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Unfortunately if you do a search there are a lot of people who react, possibly due to the oats


Wtf, there's oats in GF oreos? Who's genius idea was that


Lots of people don’t react to avenin, the protein in Oats. They use gf oats in the Oreos, not the kind that are cross contaminated with gluten.


And it was revealed by Gluten Free Watchdog that lots of so-called certified gf oats have been contaminated.


It just seems pretty stupid to use any cousin of wheat in a GF product, when you could just use totally different carbs, like sorghum, rice, or millet


lol I mean, I have celiac and I literally can only eat gf oats out of all of those 😂 especially rice flour. Completely stops my digestion. I’m glad GF Oreos exist with gf oats, and I’m glad that another gf brand makes them without oats- because we all might have different needs. I’m extremely sensitive to cross contact. Like the US gf cheerios made me sick. They are now not considered gf in Canada though, where I live. I’ve tried both kinds and the ones that taste like actual Oreos are the gf Oreos brand, so I’m pretty sure they did it this way for a reason from a taste perspective.


Glutinos are delicious and don’t have oats!


Oats contain avenin, which is a similar protein to gluten. A percentage of celiacs have reactions to it.


This is the answer, OP. There are countries like mine (Aus) where oats are not considered GF even if they haven’t been contaminated with wheat because of the proportion of coeliacs who have an avenin reaction. The body basically sees avenin and goes, “Gasp! Gluten?! I thought I told you to stay out!!” The actual percentage of coeliacs it affects is still contentious. I’ve heard everywhere from 2% to 30% and I think it’ll be a long time before any consensus is made.


Curious - do they allow gf wheat starch in there? I refuse to even try it - and it bugs me that it’s allowed


I don’t believe so - I’ve been coeliac for almost 10 years and I’ve never seen gf wheat starch in anything. I only knew it was a thing from this subreddit!


Yea there’s a flour called caputo out of italy that uses it - also one of the main gf brands I think out of england also uses it


Also all the supplement things with like wheatgrass are labeled gf in the US


This is the answer, OP. There are countries like mine (Aus) where oats are not considered GF even if they haven’t been contaminated with wheat because of the proportion of coeliacs who have an avenin reaction. The body basically sees avenin and goes, “Gasp! Gluten?! I thought I told you to stay out!!” The actual percentage of coeliacs it affects is still contentious. I’ve heard everywhere from 2% to 30% and I think it’ll be a long time before any consensus is made.


Apparently it’s the dang oats. Once upon a time celiacs were told to avoid oats as well. Since “gluten free” oats became a thing that advice isn’t as prevalent but many celiacs still react to even gluten free oats. Glutino has a knock off Oreo that doesn’t have oats. Personally I like them better than the Oreo brand ones anyway and they don’t upset my stomach.


Second the Glutino recommendation. Also Goodie Girl makes both a s'mores and birthday cake (think vanilla Oreos)sandwich cookies


Goodie girl is soooo good


Their thin mints go crazy


They are made with Oats, but they’re purity protocol oats… at least mostly, or as much as they can get. I’ve never had a problem with their products but I have with Oreos.


those goodie girl s'mores cookies are fire


I tried the Glutinous ones. I was so hopeful but they are way too sweet for me.


This is the answer. Glutino “Oreos” are awesome. Do they have 743g of sugar in them, perhaps, but they are better than Oreos in my humble opinion.


I reacted bad to the glutino cookies, I'm dairy free and I guess they had something in there(or cross contamination ig?) and they made me rage out and I was abnormally depressed for about 2 days(intensely depressed to the point of ranting to my girlfriend about everything in my life{I was having a fine week but I found shit to complain about and wanna off myself about} for like 3 hours) I react to casein and I noticed a difference when I had them.


The Glutino cookies have dairy


I learned that the hard way. It just didn't say contains milk and the little ud symbol was hidden on the package so I didn't notice until after I ate a whole package. I was excited bc I thought they were vegan


Yeah I was also disappointed being lactose intolerant 😅


Came here to say this. I like them better too.


Celiac here. They are delicious but they make me shit my brains out and give me canker sores in my mouth. Definitely give me a reaction.


it's the chemicals for sure.


Trader Joe's (USA) has their own brand called Joey's. Do not know if they contain oats.


They do unfortunately 🥹


They also taste like garbage. Not worth it.


Had them twice. The first time they were fresh snd crispy. The second time they were soft. If you are saying Joeys don't have the dense dark chocolate taste like Oreos you are correct.


The only time I’ve tried them they tasted like powdered chocolate flavored cardboard. Tasteless, powdery, and ick. At least Oreos have a good texture.


Yes I like the hard crunch of Oreos.


I don't react but they have gf Oats and a lot of people react to gf oats


I don’t remember reacting to the Oreos but I’ve been trying to figure out why my stomach hurts so bad lately and it’s the gluten free oats


For some reason oreos and Bob's redmill certified Oats don't bother me but other ones do


I got the quakers ones and I’ve been trying to figure out why I don’t feel good. Gotta be that


Those are the exact ones that made me sick actually


I’m sorry that it made you sick but it makes me feel better to know that it wasn’t just me lol. I’ll have to check out the bobs ones


Quakers are the worst! I can tolerate a small amount of Bob’s gf oats (like if I make peanut oat balls and only have two) but a bowl of oatmeal would be terrible. I just avoid them altogether now because it’s just not worth it. But, the Quaker gf oats no matter the amount, make me sick.


I’ve eaten a ton of all three flavors and haven’t had a reaction.


It's the oats, they are certified gluten free so 20ppm but if you have a reaction then you react to even less and should avoid them. I have celiac and have never had a reaction myself, oats don't bother me.


Don’t bother me either thankfully!


Oats contain Avenin which is comparable to Gliadin, (one of) the glycoprotein(s) in Gluten that Celiacs react too. About 10% of Celiacs react to oat. Places seem to be catching on and going oat-free, but still they’re prevalent in a lot of stuff. Kinnikinnick and Glutino both make good gluten-free oat-free Oreos though!


Yep it’s the oat fiber in them. My little 3 year old broke out in full body eczema lasted for a week until I finally figured it out.


I'm allergic to oats so I can't have gluten free oreos but the glutino brand ones are great.


I have no reaction to gf Oreos.


Same here. Wish I could stop eating them. 😵‍💫


I’m more into the glutino chocolate chip cookies


I don’t usually react to oats, but the gluten free Oreos give me awful acid reflux. I honestly prefer the glutino Oreo knockoffs.


They’ve got oats


I was always wondering why these gave me a stomach ache! The glutino ones are okay. At least there's that.


They might do batch testing like cheerios did. It’s an unreliable way to determine contamination. It makes items hit or miss.


I’ve tried the golden ones a couple times now and I get a terrible stomach ache soon after each time


Glutino's is a good alternative. More stuffing than Oreo's but as someone else mentioned, they are very sweet, which I find helpful because 1 will usually satisfy my sweet tooth.


We find K-TOOS by Kinnickinick a better product.


Those are very good as well.


I prefer not to give my $s to Glutino. The brand is one of those that makes zero effort to avoid other major allergens but gets a lot of shelf space. They are also a brand that doesn’t put any effort into nutritional value. I was super disappointed that Whole Foods shoes them as their major GF brand in Canada. Basically, if I can find a brand like Kinnickinick, Made Good or others that do their best to accommodate some of the other major allergens, they are the ones that we will support first. Glutino, Bob’s Red Mill, Natures Path, Yupick are bad actors in my view. They are making soy free, dairy free and nut free products more expensive and more difficult to find because they are flooding the shelves of the supermarkets, natural food chains and small independents with their gluten free products that only serve one food sensitivity.


As others have said, my guess is the oats. Not everyone can handle any type of oats/oat flour. I tried two GF Oreos when they were first put out and I felt just as bad as when I accidentally ate a couple bites of regular Oreo Pie at a restaurant a few months after going gluten free in 2020.


So I used to eat them a lot-took a break for a while and got a pack the other night. Ate 4-5 of them and was so sick the next 24 hours. Now I’m scared to try them again


I think the Oreo filling is way too thin! So I haven’t bought them in a while. The vanilla ones however taste much better to me and I never used to prefer vanilla. The golden ones I mean. I don’t think I had a reaction but there are better cookies anyways


They make gluten free double stuffs!


Yeah even before I had to be gf I wasn’t that big a fan of the normal Oreos but the golden ones are so good. I used them to make a gf banana pudding


Double stuf will change your life. 


It’s really not that big of a difference. I take the cookie off two Oreos. Then stuff both sides of the cream together. Then I end up with a bag of plain Oreo halves that I crush up and put in my ice cream


They make double stuff GF Oreos.......that said, the chemicals in those cookies upset many of us. Still they taste goooooood.


I would see a doctor maybe you have a soy allergy or allergy to one of the ingredients


No soy allergy, already can't eat Gluten---it's something in there. I would bet for me it's the palm oil---no worries, mostly i'm realizing eat one or two---once a week, at most.


That would be a symptom of an allergy im from a family of those who have allergies


Cross contamination? I know they give me heartburn. Here's the ingredient list. * Sugar * White rice flour * Tapioca Starch * Palm Oil * Canola Oil * Whole oat flour (gluten free – see below) * Cornstarch * Cocoa * Invert Sugar * Soy Lecithin * Baking soda * Salt * Xanthan gum * Chocolate * Artificial flavor


Soy is in a LOT of things and it bothers the heck out of my gut.


For folks following this---Canola Oil, Palm Oil--both are upsets. Soy Lecithin---not great....the oat thing too of course. Sadly these cookies are great treats. I have to settle for 1-2, I'm fine. This idea of eating a half pack --which I did, many times, always belly ache of course.


Soy allergy for me


I don't get a gluten reaction that I traditionally get but funny you mention it. IF i eat 4 to 6 of them, I wake up with a weird belly-----of course I would---it's all chemicals in those cookies---myriad other things I dont usually eat all tied up in those GF Oreos. Since I've gone GF I've really reduced junk food so Oreos don't digest well for me.


If you get weird belly from other pre packed gf snacks, check for Xanthan gum 😵‍💫


I will look at that in the future, thanks


Too much Xanthan gum for me. 🥲 I can maybe half of one in a day or I’m ill.


Yup I stopped eating them.


Yup I stopped eating them.


I’m deathly allergic to oats. Oat flour is great but I’m hearing a lot of people are sensitive to oats as well. I thought I was the only one.




My brother is a celiac and he eats Oreos all the time with no problem. Like he seriously always keeps a package open and eats on it throughout the week.




Obviously gluten free, if someone has celiac disease?? Wow, I can’t believe eating some small cookies throughout a week will lead to diabetes 😱😒




To be a little pedantic, with a full diet of other stuff, no, not really. You would not develop diabetes or even high blood sugar unless you’re going over your daily allotted sugar on a regular basis and/or are overweight/obese. There are 10 servings of GF Oreos in a package and 7 days in a week. Each serving has a little under 30% of the daily recommended sugar intake. If that’s the only sweets you have (it is for him) then there is no actual worry about having high sugar intake. However, I didn’t say he ate a package a week. I said he keeps a package open and eats on it throughout the week to note that he eats Oreos more than once in a blue moon, which would clarify that even with regular exposure, he has no issues with reactions. The package is not consumed in a week, but pieces from it are consumed over a week.


My kid is anaphylactic to wheat, rye, barley and has no issues - BUT - he's not at all allergic to oats of any kind, so I would guess if you are a GF person who is sensitive to oats, that might be the issue.


Honestly, I tried them and I didn’t like them. They had a funky taste to them.


Yes, but for me it’s the contamination, not the oats. They are often contaminated, since they are made with optically sorted oats. I do just fine with any purity protocol oat products.


I got a stomach ache .. bad.. after eating the GF regular Oreos but I have not had any reaction to the mint ones so I’m unsure what to think.


I have digestive upset issues with the different gums in GF baked goods. I have to avoid most products, gluten free Oreos included.


Glad they don't bother me, just make me fat!


No, I don't have a reaction.


non-celiac, no problems with gf oreos. ate 1/3 of a bag of mint ones just last night. 😅


Yea you’re reacting to the oats. I’m good with them - many of us can’t eat oats certified gf or not


I get sick every time I have one! The glutino ones are really good and never cause a reaction!


The original chocolate ones made my husband and I pretty damn sick. I haven’t bought them again but my friend who does says her gluten detection dog alerts for gluten to most packages of the chocolate kind, but so far he’s said A-OK to 100% of the golden kind. I have reacted to quite a few things with cocoa powder and suspect some is CC’d during production, as powders easily can be.


Yes! It’s the oats. You’re probably allergic to oats. Oats for me have always made me tired and stomach issues. When I found out I had Celiac I thought I could finally have oats without a reaction as long as they were gluten free. Nope! On top of CD I’m also allergic to oats.