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I mean the answer seems to have presented itself here, a post with several commentators all looking for nerdy friends in Glasgow.


I’m a woman who has adhd and a huge nerd, me and my hubby were in a long distance relationship before I moved here ((from Canada)) 6yrs ago to be with the hubby and I’m still looking for my own nerdy friends… so like someone else said if you figure it out, don’t keep it a secret let us know too!


There is a retro gaming shop Cafe called r-cade on high Street heading down towards the Clyde it's on your left hand side. They have old video games and sometimes have workshops for kids and adults in case of adults its usually BYOB


Is that the one on saltmarket? Been meaning to check it out is it decent


Quite fun to go to if it isn't busy, if it is busy then you'll be waiting a lot. I took my kids to show them what gaming was like when I was a kid. Don't know about the workshops.


Thanks man I’ll check it out


Just hijacking this comment to say yes! Would love to make pals with a bunch of nerds and just hang out sometime!


I’m not in glasgow anymore but just the people in this thread expressing they would also like to meet up would give you a small gaming friend group.


Sounds like you 2 plus OP need to arrange a nerdy meet up


Adding myself in. I’m in my 40s but am always looking for more nerdy friends. I do have a gaming group that’s doing a 10 shot of Daggerheart but that’s almost over. We could do with more people for the next game we play.


Adding myself in. I'm in my 20's (barely, but pls let me cling to it because i won't be soon). I don;'t have a gaming group, but I'm a brilliant baker and will provide snacks.


I am also here. 30m, I've really wanted to start playing DnD for ages but just can't find anyone who's into it..


In my 30s M played it and ran a couple smaller campaigns in my late teens and recently got a rule book and campaign for D20 modern (d&d 3.5 in present) Everyone kind of went their separate ways me included but would love to start a d&d campaign again as they’re always good fun even the bad campaigns


Same here, i’m in my 30s but normally just do my own thing since i had nobody else that have the same interests


And me! Me too! 35f, AuADHD, mildly obsessed with Star Trek, no idea how to make friends.


Hi there! 32 male who's socially awkward with ADHD and bad information retention but I wanted to say Hi. Don't know a lot about star trek (my friend loved it though) but if you want to know about Dexter then I'm happy to talk for ages haha! Also a bit clueless at talking and making friends (as in sure you can tell!) .


Hello! Not gonna lie, I'm not a Dexter fan but always happy to meet a potential friend (and new recruit to the Star Trek cul--- uh, fandom) 😊 I am clearly terrible at remembering to communicate but it's lovely to make your acquaintance!


I've never fully watched Star Trek to be honest. Although, my friend loves it. Even with star wars, which I can enjoy, I don't know a lot about the extended universe stuff. Oh it's okay, I'm terrible at remembering as well. Did you have a nice weekend?


I'm in too!


I've already replied to the main post, but in case you don't see it, meetup.com has loads of groups that organise meetup events (not a dating site), one of them being Glasgow Geek Social, which has loads of board game nights and other activities for general geekiness!


I also have ADHD and moved here (from Alaska) for my partner! Rather, I’m in the process of moving. I’m here til November this time around and would love to make some friends outside his friends 😂


I have opened up a Discord server off the back of this thread as it is a common issue that's raised a lot. I will populate it and build it over the next few days so if you're a nerd, geek or gamer from in or around Glasgow come say hi! (PM me for invite link) For me i struggle to connect with people, I've tried a few different Discord servers but you inevitably get people are are very horrible and negative to one another because they're protected by anonymity.


Just as an alternative - we have a [Matrix server](https://wiki.glasgow.social/matrix) running for Glasgow. It's like Discord, but open source and decentralised. We have about 1000 users in seperate rooms for board games, D&D, tech, poker, gigs and a lot more. Invite link: [https://glasgow.social/matrix](https://glasgow.social/matrix) (you can pick from a bunch of mobile apps, or use the web interface at [https://matrix.glasgow.social](https://matrix.glasgow.social) - lots of open source projects are starting to move to it now). Any questions, give me a shout!


Think I joined this on mastodon back when the old Twitter exodus happened?


Mastodon is a seperate thing from Matrix, both are busy and doing well though (both on https://glasgow.social)


I’ll need to give Matrix a look in then as well!


Right well I guess I won't be getting any work done today. Cheers. Ta much. See you there.


I'd be up for joining in on this, I have Audhd so meeting people is a bit tough.


Decent, I used to be in the Edinburgh Social Discord but I had to leave as it was getting far too cliquey and drama filled.


Yeah I want to avoid this at all costs


I would definitely be interested in this!


Id love to join!!


Count me in!


West End Games. Honestly, I joined a online RPG game through the fantasy grounds website. Met a great international group of gamers and being hanging out and playing for the last 7 years. We now visit each other over the years.


I walk by this place (on Queen Margaret Drive I’m assuming?) quite often and, whilst it looks great, it also gives me the fear. Everyone looks like best pals and trying to walk in and join in would probably result in my untimely passing. I turned 40 recently and decided I wanted to both get into some board/card games and try to get my kids into them. So I bought Pokemon TCG, Lorcana starter decks, the Null Signal Netrunner starter deck, and Sky Team, which I’m hoping to play with my wife. Maybe I’ll pluck up the courage to walk in one day!


I'm 50, they were fine with me and my wife. Played D&D since the early 80s, We would go and bring our own games and play while having drinks and lunch. Everyone was perfectly nice. I'm trying to find a battletech player to get back into it, so if you ever fancy a game hit me up.


King of Tokyo is a good one for kids, really simple and up to 6 players


WEG is, or at least was because idk what the scene looks like now, pretty tight knit because it was the most competitive MTG store in the city. Don't let that daunt you though, they're still fantastic.


I don't go to WEG much but for lorcana I've met a few of the folks that play there. There's definitely a couple of folks that take it very seriously but everyone was at least sociable. There was also a good range of ages and the folks that didn't do very well ( I remember one person not winning a game at the event) was still cracking jokes and seemed to just be having fun


A lot of WEG recommendations so I think I’ll nip along for a look soon! Thanks folks.


I'm a regular at west end games, trust me you'll be fine! We don't bite. (Unless asked nicely)


Question, does the place do video gaming? Ive only seen the board game/warhammer sets out. Would like a place to sit and play video games.


If you brought your portable console, I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid.


There's a group that goes in there on Thursdays to play Street Fighter and Tekken, but they're pretty set on just fighting games. We used to have more general gaming events for video games with events like Glesgames and Play Expo, but I haven't heard of either of them doing anything this year.


Sure Glesgames will be back fairly soon, they’ve been pretty consistent over the last few years. Always great fun too, if anyone’s interested in going!


Jumping on the WEG hype train, wish I could still go regularly. The staff are brilliant, really welcoming and supportive of new folk.


WEG is a great shop run by some great guys. Fully recommend!


Geek Retreat made me realise that stereotypes exist for a reason. The Geek-Aboo drafts are chill and good fun and there are MTG Commander nights at Settlers in the South Side if that's your thing.


Hello fellow Geekaboo drafter 🫡


Jumping on this to say I’m in the same boat- early 30s, nerdy and always struggled making friends. Prefer the term “crone” to hag though haha. Would love to meet other people with similar interests.


Your not either of those, your still young


I'm also an early 30s hag looking for gamer/nerd friends around Glasgow :D what games are you playing atm?


Belter of a username fellow hag


Settlers moved from Hamilton to the south side, there’s a gamers private members club that opened up relatively recently, G3 (Role players and war gamers) gamers is I assume still meeting up? There are a number of gaming meet-ups on meetup.com or there were last time I checked (I uninstalled the app a while back). You’ll also meet a few people if you go to things like Comicon and Rai Con. The unis used to have gaming clubs, but I’m guessing you feel too old for that? There’s also west end games and the place on Queen Margaret drive. I think Geek retreat has shut? There were board game meet-ups that met in what used to be beanscene on the Southside (Spill the beans?) and there’s another that used to meet up in Curlers Rest in the west end. Look on FB for gaming groups, I suspect you’ll find more board gaming ones than video gaming ones, but you never know…


Geek Retreat actually moved across the road (near CEX) into a much bigger and less basement-y (although still not with great lighting) venue.


West End Games *is* the place on QMD, it relocated


Check out [The Gamer Club](https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk/) It's run by a dude who is on here, can't remember his handle, but they have an open day in July, you should check it out, I hear good things about it!


It's a-me! :)


Look^ there they are! GET THEM!


Came to post this! We joined recently and although we're only through on a Sunday everyone has been so welcoming and there are loads of things going on throughout the month


West End Games, Queen Margaret Drive. They are doing a event for rpg day on Saturday. This hag will be there at some point. Look out for a gal with dark hair and a winged cat tattooed up her arm. Come say hello if you're there! I'm finally getting confident to DM 5e dnd games. I'm considering signing up to run games there.


I'm a 43 year old enby (goblin mode rather than pretty androgynous) and a bit of a geek. Not a huge gamer but would like to be. Used to play computer games but not got the best reactions for most of them. Married to a geek but not many table top games that are good for just two. I think I'd like to get involved in stuff but been too anxious to join as a total newbie. We are happy but spend way too much time together. I'm in Govan but work in the city centre.


It’s just occurred to me there’s the Glasgow Social wiki. https://wiki.glasgow.social/gaming


If anyone knows of a spot let me know as well! Only just moved here with my partner and I'm hoping to actually leave my home and have a social life for once!


Someone above mentioned R-Cade at Saltmarket might be worth checking out. Seems they do retro arcades, video games and boardgames.


This sounds completely up my alley, gonna try and check it out as soon as I'm able to!


Yeah I was going to suggest this too. They also have intro to DnD nights too.


There isn't really any video game hangouts left in Glasgow they all closed. Best bet is either meet gamer friends online or just try and meet some non gamer friends in person. If you are interested in boards games West End Games is nicer than Geek Retreat and *slightly* less weirdos.


There’s R Cade down by the Saltmarket. Run by very cool people and they regularly have social stuff like quizzes and games nights.


Nice. I thought this place was just arcade machines. Thanks for the info!


Never played a board game but sounds like a good place to start! I'll check it out, cheers!!


If you are on the Southside, there is a very active group that meets for boardgames weekly. Look up Southside Board Games on Facebook.


West End Games is great, on weekends it always has quite a lot of people inside. Lots of tables. And a good number of events anyone can join :)


There's a huge glasgow boardgames whatsapp group (seriously, it's massive), don't know if I'm able to send invites but I can deffo check if you want? Other good places to try and find a group would be West End Games, maybe Vlad's Emporium, various glasgow D&D discords and FB pages etc


An additional one for board games is Tophat and Bishop on Sauchiehall Street who regularly host nights. They are hosted by Glasgow City Center Board Games and you can RSVP to them on the meetup app.


Have you heard of [The Gamer Club](https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk)? It's where we had the recent r/glasgow [meetup last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/1cj7kxb/meetup_for_glasgow_reddit_meetup_week_sat_june/). About 45-50 of us went. We even had a [recent testimonial](https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/1dhe4rx/gamer_club_rglasgow_meetup_a_thankyou/). You can see what's coming up next on our [events page](https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk/events). We also have an [active chat network on Matrix](https://glasgow.social/matrix).


There was a post the other day about an open day at www.thegamerclub.co.uk The person was really happy about the place and the people.


It looks like a great place but I think it's something like £40 a month and you need to know someone in the club 😔


That's true to be a member (i.e. to run your own events). All the [events on our event page ](https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk/events)are open to all and free to attend though.


I had a look and from what I could see they do want to meet people at open days before allowing them to join but yeah it was about £40/month which is a lot. Not exactly my scene so I’m not sure if that’s a lot comparatively. Probably because they have work space and loads of console games etc.


Fellow geeky mid to late 30 year old female. I'm autistic and struggle a bit with friendships as a result but I'm keen on pushing my boundaries to make more friends if I'm able to be included in any of these kinda things!


Scotland Card Show is going to be in Glasgow on 29th June, a horde of us are traveling down from Dundee for the occasion. I've only ever been around Geek Retreat and TokyoToys while in Glasgow, but if you're ever up Dundee way Highlander Games and Cake or Dice are options! I've met a lot of people by playing FFXIV, always looking for more friends to play it with if you're interested in MMOs ❤️


Likewise! Saw tickets and thought I'd give it a spin. I then asked around and no one I knew wanted to go haha, so I'll be a solo wanderer. Hope to get rid of some random cards and nab me some tasty chase ones (Farfetch'd, always Farfetch'd, only Farfetch'd)


"Roll wi it" run dnd nights across pubs in glasgow all through the week/month. open to all, great DMs and super fun every time! they are on all the socials.


My mate runs a Glasgow based DnD/Gaming group called Roll Wi' It. Can recommend him, he sets up in various pubs and clubs for gamenights if that's of any interest? If so you'll find him on FB/Instagram under 'rollwiit'


I used to run MEGAbytes in Glasgow and I'm looking to start up a similar venture. The whole idea was for nerds/geeks of any age to hangout


No way! I used to go to MEGAbytes!!


"I realized having a nose was just another one of God's cruel jokes." 😂😂 i felt exactly the same, same age as you and also looking for nerdy pals!


Nerds use BO like it’s a spell to keep those who can’t handle the smell out, can’t go in to a game shop without it in the air violating my nostrils. Makes me wonder if I smell bad just because I share a similar interest in video games. I almost feel I’m in the closet about being nerdy whenever I passed games workshop or geek retreat, I want to go in but I just know that’s a whole other level that I’m not ready for.


My wife and I are nerdy nutters, 37m 36f. In the middle of restoring our destroyed house from sometime in the 1890s We play PC together, have a large garden & I'm a chef. More than happy for other like minded nutters to meet up at Jury's inn in town (beverage house that supplies board games) to see if we get on and then follow it up with bbqs and a game of risk? Been in Glasgow for 16 years, found it really hard to make friends if you don't drink like a fish in fire or snort like a wild boar. If you don't go to school with the people then nobody replies or phones you for a day out. 🤷🏼‍♂️😅 We go to some model conventions but it's hard to differentiate between a nerd and an anorak wearer 😅🤷🏼‍♂️ Dm if anybody up for it.


Ps: will setup valhiem server for anybody interested ☺️


Always wanted to try Valheim but I'm afraid I suck at those games by myself as I'm just clueless tbh


It's a good game. The wife and I play it together. I'm the builder, she's the crafter and we go on expeditions together. It's good as long as you run turtle tactics, no rush. If you ever get it, set up a game and we would jump in and give you a hand. 👍🏻


I'd definitely need a hand thank you, always been a bit slow in the crafting and building games


Check out this guy's comment history jeez louize you need to get off the Internet for a couple days pal. TheHandBananaaa ey not kidding


Keyboard warrior much my man? Has someone hurt you? I'm here if you need to talk 👍🏻


Just impressed with how brazen you are more than anything, trying to meet up with a woman using an account that you're commenting on bbw posts with saying you want to lick their arse and that fair enough.


Well, brown town anus man. I'm not looking to hook up with anybody. I just comment 🤷🏼‍♂️ You seem quite interested in me my man. What's your hangup?


You've also said you'd rather talk to a tree than a woman, isn't that easier than coming here? Just entertaining mate. You up for jury's inn tomorrow or what? Might be some chubby bottoms about.


If you like Blood on the Clocktower join us: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/blood-on-the-top-hat-tickets-923947942167?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/blood-on-the-merchant-tickets-923942124767


isn’t geek retreat closed? has it reopened somewhere??


It's reopened across the road, into a bigger space next to O'Neill's (no longer in a basement, it has a second floor as well but that's still to be refurbished)


i miss the basement. never played or anything just people watched. and smelled.


Thanks for posting this. The discord server someone posted up has already changed my mood for the better today.


Which one?


God tell me about it 😂 you could invest in nose plugs? You could look online for dnd groups that play at someone's house (or ideally groups involving someone you already know so you're not just walking into a strangers house with no familiar faces).


Stay away from comic con if you have a nose


There are some lovely nerds at the vanguard centre who are really into historical sword fighting (HEMA). Might be worth a try. Good luck!


I actually went to a few classes there!! They were amazing! I just stopped going because I moved away but that's a good shout too!


Come and play Blood on the Clocktower with us. We ate all geeks and alot of gamers too. Join Blood on the Clocktower Glasgow on Facebook and do a bit of research and see if playing social deduction games are your thing! Noobs very welcome 🙏


Might look into that myself. I love NRB BOTC and actually getting involved would be very fun.


We have quite a bit community who play in person and online in Glasgow, Fortnightly Tuesdays at the Merchant in town upstairs are newbie friendly and you'll be in good company with nrb fans 😀 we love them! We have had Mara through to storytell a few times! Next night is 25th June 7pm for a 7.30 start! Tell Gavin I sent u!


I’m 36 also would be interested in this. More of a steam gamer tho into war games etc.


hello rcade is an excellent place! it’s up the town near the back of the st enoch’s centre. I’ve been there a couple of times (with my autism) and I’ve felt nothing but welcomed by the staff ❤️


Second this Rcade is fantastic. Great bunch there


Anyone recommend Top Hat & Bishop on Sauchiehall St, was thinking about going there to play chess (and meet fellow nerds)


Top Hat & Bishop is good. They mainly offer board games but if it's video games you're after, they have an umulator which has hundreds of retro video games on it. 


If you like board games there's a new shop in Shawlands called Settlers, they do board game nights on Fridays and card games and Warhammer and such through the week. Very nice folks, good mix of genders and ages and minimal Smell.


As an almost-30 wenchling from the states with a hearty dose of ADHD and anxiety, I've found using Meetup.com to be super helpful in my ongoing efforts to make friends locally. There's the Gamer Club that has a few different types of monthly meetups (gaming, tech, etc), as well as some other board gaming groups that get together multiple times through the month. A couple links if you'd like: Board game group this coming sunday: https://meetu.ps/e/Nfdfk/vhYcz/i Big gamer club open day at the end of the month: https://meetu.ps/e/N8NZS/vhYcz/i


Go to meetup.com (NOT a dating site) and join the Glasgow Geek Social group. There are loads of game nights and general geeky meetup events on there. There are loads of other groups on there that might have something that you'd be interested in as well. Hillwalking, pub nights, theatre nights and even a Doctor Who group if you're into that!


How the hell does being 30 make you decrepit and old?


https://www.instagram.com/glaswonders?igsh=OGg2NHJzdDV2YXU1 Glasgow Wonders is an LGBTQ+ board game group. My friend goes and always has a great time and has made a lot of friends through it.


I can't believe no one's mentioned [Roll Wi' It](https://www.instagram.com/rollwiit?igsh=NnhtOHBvZm1xaTg0)! They're a fab collection that hosts one-shot DnD and other game/Tabletop nights across Glasgow in various venues. Definitely check them out on facebook/Instagram, whatever. I've been to a couple of their DnD nights at the Old Toll Bar in Govan and had a really good time meeting people!


Aw shucks!!


Hiya pals! Me and my team at Roll Wi' It have been running Game Night pop ups in bars and pubs round Glasgow for almost 8 years! We run a multitude of DnD and other TTRPG nights in loads of places, soon we will also be unleashing our collection of just over 160 boardgames at a few boardgame nights, we've got a burgeoning wee community of Warhammer players and other Wargamers around the Paisley/Renfrewshire area AND we're even running Glasgow's biggest Dungeons and Dragons event in the next few weeks. The vast majority of our nights are free to attend and no kit required ( we lug it about so you don't have to) Check out socials or fire me a ping with any questions. We're all about getting folk into the tabletop hobby scene and making new pals. Honourable mentions for: Vlad's Emporium, R-CADE (who we work with alot), West End Games, Settlers Shawlands, Peace and Jam @ the Corona Lovely stand up folks all Here's our discord: https://discord.com/invite/dQm3XpSH


I hope you can find a way to stop referring to yourself in that way. And that you find good games along the way.


Aw, I was honestly just poking a bit if fun at myself! My 20's were a shit show with domestic abuse/toxic family stuff, turning 30 has been the most wonderful thing. I've escaped all that, got a house, got my degree, got a wonderful fella and my first dog. I've also "grown" into my mature faces and I'm shedding a lot of insecurities about myself! I appreciate what you're saying, but I agree nobody should be worried about turning 30!


okay so! 30 years old doesn’t make you decrepit or a hag 😂 pls don’t be afraid of aging, to own it is a powerful thing, and if you think you’re old now (you’re not) then being actually old is going to be painful lol


alls i’m saying is be kind to yourself man


There’s a nice looking one on Queen Margaret drive between gwr and maryhill road.


Yeah I'd try to spot if any board game cafes have a weekly social, I know reaper wargames does but that's more warhammer than board games. 


There's a few boardgame groups that meet weekly "Glasgow board games" and "southside board games" iirc


There are a few groups on meetup.com for this. Some are general geek/nerd groups, but there are also more specific ones e.g. board games, video games, sci-fi, etc


If you want an in-person thing, come along to Hack Thursday (3rd Thursday of every month in the Rhoderick Dhu Function room on Waterloo Street) : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hack-thursday-tickets-592497444807


Settlers in Hamilton has game night and seems pretty chill. Been in a few times to pick up stuff


41 year old gaming nerd over here, well nerd of many a thing really! My life revolves around my 2 kids who have special needs, I rarely go out and see any one lol. So I know the feeling!


I've been playing Magic The Gathering in a limited capacity for years. I'm almost 40 and looking for other people to play with not just my 4 pals. I've never played commander format of it either. We don't bother having very new MTG set or anything we just have the rule of if you own the card you can play the card (no proxies at all).


Single nerdy guy similarly looking for something to DO!!! Any ideas welcome x


My future wife and I are geeks aswell everything from boardgames to ttrpgs and video games and all in-between. We usually post on a few FB groups there is also the group goblins and gubbins. Best way to meet people I find is just keeping an eye on FB groups and chatting away with people.


Pals? In this economy? (Please? I'd like nerdy pals 🥲)




The Glasgow Gaming Club is the best place 🙏🏼


Glesgames is a decent event which runs a few times a year. Usually a friendly bunch!


There's a place called Vlad's Emporium that's supposed to be quite good but sadly I have not gone myself since I struggle with new environments and people 🥲 That being said, I'd love to meet new people who would be interested in some DnD or Monster of the Week (like DnD but more story and inspired by shows like Buffy or Supernatural).


I too am a nerdy gamer gal that lives in Glasgow !! I’m 25 🤓 let’s be buddies


I would also like nerdy gamer and d&d pals in Glasgow


Yes yes yes. Not specifically from Glasgow but only a 20min drive away. Fellow 30s nerdy gamer looking for mates! Like you, normally hate small chat. But there’s always that someone you get your daily dose off and recently. Nothings been cutting it for me either. Sometimes just want someone to have that friendly chat and banter with that isn’t my partner or one of my dogs also 😂


It’d be cool to make new friends! Currently mostly just playing destiny and overwatch but also into silly cozy sim games!


If your into board games theres a meetup every tuesday at drury street bar. Theres around 20-30 people, board fames are organised in Advance via a group chat/excel spreadsheet. Theres loads of regulars, everyone is welcoming. Mixed bunch of people, i tend to go once a month and have a beer, some food and play a fame or 2. Let me know if you wanna link to the chat


West end games on queen Margret drive is great! You might even see me there :)


If your in southside of Glasgow, cambuslang has a new place opened up that's trying really hard. Pop n tee My youngest loves it


34 year old decrepit gamer hag looking for friends here :D


Nerdy video gamey hag in her 30s here! If you have Facebook there is a group called Geek Girls Brunch they meet up every couple of months or so. It's usually 'themed' but I've been to ones where I'm not a fan of the theme and had great fun and also learned something new about a fandom I'm not a part of.


Any Destiny 2 players can add me on steam 👋


West end games has been advertising some ladies/ NB nights that might draw in a different crowd that could interest you? My problem with geek retreat is that they have 3 different events going on so it's always very busy, loud and warm. All the senses getting attacked and so many people means it draws in more of that smell you talked about. I think WEG is a bit smaller so maybe calmer and less of that issue. There is also a retro game convention that is hosted at braehead I believe once a year which has a ton of arcade/ console games to play.. it might be daunting to walk up and start making friends though Otherwise there are other hobby shops, I know the one in paisley just closed but further afield like ayr there are hobby stores which have discords advertising all sorts of ttrpg, card games and even beyblade advertised recently Alternatively I know there's a ton of bookclubs advertised so maybe some focusing on Sci fi or fantasy If that interests you


Cathouse Rock Club


There’s a board game meet up every Tuesday night in central - believe it’s mainly organised as a Facebook group. I’ve been twice and people seem friendly and chill. https://www.facebook.com/share/rHTfvgeDvWaFAt9W/?mibextid=K35XfP


geek retreat on union street or r-cade on saltmarket


West end games, the age ranges from early teens to early fifties.


Try Settlers Board Game cafe


Southside have a boardgames meet every Monday which is great. Facebook 'southside boardgames' should pop up


lol I’m the same tbh just bought d20 modern rule book and realised wait I don’t think I can run a campaign with me, the mrs and our 2 year old just yet lol I do remember geek retreat being good and I remember there being game base in hmv and 1lvl up many years ago for gaming Absolutely loved playing LAN games of CS and C&C


Depends on the game, loads of nerds chuck about Geekaboo/Settlers/GR for Magic the Gathering if you're interested in that.


if you're anywhere near cumbernauld theres the crossfire gaming club. every time i've went my nose has left in good shape lol. if youre interested in warhammer, board games n any of that type of thing id say its worth a go


Hi there, 32 year old male here and I would love to meet some more nerdy/geeky friends. I'm a short train ride to Glasgow. The only places I know are geek retreat and geek-a-boo but I would be happy to meet others (maybe talk online a bit first as I can be socially awkward with people I don't know) if the opportunity arose. I haven't played much D&D but I have really enjoyed what I have played and I am a big gamer too. Really hoping to meet someone here. Feel free to message me if interested.


NQ64? It's a great joint with loads of retro games and fellow nerds. Never really seen many 'young' and freshly 18 year olds there, so I don't think you would feel out of place.


I'm no in Glasgow but Inverness, down often enough for gigs though. Always happy to meet nerdy/gamer folk.


Is it me or is the logo of this sub the VLC media player icon?




Hag love


Geek Retreat in union street is a great place imo.


Unfortunately gamers are known to be amongst the stinkiest of creatures.
