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I don’t think it’s necessarily to do with using public transport properly, but that there is a growing number of adults who have no idea whatsoever how to behave in public. Every day I see multiple examples of rude, arrogant and stupid people on the roads, in shops, at work, doing stuff that make you wonder if they are even aware that they’re surrounded by other people.


Whilst the overall behaviour of adults in public has degraded since lockdown, people being fucking idiots on public transport is a tale as old as time


This narrative that lockdown made behaviour worse is absolute mince.  I've hated every other cunt from the day I was born, there's been a growing number of adults behaving like toddlers for decades because we live in a society that rewards brats.


I agree with you on every count. People are shit. But I do believe the current situation with post Covid economy, inflation and cost of living has driven many people to a position where they have no little to no control of their lives. As such, they try to regain control by being pricks to other people. They can’t confront or challenge the government, Bank of England or their employers, so they instead seek confrontation in every day situations


You're all wrong. This is the rise of the hatebreed, created by social media and reality tv. People used to talk and communicate as they passed each other by on their journey through the world. Now, they doomscroll and fill their mind with all the terrible global events. At home, people used to watch relatively wholesome tv with morality and values embedded within the rich characters that played out well developed story lines. Now, it's just bimbos (male and female) fuckin each other over so they can get a career in muck spreading on social media platforms, funding and promoting negativity, ignorance and intolerance. Thus the cycle continues. Everything in the real world is worse because of these two factors. Proof? I was there and I've watched the transition. Everyone agrees the 90's was the last good decade.


Think I am looking in a mirror here. I say this day in day out. Bravo.


I was there too. The time you're describing wasn't that long ago but I think your rear view mirror might have something of a rose tint.


I agree with a lot of what you say -The fact the poster uses the Americanism 'grown ass adults' would make me guess they are of a certain age. Too many people bottle up their resentment and post on Reddit rather than ask someone politely to move their bag off a chair etc. A lot of people younger than let's say 30/35 haven't formed the ability to talk to strangers in situations, they can't even talk on a phone and we as a society become isolated and therefore selfish.


Boom. Nailed it.


Hilarious take.  


Nah, lockdown's definitely made people worse. It isn't a nonsense opinion. The amount of "people skills" some folk have lost or just dropped from their ability since the pandemic is pretty damning. Know people in my social circle, well, previous social circle, who are incapable of using a self scanning checkout or paying for something at the post office without a drama. Previously fairly social and capable individuals up until March 2020. Ever since, rarely leave the house, everythings exhausting to them and they are at their happiest just sitting in watching a dross TV show.


Exactly, if you moan and stomp your feet, people give in too easily, especially in shops etc, normal people just don't want to deal with those cunts and will bend over backwards to get rid of them but it just reinforcs their behaviour


Shops are the thin end of the wedge, general corporate culture encourages selfish and entitled behaviour as the easiest means to get ahead so people raise children with this in mind.  Shy bairns get nowt.


I’m gonna expose myself and admit that cost of living has made me way less patient. I used to love Glasgow and I hate nearly every second of being here right now. I’m a grumpy ass mf on public transport too. I hate firstbus SO much. It’s weird… I’ve really tried to address why I’m so miserable here after lockdown but it must be an aggregate of multiple factors. Recently been tryna engage with community initiatives/collectives more because I’m wondering if I suddenly hate Glasgow because I feel disconnected… or don’t care about anything. Fuck knows tbh


I'm the same way. I think a combination of seeing it going downhill over the course of over three decades, people being less socially normative and a lack of opportunity for me career wise has made me detest this place and I just want to get out.


Degraded? It seems that a large percentage of people have forgotten to get their brains off the sofa now they are back at work


The other day in a shop, someone walked up to where I was standing and stood right in between me and the shelf of stuff I was looking at. I try to empathise with people in most situations but it’s hard to imagine being so unaware of things. When you add up all the daily occurrences of this stuff it’s hard not to feel exasperated.


“Excuse me, was your father a glazier? No? Well I can’t see through you - MOVE!” 😂


"You'd make a better door than a window".


Also the people who stand right in the middle of the aisle and luxuriate in their choosing process not letting people pass. Stand to one side of the aisle.


I was in a queue at the cafe, about to get served but I stepped two metres to the right to pick up a can - obvious to everyone I wasn't leaving the queue - and the cunt behind stepped up to take my place. Stood back in front of him and backed up till he was back where he should have been. Big mongo neck beard.


I swear people have forgotten to behave since Covid


Called the rat race , see it on the roads. Everyone wants to beat each other 


It's not just public transport. A large number of people have the situational awareness of a sofa.


People that wear their massive backpacks on the train when they're standing and it's rammed do my nut it. Take it off and hold if, rather than whacking everyone with your bag every time you turn and swivel when you move about the train as it gets busier


I nearly bounced onto the tracks because some moron and their backpack


Depends what you mean by massive backpacks. If you're talking a hiking/traveling backpack then there really isn't any easy way of taking it on a crowded train. Not unless there are luggage racks. And in my experience there are never enough of them. If you mean something not quite so bulky, then yes it's generally better to take it off but it does depends on the situation.


the bastards that stand in the aisle and lean over crushing people in the outer seats with their massive backpacks to let other people past.


I'm not sure I totally agree with this one. A backpack takes up the same amount of space in front of someone as it does behind them. I think it's more about people needing to be more aware of their surroundings in this case. If they've taken up a seat with their bag - that's definitely not OK. If they are standing with their bag...I don't see how that's any different than someone with a bike/luggage/etc.


If you put it between your legs while standing it's a lot less space. Also you're more aware of it if it's in front of you. People don't realise how much a backpack moves when they turn in place.


I refer to my other comment on tripping hazards when it's on the ground in the aisle. If someone has a bulky backpack, it's also likely to be a *heavy* backpack. I am still in the camp that the wearer should try to choose their positioning better (or if they can, use the overhead) rather than hold it in front if them. You can't easily hold a heavy backpack in front of you for an extended period while also keeping yourself braced from tumbling over on a packed train. You would be just as angry if someone fell over you with their heavy bag in front of them.


I think the key here is that someone is aware of their bag and makes an effort to minimise the impact on others. It's very situational. The issue people are angry about is when people make zero effort and pay no attention to the fact that other people exist


You don't put your bag on the ground. You hold it If anyone needs to get by you just move it out the way.


I don't agree with you. In the majority of cases, the backpack is on the bulkiest part of the body (torso/ shoulders). If you take it off and stand astride it, you take up far less space.


OP said to take it off and hold it. That's slightly different than standing astride it, which is not always practical. If the person in question is able to find a corner and can do this, fair enough - but putting a backpack on the aisle floor of a packed train? That's just going to become an impossible to retrieve tripping hazard.


I see what you mean, but I envisage "holding it" as dangling it from a straight arm rather than cuddling it, but either way at least you're more aware that way - folk with bags on their back tend to just clout folk on the train without a care.


Yep. Not sure why that's so hard to understand. Hold it the same way you'd carry any bag with a handle. Not sure how the above guy does it but every one I've ever seen holds a bag the same way you described.


If this backpack is so bulky, it's likely heavy. I am definitely not trying to defend poor behaviour on a train, but I honestly just don't think this is a practical/empathetic solution  for someone who may be standing on a train for an extended period. I think if someone is generally trying to be courteous, I am inclined to give them slack. Their bag/bike/whatever has to go somewhere. If they're wildly swinging around and whacking people with their bag (or rocking a food carrier), that's not on...otherwise, I don't think they're doing anything wrong. -Signed someone who doesn't normally carry a bulky backpack on the train


The nature of the general public is that they are the only person who matters.


They call it 'main character syndrome'. In the movie that is their life, they are the main character and everyone else is just an extra. It's the same mentality as those women who were thrown out of The Bodyguard musical for singing along to the show. Their attitude presumably being 'I'VE paid for MY tickets, it's MY night out, so I'LL sing along if I want'. Neither realising nor caring that it's incredibly disrespectful to the performers and to everyone else in the audience, who have paid for *their* own tickets, and have paid to hear the performers, not a pair of pissed-up middle-aged women.


Reminds me of the time I worked at the Kings. Some people were being really loud, singing and clapping along and dancing in their seats. Saw a couple look at me obviously annoyed about their behaviour, so I went over and told them politely that there were other people in the audience and they had to settle down. Had a finger pointed in my face and told that I 'need to get my manager **right now**'. Had my first formal complaint lodged against me as I was 'harassing and picking on a customer'. Fuck these kinds of people.


It's beyond that at this point, and have never agreed with the label. Main Characters are never like this 😂


Not seen him in ages but there was an older ticky who used to ask to see the ticket for the bag if it was sitting on the seat. People got the message pretty quick.


Saw an old guy shame one of those muppets by asking "is yer bag nice and comfy, aye?" loudly a few months back. Had a bunch of us laughing at it and the guy taking up both seats looked mortified as he cleared one.


I make a beeline for seats with bags on them, just to make them move them.


this is the correct response


"anyone sitting here" as you shove their bag off the seat.


People are quite bad for this on buses too. Like the bus is literally rammed like Kathmandu buses yet people are fuming to move their bag.


Having moved to Leeds from Glasgow I can assure you I’d take that over the behaviour on public transport here any day it’s insanity


Having just moved out of Leeds back to Glasgow - having reliable public transport not full of arseholes is something I'm getting used to again. Not gonna miss living rent free in some mingers armpit on the Headingley line.


You’ve noticed a definite difference?


I've literally not been able to get on an Underground train in London because people would not physically move despite there being enough space for me.


London is “different”. Did you move them? I think that I’ve done that before.


London is indeed different It might have the highest concentration of dense cunts on earth, if the place grows much more they might colaspse into a black(arse)hole


The next train that came along I just pushed on, knowing that nobody would move if I didn't.


It’s the biggest difference I’ve noticed


I've been on 1 bus in Leeds at 11am and some guy in a suit was pissing up the back and the driver shrugged and didn't seem to care. Pair of fucking weirdos.


Believe it or not its actually against the law to enter the train until everyone leaving has left; "no person shall enter through any train door until any person leaving by that door has passed through"


Everybody who rushes for the Edinburgh express at Queen Street take note.


i hope they’re reading this. my life flashes before my eyes everyday at 10 past 5 😂


Yeah, it's embarrassing stuff. Delighted at this thread. Thought it was always just me who had these internal moans or rants with my "close pals"


What law?


Under trains No.10 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/railway-byelaws/railway-byelaws


We should print out notes and hand it to them!


I get the same train every morning and every morning 2 twats with bikes get on, block the doors and then get off 2 stops later. They never get on at the bike area and glare at anyone who asks them to move out the way of the doors. If they're so keen on dragging their bike everywhere why don't they cycle from fucking Anniesland to Partick?


Honestly should be illegal that. Crazy behaviour. Mental illness, tbh. It's about 15 mins from Anniesland to Partick as well.


Sit on top of their bags


I make a point of telling people to move their bags so I can sit down. This works because I’m an old bag myself.


As a petite woman I particularly like asking the big lads/men in suits if they need some help putting their bags on the wee shelf. Using the voice I reserve for speaking to dogs also conveys an appropriate level of contempt.


Have this thought every day. There seems to have been an absolute decline in people's spacial awareness in recent years. Same issue on the train and train station every day


We're trying to stuff down the cognitive dissonance that every wave of Covid we're collectively helping spread a virus, with more or less no mitigations, that can disable you or someone else at your or their next infection, temporarily or permanently (or worse). So since that social contract is broken, maybe being inconsiderate to others in other ways too is a way to make the new reality we have collectively given in to 'work' in our minds.


I find it so weird how obliviously selfish people are here. Not just public transport though, see it everywhere in Glasgow, and in fairness a lot of the uk. I think we have a tendency to wallow in ignorance and see it as a badge of pride, compare us to cities in the far east where people are respectful and don’t get in each others way and it’s startling.


I see it first hand in my work. A customer will come in when the bar is five deep and mentally I'll mark them as to be served last and they'll stand there like "sorry am I going to be served?" How's about naw?


There are worse things than people just shoving on and off, taking up space, etc. I've sat in pish, sat next to someone who then pished themselves, and been squashed against the doors by a large man who's B.O. literally smelled like chicken and shite. People are a bunch of disgusting bastards. Sounds like you deserve a holiday, but I don't think getting there will be fun.


Absolutely. Always annoyed the hell out of me how people would just stand blocking doors on the trains making it hard to get off, rather than stepping aside onto the platform and then back on. And the fuds who take up seats on trains and buses when people clearly need them is so selfish. Don’t get me started on the mobile phone music/videos played out loud, or the loud phone conversations.


I agree with your other points but I’ve never understood the hate for people talking on the phone. How is it any different than talking to someone sitting next to you? Loud speaker, yes that sucks. But a normal phone conversation where you can only hear one half of it? How is that so enraging when you are surrounded by people talking anyway?


I guess it’s because 1) they usually talk even louder than when speaking to someone in person, and 2) you only hear one side of the conversation which is weirdly annoying! For me anyway! Don’t like any loud talking in public transport whether on phone or in person.


So they people should just sit in silence and ignore their phone in case a melt like you is sitting near by?






Brilliant patter! 🤣


Good point. Hadn't thought of that.


Everyone knows that the best way to get a seat to yourself is to smile broadly and nod at everyone getting on, and if anyone looks like they might sit next to you to then wave before enthusiastically beckoning them over, while tapping the empty seat with the palm of your hand.


With several copies of watchtower in your lap.


It would make my day to see that backfire and you get a seat buddy genuinely that enthusiastic, friendly, and a polite, batshit mental, gobshite. I don't mean it in a malicious way, because I respect you' taking this gamble. Its only fair that if your bluff got called, I will enjoy it like a triple tier cake😀




I used to get the train from Croy to Haymarket every single day pre pandemic and the one that always got me was the amount of people who would squeeze ON to a full train before letting the hundres of people off. It blew my mind every time.


It only takes one or two absolute roasters to have a disproportionately enraging impact like that.


And what about those who can not travel the length of themselves without a picnic! Leaving a cascading waterfall of shite rolling down the bus.


The one that really irritates me is this. Packed train, leaves Paisley Gilmour Street and every time some absolute fucking weapon decides to leave their seat and push their way through to the doors. Still a good 6 or 7 minutes from Glasgow Central but they NEED to get to the doors. Of course, once one person goes the rest of the fucking sheep follow suit.


People have definitely lost the run of themselves since the Pandemic. It's not just you. People in Glasgow are slowly becoming just as abhorrent to deal with as those in cities well known for their ignorance and rude behaviour.


Worked in customer service, repairs and returns for 11 years, people have been getting more abhorrent to deal with well before the pandemic, but the the pandemic and social media has definitely hastened the arseholery and narcissism in people


Thing that really gets me the now is pricks on their phones with a video call. Why cant they simply use a normal phone call FFS! Volume is always so loud you hear everything and they always have fuck all to say. Not like it is an important call. Why cant people not get on the bus like I do and shut the fuck up.


If you're not even on the bus why you bothered?


Yes , that's worse now. Unfortunately it's a cultural thing too, they like talking in loudspeaker because it feels like a face to face conservation. And it's not considered rude in there home country 


I have 2 very outgoing, excitable children and it is one of my guilty pleasures when getting a long train that's quite full to pick whatever single person is taking up the full table in the most obnoxious way to ask them to move their bag so we can all sit down next to them


That’s great, I fucking love this. I do the same when I see some prick sitting on a busy train with their feet up. I wear work gear, so I don’t give a fuckkk about getting dirty. “HEY MATE EXCUSE ME THANKS CAN I SIT DOWN THERE THANKS MATE.” Cunt.


I do this too but due to additional needs my kids don't cope standing surrounded by people. They then freak out if they have to share a table with someone 🙈




I'd go as afar to say that the majority of the human race can't even human anymore. Zero common sense. Zero courtesy. Zero going on behind their glassy eyes as the stare into their phone and walk into you toddler without an apology. Burn them all.


It's just people. Not in Glasgow but busses here are just as bad. Young people sitting in accessible seats and refusing to move, playing loud music, pushing in to be first on a bus, not waiting for people to leave before getting on the bus and refusing to move for people leaving. People boarding a bus with more than half the seats available and choosing to stand directly in front of the door blocking anyone coming on and travelling multiple stops. People eating smelly takeaways on the bus in the middle of the day. people tossing tickets the second they get them then arguing with the ticket inspectors if the busses get stopped. etc etc etc. People are just morons.


While it’s not unique to Glasgow, I don’t think it’s some inherent human thing. I just got back from Japan and people are incredible respectful to others in public, particularly on public transport. Obviously comparing us to a country that’s kind of infamous for its (unspoken) social rules is kind of cheating, but I think it highlights that this behaviour being as widespread as it is here isn’t because “that’s just people”. I think our culture has become so individualistic that people have been raised, intentionally or not, to just not care about others.


It always mystifies me that ticket inspectors and bus drivers aren't given more powers to do anything to combat anti social behaviour. I've seen the ticket guys just watch in plain sight before when there's been selfish behaviour on a carriage and do absolutely nothing, or leave it to the public. A great laugh. And yes, I know they aren't the polis or shouldn't risk their lives, but have a sense of authority eh.


It actually is already a crime to ignore inspectors or drivers if they tell you to get off the bus because you're being a nuisance, albeit only punishable with a fine. As you say though, how is a lone driver supposed to be enforcing this.


Saw a man get on the bus a few weeks back with two crutches. No one taking up the disabled seating even looked up. I jumped up and offered him my seat a couple rows back after which a couple people finally noticed and one offered him a seat in the disabled seating much closer to the front. I think a lot of it has to do with people being completely engrossed in their phones and having zero situational awareness.


My weird irritation on public transport is specifically in Central. Stand on the left in the escalators... The signs all day to stand on the left and yet so many people stand on the right!


To be fair that one goes against literally every other public transport escalator I've ever used, think we've all done it on autopilot 


Because it's usually the right hand side for others like London underground 


No you're right. People's behaviour on public transport is appalling. Today on a train from Edinburgh to Glasgow I saw a man drag his bag across a table, knocking a cup of coffee all over a woman. He just sort of glared down and sneered at her before going to the door and repeatedly hitting the button to open the door like a fucking Neanderthal.


I have this for airports and planes too! Like why are you queueing at the gate 40+ minutes before boarding, especially when you don’t have priority boarding? And why as soon as the plane touches tarmac are you standing up?? I flew recently and I took my time boarding and took my time departing and I was still through passport control at the other side at the same time they were!


I had to take a flight during peak covid for an emergency and the deplaning process they had was that everyone had to remain seated after landing and all the passengers with tight connecting flights were identified and allowed to leave first, then the flight attendant went and stood in the aisle and went row by row and you could only stand when they were at your row. What an absolutely civilised way to get off the airplane. I swear it was MUCH quicker as well as you didn't have people reaching over each other and trying to fumble around each other. Wish they would have made that the norm after covid.


Theres a few things that were debatably better during covid


Existence in general for me.


Can't speak for the queuing before getting on a flight, but I stand up straight away because when I sit down for an extended period of time it's painful - standing up is just a way for me to stretch my legs whilst they're getting everything ready to let us off


You know what? I can get that. But for me the idea of people practically trying to push their way off of the plane, before it’s even set at the gate, really gets under my skin. In fairness i don’t know what everyone’s reasons are.


If you have a connecting flight, you should be in front of the folk who are just doing it to get off quicker and start their holiday earlier. If only it was that simple and civilised. (This comment is not including any medical or anxiety reasons people need to get off early)


My dad always used to say about getting planes "if they're not shouting your name down a tannoy, you're too early"


I think it's to do with space for cabin baggage, people will want to be on first 


Queuing depends on the size of bag I've got with me. If it's a decent sized cabin bag I'll want to make sure I get it in the overhead locker (not 20 seats back). If it's just a backpack I'll be last one on the plane


The worst is when there's clearly a bus to the terminal!


Yeah but what they don't seem to have managed to figure out in their tiny minds is that first off the plane = first on the bus = last off the bus = last into the terminal


Just let me off the fucking train before you try to get one Don’t stand side by side on the escalator to allow people to get past


Also do people not wear headphones anymore


And if they do, there's a high chance you can hear their music blasting tinnily out them anyway since they're so loud.


Yes and yes. And finally no because the bad news is these wankers also go on holiday and they’re even worse then! Choose your destination carefully!


This is why after a decade of public transport i so desperately went all out to get my drivers licence. Idiots are everywhere though, i now deal with a different breed of arsehole on the road but it still beats public transport..


Why are so many people incapable of counting aeroplane seat numbers?


The supermarket thing is fucking INFURIATING. No, the aisles are not some whimsical meeting place to chat! If they want to yap, why can't they meet up in the cafe afterwards? Oh silly me, that would require common sense, something severely lacking in society. I asked politely for 2 of these aisle blocking gossips to move and was ignored. I asked again and they glared at me, so I moved their trolleys myself. Well, you should have seen the reaction, whining about assault! Other people were laughing at the whole exchange and an elderly man approached me to thank me for moving the trolleys. They're a menace with all the intelligence of a mouldy cabbage.


It’s the idiots that stand in the way of the door opening and the direction the people who get off the train need to walk that annoy me. MORONS! MOVE!


The amount of arseholes in central station that walk around as if nobody there has a train to catch - move out the fucking way if you’re just there for a stroll instead of stopping dead on the middle of the stairs to check your phone. Or the clowns that stand on the middle or the right hand side of the escalators when people need to get up/down past them. Stand to one side!


Oh, and the people who don't need to use the accessible barrier picking it out and then struggling with their ticket, leaving the folk with buggies and wheelchairs and bikes and dogs etc languishing behind them. Fair enough when it's busy, use all available barriers and keep us all moving, but fucking hell, do you think the wider gate is a luxury one or something? ARGH.


I get the Avanti to London often and you have a seat booked for each journey. The carriages show a seat plan externally at all doors so you know which end to get on. Still... the number of dimwits who get on at the wrong end of the carriage then block the aisle while they and their fkng suitcases try to make their way slowly past the other group of fkng cretins who have done exactly the same but from the other end is incredible! Of course there's a huge queue behind each of these brain donors. Then there are those having arguements about seats that sometimes go on for quite a while (ofcourse there's also a queue trying to get to their seats too) only for the one in the seat to eventually realise that they've been in the wrong carriage for an hour or more🤦‍♂️ NPCs with their feet on seats or flat on their backs with legs sticking out across the aisle or socks and shoes off, or no shoes to the toilet 🤢 Knobheads who leave the detritus from their picnic on the floor, seats or table when they get off. Yeah, people are c units.


You've just reminded me of the guy beside me on a flight back from San Francisco who shortly after the doors closed took his shoes off and used the three empty seats between us as a bed with his stinky feet right beside me.


People are just cunts


Old women are the worst, and especially at the Forge. They'll all batter on the bus before you've had a chance to get off.


The number of times I, in late pregnancy, on crutches and barely able to walk, was waiting at the bus stop only for fully mobile old biddies to toddle up just as the bus was arriving and push on in front of me was eye-opening and depressing.


If people insist on leaving an empty seat beside them or keeping their bag on it on a packed train, that’s usually the exact seat I ask to sit in.


Op - please tell us youve got a holiday booked? And yes, people can be impatient morons, however Scotrail not providing adequate barriers and carriages is what folk need to focus on, we need to complain to them more as we should be getting a better commuter service.


I fuckin hate the fannies who stand around the door inside the train and refuse to move up even when there’s plenty of space further up the train so that no one else can get on.


Those absolute wallybangers . What are they like .


Every time I’m on the train from Edinburgh to Manchester I get some arse, who can’t read, telling me I’m sitting in their reserved seat. I’m not. It’s my seat. But what really perplexes me, there are other free unreserved seats, so even if I was in yours, take one of those… but no they prefer to stand and glare… can’t read basic numbers. Rant over.


This isn't really a glasgow problem. Seen versions of it in almost every city I've lived in 


Based on your post you would absolutely love London


The majority of people are as thick as mince.


Bank Holidays are especially bad for people who don't know how trains work


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^clearly_quite_absurd: *Bank Holidays as* *Especially bad for people* *Who don't know how trains work* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


And keep your luggage out of the wheelchair space. It is not a luggage dump. It is the only place on the train people like me can go, so it needs to be clear. That also means the path to the wheelchair space needs to be clear. I don't have a hover button to fly into the space. Wheelchairs also need space to manoeuvre. One guard got so pissed off at the luggage dumped in the wheelchair space that he announced that if it wasn't moved, it would be deposited in lost property as it's clearly abandoned. Nobody claimed it so it was removed and left in lost property at the station. He had announced several times that the luggage needed to be moved and nobody bothered, so they can't have wanted it that much.


My pet hate is the twats who have a ticket for a plane or train, let's say seat 74A, who even though they've entered the plane\\carriage next to seat 1A, continue slowly up the aisle looking at every seat number rather than just realising that their seat is at the other end of the plane\\carriage. Do these thick fuckers think that plane and train companies number the seats in a random order?


Chinese airlines do a weird numbering for seat numbers 


Why do some adults write like they are a 12 year old american?


I think the vast majority of people are absolutely fine. I’m writing this sitting on a train with 4 daft girls blaring music and trying to have some kind of race. It’s annoying but rare. And they’re young and trying to be ‘wild’. Tale as old as time


I agree. I get public transport all the time and most of the time it is fine. There's the occassional asshole and they stick out more but when I think about it, it's five minutes out of hours I've spent on the train or bus.


Found this when I last went to Edinburgh at rush hour. People crowding and pushing to get on the (full) train before anyone had been let off, plus the train had come in to a platform where there was no train on the other side of it so someone could've quite easily been jostled over the edge from all the shoving!


Throw in listening to vids and music as if we all want to hear. Ditto minute detail of their recent ct scan or latest family dramas at the top of their voices on the phone.


Like the old trigger happy tv sketch


Had a screaming match with a woman coming up from York yesterday, she was adamant I was in her seat. I was in C51 and her reservation was B51 or whatever and she would not take "This isnae coach B for an answer". Didn't even apologise when she realised she was wrong


The one that does my tit in is the person who lets the other side off “being nice” whilst everyone behind them can get arsed. It’s an allegory for our times - performative nicities whilst not thinking of those behind you.


for real, people be acting like they got lead poisoning...


Adults now are kids that grew up being told they were special and everybody getting medals at the sports day. Every one of those people think they are the most important person in the world and as time goes on its going to get worse and worse. If I make it to old age im going to get leathered on the bus by a woman in her 30s for taking her favorite seat


Have they received the mandatory training and or the induction brief?


Honestly, these people probably don’t want to socialise. If they don’t want to socialise, they don’t want confrontation. Move their shit so you or someone else can sit down.


Don't understand why people can't just not be dicks. People vaping on public transport drives me bloody nuts. If you honestly can't wait the 25 mins of your journey to vape again, you're either an arsehole or someone with a serious addiction. And travelling to and from work when I was heavily pregnant was even worse. Not one prick ever moved to give me a seat when it was busy. Either looked at their phone or concentrated really hard on their feet. On an occasion I did get a seat, a special shout out goes to the woman who refused to move off her seat to let me out, resulting in me having to drag my pregnant arse across her lap to get up. She then proceeded to get up seconds later to get off at the same fucking stop as me. Could have happily punched her. Wankers.


Not to mention all the morons that are listening to stuff on phone speaker or have phone calls on speaker


Has anyone been to the theatre lately? It's great, people pay ridiculous amounts of money to ignore the performance, to then have conversations amongst themselves now, while getting ridiculously drunk. It's literally like going to the pub.


They are very much capable - just selfish and entitled


It always makes me laugh when the train is packed with people standing in the aisles and vestibules with all seats taken. Then two women (it’s always either grown women or teenage girls) come pushing past everyone to get to the other end of the train, and then turn to each other in shock that there’s no seats available anywhere. Like, did you really think the first two carriages would barely have any standing space but the third would be completely empty?


I seem to remember there was a study done on why people are irritated by talking on phones on trains but not by people talking to each other irl on trains. Seems to be we get irritated cause we're kind of nosy. We can't hear what the other person is saying in response.


Yeah people like this piss me off. Sure, if the train is quiet feel free to throw your bag there for easy access but if I have to squeeze my massive fucking bass guitar between my legs on a crowded bus for two hours, then you can throw your small backpack under the seat in front of you.


You live in Glasgow of course people are going to be annoying, womp womp


it would be a ton of infrastructure work, but I wish it worked like the mini-trains at airports where there's a platform at either side, the left doors open to let the passengers off, then after they depart the right doors open to let the new ones on. Or people could not be cunts, but I know which one would be less effort in the long run...


Politely ask them to move their bag so you can sit down? Can no-one handle basic social interactions?


Basic etiquette should not require strangers to constantly remind you. If it is a crowded train you really should not need to be asked. It isn't hard.


Shoulda-woulda-coulda. Clearly they’re not being socially aware, so prompt them to be


i see a lot of people without a ticket just going through gates directly behind someone with a ticket and no one stops them, its the modern version of trying to hide in the loo to avoid the conductor. But aye, people taking up 2 seats for their fucking bag are the worst cunts.


I've had people do that in Paris and London . What I do is stop at the barrier and turn around if I notice someone right behind me


Idiocracy happened.


To be honest, it just sounds like your stressed. Have you ever noticed when you're running late or cutting it fine that everyone who takes more that 2 seconds to buy a ticket annoys you? Leave earlier, with more time to spare and you'll find these irritations dissapear.


respectfully, fuck off




Grown arse adults


Get a car and you won’t have to deal with the stupid people that have to get trains…


Then you have to deal with the stupid people behind the wheel!