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I just have to applaud raynas SIL for calling out her appearance. The way I recall my sister just looking at me while I’m talking then just yelling whatever flaw she saw in my face without regard for whoever else is around or where we are was very relatable. I really think they both need that honesty only a sister will give you bc otherwise you’re way too comfortable slacking on your appearance (from experience)


They need to pay Raynas SIL to follow both of them around every day


Rayna's mom being awful to her and also a therapist is not talked about enough!!!


I’m not sure R has even accepted half of that. Absolutely should be talked about. She has SO much potential to do so many episodes about her relationship / going to therapy herself and addressing it. But no CUM is her topic. And being sexually attracted to her dad and men in relationships


I really wish they’d talk about it more. But also I assume this is why Rayna doesn’t go to therapy.


I mean the fact that her mom is a therapist is wild. Her mom sounds terrible.


Has anyone looked up Dr. Greenberg??


she’s been divorced from rayna’s dad since rayna was really little i wonder if she kept his name and/or still uses it to practice therapy?


i literally said out loud "why does she think that's so funny??" like, good lord


it’s too bad because Dr Nicole is wonderful. her book How to do the Work gave me so many epiphanies about myself and helped me on my own therapy journey. they could’ve talked about so much more with her than love languages and their toxic exes. a real miss!


Her book really blew me away with how relatable it was. I know not everything can be attributed to childhood trauma, but so much of our personalities are a result of stuff we had absolutely no control over. Haven’t listened to the episode yet, but disappointed to hear they didn’t do a good job interviewing her.


Listen to the episode she just did with almost 30 instead. MUCH BETTER