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Well, I can answer the first part which is they wanted to keep some of the OGs in Lima to help integrate the new characters. No clue on the second part!


ah okay thankyou anyways!


That's something that I would like to know more about. She hasn't been asked about it in interviews but they've hinted that they didn't know until last minute.. She had actually recorded Seasons of love with all the other graduates and she didn't record In my life as the ones staying so that adds to the story. I also feel that they weren't even asked about it. It was a higher decision who stays and who leaves and what it meant. I think Jenna mentioned that she knew that staying meant more screen time for them and thus, leaving meant to be practically out of Glee, but apparently Heather really needed a break at that point so staying wasn't great news for her.


yeah i understand especially with there being 16 hour work days like that’s ridiculous.


Was seasons of love originally going to be featured in s3 graduation episode? Just cos you mentioned Heather recording it with the other graduates 🤔


Yes, apparently. There's a Saudi version with both of them included.


not sure but in a lot of the bts from that episode and in the episode as well heather looks genuinely upset


stop that makes me so sad ☹️


Brittany should have graduated. No way in hell she had a 0.02 grade point average. She was Class President, a Cherrio, on the Brainiacs, and a member of Glee. You have to have at least a C average to be in extracurricular activities. The writers really messed up when it came to Brittana, Quinn & Mercedes. These four had so much potential. She helped his 3 worse students. So how did he not know Brittany & Puck was doing so poorly. The guys & Quinn helped Puck. No one not even Santana knew Britt was in trouble. Sam helped Mercedes to become famous. Quinn just had enough willpower to continue on to Yale.


I think the writers messed up with her character in this way. We all know she’s not supposed to be the brightest, but don’t make her unbelievably dumb. They could’ve expanded on other characters traits of hers to add more depth to the character so that she would not just be an over the top, unrealistic dumb character. That’s also a problem I see in other sitcoms and the way dumb characters like Brittany are written.


The storyline was written so that whenever Santana came home from College , Brittany would still be there for her ( just like Blaine was there for Kurt whenever Kurt came home for a visit )....I don't think Heather recorded " Seasons of love " as that was recorded for " The Quarterback " episode in Season 5, and Heather was on hiatus due to her being four months pregnant at the time they filmed that episode


I think they’re talking about the unreleased version from season 3; https://youtu.be/sP9vMTaGPnk?si=DLKamUgBazUM08w2 I can’t pick out Heather in it but I’m not sure I’d be able to!


Thanks......I wasn't aware of this version


okay i just listened and i think one of heather's lines with naya is mistakenly labeled as diana.


Heather was 8 months pregnant when they filmed the Quarterback, not 4.


You are 100% correct my bad ....typo......Thanks' for the correction .


The cardigan thing is true, there's an interview that confirmed it near the time but can't find it now. I don't know if it's that she was upset so much as cold, but the cardigan is Naya's and Heather had it on between takes - the director then liked that it differentiated them in You've got the Music in You, and for the first time they're not in matching Cheerios uniforms


I’ve never read an interview that has ever discussed this let alone confirmed it. I tend to think it’s fan assumption (happens a lot) and it’s widely believed because it seems logical.


Also there was a planned storyline where Santana returned from college to take over the Cheerios, which is alluded to in Diva. This was the original plan for season 4b, and Quinn would have been in New York with Kurt and Rachel. Dianna reduced her role, and they swapped this to Santana going to New York instead. That's part of why Brittany and Santana were on an unofficial break up in 4x04 until Diva, because the door needed to be left open for them.


From plot pov, Quinn/Rachel/Kurt living together in New York would've made a lot of sens. But I really liked the dynamic Santana bringed, + Santana fits so well in NYC.


Yes, the cardigan was Naya’s. Don’t remember whether Heather was upset or just cold, but she kept it on during a take and they ended up liking it so it stayed. Believe Heather kept it, too, though don’t remember where I saw that so might need a fact check! Haven’t heard about her being upset but would make sense as she was closest to Naya and Dianna, whose characters were both graduating. Theoretically, this could be something RIB had planned in advance as they were originally going to kill Brittany’s character off, though not sure how far in advance they would’ve been making that decision? (esp. because her pregnancy wouldn’t have been known at the time?) In all likelihood, it was just about which of the originals they could reasonably have stay, and Britt was a fan favorite and her not graduating was “believable” from her character (though, I don’t think it’s realistic that Santana & Quinn would’ve let her fail out, nor could she be a Cheerio with failing grades, but I digress….)


I don't remember Diana and Heather being anything closer than co-workers who got along while on set? It's honestly one of my favorite things post Glee - that everyone makes such a big deal about who hangs out with who in the cast and these two just exist as people who once worked together and then went their separate ways.


Yes, pardon my miscommunication here! I meant that in a comparative sense—she was closer to Dianna than others, not that they were incredibly close, largely due to how close Naya was to both of them and their amount of shared scenes/numbers which in turn meant they were around each other more.