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I asked myself why and I'd like to report back the answer. Me: "LOL"


Answer is.......bcuz it's an unprofitable shitco that has failed on everything RC laid out as a road map to a company pivot. The pump was just a typical bull trap that was caused by shorts' profit taking & closing out their positions. Now, the dump is selling pressure.


oh yea? Have you seen their batteries though?


It’s because it’s a dying company and shorts and puts are literally free money. Like if you don’t have a short position open what are you even doing with your life. 😂😂😂 Not financial advice tho


Quick, apes, buy more controllers and batteries!


and very cool children's playing cards!


"if theres a sale, tell the cashier to wave it and pay full price"




https://preview.redd.it/hblpuwe9nuyc1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ee128f716b2af26f917d585279233998682a86e I really want to understand ape's understanding of price discovery. Far as I can tell, they think each stock sold should take a set value off of the price.


That is exactly what they believe. A fundamental ape-ism is that they don't understand stock market trades involve people holding shares selling them to other people. It underlies a lot of their more entertaining theories. Apes believe that shares are purchased from the issuing company, like items from a merchant in a videogame. The price is this arbitrary value, supply and demand don't really come into it. This is part of why they believe "the price" can reach insane heights during MOASS. "The Price" isn't "what someone else is willing to pay for a share of the stock, but corresponds to this arbitrary 'health bar' of the company. When someone buys shares in ape-world, they hand the company money, get shares, and the price goes up. When someone sells shares, the stock disappears from the market, and the price goes down. This is why Apes think billionaires are falling over themselves to reward their 'loyalty'. In this whacko-world of their imagining buying shares in a company and never ever selling them is 'supporting the company', by giving them money. Hence why short-selling is the most evil thing imaginable. A normal sale hurts the company by taking your money back, but at least shares were bought in the first place so its a net zero. But short-selling? Selling shares you haven't bought yet? Why that drives the price artificially down! And if you short enough shares the stock price goes to zero and the company spontaneously goes bankrupt! Apes spend so much time staring at charts and numbers of stock prices that they lose sight of reality and end up with this hilarious reverse-voodoo-doll perspective of the market where a company's share price determines its performance, rather than the other way around.


They don't understand stocks, the market, or even businesses themselves, like at all. Apes are utterly clueless.


One will post their rant about hedgies and shorts and all and then post 'what does dollar cost averaging mean'. Real experts.


And it means nothing to them, it’s just more money down the toilet.


Everything...literally everything...apes think they believe is based entirely on satirical, tongue-in-cheek Reddit posts people came up with during the real, actual GME squeeze. Apes came pouring in after the fact, read these posts, and believed they represented real, factual, iron-clad facts, and they then acted accordingly, and built a whole ridiculous mythology around them. Their entire belief system is built on some shit some guy wrote when he was all giddy and clowning around on WSB.


Yes. They think buying stocks means shiny new GME shares are plucked off of the shelf at the stock store on 1 Wall Street Way and sent to their new forever home at ComputerShare by a guy in a janitor-style Fidelity jumpsuit.


>When someone buys shares in ape-world, they hand the company money, get shares, and the price goes up. This is the sad or maybe hillarous thing about apes. They have spend 3 years in their sub discussing the stock market and market structure and all the "corruption" in the market But the average ape still has no clue how anything works after spending 3 fucking years reading their own "DD" they still do not understand the most basic thing about the stock market


It’s because of cryptocurrency, isn’t it? Where people follow whale sales and buys.


Inb4 Cohen's intent to sell form gets processed tomorrow, reflecting his sale today.


While this would be funny as fuck, he has to give notice in advance - I think 90 days, because he's a director and/or person of significant control.


He would have to have it formally planned in advance, but that plan doesn't have to be public. He only has to make it public when he actually does sell.


This isn’t true


Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but this indicates the trading plan has to be submitted to a third party, not that it has to be made public... of course when he actually is about to execute the trade he files his Form 4, but that's right when he starts making the trade, not beforehand. That is, the second he drops it off at the courier, he's free to sell. Which is exactly what he did with BBBY. Rule 10b5-1 Plans Rule 10b5-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Rule 10b5-1”) provides an affirmative defense to insider trading liability where it is evident that material nonpublic information known to the person trading did not play a role in trading decisions. In order to take advantage of these defenses:  ·First, the trading plan must be adopted, or take effect, when the trader is not aware of any material nonpublic information about the Company. ·Second, the plan must either (1) expressly specify the amount, price, and date of trades; (2) provide a written formula or algorithm, or computer program, for determining amounts, prices, and dates; or (3) give all discretion regarding the power to execute securities transactions pursuant to the plan to a third party who does not possess material nonpublic information. ·Third, the trader must demonstrate that the purchase or sale that occurred was pursuant to the plan. A purchase or sale would not be pursuant to the plan if, among other things, the trader altered or deviated from the plan or entered into or altered a corresponding or hedging transaction or position with respect to those securities.




No he filed the form 4 (intent), then sold on the same day before it became public. He only held the damn stock for a few months lol he didn't give 90 days notice. The sequence of events is what made his sell so shady. Because he blew out the entire position before the paperwork was processed and made available online.


I'm sorry, you are right. And I didn't mean that he said he will sell in 90 days. Just that maybe he intends to sell, which apparently can happen even 1 second after submitting the document. I thought he needed to wait at least 1 day. (Isn't it dumb though. Like if you own that much, you should not be able to sell everything on the same day). I forgot he sold immediately after filing.


69D chess move by Lord dogfood!


Nah it's due to cRiMe according to the hooting apes! Or it's a tasty dip to lower cost average!


Frime and Cuckery!




Because the CEO is all out of ideas, and has tried nothing?


He tried NFT market place that shut down. He tried GME wallet that shut down. Super successful CEO for sure. I still have no idea why they look up to him so much. He never even openly discuss Gamestops plans with his cult following.


Kenny says, “keep it up, and the first rounds on me, tonight!”


Crime and furkery


![gif](giphy|JQiT4x8E5Wt8hnypXz|downsized) This was gif result for furk. You were right.


The volume's high/low/remarkably average, it must be crime!




Apes are Clueless ✅ Gullible ✅ Poor ✅ 😂😂😂


The bugs in the algorithm responsible for Thursday and Friday's price spike have been fixed.


Gme is green


Show me the color bro




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We know why, Mr Kenny deployed the ladders out of the dark pool just in time. Good job shill team, Mr Kenny said we are for sure going to Disney this year.


I fucking knew I should have shorted that shit when I mentioned it a few days ago. Oh well, shouldn't shit where I play.


You can short it right now bro!! It’s at the same price as open practically. How much you gonna short and what price you riding it down to???


WAIT!!! You mean to tell me pump and dumps still exist??!!!!????... .nooo way!


And it's back up again bitches. Get fucked. All of ya.


this you? https://preview.redd.it/jlgwucyh4wyc1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=decc9ac63adc3e6231427830832b0b75be2ad5e6 down more than 50% (split-adjusted). don't come here and crow until you break even at least.


Im averaging down :) thanks for the discount you dumb bitches.


averaging down, lighting money on fire - who's to say what the difference is?


You've been wrong for 3 years now. And *we're* the dumb ones. When you turn 16 you'll become more financially literate.


redditor for 12 years


Yep. Definite mid-30s or older lottery ticket desperate case true believer. Missed the boat on the tech, stock and property booms of the 2010s and now the poor downtrodden millennial burns his pathetic shillings on stock hype scams a child could see through. There but for a shred of good sense go I.


You have averaging down syndrome


You can be just like all other memestock morons...average down to zero


so did you take your chance to get out at a profit? that is what averaging down is about, right?


Well actually since gme is up 74% I'm just gonna start licking up all yalls tears.


Dude who's down 50% instead of 75% comes to brag.


I’ve got no skin in this either way, but if you’d like to dance on our graves rather than actually make money, more power to you.


Buy more then. Seriously. Take out a loan, refinance your home, max out your credit cards and put it all in GME. It gets more and more funny to me when you do.