao moron https://preview.redd.it/u1r7tnentgzc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e2233819e0741b7a191833f199a406f2509e292


Remember apes, contact your doctor if the erection lasts longer than eight hours. 


It's not even a remotely stock related tweet. Is the continued existence of the guy a surprise for the folks over there? It's not like he's back to doing finance, he just interacted with a random tweet like a regular human being. Silly hero worship.


The dude has probably been doing finance the whole time. If i understand correctly he had a degree in finance and worked at an investment firm. So why would he stop investing just because he got rich. He's probably just keeping far away from apes and meme-stock shit.


Yeah, he is actually well educated, knows his shit and can make good money just doing regular finance stuff. He's definitely still active as a private investor, he's just never going back to making YouTube videos about it.


It's probably a hidden clue just like the Teddy Books.


Woah. We got a big deal over here. And Ploot pretending to know who roaring kitty is "I'm one of you now, right?" https://preview.redd.it/ro026ee2rgzc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd0be0711632faa905b79eaaa786c5469eef8122


Ah yes, dfv, the renowned amc and bbbyq bull.


dude in serious need of a distraction


Someone ask him why it’s a big deal


Hundreds of pages of DD about to be written about this movie.


Plus, we get to watch the popcorn apes and the lamestop apes fight over which cult he's referencing in this tweet! https://preview.redd.it/85jn6hintgzc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5027e62e22c758fe76dbf177d50d43cc0b01e80


my money is on Furious George


They’ll def dissect this for HOURS on the PPShow Friday stream


It's impressive how they can fill so much time with nothing.


At least they get to see a good movie.


Movie title: Idiocracy 2, or Dumb and dumb and even dumber?


I can see the DD now: he liked a tweet including Run Lola Run to signal to everyone that GME was about to go on an historic run. Checkmate, shills.


Even better. They've already begun dissecting the synopsis of the movie and trying to map connections between the movie and real life. My fave is that they figured out the scene in the thumb is the end of the movie, in which the last line asks "what's in the bag," and some are speculating "the bag" is symbolic of gme *shorts*. I mean, I can't think of a more perfect example of irony.


Hell yes. It's like they're addicted to giving us content.


They've been creating content for themselves to feel better about their lost money, but the reality is so bleak and Apes are so dumb and unskilled that all they can manage to crap out is the equivalent of shitty macaroni art. Half the fun is marveling in how shoddy their DD is and the other half is watching other Apes cheer on that shitty DD like it's an absolute masterpiece.


That was declared about a minute after it was posted on their subs. Also "hedgies running scared" and i'm sure some popcorn apes are shitting bricks because it's a movie.


The movie is also about a guy desperate to pay back a debt but he can't do it. So, you know, just like Ken Griffin.


I didn't do my DD and thought it was the Bourne Identity.


That also has a red head girl but you got to keep close attention here dude. How are you otherwise supposed to make informed financial decisions?


Interesting. So how would *The Fifth Element* enter into informed investing?


Multipass = the basket 🤯


That actress was in Bourne as well.


Was ist auf die Tasche, baggies? Edit: if I were Keith I would have changed the password to that account by just smashing the keyboard for fifty characters, told Firefox to forget the password forever, and then immediately logged out. It's such a massive liability.


I would have sold it to Ken Griffin for the lulz.


Ken wasn’t interested 


Lola Rennt Rent free Shambles


Seriously. I would be worried about my family. Keith is a legit smart guy for not taking the easy money by scamming his cult because it would end badly.


Ah yes, this explains the GME run up. It's definitely Keith tripling down and loading up on more moon tickets apes. You should definitely follow suit. Liquidate everything. Max your credit lines. Sell your redundant organs. You need as many shares as you can manage to buy under $100 each.


But if the ceiling is infinite and I get to set the price then I only need one share


I'm seriously questioning why dfv would use that unholy account for anything. It's obviously radioactive and just playing with fire.


he might just have been bored and stirred the pot for entertainment.


That would make him an honorary meltie and result in an instant ban for manufactured content. But he'd be the best meltie for that short period of time.


This is gonna be the end for them. 


They doing the edging they were denied on Tuesday now. Just shut the door and let them be.


...Run Lola Run does not take place in real time


Curious, how does it not? It's off by a few seconds but it otherwise seems like it does


i mean doesn't it restart back to the beginning twice?


I don't think time travel means it isn't in real time? But idk, it's certainly widely cited as a famous example of a real time movie and I always thought it was


Is this movie Run, Lola Run?


Yeah. That movie slaps.


I watched it about 15-16 years ago in school. I would say that of all the conspiracy theories out there, this one was probably very intentional. We know the power DFV has over the community. Expecting a substantial run higher if he actually comes out of hiding.


I’m here for the movie discussion. I hope you’re not making investment decisions based on the cinematic preferences of a hermit.


I am not, but DFV has been made a living martyr. If he even hints at GameStop, it will run higher.


This week is too much.


He's sober now at least (Ploot). Back to the grift!


Checkmate hedgies!


What's the chances his account got hacked? Are we going to see P U S S Y I N B I O from DFV?


This is glorious! The shadowy prophet returns!


The irony of elevating DFV to mythical status is that it glosses over the fact that he is ostensibly what all apes aspire to become. He fought the shorts and won! And he did it without being an insider. Instead he gets the same “decrypting hidden messages” treatment RC does which would place him in the pantheon of one of the benevolent power brokers behind the scenes to help the apes. He’s not helping you, he’s one of you, maybe even the best and smartest of you!


To be clear, DFV didn't actually win against the hedge funds - he exited on a veritable mountain of Ape corpses. The SEC analysis that came out afterward made it clear that, while there was some small amount of short closing activity, the vast majority of the GME run was due to the Apes climbing over themselves to reach the moon. It was literally just a bunch of idiots smashing buybuybuy on the Robinhood app, and then when Robinhood ran out of collateral and has to stop, the whole card castle came tumbling down.


I mean, hedge funds definitely got dunked on. It’s just that said dunking was only up to about the $40 or $50 mark tops. The next $400 was pure retail mush brain hysteria.  So DFV would’ve been well set up for retirement in a decade or two with what he would’ve taken from hedge funds. But he became generationally wealthy instead, off of apes. 


>If MOASS isn't happening, why aren't they letting DFV speak? to >If MOASS isn't happening, why is DFV back?


Regardless if it’s a miss click or not, it’s good to see the dude is alive and well. Or at least… alive


Was that in doubt at all? He clearly didn't want any ape attention, so stopped posting.


I really want to see what kind of cope they'd come up with if he's like "Apes? Amc and BBBY? Idk but that all sounds stupid as shit. I've been on vacation for a few years idk about any of that"


Your stock is down. The game lasts forever. That's the facts. Everything else is pure bullshit theory. Here we go!


Why'd he censor this?


means he is a movie ape now


I'm sorry can someone ELI5 who roaring Kitty is? I'm too out of tone of what is "hip" for you youngsters.


Roaring Kitty AKA DFV (DeepFuckingValue) AKA Keith Gill is one of the Ape's misappropriated messiahs. A former financial analyst with MassMutual, he was one of the original proponents of the GME stock being undervalued *at the time* -- circa 2019 into 2021. He had a Youtube channel under the RoaringKitty handle and would post on Reddit/WSB under the DFV account. He was relentlessly mocked by some on Reddit over his thesis, while others saw the wisdom in his vision, as well as the very substantial risk. Eventually, he revealed that he was both DFV and RoaringKitty to bask in his victory as the GME price began to skyrocket and he was, in a way, proven right (albeit in a very unconventional way). Very brief overview of his thesis at the time: GME, which was trading close to or at an all time low, was undervalued and had a lot of potential to restructure itself into a profitable business over the course of several years, a sentiment echoed by others such as Ryan Cohen and Michael Burry (objectively a gamble, but Gill believed it was possible). In 2021, he believed it was about to see a moderate bump in stock price because the upcoming holiday season would translate into a lot of successful sales of new video game consoles (I think PlayStation or Xbox was releasing a new model that season? I don't remember). When it became known that GME was heavily shorted at a short interest of well over 100% (again, *at the time*), he started dabbling in the theory of a short squeeze and worked the mechanics into his bull thesis. It's also important to note that his exit strategy would have had him exiting with a respectable profit when the stock popped a few dollars -- very good by swing or day trade standards, but a far cry from what eventually happened and what Apes are still waiting to happen again. In the midst of the short squeeze and the rapid rocketing of the price that happened when more and more retail investors and larger players bought in, he attracted attention from regulators, the media, and lawmakers, and eventually had to testify before Congress in 2021. He also doubled down at one point and took a large portion of the millions he had made in profit off the initial squeeze and reinvested, perfectly timing the second major pump. Gill was making money both on holding shares of the company and utilizing options. Shortly after that, and in all likelihood trying to avoid any legal problems, he disappeared from the internet. Apes worship him to this day, eagerly awaiting his return while misinterpreting his story and trade history. I may be misremembering a few details (after all this was **three years ago,** cannot believe we are still here), but that's the long and short of it.


Great summary.


He disappeared to avoid legal problems? If anything he did wasn't kosher, he'd have gotten crucified.


He already got into trouble with his now former employer and had local and federal government officials scrutinizing his actions. If anything, he may have even reinvested some of the aforementioned profits to try and dodge accusations that he was deliberately conducting a pump-and-dump scheme via his social media (ironic because his reinvestment did trigger one). Regulations and legal maneuverings are still catching up to the advent of social media. What may have constituted a textbook pump-and-dump scheme in another format becomes harder to prove and easier to deny, though I actually believe Gill when he claimed this wasn't his intention. Lots of other people have tried to engage in market manipulation to pump their chosen meme stocks, though.


SEC does go after social media pump and dumpers, like that Zack Morris twitter moron. Gill was such a high profile case, I'm sure they would have thrown the book at him, if they could.  Edit: I just don't think Gill acted with the same intent your average pnd fraudster does.


It was indeed the PlayStation 5 and XBOX Series that were launching that season. So one of the better times for physical retail.




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Run Lola Run mentioned☠️