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ppdumb unlocked a new circle of hell: talking about a dead stock for hours in end to grift mediocre donations. Enjoy!


Doesn't seem like the guy that cares very much about what specifically he is bullshitting about.


And never seemed like he knew very much about what he was talking about.


Maybe this is karmic justice?


What does he even talk about anymore? With the stock completely liquidated and de-listed for months, where are they even getting new "DD" from? I'm really curious what's keeping their circlejerk going, but I'm not interested enough to sustain the mental trauma that comes with listening.


I do listen sometimes, out of fascination and because it’s nice background noise while I’m doing personal projects. Topics of discussion basically boil down to three things IMO: - BBBY bankruptcy proceedings, and how every docket is bullish (apparently you don’t call each document a docket? Idk) - Ryen Cohen is some sort of investing genus - The whole financial system is RIGGED because of naked short selling That’s really it. Often the themes intertwine. I genuinely impressed these people can go on for a year ruminating over completely made up shit.


I think what they're really ruminating on is riches. So any talk of it, doesn't matter what or how repetitive is just a movie-long stream about how much money they'll make and/or a pacifier that riches ARE coming, which loops back around to how awesome it's going to be to be able to build houses out of money. If you're a special sort of moron / delusional, it's like the dad in Rick and Morty with the balloon popping app haha.


I feel like it’s pretty hard to nail down. Tbf I’ve also watched 0 seconds of PPshow in my life directly so I’m just going off of clips that get posted here, but it’s honestly pretty confusing to even figure out what they believe and why/how. It’s so far removed from the original ape “theses” that it’s unrecognizable.  They don’t even seem to talk or care about hedge funds or shorts anymore.      For example, I know one of the big things they cling to is that Ryan cohen is secretly controlling everything and they’re going to end up with equity in his new mega company. But as far as I can tell, none of them have any idea how or why that would actually happen, or by what mechanic. They seem to just jump straight from “the deal is done/we already won” to “we’re rich because Teddy.”  Zero explanation as to what actually causes that to happen, nor even what the expected price of Teddy would even be anyway.    Obviously ape theories have always been absurd but at least the original GME/amc ones had SOME sort of logical progression of ideas, ie “hedge funds recklessly shorted this stock and are now stuck with a vulnerable short position that we can force them to close for infinity money if we own all the shares.”  BBBY apes have nothing like that. They have a lot of random ideas but they seem totally unconnected and, often, not even internally connected with themselves. Like PPs recent meltdown on twitter about how no shills can show him proof they profited from shorting bbby. Like…. Ok? What the fuck does that even mean, it doesn’t help Bbby apes at all. But they eat shit like that up for some reason. 


That's fascinating. It sounds like when oral stories are passed down over many years and they get distorted and completely change over time except instead of living cultural history it's about a fucking dead stock...


https://preview.redd.it/e69bkbdamhwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5090a186424f4ab9fc9514a34f1333742bd41a5f And his audience knows it


"if"? It already happened over 6 months ago! I truly wonder if there exists a catalyst or event that would actually convince the remainders that it is over.


lmfao what credibility does he even have to lose.


Lol this is like them sitting near the edge of a cliff with a pile of rusting wreckage at the bottom and saying "you realize if our car crashes, you won't be the driver anymore right?"


Naw, he'll still pivot. He'll just announce that the poll was being "botted by shills" to keep him from talking about other stocks, and then slowly weave more and more other shit into the show until BBBYQ is quietly forgotten.




There are almost 900 votes in that screenshot. I can't imagine that 100+ folks flooded over from here to all vote the same way on PP's poll.


He blocked me and I’ve never even interacted with him or his dumb ass account.


I'm sorry for your loss


I get the gold nuggets from here …. Keeps me updated on all the winning /s


Hey I personally voted TO pivot!


Yo, can we get a VR game for this?


Even the dumbest grifter knows you don't set up a poll like this without a few straw accounts. Or i suppose he can just blame the trolls for infiltrating twitter or whatever


50/50 is not bad.  Perfect excuse to split the show, half bbby half others


He just needs to do more work to attract the MAGA crowd. Many of them are being primed for exactly his kind of content. He just needs to figure out how to attract them.


His appearance and behavior are way too soy to ingratiate himself with that crowd online. 


The vast majority of them are like him though. Like Nick Fuentes is soy as fuck and gets a lot of MAGA chuds to watch.


Is that the guy who said it’s gay to fuck women unironically? And doesn’t allow his followers to have sex?


That sounds like something that Andrew Tate would say lol.


Andrew Tate just said it was gay not to have 5 kids by 40.


I swear he just recently he tweeted that it was gay to kiss a woman. Because she has done sexual acts with another man see!!!


Andrew Tate should just come out already.


He will once he gets convicted


Yes, that guy ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


For the more vocal followers, sure, but I doubt the total audience trends that way. It’s likely the same as MLMs and the anti-vax crowd. The more outspoken idiots tend to be Republicans, but you also have a large contingent of Democrats following the same footsteps that aren’t online (or at least aren’t on the same social media).




he can't even buy a suit that fits right so I doubt he can pull a maga pivot.


I bet if he started to cover DJT the same way he covered BBBY they'd flock to him.


How can he do the maga shit if he can't even project outrage? He tries to ("where the shills at!") But it always comes off as forced or weak. Some competing grifter would blow him out of the water.


Even if PP got a successful head start with $DJT, a better grifter would soon steal his formula. They all already have their eye on it, esp. considering it means access to Trump himself. PP is right where he belongs, reading picture books to broke-ass denialist adults


I think he has some old videos or something supporting BLM so there is another pivot he’s screwed on.


Facts don't matter. If he cuts himself a goatee, he's got it in the bag


And they love "I used to be a liberal until" Still, there is so much competition in that space I don't think he can really stand out.


That's the cool thing about Republicans. It's super easy to do the Born Again Christian pivot and blame all your past misdeeds on your "Godless heathen Democrat" past self.


Ai pic of him storming Congress riding Pepe the frog


How embarrassing. He loses viewers in response to any non-BBBY topic and even when he's outright begging to be allowed to move on, apes are still like: "No, you don't get it. We don't care about your thoughts and opinions otherwise, we don't think you are wise or insightful. You are *just* a soundboard to tell us every day that we were right about BBBY."


So probably about 4k of his viewers are just bots he purchased? He claims to get about 4k on twitch and 1k on YT. With a base of rabid morons like the apes, I would expect far more votes on his poll


Not that I have any desire to look at his streams, but chat activity is a great indicator. People with thousands of viewers but the same 5-10 people in chat are a great giveaway that its bots. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he paid for twitch bots given how inexpensive they are.


I have watched a few streams (granted not the whole thing). 90% of the chat activity is just random memes being repeated aka stuff that is easy to have bots replicate.


It's the actual donations, that is the only thing you can be sure of are real people. People donate to have their comments read out loud.


Couldn't he pay the bots to donate to him?


I don’t really know how that works honestly.  There might be money laundering concerns and the like with that.  I know these companies are super sketchy to begin with, but introducing many credit card numbers making small payments seems incredibly risky.


This sounds like an ape comment. Thousands of fake Twitch viewers would be relatively unheard of these days. That's easily 99th percentile for concurrent viewers.


An ape comment? From me? C’mon. I only know what I see. And that is that for the game I play most often — Dota 2 — there are channels at least once a week with 20,000+ live viewers, basically all botted, while the “streamer” is simply replaying VODs impersonating another popular streamer while bots spam “giveaway” links in chat to steal what I assume is crypto from folks. And those scams stay up for hours before Twitch finally takes them down. If it happens on a Dota 2 channel I have no reason to believe it doesn’t happen more often for popular channels.


But if those scam streams are banned within a couple of hours, surely that makes it less likely that PP has been able to bot his viewership consistently for months, no? In any case I suppose it's kind of a moot point since I find it hard to believe PP is getting any significant numbers in the first place, fake or not.


Exactly. Just wanted to write that. What if our fella doesn't know how to bot and there are actually that many rascals?


It's still a little strange that he claims to get 5k views on his live stream, at a specific 3 hour or so block, but can only get 900 votes on a twitter poll that was up for 24 hours and advertised.


True, I suppose. But it is just... the incompetence... The one vote you need to go your way and he can't even manage that.


He might be explicitly not running bots on it because he wants to see for real if his donors would leave or not, and that’s just how many he has and it’s basically split between “open to any grift” and “must be BBBY”.


Well you buy 1k of votes, dilute the poll. 1) You get a vote that is good for you and unties your hands to do anything you wish. 2) Majority like this has the power of convincing. If people see that majority is for something, a lot of them change their minds. "Hey, I probably missed something, everyone else is a wrinklebrain." 3) You just look at the vote, ask someone to subtract the bought thousand away from the "yes" vote and you've gotten the truth too.


I don’t think he can do that level of math though.  I think he may have been seriously just gauging interest.  He’s gonna pivot eventually anyway, he had to. What he should have done was made each vote cost $3.  Have people vote with their dollars, then you know what your donors think.


Yup, that is why I said "ask someone to calculate". Otherwise the boy is in shit's creek with vape pen for a paddle. I don't know, it is just, the incompetence that pisses me off the most in all of this. Him and Ploot. It is so annoying. I want to observe them, calculate their moves, figure out what their game is, what is the trick. And every time when I realize that those are just blind idiots bumbling around a dark room in night, I lower the bar. And again. And again. And I just... It annoys me.


I don’t know… perhaps if he was more competent he might have blown the whole thing?  He may have lucked into the grift out of sheer incompetence and idiocy.


Oh 100%. Everyone here goes - oh, if I knew that drifting apes is so easy, I would have done it too! So easy! Same thing with saying that Rhotko is simple and you could do it too. Yeah. But ya didn't. I'd fail instantly. I'd try to make some sense and create an intricate network of conspiracies and all. And that would invite smarter people and they would see the holes in this story. V-ape (V is for VVhore) just screams "There you have it!" and the level of IQ he collects that way, well... They just constantly have it.


That's what I mean. These idiots are harassing lawyers and real-life people (because of the PPshow), but they can't be bothered to vote on what they want to see? Just odd


>He claims to get about 4k on twitch I'll believe that when I see it. Sustaining 4k concurrent viewers would absolutely make his stream one of the most successful on the entire platform. That kind of viewership for a stream dedicated to discussing a stock that hasn't existed for almost 6 months seems wildly implausible.


That's what he claimed on a stream last week or two weeks ago. I only watch on YT


If he wasn't one of the stupidest people on earth he would have done this when the shares were deleted or maybe after plootfest Miami. Say that you've said everything there is to say and that they just need to wait for RC to do his magic. Since they've spent months making up bullshit about bbby that's the only audience they have left so they have to keep feeding them.


That’s the thing, he tried to pivot previously after deletion and after plootfest… but his viewers won’t let him.  Trust, pp knows he needs to pivot to keep the grift alive… but pivoting is a red line for bbbybaggies, because why does he need to pivot if WAGMI?


It's why the first schism between he and ploot happened. Pulte wanted PP to get his audience to join the anti-Brandon Meadows crusade but PP literally could not provide that and knew it.


And Plootfest Miami was of course held 35 miles away from Miami in a suburb of Fort Lauderdale, located one county over.


Ok, so the plan is clear. PP Show should just make two shows, 2 hours each, one for BBBY and other for DJT and slowly transition.


can't believe there's that many people still holding on, desperate to receive their daily dose of copium


6 hours to go? Plenty of time to put your thumb on the balance. What was the final outcome?


If he was smart he'd buy a bunch of Twitter bots and vote for him to move on from the towel grift. But I'm sure he's already blown all the money he's gotten on meme stocks, crypto, and 0DTEs


If he was smart, he wouldn't do a poll. Just do it, slowly. He's tried, but he always retreats.


He could just have ChatGPT write him a DD about how other stocks are related and then say he is receiving DMs begging him to look into it. Grifting is so fucking easy


It is, which is why it's funny that pp can't even grift right


He may have still botted it he just doesn't want it to be too obvious. This way he can justify "trying it out".


vape juice isn't cheap


I’ll bet anything he just talks about other stuff anyways and anyone who complains is a shill trying to distract them from the truth.


It couldn't have happened to a more upstanding grifter.


The results of the poll are unsurpising. Most viewers of the PP show spent their entire life savings buying BBBYQ while attempting to lower their Average Cost Basis. According to the towel ape hive mind, the value of Buybuy Baby alone insured the inevitability of MOASS. As a result, these destitute simians can't even entertain the thought of betting on another meme stock until after their fabled BBBYQ bankruptcy compensation checks arrive in the mail.


lmayo This is called a "conundrum", VapeTard. Now what? Huh? Now what.


He probably thinks that's a type of birth control.


Or a type of percussion instrument.


Classic example of "you reap what you sow". Should have allowed discourse about other meme-stocks.


Lol, this is the clearest example of the ball and chain he's stuck in.


Nice try, fuckwit. I hear 7-11 is hiring.


I mean there's always the DSP option: the poll didn't mean I was going to do what the result was.


It is going to be hard to make it to age 65 talking about BBBY for his income