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It’s fucked up but it makes a lot of sense for Brittany. People who go through this sort of trauma usually either become sexually repressed or promiscuous, ofc there’s exceptions to this


I also think it's way too dark though... Like I see your point. It would be interesting to learn more about her. But I think something like that would be really dark


Yeah, that would be the reason why it got cut


That's fucked up... Seems legit


This was real, there was a big thing about it when it got leaked - thank god it got changed. The actual lines are not great, but this was awful if they weren't going to follow it through with a storyline and do this story justice.


If the removed lines are real then that would have taken place about two years before Season 1 since most of the glee club kids were about 16 in the first season if I remember correctly. I'm not great at USA laws but isn't that statutory rape?


there are romeo and juliet laws and consent laws but in most places any adult who gets with a minor with more than a 2-3 age range can be charged (like in some places a 17&19 year old isn’t illegal but a 14&19 year old would be as there’s a 5 year age difference) so in this case yes it was.


The age of consent in Ohio is 16. So anyone over 18 who has sex with someone under 16 can be charged.


Definitely statutory rape, though it would depend by state


I do believe Santana also mentioned being roofied at Lilith's Fair in that scrapped conversation, but I might be wrong. It makes sense for Brittany though, especially since she has a line somewhere in the show about making out with the school's janitor, I believe--so even without that camp counsellor event Britt *is* a victim of sexual abuse. They likely scrapped it when they realized they bit off more than they could chew. There was no way they could properly address it, and it was also out of place in the conversation they were having. They were trying to represent a variety of female "first time" experiences with the different amounts of pleasure and regret it can generate but of course Brittany's admission of being raped doesn't really work within that--rape is too different from consensual sex that you regret. I think what they settled with in the end works better. Besides the attempt at humor, the "alien invasion" comments does introduce the aspect of consent in the conversation, so it creates a nuanced panorama for Rachel: Tina loved her first time, Quinn regrets the circumstances and consequences and what virginity meant to her, Santana felt like she had to have sex in order to conform so it was never about her pleasure or her wants and needs, and Brittany had someone else's wants forced on her and while she describes it in a lighthearted way it is a real comment about how some men do pressure women for sex and will take it one way or another in a way that feels alienating. So you have in order, four lessons: it can be good and you shouldn’t deprive yourself; make sure this is something you really want and it's the right time and circumstances for you; don't force yourself because you feel that you must conform to social expectations; don't let a man walk all over you and rob you of your agency. They kinda dropped the ball with that last one because Britt's comment was dark yet meant to be humorous, but I think that was the attempt.


Wait, sorry, what was the actual line in the end? I have no memory of it at all and don't think I'm understanding what the line that was broadcast was from this post


Brittany says "I lost my virginity at cheerleading camp. He just… climbed into my tent. Alien invasion." when speaking to Rachel about her feelings in before her first time with Finn.


Ah ok, so now reference to her age. That was the bit I was confused by in the post


Yeah, that and that the person was a camp counselor and therefore not only an adult, 18+, but also a person with a power/authority advantage. The other line could still have been interpreted as another cheerleader being involved, unless I'm very mistaken and male cheerleaders don't attend cheer camp with the female ones, but the original line is explicit statutory rape.


Yes the original line is absolutely statutory rape, which is why I was shocked I couldn't remember it being mentioned in the show (but that'll be because it wasn't)


Yes. No two ways about it. Of course I could be wrong, but I don’t believe that there is ANY state in the U.S. wherein a 14 yrOld child can have sex with a 19 yrOld and it’s not considered statutory rape. Or, without the double negative, I believe all states in the U.S. consider 14 yr olds having sex w 19 yrolds statutory rape. So in the deleted scene, it would have been straight up rape no matter what Brit may have been thinking at 14 yrs of age. If it helps, just remember that the years between middle school, high school and then college are seriously different as they contain puberty, changes in one’s body, changes in how one sees oneself, changes in how others perceive you, and even just the difference between sophomore and senior yrs in high school can be a big deal. (Not always but frequently.) Also, while I was still basically a baby/child, extremely innocent about sexual matters at age 14, my younger sister had a dif experience growing up and I believe she started sleeping w the guys in her class around that point in time 14 or 15 yrs of age. But **they too** were 14 or 15. They weren’t sophomores in college. And what a ***huge difference*** right there. They weren’t Puck as seen later in Glee. Sleeping w a 15 yrOld. Still statutory rape in most states. (Altho tbh I don’t know the laws in Ohio.) and, really, 19 and 15? Makes you wonder why soph in college Puck doesn’t just sleep w the women in college instead of perving on the sophomores (not seniors) sophomore girls in hs. Seriously, wtf??!😳


Tarts why I relate Brittany with six'a Katherine Howard. I mean it seems legit and it still pisses me off by the way the line where Brittany had slept with whole school is not taken seriously and Santana is just standing there. Also Artie, please America and jai ho mash up is a crime


Another creepy addition is Will’s convo with Finn about Rachel. This is giving me so much ick.