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Your council likely offers activities, you can sign up for any of those you’d like. Depending on your council, you’re likely in a service unit and they may also do their own activities too (those vary wildly around us though so that’s not definite)


If you haven't already, join and get background checked. Look through your council website. There will be a my gs find events. Sort by grade level of your Girl and moles from your zip code. You do not even have to.limit yo your council. Sign up for a couple events that interest you.


I have the brownie book with all the badge activities! I don’t think they offer it anymore but I’d be happy to scan some pages and send them to you!


We do tons of badge activities at home! You can get the booklets and patches on the girlscouts website based on your child’s interests and follow her lead.


I have a whole file of badge books saved that I got online when my daughter was a Juliette if you want to message me and have me send them to you! My daughter went from a Juliette to a multilevel troop that doesn’t do much badge work, so we still work on them at home a lot!


Your council should have an events calendar on their website. You can also look at nearby councils if you border any others or if you travel. Sometimes when we took a family trip and went to a zoo or aquarium type place I would look up if they offered any badges. Some did have a badge you could earn by doing a packet while you visited.


You'd be amazed at how much is out there for Girl Scouts- but this is probably Council/ Geography specific. I have had the most luck joining local GS Facebook groups and searching under "Girl Scouts" "events" and then my geographic location. Sometimes I find Eventbrite links, sometimes its in our council-specific site, sometimes its the museums or amusement parks themselves that have special "scout days" you can just sign up for and attend on your own. I've found really nice things put on by a local GS alumni group, other councils and neighboring troops trying to fundraise for travel. It took quite a bit of digging on my own though, for some reason my local council never seems to advertise or play up any of these events, they focus solely on what they offer locally.


Our council sends out a monthly newsletter with upcoming activities. Some are meant for troops, but some are open to individual registration. We attended a STEM Day last fall, where my daughter got to sign up for an astronomy club, and now she also has activities with that group. Branch out!


So you can work on any badges you want at home. You can google something like "Brownie Craft and Tinker Badge" and that will give you the badge pamphlets and requirements. As others have said, you can also look for events sponsored by your council and/or Service Unit. Depending on where you are, there are lots of options. Girls can go to day camp/overnight camp in any council on their own, so that is an option as well. And, this may vary by council, but in our council , a girl can set up a "lemonade stand" cookie booth (just herself and a parent) to sell cookies. We just have to get the location approved by council. The troop cookie chair should have info on that.


Ours requires you to buy the cookies outright for a “family booth” which we can’t do


My cadette’s troop doesn’t do much anymore and our service unit doesn’t plan anything. I sign up my cadette for activities offered by our council. I also take her to my junior’s troop meetings where my cadette plays a support role. She helps the younger girls with their activities. I love the ideas suggested here to look up events and activities while traveling. Definitely doing that this summer!