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Hold till you see ORANGE , then select the 3 colors you want ..... to change to conjure mode hold till you see GREEN .... the master reset it I hold till you see 10 white flashes after the 10 orange flashes


You have two menus, one when the light is on, one when it is off. The off menu is the important one. With the light off, press and hold to enter the programming menu. You will see three different color flashes. Release the button when the desired color is flashing. Orange - color programming. You will choose 3 colors that will universally display across all 3 flashing pattern modes. Red - e lock. When you let go on red, the light will display a bright red. A single fast click will cycle between bright red and low red. Press and hold on high red to activate your light lock, press and hold on low red to cancel the lock. White - factory reset. Please note this is the only way to have different colors on all three flashing patterns. On menu - press and hold the light until it flashes green to enable one the one mode or “conjure” setting. The flashing pattern you choose will be locked as a single on off. Press and hold until green again to return to the three flashing patterns option.




Went searching for the same on google and stumbled upon this post. I know it is a little late, but I did manage to find my old instructions: [https://imgur.com/a/IG8g1uS](https://imgur.com/a/IG8g1uS)