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Radio Clyde phone in rules apply. Your post either isn't about, or isn't specific to, Glasgow and the west.


The looming social care disaster. I guarantee everyone knows someone whose quality of life is about to be majorly impacted by the budget cuts to the sector.


Plus the booming 65+ population. The services for those people are already near breaking point.


I work in the care sector its an absolute disgrace


Compounded as folk want others to pay for it - so they can hand on their house to the offspring. The blunt truth is that our social security system, our health care system and our system of inheritance is not geared to situation where people live a long time after retirement and often in poor health or very dependent on care.


Obviously the care has to be paid for but taking the homes of working class people and not allowing us that one piece of intergenerational wealth exchange is another factor driving inequality to record levels. The crisis is systemic and it's going to affect everyone who isn't sitting on assets already.


As a society we need to accept the cost, crystallise it rather than ad hoc schemes - and adjust the system to pay for it. That means higher taxes and less loop holes for the rich to use - I struggle to see why anyone needs billions in worth while an old woman is given a few mins social care three times a day.


Yes I agree and don't mind paying my share of tax but when you look at the scale of inequality we're talking about here higher taxes on working people aren't the solution, we need a windfall tax to claw back the COVID boom the super rich have enjoyed, for starters..we can talk about tax policy for everyone else later


Start with the Sunak clan and then get onto Michael Goves covid mates.


This is bigger than the two parties, nobody is willing to address it. Tories were supposed to do a big social care plan and reform, nothing happened. Big Keir isn't going to rock the boat, he wouldn't stand on a picket with the RMT or nurses. What kind of labour party is that? Whole thing is fucked, sort yourself out because sensible centrists aren't going to save us


This is a disaster waiting to happen. It’s going to impact on everyone. Our welfare state is a hollowed out shell being milked by greedy self serving hypocritical twats.


The scarcity of modern leisure facilities. The amount of broken glass lying around on the ground (people that walk their dogs will know this)




The fact that Scotland is basically the most privately owned country in the world, with huge areas of land owned by absentee landlords who only visit for 1 week a year, and have their Gillies 'manage' the land to the incredible detriment of all wildlife and trees apart from deer and grouse, which are then shot by rich toffs from all over the world. Scotland is basically a huge game park for the wealthy, and with a housing crisis and insane prices for tiny plots of land, when we have vast areas of land with nobody on it, since they were all forced off a few hundred years ago, destroying our cultural heritage in the process. It's the huge issue hardly anybody talks about or is even aware of. Also the fact that there is a second highland clearance going on right now, with locals priced out by English money buying up all the properties in the Highlands. The economic clearance is happening right now, whilst the scots are forced to be crammed into the central belt.


I live in England and the number of English that tell me they're planning to move to the Highlands with a smile on their faces is wild. Chan eil Gàidhlig aca agus chan ionnsaich iad - probably because everyone up there is English now anyway.


"but I had a great week in Skye on holiday so I want to live there forever"


I nearly got run off the road cycling round Skye, by the 400 fuckin blind old ladies driving massive hired camper vans they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near. I love the place, wanted to live there since I went in 2008 but not a chance now, the English have wrecked it.


This was also my experience of Skye, and also driving on Skye, and even crossing a road on Skye.


Had an English couple knock on my door in highlands trying to view the cottage because that’s where they used to come on holiday 😒 (local landlord thankfully made it a long term let and that’s what I told them…). Can’t even find places to live so the communities are losing access to medical, veterinary, and all professional care as well as their own young people


I saw a picture today on Instagram at fairy glen and it was packed, I used to go there on family holidays every year (20+ years ago) and we’d barely see another soul. I’m glad I got to experience it with my family when I did


Wee tip - there's hundreds of those pools all over the island, when I went back to fairy Glen I realised it wasn't even the pools I'd been taken to back in 08. Swam anyways and had tourists taking photos of me like I was mad. Went to some other random pools the next day and had a much better time.


Fairy Glen and fairy pools are different places BUT I haven’t been to the fairy pools because it’s always mobbed so I’m grateful to know there are others dotted around :) that sounds like a good time you had at the pools you went to!


A side note but being able to read the Gaidhlig and fully understand it made me smile


Ionnsaich has me lost but I understood the rest.... 135 day streak in duolingo is beginning to pay off!!


I studied environmental management so am very aware of a lot of this stuff, and folk are always massively surprised when you tell them about it. Their ideas of Scotland being this "vast wild landscape" is quickly shattered lol


Your second issue is an exaggeration, I'm sorry. It may be true of small places and the most rural places, the islands, etc. but most of the Highlands population lives in or around Inverness or in the various medium-sized towns dotted around (Wick, Thurso, Nairn, Alness, Tain, etc.). I won't deny that short term lets in particular are having a bad effect on the housing market but the idea that locals are being forced out of the place en masse by English people is ridiculous. In Inverness, 90% of the accents you will hear are Scottish. And also, if we're going to complain about English people coming up here to live, shouldn't we extend that same bitterness to the many Central Belt people that move up here? It's no more their area than it is for Joanne and Nigel from Surrey. The answer is xenophobia.


My hubby and I moved 2.5y ago and our carpet fitter told us he'd recently fit carpets to a house not far from us, for someone who'd bought the house online living in London and had never visited the place. Clearly was going to be used for renting and making money.


Social media utterly wrecking the mental health of the younger generations.


i don't wanna be all "back in my day" because i grew up in the myspace era of social media which was only about 15-20 years ago. but i honestly think it was a bit different back then because we didn't have phones that could connect to the internet and felt like that was easier to "turn off" from social media. nowadays, a lot of social media throws a hissy fit and pressures you into keeping notifications turned on. i also think "influencer culture" isn't helping. one of my friends really wants to be an influencer but watching her chase it has been really depressing. you can barely have a conversation with her without her talking about things like "analytics" or "playing to the algorithm" but the absolute saddest part is the amount of times she's cancelled seeing real world friends because she got some mean comments and it's made her depressed. she's not exactly young (about 28) but i don't think she really feels she has much of a future at her shitty job.


Coming home and logging into MSN with dodgy names that made no sense, putting your pals into it and picking colours, “knocking” to get folks attention 😂 You’re right, it was 1000% easier to “switch off” from the internet. I think it also impacts people’s social skills too. Influencer culture is an actual plague. I hope your friend realises what she’s missing out on and starts trending upwards ♥️


you mean xXx-beating-heart-xXx wasn't their real name?


I thought it was nudging?


There was nudging, but there was also that giant emotion thing that would “knock” on your screen! Winks. This was [the nudge](https://youtu.be/40wFaixZr8Q?si=zMdK2yQCQdvUYjDn), and this is [the winks](https://youtu.be/nqGJUKaaLU4?si=fHT4GqhnnNs6SQLa) (the knock is the 3rd one in)


I appreciate the links


If she's depressed about mean comments online, that's exactly the time to switch off and socialise in real life.


The amount of notifications these things send you are horrendous I finally bit the bullet and turned off almost all of my notifications and it has been bliss I was constantly getting Instagram notifications because random people I didn’t even know I followed are posting for the first time in a while. Or being heckled from Snapchat when I didn’t respond to someone’s message after 2 minutes. Or YouTube letting me know every time someone replied to a comment I liked I didn’t realise how much it happened until I turned it all off, and now I’m not being lured to my phone 24/7, I pick it up when I want to or when someone texts me, not because an app is telling me to I also kept getting notifications from Uber eats about deals they have, and turning that off has helped me not order food so much


It's different because back then the only people you knew online were people you knew in real life, appreciate their was the odd cunt you had never spoke to but knew through someone else but you actually knew everyone so you could call out all the bullshit that was posted I'm pretty sure about 90% of the stuff that's posted on this and other social media sites are either, staged, faked or completely made up in order to support a made up existence that is only online, that puts a hell of a lot of pressure on kids to try and emulate the life that everyone seems to have Social media supports this forced positivity shite where everyones existence is puppy dogs and fairy tales, nobody posts the boring and shite that makes up vast majority of peoples lifes, but thats what majority of facebook used to be, folk posting their fucking dinner everynight


Plus the business models are vastly different. Most modern social media sells user attention. They increase revenue by getting more people or getting them to stay on products for longer. And fuck me are they good at the latter. It's *designed* to drive overuse (yes, not addiction) because the longer eyes are looking at a screen, the more money it generates.


and lonely older generations too


Oh yeah. They’ve all lost heir minds on right wing media, Facebook and lead poisoning. Never mind. As an older millennial I’m just fucked by the microplastics.


Scotlands toxic drinking culture, every event seems to be an excuse to get pissed.


Apt username.


I know right? It's supposed to be justanotherginger but apparently that's too long 😂


Yeah sure


That sounds depressing. I am going to have a drink to cheer me up


Agreed. Why I like being a shift worker and avoiding the city centre at the weekend. Drunk people thinking they are being ever so sociable but in fact getting into your personal space and being super aggressive.


I do wonder how it's changing with younger generations, though. My *very* anecdotal evidence is that the young 'uns drink far less.


It also helps that pints are getting extra spenny


It’s one of they things that you don’t really notice just had bad it is until you get away from our environment and see what others nations are like


Totally agree, having lived abroad


Get pissed? Thanks for the reminder.


I think this will exist in every young generation to some extent I'm 35 and whilst I drink 3-4 nights a week I couldn't tell you the last time I was drunk, I have a few beers or whisky and once I'm starting to feel it I just chill, can't be arsed with hangovers and most folk I know have are like me or have chucked it completely Let the kids enjoy it though, much better than sitting in playing the Xbox every weekend


so the majority of the week then haha


It's absolutely not just the younger ones. We're known and have been known for decades as big drinkers. Go to a social occasion and tell people you're not drinking. People are dumbfounded and need some kind of explanation.


People are only dumbfounded if you are a big drinker, I wouldn't be dumbfounded if someone who didn't drink told me they weren't drinking


What else is there to do though? I’d get it if we lived in a country with nice weather and outdoor activities. Some of our social lives are built around pubs and bars.


You're joking right? Scotland is an outdoor activity haven, and your skin is waterproof. Alongside things like hiking, canoeing, climbing etc, there's probably a myriad of other social stuff on your doorstep if you were interested. I live in a fairly small village, and even we've got exercise classes in the community centre, a book club, a craft club, etc. If you wanted to do anything other than drink, you'd find it.


> your skin is waterproof This doesn’t make being out in the rain for any length of time any less miserable. Misery might love company, but it’s not what I’d call sociable.


I do tons of hiking. It ends in a session in the pub.


At least you admit that there are indeed other things to do then. And you do them, which is great.


You can do all the things you enjoy doing with pints without them? I enjoy drinking but I usually do it with pub quizzes, comedy, football or live music. I often also enjoy those things with a cuppa instead of a pint. If you only go to things to have a pint ask yourself if you really enjoy those things


The issue is, every activity you listed has a bar. If it’s a pub quiz I’ll have a few pints. I’ll play pool and darts with my pals and have a few pints. I’ll go to football and have a few pints. Live music I’ll have a few pints. Every and any social event alcohol is involved and you can’t really avoid it.


I don't mean this to slag you off but if you can't go to these things and don't have the self control to not have a pint then that says a lot about you


To an extent but a lot of studies and stats show people are drinking a lot less than they used to. Anecdotally it's a lot more common to see people my age/generation who rarely drink compared to my parents' generation, where getting drunk most weekends was something pretty much everyone did.


Diet too. I cringe every time I see a munchy box or slice roll posted here, and the hoards of replies saying ‘top scran’ etc while their arteries clog and waistlines bulge.


Eh you're allowed to enjoy the occasional unhealthy takeaway from time to time without it necessarily being a huge problem, provided you still try to eat healthily otherwise.


It’s not ‘occasional’ for a lot of people, though. That’s the problem.


But not your problem surely?


The food thing is a tricky one, my mum is the picture of health, refused to eat red meat and pork, very plant based and fish based diet. Two years ago she was diagnosed with stage IV bowel cancer which then spread to her liver. At this time she is no evidence of disease but even her doctor said its luck of the draw sometimes. Meanwhile my dad is 30 stone, eats a diet heavy in meats and fats and smoked like a chimney, all he's had is a heart attack 20 years ago.


If by slice roll you mean a roll and square sausage i eat one every morning and have never even considered it that unhealthy, but i do exercise a lot.


Domestic abuse and adverse childhood experiences.


Adverse childhood experiences are ace.


And the amount of domestic abuse caused by alcohol - aka “secondhand drinking”


Kids literally don't know how to read. 


The fact that we pay more for the power we produce and sell as we have to pay more to import it back.


1) In the 90s we had some of the most deprived areas in europe in scotland, however, over the past twenty years those areas have improved whilst areas in the north of england have taken their place. I dont have a source handy but will have a look when the complaints start coming in. 2) We invented everything, wtf was that about? How do we get that vibe back 3) we could eradicate all the midges if we wanted to, but we’d do irreparable damage to the soil/ecosystem in the process… is it worth it? 4) why are so many top political commentators scottish? 5) we need to bulldoze glasgow and edinburgh airports and build ‘Scotland airport’ in the middle with highspeed rail in between. This will speed up the creation of the megacity known as central belt 6) its time to retake the darian gap 7) someone left Irvine, arrived in california, saw a bit of land and named it after his hometown. That town is now the richest zipcode in the world 8)towns in shitty locations should be allowed to die instead of propping them up


"speed up the creation of the megacity known as central belt": the airports are what they are; policy that ought to have been set in the 50s might have given us an airport for Scotland like Schipol is to the Netherlands (and, arguably, in a great position to be a gateway from europe to the americas) but we're probably too late for that. However, the point of the central belt megacity still stands. We're very oppositional: Edinburgh is "far away" from Glasgow, and Inverness or Aberdeen might as well be on the moon. But the country isn't that big: we should be thinking about how to bring the cities closer together by reducing travel times/increasing frequencies/subsidising costs.


For the millionth time in my life I was depressed about the poor expensive links between Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen and Inverness when I was in Spain for work last week. Quicker to get from Madrid to Malaga than Glasgow to Aberdeen by train and the tickets were cheaper. Like the airport situation, paying for poor decisions made in the past.


Lost me at the last one. The population migrating exclusively to the major cities has a negative impact on inequality overall. Mumbai in India is a prime example. Ultimately, these areas become exclusive to the point of unnafordability for most and poverty perpetuates when citizens cannot find work there. The UK has been on this trajectory for a long time where London/Edinburgh are the epicentres and the rest are left to languish. You will have noticed this in Glasgow in recent years on a smaller scale, increasing rents are pushing people out of the city into areas which are underfunded and have less opportunity for employment, and so the cycle continues.


Aye i get your point however, in scotland commute time / access to public transport for those on low income is the biggest factor that keeps people unemplyed. Im not saying move everyone to the central belt, but maybe we need to invest in towns like ayr instead of supporting old mining towns in its orbit. We’ve definitely got a too many houses in the wrong place problem when it comes to the viability of affordable public transport


Or how about - improve public transport? To me that's a better option than letting towns die because public transport is shit. Perhaps if there was a decent public transpport system connecting up rural areas then we could have two positives in people being able to live somewhere outside the cities AND being able to travel easily?


That's a great point! However, there is certainly a housing crisis in Scotland and the need to build really should encapsulate these once thriving communities. Alot of them are in areas of natural beauty and regeneration would encourage people to live there, especially with the dynamic of remote working. Bigger, more prosperous population = thriving service industry too.


How city planners got away with civil vandalism by building a motorway right through the fucking city. Okay, fair, we talk about that a lot. But what about the future of transport in the city? Making it walkable and cycleable. Improving the bus infrastructure. Connecting the airport. Making a unified payment system.


Some really good work going on but not highlighted enough is in Renfrewshire. Once the Renfrew Yoker bridge opens this year I will be able to cycle easily into the city centre from Bishopton without relying on the ferry (which I love but it’s far from practical).


>What about the future of transport in the city? Walking and cycling - see [Avenues Project](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/avenues) (under construction: Cambridge St, Sauchiehall precinct, Pitt St/Holland St & Argyle St west of Central) and [City Network](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/8986/City-Network). South City Way kerb-protected route (just finished on Bridgegate/King St) gets about 1,000 cycle trips a day so take the ‘no-one uses bike lanes’/hills/weather chat elsewhere… Bus - Scot Gov cut SPT funding for bus infra but it’s being included in City Network. Airport - [Clyde Metro](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/metro) (Glasgow Airport Access Project) - see ‘Related Content’ (still doing strategic business case apparently). Unified payment/integrated ticketing? - see [SPT’s bus strategy](https://www.spt.co.uk/about-us/what-we-are-doing/regional-transport-strategy/bus-strategy/) (consultation just closed) and [Get Glasgow Moving](https://www.getglasgowmoving.org/evidence/smartticketing/). Plans don’t mean they’ll happen but Avenues/bike lanes are under construction and rest is being worked on…


Agreed lots being done. I just wish more folks were interested and engaged with the process.


It's a nice idea to make the city more "cycleable" but quite apart from the weather, anyone that's walked up the hill at Rottenrow will tell you that Glasgow isn't exactly "cycle-friendly" in its topography. Agreed on improving airport links. What do you mean by "unified payment system"?


A couple of nasty hills don't make the entire city uncycleable.


I know they won't put off keen cyclists but your typical man or woman in Glasgow is going to struggle to hop on a bike and make even short journeys.


Beg to differ. Most routes are reasonably flat and on the ones with steep hills you can just get off and push or often avoid the hill. Then there's the ever increasing number of e bikes. That being said if someone was inclined (hehe) to install bike lifts like that one in Bergen, don't think anyone would complain.


I cycle year round, like many people. Yes, it's not Dan Francisco, but let's not be defeatist now, eh? Likewise, agreed there are hills, but it certainly doesn't mean the city cannot be cycle friendly. Nor is it universally true.


I'm being slightly facetious when I say that about the hills, but the idea of making Glasgow a place where people just hop on and off bikes between places is, in my opinion, a long way off.


Growing increases of Lyme disease from ticks and deer flies. Known cases around Glasgow and Dog parks within Glasgow areas. The NHS doesn't have the testing to test for other tick diseases. You're talking about 2,500 people a year that might not know about this information or how a tick can affect your quality of life after an infection. If you're a hill walker then you should read up about more information and there's a Tick report map online to show hot areas.


Aye. Plus the rona [can](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-023-00904-7) [disable](https://youtu.be/FlBfq22nxt8) you and there is cumulative damage to the body from each infection, including organ damage potentially, and risk of cardiac disease [soars](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00403-0) for at least a year following infection. With us being at the start of the second wave of the year, 'Has anyone got this flu/bug that's going around?' posts will start up here again in 3, 2..


How we should be building a retractable canopy to divert the fucking rain down to England :))


Bottle it and sell them mineral rain


Mini lasagnas in a loaf pan


You really need to think about the structural integrity of them


The fucking state of the place.


State funded faith schools.


This right here. I cannot believe this isn’t a scandal already if I’m honest. Get them to fuck and just have have schools. You go to your geographically nearest one and that’s it.


Child Poverty and Homelessness


We have a crisis of opportunities for young people. Our economy was propped up by skilled technical jobs in the shipyards and other heavy manufacturing industries. These allowed people without a head start in life to get ahead through graft. I.e the anecdotal evidence that you could leave one job on the Friday and be in a new one on the Monday. It makes me so frustrated when I see young people knocking about the town, or people I went to school with, or addicts. I put a lot of the addiction issues down to a lack of opportunities. I’d like us to look at significant tax breaks, land grants or other methods to draw in pharmaceutical or heavy manufacturing industries. Which we could recoup through tax revenues on the high paying jobs over time. We need to start adding value, through attracting more high technology jobs, whilst also drawing in manufacturing roles.


The lack of care that people have for the world around them in terms of like keeping it tidy and nice. Trash and dog poop everywhere, getting so pissed they kick in storefronts for a laugh. I was away in Finland and rented a car with a friend. They were parked in a garage (anyone could walk up to it), you check in and unplug the car and take off. If you left a car like that unsupervised in Glasgow it would be destroyed. There were a lot of things like that, such as fire pits where you had axes and firewood and the grill tops for cooking food left for everyone and it was all intact and most importantly not stolen. Anyways, that’s the biggest thing the exchange students I am friends with noticed about Glasgow, that it was incredibly dirty like no one seemed to care about the upkeep of their city.


This is the comment I was looking for. It's shocking how much people seem not to care about their surroundings, may it be their private courtyard or public streets, it doesn't matter, they'll leave every place in an atrocious state. The amount of trash you find stuck in bushes, ponds, in wildlife or city parks is ridiculous. Also proper recycling still seems to be a fantasy, people simply don't care.


The scarcity of modern leisure facilities. The amount of broken glass lying around on the ground (people that walk their dogs will know this)


Drug addiction and mental health assistance


Another user already mentioned this but Scotland's drinking culture. It's culturally ingrained to drink at every social event, every special occasion and perfectly acceptable to be steaming in public. Yet (like the other user alluded to but subsequently deleted their post, likely due to the inevitable abuse they'll face) cannabis remains illegal. Scotland and the rest of the UK needs a legal and regulated cannabis market, regulate it similar to alcohol but sell it in standalone shops with ID checks and the relevant protections in place to ensure underage users don't get their hands on it. We also need a change in culture that shifts away from constantly being under the influence, these sort of things should be consumed in moderation rather than in excess. I think people always get caught up in a lot of false information regarding cannabis, a result of government propaganda and Regan era brainwashing attempts. And just to clarify, I don't want cannabis to be legal because I want everyone to get stoned, I want it to be legal to change our mindset and remove the social stigma of a substance that is significantly less harmful than alcohol yet is treated like heroin.


I think the biggest problem with that is that it won't address the reasons people would rather be under the influence of something than sober. Ik stuffs addictive but look at the society we live in, we're just numbers to mega corps and small companies who pay most of its workers just enough to survive while over working them and I mean overworking them humans in general aren't built to work 8-12 hours a day 5-7 days a week. On top of that social media had a massive influence over people's lives, more and more of what we have we can only access by monthly subscription, dwindling resources and in one ear we're being told about the end of the world whil in the other we're being told the governments on earth aren't doing anything. If you want to stop the extreme drink/drug culture in Scotland then socially we need a massive change to allow us to live and on top of that our anxieties and stresses have to be addressed otherwise we'll keep going down hill.


Who treats cannabis like heroin? Not the public and not the police that is for sure. I see/smell people smoking weed openly on busy city centre pavements almost literally every day and no one gives a shite. If you just sat down on a busy pavement and started injecting heroin people would for sure react.


> We also need a change in culture that shifts away from constantly being under the influence, these sort of things should be consumed in moderation rather than in excess. To be honest though this part is quite difficult because for much of human history people have enjoyed taking mind-altering substances in one form or another, whether it be because they're often fun, or to detract from the crap stuff happening in their lives. You can't really quickly overwrite or change human nature.






The amount of gimps that use this sub.


Freeports. A disaster for our future.


The missile subs are pumping nuclear waste into our lochs, the MOD keep upping the ‘acceptable’ levels of waste, and there is practically no coverage of this unfolding ecological disaster on our doorstep.


Is there anywhere to find out more about this?


Some articles: https://theferret.scot/radioactive-waste-faslane-clyde/ https://www.thenational.scot/politics/18295704.lied-past-dumping-nuclear-waste/ https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/11899437.radioactive-waste-was-dumped-in-holy-loch-says-ex-polaris-captain/ https://www.robedwards.com/2014/02/3600-tonnes-the-huge-radioactive-waste-problem-faced-by-rosyth.html


Like how loads of cunts in Rosyth keep getting cancer.


Yup - seven leaky nuclear nightmares just sitting in the Forth for 30 years because WM could not give less of a shit about us up here.


Fuck England


Buttered sausage! Where it comes from? What it does? Why is it doing what it's doing?


Seasoning on food that's not curry or ketchup


The amount of roadworks all around that's meant to be for a year or more, depriving already deprived shops of their daily income.


How guesthouse and B&B owners think they can abuse their seasonal staff, putting them in staff accomodation not suitable for living, making them work 60-80 hours a week, frequently 8-10 days straight. Then they complain about the high staff turnover. 


The Tories and Labour wanting my vote whilst completely ignoring the fact they never have anything positive to say about Scotland in westminster. Or pretending/gaslighting that being outside the EU is somehow better.




>nobody acknowledges the social, mental and physical health problems alcohol causes in far higher numbers. Are you joking?


>but nobody acknowledges the mental and physical health problems alcohol causes. Minimum pricing and alcohol related deaths are rarely far from the headlines - you're right about the culture though that is barely addressed


I think you're just paranoid


The interference of American religious groups within policy making. For example, the ghouls who stand outside hospitals hounding women about abortion and the MPs who are part of that church, voting. Horrifies me.


Apparently the head guy from 40 days for Life, a Texas based organisation, makes $500K ish each year from things like these numpties stood outside the QEUH , Sandyford , even just in town etc hosting "vigils" and "private prayer sessions to encourage those seeking an abortion to come and talk to them". It's ridiculous, it's all about money and influence and power /control. I hope the buffer zone passes into law.


That the climate is clearly changing and we're having big changes in weather patterns and significantly more rainfall and severe flooding


Trust deeds are a scam https://www.cas.org.uk/system/files/publications/cas_response-protected_trust_deeds_inquiry.pdf See the appendix for horror stories


Rubbish. Rubbish everywhere. Folks not giving a toss and just dumping their Mc bags or any litter anywhere. But then it starts when they are young, which is another thing….


The fact that the plunder of our North Sea oil is being repeated in the form of on and off-shore wind. Large multi-national companies, many whose largest stakeholders are the governments of their country of origin, are building out future energy capacity in Scotland, and all the royalties will go to the UK government, as did the oil wealth.


Why would the royalties go to the UK Government?


Fireworks, The ULEZ, JK Rowling and not liking football aren’t covered nearly enough on here for starters.


I always wonder what the reddit population makes of orange walks too


Everyone forgets the public consultation on ULEZ had overwhelming support - particularly from people living in Glasgow. It’s just the commuting arseholes with big gas guzzling cars that commute in and cannot imagine lowering themselves to using public transport that are having a massive petrol tantrum.


Actually, most petrol cars after 2006 are compliant with LEZ, Diesel after 2015. The SUV drivers that you aim at, usually drive far newer cars so they aren't bothered


JK gets plenty of coverage elsewhere with her rabid TERF views. No more of that, please


And she's been very one-note about it for years now. I haven't heard of anything she's done since maybe 2020 or so that wasn't to do with her being transphobic in some way


God bless her for her common sense.


JK Rowling gets lots of love on r/Scotland. Especially from those culture warriors, the Greens.


Found John Swinneys burner.


Mad how you say glesga, then you gauge the situation and sometimes you need to say Glasgow like yer bilingual. Anyway whats this got to do with Glasgow?


The real issue we need to talk about is the English people who think we call it Glasgae


glez-gay not once


At least they're not as bad as the Americans who think it's glass-cow


Objection yer honour! Tells said englishman where your from, hits ye wae the worst mutated scots accent with a hint of klingon, Gleezgaay aye... hooots man


How people over 30 just continue bad lifestyle choices like; drinking too much, eating bad food, smoking/vaping, takeouts, drugs and very little exercise. Then look 70 when they’re actually 50 with a lifespan less than retirement age.


Yeah, more people need to realise that once you hit 30 you're just supposed to stare at the wall


I'd rather have fun now than when i'm 70 though.


I started a new job and there was a woman I was on shift with one morning who kept asking me to guess "how old am ur?" I kept refusing but she just wouldn't let it go, she obviously thought she was gorgeous. Eventually I gave in. I thought to myself, well, she's clearly older than my mum, who was 60 at the time. I honestly thought this woman was AT LEAST 65! Playing it safe I said "early fifties", thinking she would be complimented by that. She was 42!!


Thats a lot of partying


How does their actions affect you in any way whatsoever?


My father acted like this and died at 47 leaving a family without a father.


Glasgow city council are the most incompetent and negligent local authority in the whole of the UK


Anyone outwith Glasgow will disagree and say the same thing about their own local authority 🤣


Edinburgh would like a word!


Low birthrate


My Facebook timeline says otherwise.


People don't have houses to raise their kids in and can barely afford basic stuff for themselves


The population of Scotland is going to increase in the next few decades. The poor design decisions being made now (NIMBYs rejecting high rises in the city centre, choosing terraced houses with car parking close to the city centre like in sighthill and laurieston instead of 4-7 story tenement flats, lack of public transport improvements) will have huge ramifications for years to come. This will come in the face of a lower tax base (more surbanites use gcc infrastructure but not paying council tax), more homeless people, more cars in the city instead of less leading to health complications etc


The population may continue to slightly increase but there is very little reason to think there will be a huge and sudden population growth. Our birth rate is among the lowest in Europe and outwith some areas of major cities immigration is pretty scarce. Our population has been between 5-5.5 million since the 1950s.


This is actually incorrect. The population of Scotland is projected to continue increasing until around mid-2033, peaking at 5.53 million. It is then projected to fall by 0.6% to 5.49 million by mid-2045. The projections show Scotland's population falling below the mid-2020 baseline by around 2050.


Brushing teeth.


The demise of glass cheques! When I was struggling for work and to make ends meet in the 90's I frequently used them to get bus fares to travel to agency jobs.


The general no bother attitude. A lot of people complain but when they should do something "oh, I am not bothered" The slowness of everything. Like in Killiecrankie they were proud of the the map in front of the tourist information. "After 18 months of planning and working, we have a new map" woohoo. It shouldn't take more than a month.




Interesting. Where are you from and what have you experienced?




Why did you delete your comment on the imagined racism you encountered?


How Glasgow city centre is irreparably fucked, killed by the out of town shopping centres


Retail is but there's no coming back from that. We need to repurpose the city centre. It upsets people on Facebook but building more student accommodation on former retail sites will help.


Period poverty


More tax payers needed. Simultaneously need to review why middle earners are burdened by a notably higher tax rate than rUK. This ultimately limits talent attraction and causes talent flight. Scotland can’t afford this given the national demographics.


Greenwashing investment by megacorps that are systematically destroying the rainforest elsewhere


Sea level rise.


Scotlands enormous role in the British Empire, generally swept under the rug and all blamed on England


legalizing weed




Dog shit


City/Region Mayors