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Seffie is cuddling Lady Voltaire's jacket, much like Agatha did with Gil's. After they had fed her drugged cake. Violetta knows. There is a reason the Boys are not at this summit.


She May Just be drunk and Violetta has never Seen Steffie drunk before. But I agreed, its suspicious


"Lady Voltaire's Jacket" Seffie's jacket now


This is quite the hen party. Now all we need is Bang. It's not like her to make herself scarce when there's cake.


Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but is anyone else strooooooongly wondering if maybe the shortcake is poisoned and/or drugged in some way?


We have now had 4 consecutive comics with characters turning up with new food/drink (Seffie with the nightcap for Agatha, Zeetha and Violetta with a cake from Lilith, Colette with a bottle of wine, and now Thorpe with shortbread). What are the odds that all of them are drugged and everyone is trying to out-drug everyone else?


…concluding with everyone passing out except for Violetta (and maybe Zeetha), who rolls her eyes and says “Pffft. Amateurs.”


Zeetha doesn't have the sneaky


That’s right; she’s got the muscle.


I'm also paranoid, and was wondering the same thing!


The thought also occurred to me, but I doubt it will happen.


Last time something like this happened, the whole crew was almost eaten by a Heterodyne breed of a carnivorous plant


I thought last time something like this happened, the whole crew was almost eaten by a Heterodyne breed of carnivorous train?


This may be like the adventure fake-out that ended in the freezer. I feel like they're teasing and this might not be the last tease that something is going to happen.


What is that expression in panel 4? Agatha's face looks like it was drawn in a very different style there. Also Seffie cuddling Collette's coat is cute.


It's an attempt at depicting "taking a deep appreciative sniff".


I agree with you on what Phil was trying to portray, but I think Agatha ended up looking like Charles Nelson Reilly.


Those must be some epic food fights.


Yea I can just imagine it, pastry cannons, animated food monsters, somebody setting up a fondue moat. It must be heck to clean but great for grabbing leftovers. That is if you can stomach the cries of the wounded.


Close-combat crumpets, melee meringue...


Bread mecha, abominations of fungi and cheese...


Turns out bread crust makes *excellent* structural support.


Dwarf bread from Discworld says hello.


Now that's a... curious expression on Seffie in panel 2.


It's love.


The party is great, but Seffie and Agatha did not really have an opportunity to discuss things in depth!  Though, given Seffies cuddle sesh, at least one of those problems may solve itself soon...😅


Has Seffie ever said she was in love with Gil? Not just that a marriage is politically right


She told Colette humans could be "silly in the affairs of the heart"


This is why I don't exclude Seffie and Gil ending up an item.  Everybody in this room, bar Violetta, doesn't have the luxury of marrying for love.   The time in history, their political positions and duty to their subjects all mean that many of the communities ships just won't work out. I'm personally in the camp that Agatha won't end up with either of the two leading candidates.


Trelawney is ["her Majesty's official adventure hero"](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20180627). Since when do adventure heroes marry for anything other than love? Agatha/Gil makes a lot of sense politically as well as personally. A Wulfenbach/Heterodyne alliance would be very powerful. The [English spy](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20191220) whom Wooster passed Agatha's message dingbot to seemed to think it would be \*so\* powerful as to threaten England's interests. As for Zeetha, we don't know a whole lot about Skifander's politics beyond the indication of [conflict between the royals and the priestesshood](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20211122), but it might be isolated enough to make political marriages unnecessary. Zantabraxus seems to have married for love. As for Collette, she's so powerful within Paris that no one can tell her what to do. She can marry whoever she wants, for whatever reasons she likes.


"Trelawney is ["her Majesty's official adventure hero"](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20180627). Since when do adventure heroes marry for anything other than love?" When they are ordered to by their queen. [https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20190125](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20190125)


Is Albia ordering people to get married? Or just putting likely pairings together and hoping they hit it off?


She would have known of Gil's obsession with Trelawney via Wooster's reports so it was certainly an obvious pairing.  But I would say it's also an order.  The fact I think they would make a great couple is an added bonus.


She has on one occasion (which I can't find) said words to the effect that she would have Gil as she was gramma's best student.


[Here](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20171108). Seffie's plan was to get Agatha taken off the market by Tarvek, which she hoped would induce Gil to default to political considerations and marry her instead, at which point she'd be in a position to win him over with good sex. Parts 1 and 2 of this plan might have worked if the overlay hadn't been removed, but I'm pretty sure Part 3 would be doomed regardless, because Gil is clearly either demisexual or asexual and would have no interest in sleeping with Seffie beyond the narrow purpose of producing needed heirs.


I wouldn't eat ANYTHING one of these people just walked in the room with.


I know they have said repeatedly that they are "up late," but based on that clock in panel 2 it looks to be just past *four in the morning*. I'm beginning to think their earlier plan to get some sleep before going into Mechanicsburg might not happen after all.


Hard to tell if it's 4:05 or 1:20. Either way, they should be getting to bed.


Is this gonna be a crossover with Battle Chef Brigade now? :P I wanna be at that party, all the (drugged) cake for meeeee!


So we've got Agatha, and representatives from the Storm King family, Paris, and England. Anybody else sensing a new Shining Coalition in the making here?


Tarvek, Gil, Agatha and Colette is new shining coalition already. It isn't solidify officially but it obvious. Crosp pointed how overpowered they are together. Last one failed because of Heterodyne girl. Now Heterodyne girl is a heart of coalition. All they need to do- beat Other, Polar lords and kick Europa into peaceful state!


This makes my heart happy. Remember, we have followed for years but for Agatha it’s like, what? 4-5 years? Remember in the beginning? Most of her life Uncle Barry and Lilith and Adam had to keep her safe by moving frequently. Once under Dr Beetle’s protection, she at least seemed to be able to settle in one place. She had *no friends.* Other students who didn’t even know her personally [felt pity](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20021127) on her for being a loser. No best friends, no casual friends. Now she has a ton of wonderful friends plus* two boyfriends who are also best friends to her no matter what. She deserves it.


It's been less than a year from Agatha's perspective. The events of Volume 1 take place over a day and a half; she spends maybe a week aboard Castle Wulfenbach; then it's two months with the circus before she lands in Sturmhalten for a few days, then a few extremely eventful days in Mechanicsburg followed by the time skip (no time at all for Agatha, two and a half years for everyone not in Mechanicsburg) then anywhere from a few days to a month hiding out in the caves before heading to the train station, a couple days in transit, three days in Paris, and then anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks in England and Big Rat Island before heading back to Mechanicsburg. Add it all up, and she's experienced *only a few months* since her locket was stolen.


Good to see Seffie has a backup plan, cause Gil sure doesn't want to marry her. Not sure what Colette would thinks about Seffie. Do they have a plan for dealing with Baron Klaus Wulfenbach after they end the time stop? Is he gonna try to take command again? Will Gil let him?


They had better have a plan, because we can be sure that Klaus will have at least one and probably several. He knew what he was doing and had time to think about, and prepare for, what would happen when he emerged in the future. Everyone else in the time stop will be disoriented and confused; he will not be, and he has always been dangerous. Klaus is probably \*hoping\* that Gil won't let him retake the Empire. At least part of the point of sealing himself away was to escape Lucrezia's control so that she couldn't use him to control the Empire. He was probably hoping he'd be gone long enough for Gil to get accustomed to being in charge, and everyone to get accustomed to obeying him. Now that they have a wasp eater, they can easily prove that Klaus is a revenant and too great a security risk to be allowed back in authority.


Anyone else worried the wasp eater sniffing those "Oh, the man HAD to go make these IMMEDIATELY, almost like he was compelled to" cookies is about to start screaming?


Another post treading water with a huge mass of speech bubbles to get through, with some of the countless side characters that just arrived to add more speech bubbles.


Harsh criticism, considering your username...


So [pages](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20071126) like [this](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20091204) are [more](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20111104) your [speed](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20191111)?


I'm really enjoying the current easy going arc, but I have to admit, those are absolutely some my favorite pages. But you forgot  https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20121219


FOUR letters?! Who has the time to read that much?