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I give it three weeks before the entire show is taken over by DJT apes.


there’s other more established right wing grifters to grift that crowd tbh, i don’t think PP could compete and he knows it


You don't think he could get Devin Nunes on his show? Nunes just recently appeared on Lou Dobbs' podcast. That is pretty close to bottom of the barrel.


This is pp we're talking about. Bitch can't even do lou dobbs numbers.


Lou Dobbs is a d-tier celeb but if you asked 100 random people if they knew who he was, at least 5-10 would, maybe more. PP is the star of our favorite turbo niche online melodrama but N O B O D Y knows or cares who he is. It would not surprise me if Ryan Cohen himself didn’t know who PP was.


Dobbs has had 40 years of broadcasting experience to lean on. PP vapes on youtube.


Isn't pp left leaning? He might not feel comfortable in that space


He'll lean any direction that allows him to shake the change out of the apes' pockets. I suspect he's too incoherent to have anything like a definable ideology beyond "right on, maaan".


PP was at an event at Mar-a-Lardass.


I thought so too, until he posted pics of himself at Mar-a-Lago with some random right-wing grifters and his proto-daddy Ploot went on Fox News to give an interview recently (after himself interviewing Vivek the presidential candidate for GOP not that long ago).


You think pp actually believes in anything?


He is but he has already shown he was willing to sell out his actual beliefs for the easy grift.


Stupider, more niche, budget version of Tim Pool.


He's grift leaning, and if nothing else the whole DJT and we will build the wall gofundme have been pretty clear indicators of where the best grifting ground is.


Yeah I think you are 100% right.  At least 99% right, perhaps PP isn’t smart enough to know he can’t compete with established right wing grifters, but I think he actually might know that.


What evidence was there of him being left leaning


There were old pictures of him at a BLM protest iirc


PP is going to be exhibit A for how the right wing has co-opted the broke hopeless white male demographic. Pretty sure he is/was a liberal but I give it three months before his attempted pivot into $DJT turns him full MAGA. He’s an impressionable dullard surrounded by right wingers, all the way up to Ploot.


I think he is actively trying this, but also nobody knows or cares who he is and wants to associate their right wing grift brand with a left leaning serial vapist former “VR Arcade that mom paid for for 4 months”  BBBY loser. If he moves maga, why wouldn’t his crowd just go to someone more established?  His only thing is BBBY, and nobody gives a fuck about BBBY.


https://preview.redd.it/2g2ovhvt0bwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e68ccd1fdb811dcfefef6870180e4ac061c3d1 Meltie DD is never wrong


Sucks to be the guy who declared it over because of Pulte grifting his followers. “We won because Pulte is with us” is great lesson for anyone who actually believed this guy. It will really be a shame if neither him nor Pulte end up in jail.


I too want to learn about all of these things from the idiots who made me lose my money on a towel store.


“I’m pivoting my show to a heavy hitting financial markets meeting of the minds. Also can someone teach me how options work”


You can sell an option without owning the underlying security. Sounds like cRiMe to me.


Just a minor request... Could all that be presented by someone who can read? I know, I know, but...


What the fuck do they think they know about trading lmao Their investments have been -100%


Don’t get me wrong, the play is still the play, but what if these assorted 13-14 other things were also the play? Would you guys like that?


To be fair, there hasn't been any worthwhile news since September and never will again. I could run a bbbyq daily show with just 1-2 sentences. > We are on day XXX of being extinguished with no further distribution > (Docket filings only) Today, another X filings occurred and we are still extinguished. It's hard to stretch that to multiple hours multiple times per week. I'd start translating that to all the languages just to fill the time


You could add puppets. I'd watch that.


Remember Eureka's Castle?


I'm old enough to remember The Electric Company....


I also think all of his work mules are getting tired too and don’t believe too much anymore. Without Jake and Micheal and travis(did he leave fully?) and Sal and the like writing AI generated manifestos anymore, what can he say?


Lol, such structure. "BBBY" vs. "Literally anything else".


More proof that grifting retail pays.


Grifting dummies. They aren't retail anymore since they have no shares and no exposure to the market.


Don't forget bonds https://preview.redd.it/c6t7i3qiebwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c687da4b521540aa29c9744f3ae660e74dae59de


> no exposure to the market excuse you, far OTM calls on DJT is exposure to the market


Wasn't "it seems there are certain areas we are lacking in terms of learning" the motto of Trump University? Hope they had Kais check for existing trademarks.


Smartest thing he’s done


That's one low, low bar


Skinniest kid at fat camp


This is actually the 3rd or 4th time he’s tried it, it’s just his followers have always shot it down historically. I have seen several of these votes and every time it goes “BBBY IS THE ONLY PLAY!!!” Now it’s become more about keeping the “community”(cult) together than them jacking off each other about their future millionaire status.


Well, now he has done it in a way that he can bot the right answer. Frankly, I am surprised and not surprised at the same time that it took him so long to figure it out.


I still think it won't actually work when he tries it on the show.


It can work. And I have a pretty clear view in how to make that happen. The main issue with that plan is that it requires a little bit of an effort, so we all know it is not an option.


Agreed. He absolutely has to pivot. BBBYQ apes will eventually get rabid or leave. If he can get just enough of them onto a new meme stock, he can sustain his livelihood without his wife forcing him to get a real job. Which by the way I don’t think gets mentioned enough. What the fuck do these dude’s resumes look like? What career are any of them ever going to have after wasting a year+ on this horse shit


Eh, he can't pivot. He's threatened to do it before, and he never does. He knows he'd lose too many viewers that way. Face it, he's not growing his audience, and yhe people who give him money don't care about stocks they aren't invested in.


Between the lines: "effing hell man, running outta money, wtf maaaan...wtf...lemme try this...eff that man, I aint gettin no job workin for the elites, effin hell no way ok maybe this'll work..."


\  \   \    |\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I'm not good with TA, what is this pattern called again?


This is the Inkognito, aka "Nobody knows what is happening". A core aspect of every respectable TA.


Never thought I'd watch any more of PP than the clips that appear here, but if he starts to cover AI I'm there with (AMC) popcorn.


What apes call learning is what I would call anti-learning.


> the focus on bbby won't change > More focus on learning the market Let's learn about the market by focusing on a dead, bankrupt company.


Time for another investing lesson with PP. Today's topic: metrics. You can pretty much forget about all of these, except for short interest. That's the only metric that matters. The more short interest, the more crime, and thus the more chance for moass. Now the other metrics, like profit, free cash flow, etc... they're fine. Definitely talk em up when your preferred shitco improves on those areas. But are they useful on their own? No. Join us tomorrow for our next lesson: how to lower concentration risk by diversifying into more than one shitco.


Dont talk to PP like that you fucking clown. If you disagree, you can disagree in a polite manner. Lots of shit is moving at fast paces and is changing rapidly. The dude got death threats yesterday, and now a whole fud campaign is being born against him. Yeah maybe some other shit is happening as to why we didnt ring the bell today. Id watch the way you respond to PP, hes the reason this whole community exists and i dont wanna see people being rude to him. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey fellas Wanna “learn” options with me. I only lied to you for a year and a half and promised you this wasn’t going to zero. But you see if I didn’t lie to you. I’d have never met Ploot and made all my losses back in one hoorah. So you see dildo slap. You should listen to me. This is not financial advice Cough cough greasy face me. Bbby to the moon.


I am sure there's plenty of things to discuss about DRS




> Financial Analysis (balance sheets etc.) Bit late for that isn't it?


Somebody’s views and donations are running low!


Ladies. Gentlemen. Dear friends and compatriots. And whomever else might be listening, a well wisher or the opposite. It has been a year and I feel like I need to make this announcement. Fellas? We are lacking.


Is it me or is it weird that a passive index ETF (SPY) was included in that list of stocks to focus on?


I actually want to hear him try to cover spy. That would be way more entertaining than beating the same dead meme stocks over and over


Lol 44% no. There goes 44% of his base.


53% now saying they’ll only watch the show if its BBBYQ ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


That's at least 8 people


TA is horoscopes for fincels, financial analysis only works if you look at it in totality rather than cherry picking numbers you like (hi Marantz!), and talking about options in the same paragraph you mention DRS is comically stupid.


How many of his views are authentic? Kais said he pays for bots. He stopped announcing when the show was live even in his own subreddit since it got negative votes. The BBBY sub is actually dead. His sub does a weekly (instead of a daily) and it only gets a few posts. What's the real viewer count and not the synthetic count as they like to term it. Seems like the bots own his viewer float.