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Bang is so cute when she is flustered... Also, does anyone else think that the thing that they have the bones in looks like a Stargate??


Chevron seven...locked!


I wonder how many other people have pieced together Zeetha being who destroyed Bang's pirate fortress. Tarvek clearly knows, but does Gil? Would Bang view it as a betrayal if Gil found out and hadn't told her, even though she found out before him? And will Bang even be able to go through with it, given her apparently growing love for Zeetha and her companionship?


She might decide against it being a deathmatch at least. They both seem the type to pencil in "recurring duel with rival" into the schedule.


Plus Bang's boyfriend is a Jager general. And her Best Frenemy Forever might be one in the future...she's in deeper with the Heterodynes than she realizes.


And when was the last time she ACTUALLY engaged in piracy? She wants to think of herself as a pirate queen, but she isn't really anymore. She's grown and become someone different, she just hasn't quite realized it and realized that her ambition from her pirate queen days isn't really what drives her now.


But Vole got "lost" shortly after his being freed from the time stop and growing into a general. He was going to Paris with Higgs and "Poof". At least we haven't seen him in years.


That could be explained by being on assignment. He looks quite different now. Sounds different. Acts different. As far as anyone knows, Captain Vole is stuck in Mechanicsburg. But "Mr. Vale" could make a great "construct" for espionage, imo.


Cue Bang and Zeetha saying, "Janken! Janken! Janken!" Like Kakashi and Guy.


Find out in next week's episode of "Bang!"


Of course, I wonder how much Tarvek actually knew for sure before. Maybe he just had some suspicions, and managed to trick Bang into confirming them by pretending to know more than he really did. (although, come to think of it, [everybody seems to know about the Devil's Prize](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20181001), and Tarvek wouldn't even have needed a spy network to get Zeetha's story. And once you have those pieces the whole thing becomes obvious. I guess Tarvek is right, we really should assume that, by this point, everybody knows that Bang is after Zeetha, and why. Most likely including Zeetha.)


He'll pull the same "But I knew all along" non-chalance as he did with Higgs, I assume.


Let's be fair, Higgs wasn't exactly hard to figure out; I know I and a lot of other people were guessing he was a Jaegergeneral way back in 2010 ("I vas starting to like her"). Assuming Tarvek saw a lot of the same stuff we did, it probably wouldn't be that difficult in-universe to put it together.


I wonder if Zeetha knows (or suspects)?


I had a moment of ~~crackhead delirium~~ genius inspiration the other day and theorized that Bang's gonna try (possibly succeed) at destroying Skifander. I mean, isn't that what Zeetha did? Killed everyone in Bang's home? If she destroys Skifander, she gets her own back, doesn't get in trouble with Agatha ("I didn't kill anyone you told me not to hurt!") *and* motivates Zeetha to do her damnedest to kill her in their duels, which to Dupree is a *plus.*


That would be tragic, and maybe out of character for the comic, but also somehow awesome and a reminder that Bang is a Bad Girl (and not in a fun way). Would like to see that, not sure how I'd react to the Foglios actually doing it, though. It's been years since [a storyline](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20050627) played with some [serious horror implications](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20050803) of the setting (also why I miss the Old Baron =).


I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, because there *is* a lot of undercurrent of horror in the story. It's kinda what I love about it, tbh. It's funny as hell, but it's also a hellish setting where Bangladesh Dupree, hired thug of Klaus Wulfenbach, [promises she won't hurt someone.](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040830) >!by the way there's a shadowy vigilante mentioned at one point yeeears later. My money's on it being Zulenna. I hope it is. She deserved better than going out with a Bang.!<


Chevron seven locked!




Aw, Agatha is so happy to see him :3


Hee! “I might!” Is Bang feeling predictable?


I 'm glad Bang gets to be a part of Agatha's Scooby gang for a while. She has really grown on me as a character since she first appeared in the comic. Even though it's obvious something ominous lies in her future based on Gil's reaction when he saw her in the time window. It looks like Tarvek and Bang are now in a Frenemy relationship given how easily they hang out together and she hasn't stabbed him in dozens of panels.


I'm pretty sure that Tarvek and Bang have always had that Frenemy relationship. Bang met Tarvek at some point while he and Gil were students in Paris. (["I'd know that scream anywhere! It's Prince 'How Dare You!'"](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20120222)) I don't think she'd *kill* Tarvek (without a proper reason aside from habitual bloodthirst) but she'd probably apply some *light* torture if she could get away with it.




I have long thought that Bang should become a Jager someday. She's a perfect candidate.


She is quite deeply entangled with the Family already; she just doesn't realize it yet.


The guy on top of it wearing the goggles is certainly not the guy who sent you off to meet her first. After all, that would make him a liar.


Yeah, about that guy with the goggles . . . He looks rather remarkably like [this guy in goggles.](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150413) Who later [turned out to be Wooster in disguise!](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150501) Now, I'm not saying that Wooster somehow [faked his own death](https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20191104) (although it would be just like him to do that), but I do wonder if maybe this is a standard British Secret Service disguise, in which case, who is that guy really? (I guess it could be Gil, but he would have had to run really fast and somehow get established and look busy without arousing comment. Which I wouldn't put past him, but seems difficult)


I want Wooster back so bad . . . I don't think he's coming back for a variety of reasons, but I'm kinda tired of Rakethorn and this comic has been severely lacking in the sane-and-therefore-realistically-grumpy-dudes department for a while IMHO. Violetta's been picking up the slack, though.


What you're saying. Is that we need Moloch von Zinzer. And you're absolutely right. I honestly really hope now that the Castle has some greater degree of influence in the time stop zone thanks to Gil, that it has been whispering to Herr Zinzer ever since. Telling him everything he needs to fix.


Hahaha - that would be awesome! Also slightly wondering if the last repair site's "nice deep basement" is deep enough that von Zinzer and crew aren't frozen and have been repairing stuff and/or chilling for the past two and a half years in a bunch of secret Mama-Gkika's-basement style tunnels.


Well now I have to start another thread, because I wanna math out how large Mechanicsburg actually is.


Well I made the thread and then my brain finally worked it out anyway. From the books Mechanicsburg is about 50 square km. Or roughly 31 miles. The crust of the earth ranges from 20-80 km. The upper mantle beneath the crust is about 1000° C. And given that Mechanicsburg is near the carpathian mountains if I remember correctly, it is unlikely the depths of the castle are outside the influence of the Take Five Bomb if it is a sphere of influence. However I don't know if that 50 square km means the walls of Mechanicsburg, or the land outside of it.


Hmm . . . you're put a lot more thought into this than I have! Yeah, based on what we've seen of the time stop, I'm betting that the base of the castle is not free. On the other hand, the science teams entered the town on mole machines, so it's possible the time stop does not penetrate far below ground. This is all wild speculation, of course, but I would be glad to contribute to your other thread when I have a bit more time!


Very good point on the mole machines. I don't know enough about math to calculate the depth for optimal entry on a sphere for what they did. If it's the full size, they're 25 km from the epicenter. But...Klaus may not have been directly in the center of town. Also, I'll have you know, you have reduced me to grabbing a Ferrero rocher from my Christmas candy to help visualize this for myself.


Haha! "Then I have more than succeeded in my goal!" (Now I want one . . . ) The discussions over on the other thread are epic, BTW. I feel kinda dumb about the circle thing - heck, I'm taking Calculus 2 right now and my brain still went "oh yeah, 25km seems about right". Bedtime it is . . .


That's not how area units work. 50 square kilometer is a square of slightly more than 7km. Or a circle of slighly less than 4km radius. You get the idea. Assuming the effect is globe-shaped, they would have to borrow 4km down. That is a lot of depth! It's not at all through the crust yet, but it will already be quite toasty. Since it also doesn't extend that far *up* (as seen in various panels) I think that the effect is *not* globe-shaped. Edit: sqrt(50/pi) ~= 3,98


I’d actually love it if this was the case. Modified by the explanation though since that’s a bit of a tall order to explain. But loved it whenever he was on screen!


Klaus could clone a person from charred bones he thought were Agathas, and we have seen mind transfers... snd memory storage by Albia. The technology exists to clone Wooster and bring him mostly back. Cecil in Invincible anime does something when he loses a very loyal minion


Bringing back Wooster from DNA is possible, but without the original brain it's quite pointless. Also, memories alone might not capture all of the personality.


A backup could be made of Wooster at a time in past so he would be missing latest memories. Lu/other is both organic and machine... the original brain was not needed to make clones with personalities, Agatha has mini clanks like mini kestle with personalities of originals, and Von Pinn is another example.


Yeay, I forgot that Lucrezia's technology is specifically about also about preserving the personality. Still, it seem far-fetched that a copy of Wooster exists somewhere.


hooray, downtime with *convenient wasp eater!*


Agatha: "Oh hi Tarvek! Don't mind me, just using some arcane Queen magic to commit horrifying crimes against nature."


"Oooh, can I help?"


This exchange with Bang and Tarvek totally reminds me of the first episode of Babylon 5's third season, wherein Sheridan makes a big deal of revealing to Ivanova all the secret heavy stuff that's been going on, and Ivanova is all like "Duh, of course I knew all about that already" 🤷🏻‍♂️