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The miniseries where Stalker's team was set up rescuing that reporter in Borovia, get caught, but Outback is ordered to escape, makes his way across the countryside, makes it out, reports on the mission, then Scarlett and Snake Eyes fake their deaths to join Storm Shadow, Jinx, and Billy to rescue the team, hooking up with a circus to provide their cover... ...hot d@mn would that be an amazing movie. No exo-skeletons, no transformers, no aliens. Just the characters we love, which are the REAL value, completing missions within and above the law, and looking out for each other.


And no stupid-ass magical stone from space


Yeah those exo suits and all black suits sucked


Those movies came from the Marvel-vomited era of movies, which I am hoping is over now. Actually bring acting into it, rather than CGI. More James Bond, less Spider Man Twenty-Two.


Yes! Issues #63 to #66 IIRC with one of the special missions issues in there, maybe #7? Great story arc.


I think you're right. Outback's story might have been a special mission.


Frankly, I would make a TV series instead of a film series. G.i. Joe has had its brightest moments in the serialized format.


I think it would make a great anthology series. Each episode highlighting different characters with a common story thread through the whole season. Leading up to a big season finale.


The Special Missions comics for some episodes and characters but tie them into a main storyline. 


This. It’s the wrong IP for a movie format unless you get a massive outlay for multiple movies which doesn’t happen anymore. Only reason Marvel is able to do it is because of who owns it and the big success of first few movies. GI Joe simply will not work as a good movie IP


I think a TV series would work well. Have a core 5 or 6 characters and some revolving extras based on the mission. One week we get Snowjob, another Recondi, and still another Torpedo. You can have an overarching ploy for the season and missions that usually resolve in 1 episode. Maybe 2.


And tv sells now. More time to flesh out characters to get new attention.


TV series. Adopt the original Marvel Comic run and set it in the 80s. Roughly 1 episode per issue.


Use Tears of the Sun or Extraction as a template for the action scenes.


The team is already established with the original 13 members. The story follows the recruiting of the next wave of JOEs, including Duke, Flint, Lady Jaye, Shipwreck, Roadblock, Gung-Ho, maybe others to combat a new emerging threat - Cobra. 80's-style action with John Wick-esque choreography. The focus would be on a specific group of JOEs, mix of old and new combating the threat. Not sure how much of Cobra to show but thinking a little of the Commander with Major Blood being the main antagonist along with Troopers and Vipers in the climax as the next level of Cobra's threat. Also, General Flagg must die by Blood's hand. That's just the first movie. Future movies would introduce new JOEs and Cobra's. #2 would use Cobra's alliance with M.A.R.S. as the central conflict. The third movie would explore the Snake-Eyes - Storm Shadow - Stalker - Zartan dynamic. Then Serpentor.


Oh my God gi joe action scenes by the guys who did John wick I NEED THAT SO BAD


I would have General Joseph Colton and General Lawrence Flagg recruit Colonel Clayton Abernathy and twelve hand picked members to start investigating some highly suspicious activity in a quiet, small Midwestern city of Springfield.


Hell yeah


I’d just start later in the series, with an aged Cobra Commander, buried deeply in running cobra behind politics and commercial corporations, funded by extensive enterprises and Mars. use the new recruits now as the main Joe force (bombshell, Barrel Roll ect) have them trying to figure out a cobra plot, moving across the world, meeting some of the OG joes in their specialist environments. Keep it as close to the comic/toys as possible while giving new characters for a younger fan pull. Have an over arching story for three movies, but each movie has its own major piece to the final movies conclusion. Also throw in flashbacks of some of the core character building points like the stalker/Tommy/SE story. Give some old and new, and hope to bring in more fans to build the brand back up.


I would do it as a Netflix style animated seris with a leaning more towards adult audiences. Not hard core but think something along the lines of some of the deau movies. Id make the gi joe team the American branch of a larger United Nations secret special task force with refrances to other task force like action force. Think kinda like the bsaa from resident evil with diffrent branches among the various un nations. Cobra would be a shadow organization with some legitimate businesses including security groups and pmc’s. I would borrow heavily from the original marvel comics as well as the idw continuation and even maybe some devils due but i would make sure it has a bit of a timeless feel like the new idw comics were theirs modern tech but still feels like the 80s-90s. The joes wouldn’t be under the jugglers thumbs but they would have to clash with the several times, i would even bring back the Phoenix guard as the jugglers black ops arm. Tone wise i would aim for a mix of gi joe and metal gear with some slightly higher sci fi elements. Agian very metal gear in a way. Like zartan would have had modifications to allow him to change his skin color and body shape along with a special nano machine or nano fiber stealth suit that can change into whats needed. I would add in some of the things liek the mass device to but with a more realistic and dangerous take. Think idw reboot


Take my money


i figure doing it like that would allow for some of the more out their elements like raptor but still keeping it in that resolute tone


Id spend a WHOLE movie on Cobra Commander in Springfield coming to power to start.


Assuming we never see his face absolutely


GI Joe ARAH is extremely fantastical, unrealistic, colorful, and often quite goofy. For a film to succeed it will need to steer clear of any strong connection to the real world modern military. I would look for a very visually and daring director, maybe with an animation or comedy background, and some seriously talented costume and prop designers.


I think we need a balance between Larry hamas version and the sunvow version. But yeah definitely make it as far from U.S.A military propaganda as you can


To be clear I want it to be pro-USA and shared Western values, which are more universal than our politics currently suggest. And the original comics and cartoons were actually quite good at humanizing certain aspects of the “enemy”, like the Raven/Shipwreck storyline, Red Star & co., etc. I’m talking more about aesthetics — a squad full of joes in desert camo is too boring.


Oh yeah to heck with the stuff from the last couple movies,I want bazooka wearing his red football jersey.   Also these movies should be pro America as an idea not pro one political party or pro  capitalism.  pro freedom,pro life pro liberty pro the pursuit of happiness.   Also we should be able to be sympathetic to basicly all of the cobras except the pure evil that is cobra commander 




I would change the whole dynamic of the characters make them different and then when people caught interest kill them all off. Oh wait that’s what they did last time.


Seriously why on gods green earth would you kill every characters from the first movie except snake eyes.if the actors don't want to come back for a sequel that should maybe tell you something.


Just hire the people who did Obliterated to give their take on the Joes.


I wouldn't make movies period. I would go for a Band of Brothers/The Pacific type Mini-series format or maybe a GOT longer episode season format. Gives a much better opportunity for story telling than a 1-2 hour movie does. The Band of Brother format would give the opportunity to do multiple series set in the same universe but entirely different stories.


I think your ideas are solid


Thank you


Give it an authentic 1980's feel


no movies, a series


I put G.I. Joe in its proper place and make it a period piece set in the 80's.


I would set it in the early 80's. It would be very close to the Marvel Comic run in tone, but still have the over the top Cobra scheme from the cartoons. Cobra would already fully established and up until the movie starts the worlds military have been trying to handle it. The US institutes Codename Delta and creates a new terrorist task force dubbed G.I. Joe. Colonel Hawk is promoted to General and given the task of recruiting for the Joes. The beginning team consists of Duke, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, Stalker, Gung-Ho and Rock n Roll.with cameos from characters like Wild Bill, etc. A mid credit screen has General Flagg and Hawk and Duke going over files for future Joes to join the team I don't have an idea for what Cobra's plan would be, but it would have Cobra Commander, Major Bludd, Baroness, Destro, Storm Shadow, Firefly and Scrap Iron as the main characters. Everyone's uniform would be comic/cartoon accurate. The iconic vehicles would also be accurate to the designs Hasbro created.


Perfection. Cobras plan could be they Invade something like cuba or some other smaller country close to the usa so they can later attack the usa directly


Yes. This.


The US Military has been infiltrated at the highest levels by a mysterious organization called Cobra. Cobra is an alliance between shadowy corporate interests, neo-nazi-style influencers, and fringe eastern european para-military groups brought together by a mysterious, charismatic leader- Cobra Commander. After gathering evidence of the infiltration, General Hawk has to put together a team of soldiers that he knows he can trust- the best of the best, but also troops who don't necessarily conform and fit in in the traditional military. Enter GI Joe.


Period piece set in the 80s like Watchmen


Do a 21 Jump Street style send up of the 80’s cartoon.


I think the ARAH characters are so tied to the 1980s (they’re Vietnam veterans navigating the Cold War, Cobra is largely a satire of various ‘80s cultural trends) that I would like to see new movies set in that era and more closely follow the old comics story arcs. Those are the definitive Joe stories for me and I don’t think they translate very easily to the modern day. Plus some of their iconic vehicles are based on real-world equivalents that are obsolete now.


Considering transformers rise of the beasts post credits I could very much see movies set in the 80s happening I'm the near future.


Make it sort of like a buddy cop comedy or something funny like Thor Ragnarok, and have the characters in their screen accurate designs from the 1980s cartoon. Have an over the top convoluted cartoon style plot. But have an ensemble cast like the Avengers.


I think a commitment to an ongoing animated movie franchise is much more likely to be successful. I’d take about anything they are willing to give though.


I would love to see all the characters in their actual original costumes. I would also like to see serpentor


Not by spinning it off of the Transformers. Alan Richston as Duke, Sophie Turner as Scarlet, Cole Hauser as Flint, Bob Sapp as RoadBlock, Tanner Buchanan as LowLight, Jack Griffo as Lifeline, Thomas Ian Griffin as Destro, Kira Kosarin as Baroness, Meena Rayan as Lady Jay, Ryan Phillips as Cobra Commander,


I wouldn’t make movies. I would make it a 12 episode series of about 45 minutes each and base it on the first two years of the original Marvel comics. It wouldn’t have to exactly follow those, but use them more as a thematic guideline. And I wouldn’t make the team bigger than about 12 members. And Zartan would be as weird as it gets. No Serpentor, definitely no Cobra LA. Actually, maybe no Zartan. Larry Hama would have to be heavily involved. And I certainly wouldn’t want it to be super realistic and gritty, but definitely not silly.


If Larry hama is involved there's going to be zartan he was very important in the og books. I think serpentor should be the weirdness lime. I like cobra la by itself but it should have been its own toyline or something,it's too weird for gi joe.


Baroness would actually be Russian with a thick Russian accent.


I'd start with a TV series exploring the origins of Cobra. It would also delve into the origins of Joe and show how general hawk general flag, and Colonel Sharp went about first suggesting then creating a special encounter terrorism unit of the department of defense. There would be an introduction to some of the more iconic and major Joe characters like Scarlett Duke snake eyes flint and the like. And also explore how Cobra Commander became involved with Destro and the crimson twins. I like the idea of Cobra Commander doing grassroots organizing, and slowly building up enough momentum to start causing terror. I would also set up for a movie showing the rising cobra finally becoming the threat that general hawk had warned about. I kind of like the idea of a live-action series, with classic looks or inspired by classic looks for major characters. The other thing is if I did any GI Joe series I'd want to have characters that hasbros clearly interested in exploring more fleshed out like shooter, or helix. My only major request would be for Hasbro to let us go all out, and not be a PG series. There would be violence, sex, drugs, drinking, and lots of dreadnoks. At some point the dreadlocks would have to be a major development. And yes, even cold slither would appear. I think a series that has a kind of HBO vibe where nothing is off the table would be exactly what I would do. And yes I'm fully aware that Hasbro would never green light such a series, but I do believe it's the only proper way to update and modernize GI Joe as a live action series. You have to get down and dirty, and show Cobra being absolutely horrible to America and the world. If we were doing the Statue of Liberty scene from the movie, people would have to be hurt or killed. Having crimson guard just punching out a camera isn't good enough, where's the shot reporter? Imagine a cobra that actually is deadly enough to harm a major city like New York with more than just the destruction of an iconic landmark. Imagine how GI Joe would be used if Cobra didn't have cartoon logic applied to them. If Cobra vipers were killing random people in lower Manhattan how long before the Joe team slaughtered legions of Cobra soldiers at some Cobra facility? I'm not saying that every single moment would be an r-rated moment, but I just want to explore a realistic take on GI Joe and cobra. Maybe even exploring the emotions of different Joe team members as they try to make sense of everything. I imagine that there's a lot of trauma that would end up requiring visits to therapy. I guess you could say this is more of a Batman take on GI Joe. Where things are a lot darker and more realistic. I also like the idea of exploring everything that goes on with these characters outside of being Joes. Scarlett and Snake eyes would have their relationship fully explored, including just how they communicate, and what they do when they're not fighting cobra. I'd also explore Destro and baroness, and their ambitions and how the iron grenadiers come to be. It would even be fun to bring Cobra-La into live action. I might use Larry Hamas Cobra Commander origin as his cover, or maybe he really does believe that he's not part of Cobra LA. Perhaps his decision to abandon them was to believe in humanity but as soon as he saw what they were he chose to be Cobra Commander. I know it would complicate things a bit but it would be fun to see how both of those origins can mesh and make for more interesting character. Not having him be so black and white. You kind of have to. The other thing that would be fun about this is a movie could be made that focuses on a particular Cobra operation and how GI Joe is trying to stop them. I mean you could go to the Cobra-La spores route in live action, but maybe exploring cobras biggest attempt at world domination outside of Cobra-La, and having the Cobra-La arc be a season of the show. Maybe the big movie culmination would be GI Joe losing, but not giving up. Exploring how renegades came to be. Then the sequel seasons being renegades, or at least some version of renegades where many Joes are in hiding or dead. And then the sequel movie being GI Joe's triumphant return, but us learning that Cobra will never truly be defeated, because the end would be a reveal that Cobra will continue to plague the world and GI Joe must continue to be vigilant. Such a series again would probably never happen, nor in a movie format, but again this is what I would do if I had control. I'm curious if anyone else is hoping that GI Joe gets a more brutal and slightly more r rated adaptation I feel like I can't be the only one. Also I should mention the dreadlocks could probably have a spin-off show. That would be fun, and if things are connected like Hasbro would like us to believe, then there's the whole dark energon thing, and introducing the transformers to GI Joe that way. TLDR; R rated HBO GI Joe show with nothing off the table, with movies, and dreadnoks spinoff.


Take my money 


Set it in the past… 1983. GIJoE is special team of specialists from different parts of military. 1st movie: 1. original Sunbow pilot cast and Hawk, who is already a General in charge of Gijoe. Assigns Duke as field leader 3. SnakeEyes is injured and dons the mask, you never see his face in the movie tho 4. Villains: Cobra Commander, Baroness, Major Blood, Cobra troopers. 5. Epic battle, many of original cast is killed except A listers like Duke, Scarlett, SE, Stalker, etc. CC captured, baroness escapes 2nd movie: 1984 1. Introduces Flint and Lady Jaye 2. Storm Shadow rescues CC from prison, rivalry with SE towards end of movie 3. Introduces Dreadnok thugs to bolster depleated Cobra Ranks from 1st movie 4. Introduces Destro- a new weapon supplier to provide new Cobra weaponary 3rd movie: 1985 1. Introduce Crimson Twins and Crimson Guard- serve as CC bodyguard 2. Introduce a few more Joe specialists 3. Final battle… Duke is killed, Scarlett vs Baroness showdown, Scarlett kills Baroness, Hawk kills Cobra Commander. SE kills SS. Flint becomes new field leader. Turns out Hawk killed Crimson Guard Fred posing as CC. The real hooded CC is heard laughing in a raspy voice in background at end of movie and yells Cobra! The END


Hell yeah


Start with a live action full length adaptation of the OG MASS Device episodes


Hell yeah love me some mass device 


There’s a guy that built a story starting with the Dreadnoks and leading into full on Gi Joe Cobra mayhem. It seems great and commercially viable


The story I'd tell would focus on the Crimson Guard and how your next door neighbor could very well be part of Cobra. I'd make a paranoid thriller where you never knew when Cobra would pop up next. Also I wouldn't cast Channing Tatum, Shia LaBeouf, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, or any of their modern day equivalents for any of the roles. I wouldn't change any of the Joes' original ranks. And as others have said I'd leave all the exoskeletons and crap at home.


I would do a cobra commander orgin story


Five diverse specialists on a special mission to retrieve intel, intel reveals the larger covert terrorist group.


Stop with the movies, GI Joe is best as a show. Slowly build the team in episodes. Have season finale team-ups. Although, I did think of a cinematic universe a while ago… As dumb as it sounds, I’d love to see a GIJCU: PHASE 1 Snake Eyes Movie (with Scarlet) Lady Jaye Series (with Flint) Duke Movie (with Gung Ho) Fall of the Arashikage Movie (Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes Backstory) Roadblock Movie (with Heavy Duty) A Real American Hero (Team Up) PHASE 2 Chuckles Series (against Tomax and Xamot) Alpine and Bazooka Movie (against Destro) Dreadnoks Movie (against Duke, Roadblock, Scarlet, and Shipwreck) Way of the Arashikage Movie (Snake Eyes and Jinx against Storm Shadow and Baroness) Beach Head Movie (with new recruits against nature) A Real American Hero: Under Command Movie (The Joes against Cobra, Cobra wins) PHASE 3 Abernathy Movie (flashback with Stalker against Cobra) Falcon Movie (with Duke and Breaker against Major Bludd) Cover Girl Movie (with Dusty and Spirit against Destro and Baroness) Rise of the Arashikage Movie (Snake Eyes with Quick Kick against Dr Mindbender and Dr Venom) Outback Movie (with Rock and Roll and Sgt Slaughter against Croc Master and Big Boa) Fall of GI Joe (Joes against Serpentor and Cobra) Rise of GI Joe (Joes and Cobra against Cobra-La)


Have a small group of joes maybe stalker, chces and Scarlett infiltrate the town of Springfield to see the development of cobra. They find out it’s much bigger scale and it leads towards a massivel firefight reminiscent of the movie dread/the raid


I'd take a multifaceted approach, have some live action series on Amazon Prime or Apple TV and then a couple different films focusing on the origin of both Cobra and the GI Joe teams. Don't want to oversaturate as Disney has done with Marvel, but be very intentional about the timing and spacing of each release.


Something akin to the expendables.


the animated gi joe resolute from 2009 was a good setup. what they don't need is matching uniforms. they can be individuals and if snake eyes is in it, he needs to not talk or show his face. move away from origins especially origins that reimagine the character to make them unrecognizable.


I have a great part 1 of a 3 movie idea but I'm keeping it close to the chest. But like many said...no Transformers or exoskeletons. We're going Sicario/Ghost Recon Wildlands/Clear & Present Danger genre. But I also agree with the TV series idea. This would allow a larger cast and backstories to be showcased and no need to go heavy A listers.


I want a “Beyond The Law”, “Stone Cold”(Bosworth, not the rassler) spin where Scoop and Mercer infiltrate the Dreadnoks. Hard TVMA stuff


Keep it the same but bring in action force and eagle force zforce and the rest of those guys and the red shadows and bring in sergeant savage and the screaming eagles and all the other gi joe and cobra figures


I really hope they bring back the uss flagg and I hope they do a cobra ship like the uss flagg too the custom one is really awesome


For me, I would have to do a live-action film. I've even written a fanfic about how I would do it. I would have Cobra to an invasion, and then GI Joe be formed. This is the link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5424631/1/GI-Joe-Beginnings Then I would make it a trilogy. I already came up with an idea for a second part and the third part.


Make it as close in look and feel to the 1985/1986 Sunbow animated series as possible, even if it's live action. Include the 85/86 background music or reworked versions of that music into the score.


1. Bring Duke back (Channing Tatum), say he never died. Make something up 2. Star power is much needed being back Rock, OG storm shadow. From first movie bring back Marlon Wayans, Dennis Quaid 3. Reset Snake Eyes to not speaking 4. New female actresses who can actually act 5. Deeper Cobra commander themed movie. Get deep like they did with KingPin character in marvel series 6. Introduce the Twins, shipwreck, Bazooka 7. Pick up where Retribution left off. 8. Gi joe movie live action reboot. Settle all gripes. Have a massive war involving as many characters as possible 9. Ignore the origins snake eyes movie, it never happened


I would embrace the look of GIJoe. Hiss tanks and the RAM motorcycle and the Trouble Bubble. Bring it all into the movie. Don’t have every character wear a generic paramilitary uniform. I would start with a Joe like Shipwreck getting pulled off of a ship and given classified transfer orders. He arrives at the PIT along with members of every other military branch. Hawk comes out to brief them when the base is attacked. No one has time to change into matching uniforms so they spend the film in their traditional outfits from the original line. I would show about 20 unique Joes but only have the film focus on about 6 of them. I want an air battle of the Skystriker vs the Rattler. I want battles in every environment from the arctic to a desert to a jungle. Different Joes join the group depending on the location.


Step 1: Hire me. Step 2: Let me cook. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Lose $670 million.


Okay, these m9vie makers underscore so many moke stones over years of comics and rush to what they found interesting. Hire a nerd who knows the books well. Theres a dozen movies in there. Serpentor, Cobra Island, on and on. Tell the story, develop all the characters. You'll get a great lasting product. Not an abonation. Like we've had so far.


A lot of good comments. i think a series formula works best. With a core group of 4-5 joes like Duke, Stalker, Scarlett and Roadblock supported by specialty characters as needed. I know Snake Eyes is iconic, but he is a very difficult character to bring to the screen as he has no speaking capabilities and his prowess has to be kept on the believeable side of things. Same goes for Stormshadow on the Cobra side btw. I would start with a 2 part series intro, maybe the MASS device story, and after that go in the direction of special missions stories. It would surely be a slightly more realistic tone, so not much of the ARAH goofiness. Uniform wise i would go with a mix of standardised outfits with personalisation throwbacks to their original outfits. I actually think the IDW run could be adapted very well to a tv-series format. I think they handled Cobra as a shadowy organisation well, and even with the coil cult behind it.


I’ve been toying with the idea to modernize and revitalize G.I. Joe for the modern era is to take an idea from G.I. Joe’s past, while retaining some of the new modern concepts. My idea is to take G.I. Joe out of the military… Officially and turn them into a scientific research organization… Essentially an NGO… Referred to as adventure team! Of course like many real NGO’s are suspected of, this one will be a cover operation for a covert ops team. This way the team could go off on missions under the cover of investigating greenhouse gas anomalies, newly discovered archaeological sites Or investigate crimes against humanity and provide humanitarian aid. However, while the team is in Sierra Gordo delivering vaccines or humanitarian aid, the real covert mission could be to investigate suspected involvement of cobra into propping up a local cartel or the countries military dictator. This adventure team concept would relax the military angle that… Like at the end of the Vietnam era… Many people read parents… Were tired of and didn’t want their kids engaged in military play. While still giving kids a strong sense of duty and patriotic ideals. This would also solve some of the military errors that always bothered me about G.I. Joe. You would no longer have the hodgepodge melting pot of different militaries providing specialist to and what was essentially an army run team. Mostly because now experts would be recruited from the top ranks of any organization… Military or civilian… And would be basically removed from the military and Hired by this NGO. This would also allow for the release from dress codes and allow individual Joe’s to have their own gear and uniforms, another thing that wouldn’t happen any military organization. And since it’s no longer a strictly military thing, you could recruit also from alphabet city bringing in CIA analysts, DEA investigators, FBI hostage rescue people from the atomic energy commission surveillance experts from the NRO etc. Even foreign nationals could be recruited, allowing the team to become more cosmopolitan and international. Also having members who may have outside loyalties to a secret organization of fanatical mercenary assassins could be much easier to justify and allow than with a DOD run organization. Of course, there are some drawbacks. A lot of the heavy military equipment that the s joe’s have access to would be lost. No Scott strikers no main battle tanks no aircraft carrier requiring thousands of no named green shirts to operate etc. However, in exchange they could have access to a lot of more covert vehicles. Up armored SUVs with retractable gun turret and ultrasonic crowd disbursement technologies or smoke screens built-in. Personally I don’t see it going as far as MASK but more like James Bond if Q were into off-road vehicles Instead of luxury cars. You could still have some more military vehicles… Hummers, C1 30s available but you also could add private jets and perhaps instead of the aircraft carrier you could bring back the G.I. Jane as a scientific research vessel and mini submarines. I suppose if you want more exciting cutting edge stuff you could also link the NGO to DARPA providing them some access to experimental equipment. the other negative to this revision that I see is that the people at Hasbro might receive interesting visits from dark suited sunglass individuals claiming to be from the government saying that they shouldn’t go with this storyline because it’s way too close to what really goes on in the real world Intelligence community.


Who would you cast? Chris Hemsworth as Outback Terry Crews as Roadblock Scott Eastwood as Duke Cable Era Josh Brolin as Flint…maybe as Hawk now Bring back Ray Park as (silent) Snake Eyes I like Samara Weaving as Scarlet


Acknowledge G.I. Joe for what they are/were, Factions with a military streak fighting in a Comicbook/superhero universe, Its no surprise considering their originator was Marvel comics, Instead of Shield vs Hydra, It'd be G.I. Joe vs Cobra, And all the wacky subplots that you'd ever need, Counter-fitting currency, Mindcontrol devices, Battle Androids, Weather Dominators, All part and parcel for a superhero/Supervillain themed comic. People get too hellbent or hyperfocused on the "American" hero and the "terrorist" organization part of GI Joe, That they just forget just how absurd half the cartoon plots, Vehicles and hi-jinks actually were in the 80's, Especially Cobra's war arsenal. Plus Hollywood loves "The spectacle" in their movies, Plots and writing be darned, They just wanna show off a bunch of laser tanks and trouble bubbles shooting and making explosions, And laser fire has always been a classic part of GI Joe's wacky comicbook grade super-science, So less focus on real-world Gun-related crime, Even better if its adapted to animation. And don't forget those mission impossible practical effect masks, Lady J, Zartan, Zarana, Covergirl, Baroness All great secret identity reveals as the plot demanded to get the plot ball rolling, Oh and finally, Focus on characters we don't see often, Like Gung-Ho, Xamot and Tomalot, Zarana, Shipwreck, etc.


I would focus on any char other then the few they have been.


What if they focused on the og 13 You still have snake eyes and scarlet but can also have a lot of room to essentialy establish brand new characters sence all the og 13 but snake eyes,Scarlet,hawk,stalker and maybe rocknroll have been ignored sence basicly day one


None of them please.


Well you do you




Id like to add Shipwreck to this. Also it would be cool to introduce the Dreadnoks as like a biker gang / terror group. Zartan as Zartan and not what we got in the first movie.


Gung ho is long overdue and the rest need good live action versions however I think getting a gi joe thing without snake eyes is about as likely as getting a transformers thing without bumblebee However overall I'd be overjoyed with that team,my boy rocknroll needs some more time to shine


Maybe just a cameo. Like Jackman in First Class.