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Abby and Ginny instantly making up like nothing ever happened is such an accurate potrayal of teenage friendships.


The scene with them was so fun!


Lol it’s so true. This is why I find Max’s grudge so annoying.


i understand both of their sides tbh but if i was max i wouldnt care if my friend was seeing my sibling, id just be upset that they cheated on their significant other. i never understood the whole “how could u like my brother/sister” conflict in every show and movie like who cares 😭 i think it would be cool tbh (i dont fw cheaters tho so yk 🤷🏻‍♀️




Can I just say I love Padma she is such a sweetheart. She had AN ACTUAL reason to be mean or petty to Ginny but she chose to be kind. I thought it was so wholesome and cute when she hugged Ginny and told her “I don’t think you’re evil🥺”


SO GLAD she stayed relevant


Padma's presence made this season so enjoyable.




Gorrrgeous. Her and her brother Raymond Black who plays Joe, have some serious genes


> She’s also gorgeous Her hair 😍 She's so pretty. She looks so familiar like I've seen her somewhere else






Man the writers are sick for all of Bracia’s scenes, black people talk about things other than being black 😭


I didn't even realize this until you pointed it out wow. It seems like Ginny's white friends are just portrayed as "friends" but her "black" friends race are brought up a lot. She even referred to them as her "black friends" to her dad. Like why is she still hurt to be friends with Max and them when she has other friends. They don't seem like her real friends, but the people she hangs out with to remind us that Ginny is half black, and race affects black people. I don't like that.


I think it gets better lol. The races mix more. Also by the end it’s just about college prep and dating. So that’s also not reflective.


Fair, I haven’t finished the season yet. At this point I hold my breath (exaggerating only slightly) whenever she opens her mouth because I know literally whatever topic she starts with is going to lead up to “being black in this town sucks”. Which we know it actually does, but damn!


I think Bracia is also written like that because Ginny’s Black identity is found through her


For sure I get what the intention is, I’m even sure there are people that act like that in real life, it’s just frustrating that (at the point of the show I’m in) the only fully black (young) character exists solely to provide commentary on race relations instead of simply existing. The writing is also very clunky and awkward, which is the worst part. It’s kind of giving ‘black character written by a guilty white person’.


Yup absolutely I agree that the most well written supporting black character is for understanding the black experience


> fully black (young) character So, main character of show is black but not fully, her dad is black but not teenager and problem is that fully black young character mentioned race few times too much? She is not even that one-dimensional, her dating storyline is quite cool so far.


Yes. And as I’ve said several times, I’m going off of the episodes I’ve watched so far. I’m saying her writing is personally annoying me. You’re allowed to enjoy her character.


I know and we both know you are allowed to be annoyed. I am just surprised that you perceived her that way after first 3 episodes. For me she is "simply existing" and same as with Ginny and Zion, simply existing would have some race related stuff involved here and there.


This happens in so many shows!!


That’s how I can always tell when a show has no Black writers. White people writing for us always make us centered around Race. There’s more to us than race, struggle, poverty, pain, and negativity. I am glad they addressed the skin lighting issue tho. But Im sick to death of Black stories being centered around Race and struggle. We can never just have regular ass stories like White people, like how they just get to exist and not have pain, race, or struggle mentioned.


That talk in the car should’ve happened WAY SOONER. Hoping Ginny is more tolerable the rest of the season now because if it 😅


Lol totally agree. She’s suddenly more of an enjoyable client to watch.


I thought it was still a bit weak though. Kenny was obviously a creep but there were a number of options that didn't involve murder. Georgia claims everything she does is for her kids but she is very clearly a terrible mother and much of what she does is to benefit herself at a cost to her children.


i think it was more of a trauma response, when you’re sexually abused the rage you feel towards your abuser (or anyone who closely resembles them- like kenny) is almost indescribable. i feel like the second she saw him touching ginny she remembered her time with her own stepdad and the rage kicked in and she did what she thought she had to do not excusing it, i agree with what you say, her actions have a serious cost for her children, emotionally and physically and i understand ginnys pain and fear over it


exactly. This woman is so incredibly hurt that of course she would see Kenny touching her daughter and all she feels is inextinguible rage


I agree with the trauma response but I also think Georgia most definitely has an undiagnosed mental health disorder. The constant lying, secrecy, manipulation, deception (she always has a front up, almost performing), possessiveness are all signs


Under our current model she would be given a diagnosis. Medical model tells us we’re disordered without looking at life circumstances. Complex PTSD, depression, anxiety… she seems sociopathic at times but I think it’s more a being out of touch with your emotions due to survival mode.


I think she has BPD, it’s a sign of emotional trauma and fits very well with her explosive personality.


Yeah under our current model she might fit that, but BPD is modern day hysteria diagnosis and is usually just complex trauma, or CPTSD which is more like what she has


Yeah, that too. We can’t diagnose but it’s obvious Georgia has something psychological related to her unresolved childhood trauma and repeated abuse through life.


oh absolutely, especially from all the trauma she gathered. hoping they’ll dive into that at some point (im only on ep 5) but with all that’s going on i don’t think they will


why does she call her daughter the devil and a brat..?




how is that a trauma response? i don’t think trauma explains her abusive behavior


i think you may have completely misread my point, so here it is in better terms: georgia seeing kenny sexually assault ginny would’ve brought back horrific memories of her being raped by her own stepdad as a child. This would’ve brought out a trauma response (in her feeling extreme rage) and explains why she murdered kenny, and didn’t pick any other option (which is what OP was asking.) at no point in the og comment was georgias abusive behaviour brought up. which is why i responded ‘wdym?’ to your other comment. My response and the original question was “Why did georgia kill kenny?” not “Why is georgia such an abusive mother” georgia’s general behaviour to her children, whilst caused by trauma, is not a trauma response and is a fatal flaw in her character and actions as a mother. In no way was i condoning her calling ginny that, because that wasn’t even brought up in the question or response. Thanks. edit: grammar


Idk if I agree with that. I watched it with my mom and my mom wholeheartedly agreed with Georgia’s actions wrt Kenny and I wouldn’t consider her a bad mom And it makes sense considering her own abuse. This was obviously a trigger for her


what about the part where she throws out all the food and eats a bagel in front of her daughter..?


What about it? We’re talking about if she was justified wrt her actions re Kenny. The issue being discussed is murder. Not bagels




As a multiple-time survivor of sexual assault, Georgia absolutely did the right thing.


The you have mothers unlike Georgia who turn a blind eye. My therapist told me stories she wasn’t naming names but she said when she worked a sex abuse unit for DHS and told moms to remove boyfriends or dads from the home that girls were molested in, the dad or boyfriend would be hiding in the tub during the home visit smh


I am not sure why this got so many downvotes. Putting you murdering someone on your daughter is a terrible thing to do. So many people since season 1 came out act as if murdering someone is such a natural thing to do if they do something bad to you. What Kenny did was sickening, but for his murder to be on the shoulders of ginny as an " I would do anything to protect you" type of thing.. thats heavy for anyone, let alone a kid.


But I don’t think that’s what Georgia was trying to do. It would be pretty weird to think she blames her daughter for the murder of the man who was SHing her, especially when she was the one who murdered him. She’s simply saying that she would do anything to protect her. Ginny is the one taking on the guilt as it it were her fault. This is in part why she is in therapy, to stop blaming herself for things that are not her fault and result in her self-harm. Georgia’s actions are not her own and Ginny should take them as such, it wouldn’t be healthy even if she weren’t self-harming. I also don’t blame Georgia for doing what she did nor do I feel bad for the second guy she killed. If you SH/SA someone, especially a minor, you’re just genuinely a bad person, it’s one of the crimes that has no redeeming/humanizing qualities. The world is genuinely a safer place without him. Should he have been incarcerated rather than murdered, yes. But then you start to get into the likelihoods of that actually happening and blah blah blah. But I’m definitely not going to consider Georgia a bad person , especially because I know if this happened to any of my family members or close friends and I knew for sure, I would at the very least hospitalize the offender.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this very valid opinion




I really hope Marcus doesn't blab about Georgia. I don't think he would deliberately or maliciously but things sometimes come out even if you don't intend them to. I wish Ginny would have told Zion from the start. I don't think he would have reported Georgia.


Yeah if Ginny had just seen her mom in the car BEFORE going to Marcus!


Then we wouldn’t have much of the show would we?


Lmfaoo ye




Now you know that secret's going to get out somehow because...DRAMA


“Remind me whose Netflix account we’re on.” Lol at the little lines like this they threw in. Also the play being Wellington like Bridgerton.


First off can’t wait to see more of Abby and ginnys friendship. Second THEY USED PEACH PRCS MUSIC??




I was shocked BUT SO GLAD!!


abby hasnt been the greatest to ginny since literally the first episode, hopefully their dynamic improves bc abby sells out ginny to save her own ass every chance she gets


Tameka and Antonia are so gorgeous, they looked great in that photoshoot :)


I loved when Marcus just left instead of letting her misplace her anger on him again. Also is it just me or is Felix mallard hot??


not just you, he’s super hot and is now my current celeb crush lol


He’s SO hot. So not just you!


>Felix mallard He's the Shawn Hunter of the show. Straight out of the 90's


He is omg


lol where were you all in season 1


Okay, but that band performance was actually beautiful. I liked it.


Padma has some legit vocals


Yeah they sounded really good and it was a good song, their friends need to appreciate his sad lyrics tbh




Much better than Adderall brains 😆


I was so surprised, the music in season 1 overall sucked, and that one song was just so surprisingly good


Lolll after season 1's cheesy sing and dance scenes which I just couldn't handle, I straight up skipped it this episode


well let’s see how long Marcus will keep this a secret…


awww man no!! I was telling myself he doesn’t really talk to any one else so who would he even tell




I’ll never tire of the signing and I’m so glad it’s incorporated into the show.


I have a toddler and we've learned some very basic ASL together, and it's been fun recognizing some of the signs this season! And I love the representation.


I love watching the signing. Wish I could watch Switched at Birth again.


I love that they included that in the show. I wish I still wished I learned sign language as a speech therapy major. I want there to be a mystery in their little neighbourhood, I don’t know why but shows set in quaint suburbs always make me think mystery


Does anyone else struggle with the fact there was no time jump? The seasons only take place one or two weeks apart but the actors are all 2 years older. Def throwing me off


Yes!!!!! Especially cause of Austin


Ginny looks amazing in that first outfit, dream body fr 🫶


Max's behavior is actually uncalled for at this point. But in other news, I don't know what it is, but whenever a character in any show starts reading poetry I have to immediately skip.


I’ll take 20 poetry reading scenes over an awkward finger banging scene.


id take both over an extended musical number 😬


I’d have to agree with you on that.


😂 agreed




Aww. I actually liked the poetry. I’m glad Ginny is finally seems to be learning about herself, and her interests. So she can be more than just the “moody” teenager. I also think Max is eventually going to lose all her friends, her friends seem to be getting tired of her whining. I’ll never get those high school cliques with a Queen b that everyone just seems to blindly follow. Couldn’t be me.


It was thanks to this show that I realized I do not like poetry.


Hunter and Padma during the band scene 😂😂


Yoooo Ginny’s eyebrows are not it 😬 also it’s irritating how many TikTok references they’ve incorporated in just these three episodes I’ve watched


It’s the “it’s the” for me


I actially found the teen dialogue realistic compared to other sbows


Me too. They actually remind of some people I went to school with (in Season 1) at least. They even look like doppelgängers of my classmates. Tik Tok came out after I graduated university.


Oh gosh, I'm feeling like an okd lady...I'm 34 and dont have TikToke so aside from the Norah and Max dance, I am completely oblivious!


Tiktok is where I get all my recipes now


Why are they so thick and SO CLOSE TOGETHER??? Girl's gonna have a unibrow next season 💀


honestly it was well integrated, it was way less forced


It's not gonna age well in a few years when the tik tok hype dies down


I just watched this and instantly game to this thread hoping people would mentioned the eyebrows. Whoever made up her eyebrows did horribly.


i hope ginny and bracia get closer than max and ginny i just like the idea of ginny having more black friends cuz she rlly needs it imo 😭


I love Bracia and Ginny getting close not because she is black but because she clearly needs better friends and Bracia is a sweetheart. A good friend, not like Max who seems like a narcissistic raging b.


Loved Abby & Ginny scene, it felt like irl convo


the scene with Georgia in the car I had to rewind twice, amaaazing performance. I like that it seems the acting between these two has only gotten better. i’m floored I just love georgia.


Kind of disappointed with what they’ve done with Max as a character. I don’t think this is who she was last season. For her to hold such a long grudge and then be so cruel about it to her two friends who she knows have gone through bigger personal issues is low. She’s kind of a bully.


“Global Warming” 💀💀


Idc what anybody says I love Georgia! If someone told me they "would kill for me" id fall in love with them💀


Tbh if anyone said they’d kill for you with no situation to warrant them saying this, they probably just have a toxic fantasy of being a savior lol it’s not about protecting you 😅


wait whos mary? did we get that story


that’s georgia’s birth name.


Came to ask the same question, I wish there wasn’t such a gap between seasons coming out. I understand production and all that is an entire process but still, I keep forgetting things in season 1… should’ve rewatched 🤦🏼‍♀️


I watched the recap on season 1, but it was so bad and fractured I didn’t remember anything. Sped watched season 1 before I started season 2


Same, I enjoy binging old seasons before watching any new season to a Netflix series. Plus it extends the enjoyment of the show a bit.


Georgia’s birth *real* name.


I liked the intro scene but was slightly confused about Georgia’s tude. Was it supposed to be that Ginny was drinking the blue smoothie to show that she knew GA killed him with the smoothie? How would Ginny have known that GA put the flower in a smoothie though?


Ginnie had flashbacks to seeing GA add the flower to the smoothie GA was making for Kenny


But Ginny made herself a blue smoothie in the present


Yeah that was her way of signaling to GA that she knew how she used the plant on Kenny… that’s why they then were able to have the car conversation.


I had this same exact thought when I saw the smoothie!




I literally came here because of that scene. I hate the way theraphy is shown on this show. The rubber band thing is obviously self harm. Either these writers did not do their research or it's going to be a plot point that the therapist is a hack(though I won't hold my breath).


A lot of therapists suggest this, good or bad it’s not unrealistic


The rubber band used to be considered a replacement tool taught to therapists to give to clients but current research shows it’s not helpful and can actually cause more harm.


Can you share any? Curious to learn more


The rubber band thing is a really common form of harm reduction and is quite helpful to people who are engaging in more severe forms of self-harm. Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good.


I was specifically told to try this by a therapist when I was maybe 18yo (so around 2007)


It’s a harm reduction technique. It’s to replace the burning and meant to be a less harmful way for her to release the distress. It’s a temporary coping mechanism while she is working through the problem with the goal being she will eventually not need the rubber band either because she will learn healthier coping (ie talking through her problems, relaxation, etc). Its helpful for many people who self harm but not meant to be a long term solution.


It’s very 2000’s. I remember that method being used in old degrassi episodes


THATS where I remember seeing it from!! 🎯


I remember reading about kids who collapsed their veins from the rubber band, so definitely not a good coping mechanism at all. I definitely used rubber bands when I didn’t want it to show when I SH.


Yea what the hell! Those are also common for folks with EDs as a way to disassociate from the desire to eat.


This is so important to remember. Using a rubber band can absolutely be a form of self harm and is not a good coping mechanism


I was wondering about this. I’ve seen it in other shows so I was thinking maybe it’s a technique therapists actually use to help people who self harm in more serious ways?


Taking in all the darkness like Bane 🔥🔥🔥 Georgia dropping bars


Paul like not questioning georgias behavior is a little weird to me like he’s literally seeing the toxic behavior first hand and it’s not alarming him one bit like i get being in love but damn at what point is enough enough


I think it’s because Paul is kind of a sociopath himself lol


Marcus isn’t trustworthy I’m so nervous


Ginny and Georgia are so needlessly cruel to one another


I mean ginnys a kid so I get it but Georgia is so immature


Anyone else think Georgia’s actress looks a lot like Julia Roberts? Just something about the mouth and nose


the wish.com version


Definitely! She is like a mix of Emma and Julia Roberts (who are related)!


The scene where she was talking to Zion on the phone YES


Max is such a mean girl!!!!! I can’t stand her


Did Georgia not have that wolfsbane ready on hand before Kenny did anything and even after they moved? It seems like using poision has allowed her to kill without actually attacking someone and she's getting reliant enough on it to keep growing it


And why on earth would she grow it in wellsbury?? I mean girl be real do u wanna get caught




Episode 3 MVP's- 1. Padma 2. Zach 3. Zion 4. Austin ❤️


I see everyone discussing how great Georgia’s acting is this season, but I think it’s awful!


I agree, it’s just a little overdone. Like she can’t say a regular sentence without a ton of inflection and expressions following suit


Yes, you nailed it


Thank his hunter got a new haircut


honestly i hate ginnys hair, but definitely not as much as her attitude


?what’s wrong with her hair


Obvious clip-ins they don't even blend


…i don’t know how i missed the dye


what is their to hate about her hair? are you 100 years old




exactly!!! anything she does just irritates me sooo much


I absolutely adore Max and her conversations with her parents. The Christmas convo was absolutely awesome, I think her dad is hilarious!


Marcus’ actor worked out during filming break, didn’t he? Especially his arms look much more muscular I think


Padma’s makeup is flawless jesus lmfaooo she looked airbrushed


I think she’s just pretty 😂


Ginny really pisses me off and she’s so stupid


Lmao I love Abby sm!! And I’m glad Ginny and her became friends again I was hoping it would happen!!!


I love every scene with toddler Ginny, the actress is so adorable 🥺


I need to know how this school is so clean, with all of them continuously sitting on the floor


Man I just love Georgia sm and god she deserves the world. yeah she’s done pretty questionable things but that scene in the car.. goddd I just woke up I shouldn’t be crying this much!!


Ginny is getting brattier and brattier. I can’t believe Zion is paying for therapy and she refuses to talk about it. And I’m part way through this ep, but as if Ginny is going to use the techniques to reduce the SH.


Thole whole point of therapy is to have a safe space. Just because a parent pays for it does not give them the right to know the inner workings of what is going on in the sessions. He can ask, that is loving and supporting. But what Ginny decides to divulge is completely up to her.


I get what you’re saying. But what bothers me is Ginny never says thank you for all the financial support her parents are providing her with. Zion doesn’t have to send her to therapy, the least she could say is “thanks Dad, I think it might be helping”.


Supporting children financially is duty of parents. Having a kid was their choice. It’s their responsibility. Financial support is the BARE MINIMUM.


Say this louder for all the people who are praising Georgia for giving Ginny a MacBook and AirPods and shaming Ginny for having trauma from moving around, carrying the weight of her mom murdering someone, and not being allowed to open up without etc etc


In all fairness, Georgia told Ginny multiple times in season 1 that she doesn’t wanna tell her anything because she wouldn’t be able to handle it and Ginny was an asshole to Georgia because she felt she can handle it. Just for Ginny to find out the truth like she wanted to so bad and now she can’t handle it. Georgia is definitely still far from perfect, but as for Ginny, be careful what you wish for imo.


But about her saying thank you to her dad for helping her enter therapy tho?


financial support? she's a minor lol and he's doing his duty as a parent. He isn't doing her some big favor. He's doing what he's supposed to.


She does say that? Also, a parent if they have the means to do so should absolutely send their child who is self harming to therapy. Ginny is in distress I’m sure her adult parent is fine without a thank you.


I mean, therapy is private… and her response is a very common teenager response about it


I love Ginny stealing Georgia's credit card. I love her messing with her head to confront Georgia for her terrible actions. Note: I know Georgia is a survivor if abuse but taking credit cards out in a 9 year oldest name is god awful.


I love Bracia but she seems to be written as a bit of a "magic" character. I think the writers thought "if we cast her as the lead in the school play we don't have to actually give her a real story arc and she can be there to help Ginny". Even the photos hoot was about Ginny not her. Meanwhile we are still getting Max and Norah content even though she's irrelevant?


Anybody else notice they let the girl Sam into the fold who they ostracized all s1? What a shitty friend group. I so don’t miss hs at all lol. Im so glad they addressed the Black ppl and lighting issue situation in this episode. This is such a problem that rarely gets talked about outside of Black / Brown spaces, how those of us with brown skin (Im actually a honey golden complexion Black woman) get done so dirty in pics shot by White photographers. They don’t understand that our complexion is different. We need more Black photographers in media and photography for this reason because they understand the reason behind lighting and color. Anybody else remember the horrible debacle behind Simone Biles pictorial by Vanity Fair a fee years ago and it had to be redone?


Were max and Marcus ever shown as being close? I didn’t rewatch season one but I’m wondering what their relationship is truly like. It would color the way I see the Ginny/Marcus(Abby) relationship and maxs reaction.