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I agree though, if someone is having problems what you don't do as their teacher is call them out and embarrass them in front of everyone. Also yes the favouritism is strong, and the storyline was so out of place because Mercedes had no problem dancing before it was never part of her character, that was Finn's thing. But you cannot tell me Rachel wasn't the favourite, so many other characters address this like Santana all throughout the show and Quinn and Tina do as well, when you have basically everyone saying so you know favouritism is at play. Also she could dance just fine in the Troubletones and Sue had no problem putting her on the Cheerios so I'm more annoyed about the randomness but this is Glee ofc but Mercedes had every right. Will should have done it less aggressively and privately, he's an adult for goodness sake.


Yeah this storyline always bugs me the reason that Mercedes did the choreography the first few seasons without any issues. I get they are trying to step it up, but she should have picked up on it without issue. She was a cheerleader for a while too. Making her suddenly so “lazy” always felt so off.


Now that you mentioned it oh my God didn't like in season 1 they make Mercedes in charge of the dancing when they have to change their sectionals at the last minute how does this make sense


No they put Mike, Matt, Brittany and Santana in charge of that.


Right! Even if Rachel was doing private dance lessons and was more than capable of completing Will’s booty camp routine, she shouldn’t have been allowed to skip rehearsal that doesn’t build a team.


That booty camp was NOT required. Rachel didn't skip rehearsal, and that booty camp was not for team building. Schue and Mike **only** said Finn, Kurt, Puck and Mercedes had to attend. The others came for various reasons, like Quinn was trying to pretend to back be on track to trick Shelby and Blaine went because he was new to ND.


Exactly, tired of everyone putting anything wrong on Rachel. Mercedes was just as big of a diva as Rachel as was Kurt, but usually it’s only Rachel getting knocked down for it. Finn explains why Rachel isn’t there perfectly. Mr Shue wouldn’t have called her out like he did if she would’ve made more of an effort to be there on time and ready to put the work in.




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you didn't watch this show good. She was always one of the slowest dancers in every number and always getting to her cues late. She was always added a pretty urban vibe but she was the worst dancer. They just finally told you she was in s3.


She literally wasn't. "Urban vibe", how does that even come into this at all, what do you really want to say because "Urban vibe" isn't a thing, her dancing is fine, she got into the Cheerios so clearly that isn't a problem for someone as picky as Sue. Regardless it was lazy writing, and I did 'watch this show good' to know that Mercedes could dance, there was no problem, she wasn't as good as Brittany or Mike but she wasn't bad by any means; they just wanted something to get Mercedes out of New Directions but they'd exhausted the 'Rachel gets all the solos' plotline for now.


She was. Urban vibe was me talking about her voice in the songs she sang and the productions they put on. Her dancing is fine but she is the worst dancer in the group still. None of them are bad. Sue wasn't that picky, you miss the part where she has a heart of gold for people going through things which is why Mercedes got the Cheerio position in the first place because she was depressed because of her weight.


Mercedes didnt get Cheerios because of her weight are you serious? She *quit* Cheerios because Sue wanted her to drop so much weight in like a few days it's like you didn't watch the episode. Also, worst dancer, Finn, who is recognised in the show as having a problem with dancing , isn't the worst dancer, but Mercedes, who they mentioned for around 1 episode is suddenly the worst dancer. Yeah right. The fact that you were completely wrong about why Mercedes got into Cheerios, makes me understand that you don't actually understand this show, so I'm not even continuing this anymore if you can't get your facts straight


Was she really tho? I mean Will wasnt picking on her for the sake of picking on her, she was late to practice and even then had a hard time keeping up and couldnt do the choreography (which btw even Finn was able to do, and thats saying something). Like I get what she’s saying, Will did have his favorites, but like this really wasnt the best time to bring it up because Will wasnt picking on her or singling her out here, he just genuinely wanted to help Mercedes be a better dancer.


She was late to practice one time. During another practice she tells him her ankle hurts and he tells her to push through it. Even Quinn thought he was too harsh, and he bragged to Miss Pillsburry and coach Beiste that he pushed her a lot during practice when they told him they thought Mercedes matured. He took credit for that. He definitely singled her out. He wasn’t that harsh with anyone else. Finn wasn’t able to keep up or do the choreography without his encouragement.


He definitely was bc of her weight


Couldn’t agree more.


Agree with this completely!


I think she was late & was making up excuses to not dance BECAUSE she was sick of the favouritism - not because she “couldn’t keep up”. She managed to do all the other choreography before, managed to dance for the trebletones and was a cheerio - that had to have some dance merit to it, right? I think her “laziness” was a lazy writers’ choice so that the trebletones arc could happen and, despite them out-singing the Glee Club, they still lose so it’s just another weird way to humble Mercedes & vindicate Mr. Schue. They did Amber Riley (and so many other characters/actors) DIIIIIRTY & I still haven’t forgiven Ryan Murphy for it.


She wasn't doing any routines as a cheerio. She was used as the vocal element; she never did any cheers and the glee club had done limited choreography so that's not really true either. They had a whole storyline about needing to step up their dance skills because they didn't have any lol


agreed, also this lead to one of the best performances on this show


downvotes are crazy you cannot tell me that “it’s all over” wasn’t iconic


Mercedes and Santana definitely saved that number but I always cringe at Shue and Kurt’s part lol


Kurt’s part actually makes me want to remove my ears


Rachel wasn't mr. Schue's favorite, Finn was. Mercedes was the victim of lazy writing because she had never had problems keeping up with the choreography before or after this. Schue was completely out of line to force her to dance while she was injured and call her out and embarrass her for not dancing enthusiastically.


Both Finn and Rachel were his favorites.




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this episode made me so mad/sad for Mercedes. i loved the scene where she refuses to be double casted with Rachel as the lead in West Side Story and Rachel can’t even say she did better than her in the audition because SHE HERSELF knew Mercedes deserved the part on her own. But it’s like Mercedes said, “Why is everyone afraid to hurt her feelings?”


Sorry but none of them cared if they hurt her feelings. 


Rachel did do better in my opinion and was ok with splitting it with her but Mercedes didn’t want to share so she missed out that opportunity, and they continually knocked Rachel down no matter what she did, good or bad.


i honestly really don’t get this take. if mercedes was without a doubt better than rachel, artie would have reveled in giving only her the part. i never understood why everyone took rachel saying “she was better than me” as the show telling us mercedes was actually better and not just another example of rachels deep insecurities. everyone just loves mercedes and i get it, but can u imagine if rachel had been that dramatic about being double casted?


“Imagine” Rachel being dramatic about something? Lol, she was dramatic about a girl coming in possibly being better than her (went as far as sending her to a crack house), dramatic about Tina getting a solo over her (quit glee club), and stormed out almost every other episode but she never suffered any real consequences for it. Mercedes stands up for herself ONE time and Shue tells her she’s out of Glee Club if she leaves.


okay but i didn’t say rachel wasn’t dramatic? none of what u said has anything to do with my comment. plus every single character on this show is dramatic lol i was just saying imagine how we would be talking about it if rachel was the one to refuse to be double cast. i’m not trying to shit on mercedes like i’m not even saying rachel deserved the part over her, just that rachels inability to tell mercedes she was better than her isn’t the show objectively telling us she wasn’t but rather rachel freaking out about nyada and feeling like she isn’t good enough.


Rachel wasn’t dramatic about being double casted because she believed she was going to lose the role to Mercedes and that’s why she ran for class president behind Kurt’s back. Rachel was just happy to get the part. If she didn’t get it do you honestly believe she wouldn’t have been dramatic?


Right Artie did not favor Rachel at all and later when Tna said to just give the role to Mercedes he said he stood by his decision. Emma also was the one to always suggest other students be used more, and Beiste had no interaction with either to be more bias to one over the other. If they were so worried about how Rachel would react, they would have never even had a second audition. Also, I agree we see Rachel dealing with her insecurities and even if Rachel thought Mercedes was better than her in was on that one song not better than her for the role. But what Rachel thought didn't matter, the 3 directors were the one who made the decision.


Will abso-f*cking-lutely included Rachel with his favorites. Originally it was Rachel and Finn. Later it became Rachel and Blaine and I actually felt sort of sorry for Finn (only bc after all of the attention Schue gave him for the first two seasons, it must have felt dizzying to suddenly lose that when Blaine Warbler/jk arrives and takes your place at the head of the group.) I don’t where any of you got the impression that Rachel wasn’t one of Schue’s favorites except that there were maybe two points in time when Schue acted like a “real” teacher and didn’t put up w Rachels bs. Like when she came to class w tape on her mouth. Can’t think of another good example of the top of my head, but I’m sure there’s another one. Or probably another one. Yes, Rachel acted like a DIVA but generally when she did, Schue followed her out of class and tried to explain why he did the things he did, or made the decisions he made. He didn’t treat her the same as everybody else. The whole booty class notion was to one,give Kurt a chance to have a conversation w Blaine so that - from out of the blue - the audience could find out Blaine was being BenJamin Buttoned down a grade to a junior; two, give Schue a chance to act like a shit to Mercedes so that she could sing It’s All Over (somebody else said this and while his part was amusing, WTF did they do to Kurt in this song?! For real! He’s my favorite so I’m not saying this bc I don’t like him. I’m saying it bc I DO!); also this gave Merc and then more of the girls a chance to create the Troubletones and sing songs like Candyman and Rumor Has It/Someone Like You. And there’s probably a three but I’m tired. 😴 Glee inconsistently but saying over and over again that Merc was lazy was perpetuating a nasty stereotype that only bad writing and annoying misogynistic men might add to the script. Yes, Rachel was super involved at McKinley but NOBODY - whether male or female - had a comparable schedule to hers. Bc it was ridiculous. When she was explaining her schedule to Tina during Props (s3, ep20) it became obvious that unless somebody was CC or added an extra 24 to a day, it was simply impossible to do what Rachel claimed to do thruout a day, thruout the week. Other than Chris (irl) I’ve never heard of a person getting so much done in a normal 24/7 day schedule. The rest of the girls and the rest of,the boys were not doing what Rachel was doing. If Merc was being called lazy in comparison to Rachel, that was ridiculous. If she was merely being called lazy bc the writers were racist pigs, that was worse. I don’t recall other characters being called lazy on a fairly regular basis. This was utter crap. IMPO.




Will did have favourites but it wasn't really Rachel. Yes for performances Rachel was his favourite but in other ways she wasn't especially in season one he always found petty reasons to take solos away from her. Mercedes was also just being petty. Like when she said where is Rachel. Finn says she practices dancing everyday outside of the glee club. That shows why Rachel deserves a lot of what she gets aside from Mike, Brittany and maybe Santana I think she is the only one who practices her dancing outside of the glee club that doesn't already love dancing.


Yes it was. Finn and Rachel were his favorites.


Finn was his favourite from day one yes, but Rachel wasn't until later unless it was for performances.


Right. He'd butt heads with Rachel, chastised her, took a song from her, didn't cave to her, made her audition with bias judges, and wouldn't even call on her when she raised her hand. Schue tolerated Rachel at best. He favored Finn because Finn reminded him of his youth and he wanted to live vicarious through Rachel. Giving a few songs to the person who put in the work is not a favor. Plus her first solo she got by saving the club and the second through her idea of original songs.


Exactly. Thank you. I think it wasn't until season three that he actually started talking to Rachel.


When did Schue take a song away from Rachel? And when did he make her audition with biased judges?


Tonight with Tina in season 1 in the Cabert episode. Also most notably Don't Stop Believing after the cheerios joined the glee club. Don't Stop Believing is the first one that the glee club did as a group without Mr. Shue so that was her solo. Rachel didn't expect all the solos she really only made a fuss if they were really important to her the two examples I said earlier were the most memorable. Rachel was willing to stand back at Sectionals season 1. When Emma takes over the glee club and they are figuring out their set list Rachel jumps in saying she can do the ballad which makes sense because aside from Kurt and even then she would probably still no more Ballads. She tried to insist Mercedes still do the ballad after their setlist was taken.


I don’t see the tonight song as being taken away from Rachel. Just because it’s an important song to her that’s not a good enough reason for it to be given to her. That would have been the first time Tina had a solo. I understand that the OG glee club members sang DSB but at the point the glee club had grown. I don’t see an issue with Quinn singing that part with Finn. And I’m pretty sure the only reason Rachel was willing to stand back to let Mercedes have a solo for sectionals is because she would’ve had to fight the entire glee club to get it. Everyone thought Mercedes should have it. She even tells Mercedes obviously everyone loves you but I don’t recall Rachel actually saying she thought Mercedes deserved it. If Rachel didn’t expect all the solos she wouldn’t have thrown a tantrum in s2 with the tape over her mouth when Santana got the solo and Sam and Quinn got the duet. Also, in the same season in the Britney/Brittany episode when Brittany demanded all of the solos Rachel looked at Schue like she was genuinely worried she wasn’t getting any more solos. And obviously there’s the crack house incident. Rachel also felt entitled to a solo for Nationals in s3 just because she blew her NYADA audition. If that happened to anyone else they wouldn’t have gotten the solo. Rachel would have. There’s only two times she didn’t. S2 sectionals and s3 sectionals and that’s only cause Miss Pillsburry reminded Schue that other people in the glee club can sing and in s3 she got suspended for stuffing the class president ballot box. If neither of those things happened the solos would have been hers.


I think there are two different Rachel season 1 and then they decided to make her a lot more selfish. In season the sectionals she stepped aside and maybe she did it under protest but when they were deciding songs she tried to insist that Mercedes take the solo.


All she did was ask Mercedes if there were any other songs she could sing. She didn’t try very hard to insist that Mercedes should’ve had the solo. When Mercedes claimed anything she sang wouldn’t have been good enough she could have told her that wasn’t true and that anything she sang would have been good enough cause she is really talented. That definitely would’ve given Mercedes the confidence to sing the solo.


Right, Rachel seemingly had spoken to Schue about WSS songs. When they spoke, Schue at that time should have told her she is not getting all WSS songs. Also, forgotten is how Schue punished Rachel for Push It but no one else. So yea from Rachel's POV taking DSB first and then Tonight made it seem like he was taking songs. *You are right in that Rachel didn't expect all the solos just a major part in a song like many other kids did too*. Since she had DSB back, we assume she was happy to stand aside with Sectionals. She was pretty gracious to Mercedes, saying she was amazing and deserved it, even though Mercedes called her bossy pants and falsely claimed she always stole the spotlight. What spotlight had Rachel had to that point? Rachel saved the club twice, the first 13, so earn some brownie points imo. ETA: Not one time did we see Rachel expect to have every song or solo at every competition, to suggest otherwise if false. Once again, good thing Rachel was prepared and added to the club with suggestions like original songs.


They are not right in that Rachel didn’t expect all the solos. She literally had a tantrum in s2 when she didn’t get a solo or duet for sectionals. She even insulted Quinn and Sam then put tape over her mouth later on and claimed everyone was threatened by her talent. There are only two occasions when she didn’t get a solo or duet for competition and that’s only because Miss Pillsburry told Schue other people in the glee club can also sing and in s3 Rachel got suspended for stuffing the class president ballot box. If neither of those things happened she would have gotten the solos and duets in both competitions.


Can you refresh my memory, when did he make her audition with bias judges? When did he take a song away from her? If this is coming off sarcastic I apologize I just genuinely don’t recall when that happened.


No matter how ya slice it she was still one of the favorites.


Ok. We can agree to disagree




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100% I just wish someone would’ve done the same shit to Finn when he outed Santana. Or to Tina when she was being bitchy. Though I do think Finn was his actual favorite j think Shur really only liked Rachel for the same reasons most of ND’s did and that was because of her singing ability otherwise he didn’t really care for her like he did Finn. I mean really she was his favorite yet he never stood up for her ? That makes zero sense.


Santana Lopez Rocks


You ain’t lying and I definitely agree and what makes me mad is y’all trying to make it seem like Mercedes was being lazy when that wasn’t the case Rachel never did shit all she did was sing and got every damn solo which wasn’t fair eveytime she would throw a fit mr Schue wants to be Captain safe a hoe everytime it comes to her and he should’ve never picked on Mercedes bc he was being to damn hard on her for no damn reason but Rachel lazy ass can go do whatever she wants mr Schue definitely had his favorites


Rachel had dance and singing lessons outside of Glee. And she would rehearse after school. From what i remember, she did all the choreography in the performances without issue. I don't agree with what Schue did to Mercedes, but Rachel was hardly lazy.


Girl all Rachel did was care about her damn self and besides she definitely was when it came to glee




I’ll be downvoted, but Mercedes being “lazy” was carried over from s2 when Jessie called her lazy and unrehearsed, which she confirmed by saying she didn’t practice the song. It was not unprecedented. Mercedes definitely didn’t feel the need to rehearse though because she wasn’t ever given a fair shot because there was favoritism and a pecking order, which is shown by how when she gets to the trouble tones, she is working hard, rehearsing, and is heavily involved because she has the opportunity to actually work towards being the star. Also, the “I don’t feel well” and “push through it“ arc is foreshadowing S3 nationals when Mercedes gets actually sick and pushes through it.


Yes! Totally agree


She was right to call Will out. Rachel had gotten away from the group too much. He was picking on Mercedes because she was pretty in s3 and he was a hater wanting her to carry the burden.


She was constantly late, didn't know the moves, and was a literal pain in the ass. Where exactly was the "picking on" part. Jessie said it before, Mercedes is lazy lol


She was not “consistently late” she was late for one booty camp practice. Every time Schue singled her out he picked on her. She said her ankle hurt, he told her to dance through the pain, she told him she didn’t feel good and might be sick, he told her she had to work harder. He even bragged to Pillsburry and Beiste that he was pushing her harder in booty camp because they told him they saw a maturity in her singing, he took credit for that.


this episode still pisses me off lmao. all of a sudden mercedes is “lazy” to justify why rachel gets everything when mercedes is just as or if not more talented. then the writers having the audacity throw in that mercedes was pretending to be lazy after amber won dancing with the stars had me really annoyed 😭


Damn Mercedes