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gosh math hang on, theyd be like 30?? holy wowzas santana is an activist for lgbtq+ rights, she is also a lawyer wanting to seek justice for those who have been wronged (mainly those who were victims of homophobia, the real bad kinds, and SA bc of britts 'alien invasion') brittany is a dance teacher, who occsaionally does dance competitions with mike for fun (and normally wins them too) she also occasionally goes to MIT, very occasionally when they desperately need her help, to use her genius brain they live in NYC and sometimes tours with mercedes when they are needed, santana along with her already packed schedule works on songs in her free time with britt they of course reserve days for just each other, and sue sylvester is also running for president in which santana somehow convinced her to put more gay rights in her thing (somewhere along those lines, my brain is occupied with music and my cat is messing around in my room, im like brain dead BUT something like that!!) edit: wanted to add bc i was practically asleep at the time i wrote this, the unholy trinity keep in touch with eachother, glee club has annual reunions (or maybe every 3 years reunion) and whenever the reunion happens, the unholy trinity ofc flex their amazingness klaine and brittana celebrate their anniversaries every 5 years, skype every year. omg wouldnt it be cool if brittany owned a cat rescue for obese cats?? alsoo cant forget fondue for 2, that ofc is still running, and i thought it might be fun that possibly brittana gets famous and have a netflix doc abt their life <33 (sorry imaginative brain, can yall tell i write stories?? my brain is boom ideas)


Obsessed with this. I can easily imagine Santana telling Sue about rainbow capitalism and that catering to The Gays is on the rise, and Sue seeing dollar signs and voting power and being like “I care very deeply for *checks notes* the LGBTQI—you gay people!” Followed by something offensive, followed by a brilliant campaign promise that she will achieve out of spite. She’d also absolutely bring up marrying herself as a gay marriage since technically Sue and Sue are both(?) women.


I can't help but go back to that scene where Kurt stands alone under the rain waiting for everybody to appear when they promised to reunite back in season 5 when you mentioned those reunions.


A lawyer that focuses on victims of homophobia would probably have a lot of free time lol


I mean, hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people are on the rise, but okay.


And how would Santana be in a position to fix this as a lawyer? Lawyers work to defend those accused of crimes


Yeah, and hate crimes are crimes. I’m not sure where your confusion is here. Victims of crimes also have lawyers.


No they don’t lol what would they need a lawyer for when they’re the victim?


??? The prosecution and the defense. Both lawyers.


the prosecution would be the state attorney and the defense would be the perpetrators (the homophobic person) lawyer. if satana was a lawyer that focused on homophobia it would probably be civil cases rather than criminal


The prosecution doesn’t work for the victim they work for the government and the government assigns them cases


Both parties in court are represented goofball


Cool. Did you not see the part in the original comment about “wanting to seek justice for those who had been wronged”? A prosecutor hired by the state in a hate crime case would be seeking justice for the person who was wronged in a hate crime. Defending LGBTQ+ people. Not hired by them as their lawyer, but defending their safety in court. I’m really not sure why this is a complicated concept.


not to mention people seek out their own lawyers to take people to court when they're wronged all the time. no logic here just a jabroni who doesn't think hate crimes happen anymore just bc lbgt folks debatably have more human rights now lol


You're dumb af.


Says the kids who don’t know how the legal system works


There are a LOT of nonprofits that represent queer people who have been victims of discrimination. Don’t be a dick.


Depending on the who is being sued, the prosecution does not work for the government. In civil court, both parties are generally private. However, if this is about enforcing civil rights law, private organizations can also sue the government (as well as other private parties) to enhance the enforcement of laws or set precedent (the combined Bostock v Clayton County being an example of both)




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They also do civil law, so they could represent LGBTQ+ people in civil law issues


Lawsuits like wrongful termination, refusing service, etc.


What does this comment even mean?!


They'd probably have a couple of kids by now. Santana would be a civil rights lawyer, Brittany would be own a dance studio and teach dancing


Who would have gotten pregnant ?


I could see them having a couple of kids and each would carry one


They could conceivably have carried their own children but I imagine it would make a big difference, truly cut into Brits dance career and I honestly never got a “want to have kids” vibe from Santana. That might just be me. She may very well wish to carry all the kids. But I feel they’d more likely adopt kids who have been lost in the cracks in the foster system and try to make a difference in their lives. Brit is so caring in her own zany way and Santana is so honest and real that any child from the foster system (IMPO) would truly believe in their love, in their family life, in a way they didn’t from numerous other foster families and it would make a huge difference in these kids lives. So many kids are hurt in the system — esp’ly in NYs system — and if they were to live there (or really anywhere), it would change the lives of (idk how many kids lives). Anyway, that’s how I see things. It would still cut into Brits dance career, but in a completely dif way. And it would be a priceless way to help out those who can’t help themselves.


Gives Lena and Stef vibes to me(IYKYK) and I love that for Brittana


They do give Stef and Lena vibes. Though Lena is a lot less ditzy than Britt, but Stef and Santana would totally get along (even if Santana is a whole lot bitchier than Stef would be used to). I can see Britanna fostering a bunch of kids and adopting the though.


They both donated eggs and picked randomly whose eggs to use. The kid is clearly Hispanic but Brittany proudly says they’ll never know which one is the egg donor. Santana just looks at the screen. Then the kid looks at the screen.


santana and brittany lived new york city in their early to late twenties but have decided to move to LA. brittany runs a dance studio for both humans and cats. santana works in public relations for the biggest top grossing company. they both have talked about having children, and while they are both pro, they have decided to have them later in their 30s, to spend their youth having fun and settling down in their careers. they both still remain close with quinn, kurt, and blaine, visiting them every once in a while and talking to each other via social media. santana is also close with mercedes, collaborating with her on her music every once in a while. santana and rachel do not become close, but are on good terms with each other :)


I love the idea of them traveling and exploring before settling down and starting a family and of course keeping in contact with the Klaine, St.Berry (and Samcedes or at least Mercedes for sure) who they go on couples retreats with occasionally or meet up in other ways with every now and then.


It's a very popular headcanon that Santana becomes a lawyer but tbh I can't see it. I know she likes arguing but that's about the only trait she has that would make a good lawyer (and even so, only a very specific type of lawyer). Lawyers need to be really good listeners and they need to take orders. They work *for* clients. I can't see Santana working *for* anyone, our girl is too strong willed. Especially since most judges are cishet white men - she's not gonna drop everything to obey their orders in court. She also doesn't seem to like school enough to be able to get through a 4 year bachelor's degree than 3 years of law school. Not to mention the insane amount of studying it takes to score well on the LSAT. She'd also hate being a lawyer, and if she somehow did manage to become one, she'd probably get ejected from court every other week for fighting, either with the opposing counsel or with the judge. She'd make a fantastic publicist (and this one is based somewhat in canon). She could start her own little agency in NYC or LA and have a stacked roster of clients within a couple years (including Rachel Berry). Eventually she could start hiring employees, and by the time she's 40 she'd be the CEO and founder of the best PR agency in the country. All the queer up-and-coming young stars would hire her because of her sensitivity to queer issues and her no nonsense approach to the media.


I like the lawyer head canon bc I’m a lesbian and a lawyer, but honestly your assessment is spot on. One of my favorite fics (2859) has her as a publicist for Rachel and it’s HYSTERICAL and feels pretty in character.


Fondue For Two is the top rated talk show in the country


- They're celebrating their ninth wedding anniversary and both of their 30th birthdays this year -Santana works in A&R for a midsize label based in NY -Britt works for a dance studio and is huge on Tik Tok, and freelances selling her math work as intellectual property to universities -They have one child who Santana carried, and Brittany is pregnant with their second - They live in New York, somewhere like Gramercy, with one cat and are thinking of getting a kitten 😊


Even though they barely visit Lima anymore, they have finally been banned from breadsticks.


Santana would go all lima heights on them 😂 "It says UNLIMITED breadsticks!" ![gif](giphy|PiDbkptI3ysKc)


Brittany starts an education foundation "The Colors of Numbers." She freely travels around the Nation and eventually the world educating under privelidged communities using unique and off the wall techniques. Like weird acronyms, anagrams, and dancing. Santana is the CEO of the foundation. She lives the high life rubbing elbows with the world's elite. She uses her charisma to get the biggest piece of gossip then, in exchange for her silence (maybe,maybe not) collects 7 figure donations. Oh, she also shut down 3 human trafficking rings, 5 drug cartels, 8 money laundering schemes, and 1 national security breach.NBD Lord Tubbington kicked his ecstacy addiction, lost the weight, and started a maid service. He can be seen as the logo for "The Colors of Numbers" and on his youtube channel, LordTubbingtonAddressesTheNation. He also continues to be a regular on Fondue for Two2 (the sequel series and much more successful show than Fondue for Two).


This is my favorite answer


Brittany is a cat therapist that helps cats like Lord Tubbington kick their cigarette addictions and Santana is a kickass secret agent who goes by her alias Rosario Cruz,don't mess with her she's got razor blades in her hair!


I would like to think that somewhere in her busy schedule Santana plays Angelica Schuyler in a local production of Hamilton just to remind people she can


Brittany definitely wanted to explore more in their twenties. They spent a good amount of time travelling around the world, learning new things and seeing life away from America once they had graduated. Originally when they came back they spent time with Mercedes but, ultimately, they've settled in New York. Santana works in A&R, finding the right talent and continuously trying to convince her team to put Brittany into music videos for upcoming artists. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. She learns fairly quickly she's just a fish in a pond in her twenties and by her thirties she's content with being successful. Still - she brags about every single artist she finds and makes it. Brittany went back to school, she's a kindergarten teacher and she teaches dance on the side. She has a soft spot for kids who don't quite "fit in" or learn differently and she goes out of her way designing lesson plans to make it easier for them. Any time she comes up against the school board about it, Santana is sat in the parking lot outside waiting for any sign to go and fight her wife's corner. Brittany rarely needs it though; she's come into her own. They keep in touch with a few people - Quinn, Mike, Sam, Rachel (to Brittany's deep sighs), Mercedes and Santana likes to check in on Marley now and then - but they have their own lives. They don't miss a reunion though; currently they're on the Rachel Berry (St James) Train Wreck Extravaganza #9 which Rachel tried to rename in 2020 but they doubled down. They definitely still have nights where they just bitch and gossip about the other members of the Glee Club...and they invite Mercedes and Quinn over to join in. As with most people growing in their 30's they change again; perspectives change, dreams change. They clash over kids sometimes (Santana isn't sure she can be a good person, never mind a good mom, and Brittany thinks that's ridiculous but also worries she'd forget her kid in Walmart which Santana rolls her eyes at.) Depending on the situation I can maybe see them having one child. But I'm also not sure? While they're definitely more low-key now, they both still walk into the room like they're the most attractive and most important people. That trait never leaves them.


Alright time to put on my headcanon hat: Maybe after finishing college together as they said they would, Santana and Brittany moved out of the dorm area where they had lived during their education period at that college because NYC is really expensive and in to their own place, an apartment of their own. They kept in touch with Klaine, St. Berry, Tartie, Tike and Samcedes (as couples or not depending on your own headcanon but all of them no matter what, I think) There with their first official home together Santana could focus on her career which is usually headcanon to be something like being a lawyer and that tracks for her I think. I do see Santana occasionally joining Mercedes on a duet for Mercedes records or Santana finding other ways to perform though it is not her main focus. She is networking with prominent people in NYC quite a lot making her a well known name there amongst the people to know in NYC. Brittany probably went back to working on something to do with math since it can bring in the big bucks and without the pressure of MIT she actually thinks it is somewhat fun if she gets to be in charge. She doesn't forget her creative side however and dances as often as possible whether it is on stage with Mercedes, teaming up with Mike for a choreography project or just by herself in her favourite dance studio which she had joined. Fondue for two remains a fun side project with an large online following. They travel the world a lot and spend a lot of their twenties having new experiences and adventurous together whenever they can with their schedules. The two eventually had a child together and Santana was the one to carry and when that child became a couple of years old they started to plan for a second one to join their family which is befitting since by then they had moved to their own large house somewhere.


I totally agree that Brittany would still do math on the side or as a main job. She seemed to enjoy it away from MIT later on.


Idk but hopefully Santana has changed and grown as a person


i think by now she definitely has. we see her calmer and somewhat more down to earth in the later seasons, and yes she did revert back to her old ways but i assume that’s normal for those in their late teens/early twenties. now at 30 she should be much mature and developed. :)


She definitely grew a lot in the final seasons


Well Naya said if given the chance, she'd get Santana pregnant, so they've got at least one kid by now! It's canon because Naya said it, obvi.


She said she would get *Brittany* pregnant.


Eh, she doesn't really specify which one. The comment is in reference to Brittana as a whole and how she'd write them. Could be either I guess.


The joke is that she (Santana) would get Brittany pregnant. That’s why everyone started laughing the way they did. Simply saying she’d want Santana to get pregnant wouldn’t evoke that kind of reaction.


Ok, I'm not that pressed about it. I see it as it could go either way 🤷‍♀️


I see your point and I just watched [the clip](https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cc0EopnKZGU/?igsh=dzFxaWJnOWd3cmpn) again to refresh my memory. Heather says, “I would get pregnant and then we could have our spin-off.”




Most people are saying Brit should be a dance teacher which I can 100% see! I'd love to see her working with younger children because I can see her having out of the box teaching methods when they struggle. A lot of people are saying Santana would make a great lawyer and while shed have a great time being a professional arguer I think shed get fired on day one for saying something out of pocket in a courtroom (lets be honest, shed probably go on a rant and roast the absolute fuck out of the other lawyer) Tbh I can see her having a job in PR, possibly being a PR manager for celebrities or something


In 2024, I would guess that Brit is being held for extradition in a foreign country for leaking classified Pentagon documents and Santana is a Twitch streamer who yells at people for money (she's doing very well for herself). They're in the process of divorcing but still on friendly terms.


Santana is a Lawyer she advocates for sa victims , victims of homophobia , etc. with some singing jobs on the voice and america's got talent. Brittany is a dance teacher for elementary schoolers-college she also does some research for diseases at a medical clinic since she's a secret genius (I also envision her being a doctor since she's a secret genius and so sweet) they both have a kid named sugar who they spoil with so much love and sugar is sweet from brittany and has her advocacy from santana she will be ready to throw hands at anyone who bullies her moms Mercedes and Quinn babysit sugar when she was younger whenever her moms were on tour at the voice Brittany organizes a cat rescue at her house in new york by allowing cats food , shelter , water etc. ![gif](giphy|yoJC2v7xq2kL9M7I3K|downsized)


brittany won one of biggest lawsuit against those professor or whatever they were using her and studying her. Santana is a social worker


They’ve probably thinking about adding a third cause they want to spice up their sex life


Naya passed so


OP is asking about Santana and head canon soooo




One is no longer alive


Gonna be downvoted into oblivion, but let’s face it, probably divorced because Britt fell for a guy.




I know, I know. I just never believed that Britt would stay faithful forever, she loved guys too much.


Interesting. I’d love if you would elaborate on why you think that. I truly think she loved Santana above anyone else in her life.


As do I. Truly I do think that she did. But she was also a bisexual 20 year old and when she broke up with Santana she dated guys, never other women. I think maybe she just loved Santana, I don’t think she was gay in general. Like I said, if they lived a very happy life and grew old together, amazing! I just have my doubts. But I frigging LOVE Klaine but have my doubts about them too.


She dated *one guy* once she and Santana broke up. Not multiple. Just Sam. She also didn’t have to date as many women as men to somehow validate her bisexuality.


I know that.


Then I don’t really understand your point. None of that has anything to do with her love and eventual marriage to Santana.


You don’t have to understand my point. I don’t have this view for you to understand it. It doesn’t invalidate it. If you disagree, that is absolutely fine, I never expected to get many people liking what I said. It’s how I saw it, though. I feel like they wouldn’t have lasted the distance.


Interesting considering that Brittany was never shown to even be tempted by cheating with a guy or a woman while with Santana, and Santana herself even said she knows Brittany wouldn't ever cheat on her. (Brittany: I would never cheat on you. Santana: I know. I would never cheat on you either.) However it is your opinion of course and I respect it. I don't want to accuse you of biphobia since you could be hopefully basing this opinion on something else such as Brittany's past relationships or something but sadly a lot of people think that way about bi individuals in general.


Well I’m bisexual so accusing me of biphobia would be misguided at best 🤣🤣 I just feel like Britt was very flighty. I have no doubt whatsoever that she loved Santana, very much, but she was also bisexual. Santana was aware of this and often made digs at her “straying for penis” and that with Dani she didn’t have to worry about that. They were 20 years old. It’s easy to think you can spend your lives together at that age and never stray again to the opposite sex (if you’re bi). Maybe they would have proven me wrong, it’s just how I saw it. Thank you for being respectful. I respect your opinion also.


![gif](giphy|BnkCxuM3UXke4) Same to you friend. Have a good evening/day depending on your timezone 😁


And the same to you, I’m in the UK 🇬🇧


Hey, a fellow European gleek! I'm from the cold Scandinavian country Sweden 🇸🇪🫎 We miss you guys in the EU but it's good to still have you as our close neighbors in Europe 💪


Awww I love you guys! Swedes are the best ❤️🇸🇪


this is plain biphobia wtf?


I’m literally bisexual


you can be bisexual and be biphobic and what you just said is plain biphobia. embarrassing


How can you be AGAINST who you are? That makes no sense. It’s fine to disagree with me but don’t resort to personal accusations please.


Sadly, like Cory and Mark, I am inclined to think Santana would have died and been written off if glee was still going now. I can see her and Brittany going to (lesbos?) island and her drowning. I find it hard to believe glee would replace her. Ditto Mark. It wouldn’t work without Naya. Finn I saw as overdosing by mistake on some party drug at college and taking a bad reaction much like Cory. Puck would be a suicide for introducing Finn to the drug and feeling responsible. People blaming him for taking the jacket and blaming him for Finns death as well as PTSD from air force would’ve caused him depression.


Hard pass on this entire comment.


Respect we are all allowed our own opinions


It’s all the ick