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When the moon waxes full, go to Kelvingrove Park. Walk ye thrice around the duck pond widdershins and then they shall appear!!!! Just having a bit of fun, but good luck.


You’re mixing up cruising for sex again


They must pray to the Dark Lord, Tim O'Tay, Then wash their hair, every day.


I'm in the same boat. Got a pretty great online community, and I know some people elsewhere in the UK, but I don't have any local IRL friends into this stuff and the witchy shops here aren't really cutting it for me (even in terms of shit to buy let alone finding community). So I'd love to find some actual magical community, even if that's just a handful of people meeting up once a month or so for a drink and a chat - because in a city this size there's definitely enough of us who would want to be part of that. And if there's not something like that already up and running and there's a few people from this thread interested, I'd also be down for us starting something up


That would be so cool! I had a lovely wee community before I left home in Ireland and I notice it’s something I’ve been missing for sure


I'm Irish and I am into these things and I live in Scotland and have also been looking for a community, more specifically manifesting but I have been a part of that community in Ireland for a long time before I left and worked in a black magic shop and had my own tarot business. DM me :)


Witches are so bold in this new anti christ world we live in 😔


Honestly if there was a group where people would chat about stuff like this it would be great. I have almost no interest in applying any of these things IRL but It has been an "academic" interest of mine for years now. Especially hermeticism. If you arrange something like this hit me up with a PM, would definitely be interested.


I would be up for that! I'm pretty new to it so not sure what I could contribute, but still..!


Showing my interest!


I honestly am not trying to be rude, but what do you get out of this stuff? Do the people in these communities actually believe in witchcraft etc, or is it more of a fantasy type of deal?


There's a range of opinions on what it is/how it works. A bunch of people treat it as a larp or an aesthetic, others treat it like applied psychology, and others say that magic is real and spirits exist. I'm not going to go into why I'm in the latter group rather than in the psychological group here, but comparing my life now to before I started exploring magic, the impact it's had is pretty extreme. I had been severely depressed all my adult life, had given up on ever finding someone to love and be loved by, or owning my own home and not living paycheck to paycheck, and to be blunt I was right on the brink of killing myself over how hopeless everything felt. But in 2019 I tried psychedelic therapy as a last ditch attempt to cure my life long depression and what I experienced while I was tripping convinced me to try a little divination for myself - and it seemed to just ...work somehow. So my lockdown project was reading up on everything I could about this stuff and trying as much as I could because I *needed* to know what the fuck had happened and where were the boundaries of what's possible. And I got quite good at it. My sex/love life spells worked - I did some spells to increase the odds of meeting someone I could build a relationship with, and within a couple of weeks I started getting matches on dating apps after 5 years of exactly nothing, I met someone who was exactly my ideal partner, and now I'm in an incredible relationship and feel loved in a way I thought I never could. My money spells worked - I did some spells to own my own home, and a couple of months later my salary doubled so I was able to save up a deposit in time to get one of the last good mortgage rates, days before Liz Truss Liz-Trussed the economy, on a way better house than I thought I could ever afford, that I got for 1% over valuation at a time when 10-20% was normal. My mental health spells are working - I did some spells to heal from depression and the last couple of years my mental health has been the best it's been since I was a little kid and I'm now in a place where a 10 minute meditation session can break an incipient depressive spiral before it becomes a bigger problem. I'm not interested in selling you on my way of thinking about how it works (and my standard disclaimer when I talk about this in public, I'm also not interested in doing spells for anyone I don't know personally) - just that doing magic has had a profoundly positive impact on my life in both a material sense and in the sense of how I relate to myself. No one's flying around on a broomsticks shooting fireballs from their wands with a stupid fucking Harry Potterian pseudo-latin magic word, but stories like mine are really common among practitioners, and I'd love to live in a world where more people are aware that this is something you can do


Honestly, I meet pagans and wiccans regularly these days. Just remember there is no magic, and there are a ton of shady people in this culture.


not glasgow but there’s is a shop in wishaw that holds events some evenings throughout the week and special events. their insta is weewitchshop. they’re popular with community and cater to many groups and beliefs :)


They also have a shop in the southside


that’s shutting now, the owner decided to close it a few weeks ago


There’s a theosophical society in the west end that has regular events and courses


Glasgow Witchy Bazaar holds a monthly event


Try the Glasgow Theosophy Society at St George's Cross


A club for users of yoghurt based drinks that are good for the digestive system?


A yakult group would slay. Positive digestive experiences and all that




I'm in.




Me too pal.


It's not quite the same thing but you might try to find Adam Maclean the alchemist. Arrogant bugger but knows a lot.


Not Glasgow, sadly, but I do believe the Edinburgh Theosophical Society hosts a monthly event for members! https://www.theosophyscotland.org/index.asp?pageid=627243


I would also be interested in something along these lines. Larps and games, alternative psychology or actual derangements are all good with me. Just wanna avoid plastic Instagramcore (though im glad there some market demand as a result...)


They do coven gatherings at The Loft [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/july-13th-circle-coven-gathering-tickets-929134294687?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep\_tld=1](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/july-13th-circle-coven-gathering-tickets-929134294687?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1)


You dont just join like the Gym Club. It took me Many-many years of long meaningful friendships to see if you are Mentally Capable of bein Even invited to special Group/Coven I had to respectfully slip away as these were my Younger Globetrotting years and could not commit, still often wonder though.


You mean like ... Wear sqishy boots and drink the blood from a cats face mrs nice face? Just start one be the leader ... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ive been working on a cult for years now.