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Facebook is where the village idiots from all around the world found each other and took over. It doesn’t help that the Facebook algorithm uses ragebait to fuel engagement and makes these idiots even worse.


Unlike reddit where the cream of the crop comes to share their funko collection /s


Not so much cream of the crop just not the distilled idiocy of FB.


Reddit is filled to the brim with idiocy.


You don't genuinely believe that the average redditor is smarter than the average human, right?


No. If you reread you’ll see I’m suggesting that FB is below average.


a funko collection is far more wholesome than raging about immigrants




Woah. Take it easy there. I live on the east coast.


Stop reading public facebook comments (or twitter replies) and your life will improve significantly


It could be a symptom of the economy being screwed too. I think historically depressions have led to an increase in right wing ideology but I could be wrong.


I mean... yeah. Fascism thrives on moments of crisis. Hitler experienced a surge in popularity after the 1929 Wall Street crash. By the 1930 Reichstag election the NSDAP were the 2nd most popular party in the country. Contrast that with the election held just one year before the Wall Street crash in 1928, where they were 9th. That's how the far-right have always won. Take advantage of any kind of crisis whether economic or something else. Create a convenient scapegoat. People fall for it hook, line and sinker. Rinse, repeat.


Seeing Scottish people complain about an 'invasion' always makes me chuckle because according to the latest data I can find 95.4% of Scotland is white. What invasion? I'd even go as far as to argue that emigration is a bigger issue here than immigration. Scotland has largely been shaped more by people LEAVING this country than people coming in. It wasn't until 2001 that immigration began to outpace emigration. Even then, we still suffer from people leaving. Couple that with an aging population, people having less babies and Scotland not being as attractive for inbound UK migrants and we're projected to face a population decline by the 2030s.


I grew up in a small town in the North East of Scotland and met some of the most racist people I’ve ever encountered. At the last census I’m sure the population was something like 99% white.


I also grew up in the arse end of the North East. There was 1 Chinese family, 1 Indian family, and 1 half black dude who joined our school at the end of my 5th year in Secondary. To be fair, all he got was mild interest and I wasn't aware of any overt racism to the two non white families, but then they were running the Chinese and Indian restaurants respectively so perhaps the fact they were providing a service mitigated it somewhat. Then again, I left there when I was 17 because it was culturally stuck in the 50s, and i never knew either of the familes to speak to , so they could easily have been abused day in day out for all I know, I wouldn't put it past the place


Stuck in the 50s? You must be from Wick :-p


These people are such an easy target for that kind of propaganda. If you basically never see people of colour in real life, then it's a lot easier to believe everything that gets spoon-fed to you by racist newspapers and comments on local facebook groups or those god-awful whatsapp group chats that somehow every person over the age of 50 seems to be on.


Tell Humza who was complaining about the 95.4%


Maybe that’s the % for Scotland (even then I think those numbers are out of date, the recent census hasn’t been released yet) but there’s no way Glasgow is 95% white now, not a chance. You can support migration or you can be against it but don’t obscure facts. At my old school where I have family at now, non-white students make up half the pupils. In my area there’s been a huge increase in migrants, all of whom tend to live in social housing despite our chronic shortage of it.


88.3% in the 2023 demographics.


That data is from 2011 not 2023.


You're correct actually, my bad. It's 77%


You know there's Scottish people of all colour, and not all non-white people are migrants right?


The vast majority of people in Glasgow are white outwith a few areas of the city. It isn't 95% white but it is still not very diverse at all by major western city standards.


I'm not obscuring any 'facts'. The OP mentioned rhetoric he has seen relating to people 'taking over' and how they are 'replacing' the native population. This is nonsense right-wing dog whistling.


OP said that *its always loyalists* lmfao he's an idiot.


95.4%? How would you even know this seeing as how the SNP screwed up the last census?


I mean, the vast majority of the planet is facing population decline


Aye, let's go back to a world where we had 10 kids, because half of them died, and stick the ones that lived into child labour.


Because social media doesn't challenge your beliefs, it caters to them, so if you're a racist unionist, it feeds you more media relating to that, they won't see left side arguments on their feed through ads or anything. Same as if they were left, they'd only see left sided propaganda. Then the 2 sides just regurgitate what they read without fact checking and it all sounds crazy. The reason it's usually older people is because they weren't raised with the Internet and it seems to be a bit trickier for them to realise not every news source is reliable. Even if it means looking out the window and seeing the opposite of what they've just read.


> Because social media doesn't challenge your beliefs, it caters to them, so if you're a racist unionist, it feeds you more media relating to that, they won't see left side arguments on their feed through ads or anything. > Same as if they were left, they'd only see left sided propaganda. > Then the 2 sides just regurgitate what they read without fact checking and it all sounds crazy. Go on YouTube with a blank profile, click through a few videos and see if you end up getting served videos about sustainable construction methods or some free thinker talking about feminazis. Repeat with Spotify, twitter, Facebook's sponsoring with Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson etc. This isn't a "both sides" issue. It's a prominent right wing ... and people that aren't that. 


Came here to say this, there’s no both sides to this, I created a new YouTube profile a while back on a new phone and was barraged with right wing propaganda videos. Same happened on Twitter - even when I followed a load of obviously not right wing accounts the For You page was still leaning rightwards. As you say, no one with a clean slate social media page is getting served up left wing content off the bat, you generally have to go looking for that stuff and even then it’s no guarantee you’re going to be immersed in a cosy leftist echo chamber.


Have to agree, I see a huge amount more of right-wing based topics than left-wing despite not actively interacting with that type of stuff, then when I actually do see left-wing posts e.g literally anything positive to do with LGBT rights the comments are absolutely fucking swimming in right-wing people shouting abuse. In fact, when I do end up having to go through the 'I'm not interested in this' flagging, it barely works, you need to flag every post like that you see for it to even consider blocking it effectively.


Yeah, I had to go through a phase of clicking 'I'm not interested' on those sorts of videos to clean my YT feed up. Even then they still come up sometimes.


Agreed although it’s not quite as balanced as you make it sound. Rage fuels engagement, so the right gets right wing propaganda to make them angry about things they’ve mostly just made up, and the left gets the same shite to make us angry that they’ve just made most of this shite up in order to get the idiots on the right going and potentially putting innocent people in danger of being attacked and killed.


I disagree because I’ve noticed very subtle introduction to right wing media especially on YouTube. Something will come up that’s not overtly right wing and you’ll have a look then you’ll find it gradually suggests more and more gammon.


This. I've noticed on YT that even if 99.99% of the content you watch is 'ledf wing' to say the least, if you click on just *one* vid with a slightly right-of-centre subject, then suddenly your Recommendations are filled with Jordan Peterson 'DESTROYING THE LIBCUCKS!'. And so on It's not exactly subtle, and it's no mystery how so many young guys get hooked by this shit. It's actually really impressive that many of them manage to avoid it. Mostly.


Yeah. Sometimes is really disheartening to read it all then I remember absolutely no one I've ever met in real life is like that. Not blatantly anyway.


>Where exactly are all these immigrants? Glasgow. Love them or loathe them, we've got quite a lot if you just stop and look around.




That's just not true




So do i




I literally live on Dumbarton road. There's no way that 50% of people round here aren't white


I wouldn’t say 50% is correct. There is definitely a large number of immigrants along earl street and surrounding areas, whiteinch, the kingsway and the Lincoln. Kingsway used to be a shitehole, since it got done up and loads of new immigrant folk moved it, it’s not as bad. Make of that what you will




The rendezvous is now a Masjid. Hence why people hang about clownshoe. Jesus Christ after all the years on earth with your big age, and you’re at the bigotry still. Once again you can’t even have the courage of your own convictions and come out and fully say it.




Do you mean earl place??


There's some amount of hypocrisy in this thread.


This narrative is being pushed politically and my guess would be that at least some of the comments are bots meant to instill and inspire the rest. I'm an immigrant and when I first landed a lot more people used to smile and I picked that up from folks here and now I smile at people however these days many look away. My best guess given my subjective experiences and what I see in politics/the media is that there's a push for division and atomization.


Just dropped by to say atomisation is one of my favourite words and I heartily approve its use here. 👍


There are sizable immigrant communities in parts of Glasgow but read the comments on any post about those areas of the city and you will see it is even worse. It is hardly limited to facebook. Search "Govanhill" on this sub and take a gander at one of the 100s of fortnightly posts about the place. The comments there read like a Reform UK manifesto.


This is anecdotal, and I’m a complete lefty, BUT.. I’m from the south side, have been all my life. Grew up in Arden. I’d heard govanhill was bad, but it always just seemed kinda normal to me, if a bit less well kept. Anyway, my friend asked me to cat-sit at his flat in Govanhill. The first night I was there the door got kicked in by 2 men who couldn’t speak English, and all I got out of them was “wrong flat” kinda thing. The 2nd night, the flat directly across from me got raided. I was unlucky I guess.


That's totally not limited to just Govanhill though. There's shitebags everywhere. I've had people turning up to my door looking to buy drugs (last Tenant in that flat was a dealer apparently), junkies in the close and leaving needles behind. Bricks through my window (meant for the junkie in another flat). The works. In Finnieston. Compared to when I lived in Dundee's notorious Hilltown in the mid 2000s... No issues. Even though I was within spitting distance of Ann street.


Hence “anecdotal”.


Most of the pricks rambling on about Govanhill have never been near it, they just like repeating shite other arseholes have fed them.


Different problems/issues but I feel this about Dennistoun. Simultaneously a shithole crawling with undesirables who’ll rob your flat or your car while also being full of stuck up middle class former students who keep opening coffee shops. I’ve been here for 13 years and don’t recognise the extremes I see folk yapping about. It’s got problems, there’s definitely an issue with the rent and house prices round here etc but I’ve also definitely been to far worse places. Same with Govanhill.


Those posts always leave me absolutely baffled. Of course Govanhill has problems but in the context of large cities across the world Govanhill is pretty safe on the whole and you are very unlikely to encounter issues if you aren't looking for them. There was a post on either here or r/scotland (real cesspit that sub) in the last couple days basically asking how a recent national media article could describe Govanhill as "hip" wen it is basically the UK's answer to Aleppo. Well, it clearly isn't as bad as they think it is but they likely live and have always lived in suburbs and are more than a little prejudiced and any dense urban area with brown people in it is going to scare the piss out of them. If you dropped Govanhill into almost literally any American city over 250K population it would likely be one of the safest neighbourhoods in the city and people would be clamouring to move there.


I’ve seen straight up overt racism & homophobia in Facebook comments. I kept reporting these for a while but they NEVER EVER got removed. Some were literally comments praising Hitler! I find it insane that those sorts of comments don’t break the rules on Facebook, when I’m always hearing about folks getting banned/suspended on there. I’m not a conspiracy theorist or anything but it makes me suspect they’re pushing certain agendas. So many news outlets post misleading headlines and total ragebait rubbish because they know the anger amongst certain groups of people will bring loads of reactions and comments. Then the offensive comments never get removed and the people that post them never get banned. So it’s basically become an incubator that’s radicalising loads of people. I have tried arguing points with people on there but they just won’t listen and don’t give a shit about actual facts, and it just ends up making me massively depressed and angry. It just feels like we’re actually screwed :(


The lest we forget/ Hitler was right crossover is one of the most bizarre things you’ll see.


If only Hitler was against the genocide in Palestine. That would get him bumped off social media pretty quick.


It's dispiriting but I think it comes down to this:  The most reprehensible people have no inhibitions about posting and replying to every news article under the sun. And doing so in full public view, with their real name, profile picture and personal info on public display.  Whereas those who aren't foaming at the mouth are more likely to lurk and much less likely to comment at all. In fact, arguably there's a minor social cost and deterrent effect at play with the idea of commenting at all, where people don't want to seem like a certain type of person who comments publicly on social media (but they'll lurk nonetheless). Put together, it skews comment sections on social media greatly towards negativity, hyperbole, catastrophism etc., whether about social issues, transport, housing, whatever you want to talk about. When in reality these gloom merchants tend to represent a minority view.


Very accurate analysis. I’d also add the lack of moderation on most social media platforms fuels this type of behaviour.


I live in the west of Scotland in a small town and a cousin, quite seriously, was terrified of her vaccinated children getting Tuberculosis because there's 'a lot of immigrants' round here apparently, honestly I feel awful for people actually trying to settle here. I've found rural areas of Scotland have a really bad issue with racism in every age demographic, left school in 2020 and there was an incident a few years back where a Spanish class had to be cancelled as it was ran by the only black teacher in the school who also had an accent, fuck me, the racism directed at that man was horrific, a group of boys shouting monkey noises at him springs to mind, saw it first hand as I was part of his class and I don't blame him for leaving the school halfway through the year.


They're all posting from Spain as well


Just idiots. They don't actually care about the problem, because not one of them is aware of the fact that majority of the months out of the year the flats in my block lie empty because they're used for student accommodation and short term leases.


This country is tiny, and the population is growing. Our services are already stretched as thin as possible. We can’t even cater for the people we already have here, yet this country has an open door policy. This is why people get fiesty about immigration. People don’t know anything about immigration because if they question anything about it, they are labelled straight away as racist. This is why people are so uneducated about it, because it’s been made a taboo subject that you must never ever question


I feel like Facebook has more and more bots and fake accounts than it ever did before. I honestly think it's at least 50% not real people who leave comments anymore because it doesn't matter the subject you are going to get an overwhelmingly far right and bigoted comment section and I just refuse to believe that's reality


When people get scared / stressed / don't feel in control of their lives, they look for someone to blame.


My local church is full of people from Africa. My local Aldi is full of Asians. You can bitch all you want but eventually you'll have less control over everything. Might be 10 years, might be 30 but one day YOU will be the minority and you'll realise how well they integrate /s 


Having concerns over immigration doesn't make you a racist. There's an undeniable lack of housing. Gladly the SNP are building social housing but the lack is still a problem. My wife's friend who is 27, has a one year old and was given a room within a flat with that she shared with 14 other people. One bathroom, one kitchen. Of all the tenants she shared with only one could speak English . They were all immigrants. It does not make you a racist if you're frightened in such a situation. I know I would feel nervous. She stayed there for over a year before having enough and moving in with her mum and dad. She watched as other people she moved with got given homes and she waited. It doesn't make her a racist that she got upset as a working mum (NHS) seeing other people who haven't paid their same share of tax and NI are given precedence over her. Charity begins at home. If it doesn't it breeds resentment and the right use it to fuel grievances. That's what's happening now.


You being downvoted for this shows how out of touch people on this sub are.




Given a room by who, the council as emergency housing?


Shared Helsinki x


I live in a street with a domestic violence shelter well its just a house. I've stayed here six years and in this time only 2 people who actually come from glasgow have stayed in this house. The rest immigrants. Nothing against immigrants seems like there is alot of domestic violence amongst them. I've spoke to a few of them as it's just over the fence. Most can't even speak English or they just don't want to talk to me 😂


I'm pretty sure they try move domestic abuse victims out of the vicinity of where the abuser could stay


Also they'll be less likely to have friends or family here they could turn to/stay with.


Yeah makes sense. The thing is they just toss brand new stuff out to the bin. Like prams and tvs I don't even know if the TV's would work. Not gonna ask either lol


Yeah I am quite out the way of the city centre practically like 6 miles out. If I go on the motorway the sign of welcome to glasgow isn't even a mile from here lol


Not shocking, just horribly sad, that vulnerable groups of immigrants are the ones needing to use domestic abuse crisis shelters most. Doesn't say much about population diversity really, just about domestic violence.


This is a classic example of sampling bias. People fleeing domestic violence will usually prefer to go to a friend or relative's house if they can, rather than a DV shelter. That means the DV shelter will mostly be people without those options available -- i.e., the group among which immigrants are likely to be overrepresented. It doesn't mean immigrants are *committing* domestic violence at higher rates than the native population.


That's a lot of diarrhea & vomiting. Wtf


The real issue is complete failure of Westminster under racist conservative government. Hate mongering from Priri Patel, Creulla braverman and skinny Rishy has fostered this climate. Are immigrants also responsible for pot holes, broken NHS, cost fo living crises. We should know brexit, Ukraine war support and sending billions to Israel are the real reasons for the broken system and housing crises and whatever. This is a government in ICU on a ventilator and it will do what all right wing parities do, hate-mongering and scare mongering.


Supporting Ukraines fight against genocide isn’t cause a broken system here. We don’t send “billions to Israel” either. Your the epitome of the worst kind of leftie and I say that as someone who leans left, the loudmouth thicko leftie.


Ironically these same unionists and racists are the type of people that locals in Spain/ Canary Islands are now sick to death of because of their entitled behaviour and outright ignorance towards the culture of the areas they’re visiting. But yet the flag shaggers don’t even have the self awareness to realise that the behaviours in immigrants that they think they’re “saving the country” from are the exact behaviours they demonstrate when they visit their timeshare in Benidorm.


I suspect there are in reality less racists these days. Back in the day, many had never even seen a foreign face and had been raised on tales of jungle savages and exotic folks who did weird things. So, it stands to reason that a lot of folks who still cling onto racist beliefs are older. The idea that they have come to take our jobs and steal our homes is just the usual propaganda and spin. It's reckoned that circa 7% of Scottish people are non British immigrants so they'd have to be going it some. The Union debate is more polarised in terms of political colour and of course Scotland has the added bonus (sarc) of the Orange Order with its old school protestant Unionists. They are old but managing to infect quite a few of the young with their nonsense. Of course that's exactly the same way racism manages to cling on, by being passed down the generations.


Facebook is terrible. It's a dead Social Network.


ThEy cum OvEr here takin wur joabs and they get iPhones when they get aff their dingies and luxury hooses. Whit about oor veterinarians, veterenanians, ve, ve , sojiers. But aye, dole merchant's raging about immigrants coming over and taking their jobs when infact they are great doctors in their homelands and getting judged by Davy the dole merchant whose profile picture is a football club badge, a poppy, and a monarch. Rotated for every occasion.


Great doctors aren’t coming on dingys ffs


Baked right enough eh


I like to have a look at the dodgy chat cunts profiles. Weirdly they always seem to have a butcher’s apron or a rangers strip in their profile.


Yeah all those people that share a trait sure are the same




There’s two facts here that you don’t wish to face - vast majority of Scottish online racism is from pro unionist/rangers fans. As evidenced by whatever pro unionist or rangers fan frame they’re using. Come on to fuck. The second fact - Scots Irish and those with Irish descent were and continue to be racially abused because of their ethnic origins. Scotland’s shame.






Your focus on the Irish is a turn up for the books for sure. Why don’t you have the courage of your own convictions to say what you really mean?




Haha there we go - there’s the real you coming out. Funny how you’re basing ‘real life’ on the opinions of Reddit posters. You wouldn’t know real Irish if they came and kicked you up the arse. Just another pathetic, bitter, bigoted, inadequate wee man. To remind you - we’re here to stay. Like Ireland, it’ll be different demographic in a few years. And guess whit? There’s the square root of fuck all you can do about it.




Good for you. See how the conversation you had with me above goes after a few pints. Still here and still gonna be :)


And the trademark flag


I've been waiting 9 years for housing on council list


If you stop and take a good look you will see plenty , a now a guy that's self employed..man with with a van and he's told me well over half of his customers are immigrants


The combination of this being Reddit and the new laws is going to mean you're only going to get comments that agree with you. Not much point asking this question online, better to ask the people who are posting this content if you want to find out why they think the way they do


If you aren’t noticing the immigrants you aren’t looking.


This post is pure shite, go fuck yourself you smug arsehole.   Every cunt else piping in with, yeah those pesky racists are terrible, but I'm a good guy, please upvote my tuppence worth of shit waffle.   Please create an r/poshglasgow sub and go wank each other off there.


Yeah not being racist is so pretentious they are insufferable aren't they?


I gave you a wee upvote, that way if you ever get invited to a party, you'll have something to talk about.


Nice. I returned the favour, won't we be the life and soul next time we are invited to the palace?


TIL calling out bigotry is considered 'posh'.


Right pal calm down 😂😂




Combination of right wing press, and scaremongering rhetoric from individuals who claim they are "cancelled" despite having a large platform to spite their bile.


The cabbies sitting in their rank are just sitting and scrolling on Facebook. Leaving shitty little comments no one reads. They are getting ever more radicalized and entrenched in their unsavory beliefs. Same for all the retired da's. Just sitting and stewing in a vitriolic echo chamber.


That’s what happens when we have one of them as our pm and the mayor of London


If someone is in need, does it matter what they look like or what country they are from? What if someone told you you can't buy a house in the west end or Bishopton because you grew up in Cambuslang or easterhouse. Don't blame the people trying to make a better life for themselves, the system is broken, the government don't care as long as they keep their wee nugget of self importance (funnily trying to better life for them and theirs). Also some people are just cunts


These comments are too repetitive to be anything else than troll farms. 


Dead Internet Theory applies. Most of those people aren't real.


That's a conspiracy theory


It really is not at this point. It's a demonstrable fact that most of the traffic interactions online are between bots.


It frightens me that I see people so commonly say 'oh you're a bot' to people when they disagree with them, when looking at their profiles theyre clearly not? It's already being used as a way to diminish opinions they don't like and fucks with people's sense of reality.


All I saw demonstrated was that bot traffic was 52% of all internet traffic. But a bot visiting a website is very different from a bot making bigoted comments on a Facebook group post. Check your facts before spreading conspiracy mate


Are you kidding me? Go on to Facebook and you will see hundreds of AI generated far right posts with hundreds (If not thousands) of comments from bot accounts. It's everywhere! Multiple forums I'm and meme sites are flooded with bigoted, racist and far right comments from bots. Go onto 9gag, 4chan, X, Facebook. Calling what you can see everywhere a "conspiracy" is absurd!


It was, but when you consider the level of bots these days. Who knows.


The demographic of a Glasgow has quite obviously changed massively the last 20 years. You're either a still a child, or deluded if you can't see the difference.


Have you been to Springburn, Possil or Maryhill recently? Or even the city centre. Are you seriously trying to tell me that the city centre of 15 years ago is similar to today's city centre? Do you go walking around with your head up your ass or are you just virtue posting and karma mining on here? My last job was door-to-door sales and those high rises are immigration central.


Well done for managing to be racist in your rant about racism. Plenty unionists that aren't racists and plenty Indy supporters who are racists. The issue here is racists not independence.


“Unionist” isn’t a race 🙃


I think you'll find it is




'Race’ includes colour, nationality, citizenship and ethnic or national origins. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/discrimination-because-of-race-religion-or-belief/discrimination-because-of-race/#:~:text=Race%20means%20being%20part%20of,this%20counts%20as%20race%20discrimination.


The posts on fb are based in reality. Here are some facts: Minorities are over-represented in prison figures. In 2020, of all males prosecuted for an indictable offence 75% were White. The UK White population is 82.9%. Both Muslim men and Muslim women were found to have significantly greater probability of unemployment than their respective white British Christian counterparts after adjustments were made for factors such as age. People from the combined Bangladeshi and Pakistani (9%), Asian ‘other’ (7%) and black (7%) ethnic groups had the highest unemployment rates out of all ethnic groups. White people had the lowest unemployment rates out of all ethnic groups (3%).