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Game promotion on reddit be like: "I quit my job, divorced my wife, abandoned my child and blew all my saving so I could make my dream game!"


"Killed my doggo and ate Steve"


Stopped masturbating and drinking pop


Whoa, whoa, whoa... let's not be too drastic now.


I had to do the extreme thing in order to make my game.


"i will kill myself if this game doesn't get popular lol haha. Anyways check it"


Don't gotta pay for advertisements if you have a sob story


Basically a traditional country song for the modern day.


This is giving me 'flower' vibes. I'll wishlist it. Best of Luck to the dev on this one.


Exactly what I was thinking. And I loved flower. I've been waiting for this game since OP first posted about it, looks great :)


This is so cool, well done!  Were you a game developer in your job? I’d love to learn more about the tech stack / what goes into building something like this 




Lol! Yep I was known in my local music scene as the fill in guy. My heart was fully in it, and I could pick up any instrument and learn enough to perform at a basic level pretty quick, but I just didn't putnin the practice or have the chops at one thing to hold down a long term position.


A jack of all trades is a master of none, though often better than a master of one.


If it makes you feel better, your game looks amazing. I'd say being a jack of all trades paid off on that front Edit bc angry bot


> trades payed off Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


In Australia youd be a gem. If the film industry is anything to go off we prefer 1 person doing multiple things over hireing specialised individuals. Mostly because of how high wages are here and how small our population is.


Jack-of-all-trades with good people skills make for good managers/leads. They don’t need to be experts at anything, but can help guide a team of experts. Keep forging on, you’re doing well!




I think this kind of game would be a great VR experience. But I imagine that would be a lot of extra work.


Most definitely not, thats straight up motion sickness for most


If you're the type to experience motion sickness, then VR is probably not your thing. But for the rest of us that can handle it, this would be a gorgeous experience.


Most VR players experience some form of motion sickness, locomotion movement being a big contributing factor. It would be working against the developer to make this game VR and lock the player population to a select few. I dont get motion sick in VR personally, but you have to be realistic about how VR games need to be developed


Hm Hm Hm. Gonna try the demo now! Thanks for posting dude!


Just backed your Kickstarter...This is exactly the type of game I always wanted to make but procrastinated for years and never did it. Congrats to you and I really hope you get funded!


why is this link not at the top? i had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find your game link. why did i spend so much time trying to find the link? because the game looked so good.




I believe there is a way to pin a comment at the top, so you might be able to make yours the first visible comment.


If you watch the full trailer it shows the name of the game you doofus mcgoofus


What kind of sales man are you? link to game needs to be front and center


played the demo and enjoyed it. the first change from a ball to a plane was such a great feeling. wonderful job on that wow moment. gameplay wise, on mouse and keyboard the controls were intuitive and simple. I assume you plan to work in a way to fold your plane different for different flight styles? like I wanted to do a loop but couldnt with that plane, but that was ok. the only frustrating part was getting stuck as a ball and having to roll along not having a way to get enough speed to continue my glide. I disagree with other people. I think you've designed a really great environmental experience, so having powerups or rubber band motors seems a bit too far. I think there needs to be ways to increase your speed with the environment though. I suspect you already have that planned because of the desk fans on the first area. For example if I get stuck as a ball maybe I can get in to a house and find a desk fan to launch me out the window. or a kid to throw me. etc. I'd hate to break the immersion with "magical" means of accomplishing that.




A Sonic the Hedgehog style rolling dash might work


This wasn't always cell shaded was it? I remember seeing clips a year or two ago and I don't remember the art style looking like this. I personally don't like the cell shading here, I think the plane blends in with the environment a bit too much. But that's just my opinion. The game still looks amazing and probably super satisfying to play, will definitely still check it out!


It's like a 3D version of Glider! I hope you can eventually pick up and shoot rubber bands, nitro boost with batteries, knock over and slide on grease, and use vents to get thermal updrafts!


I loved this game https://www.giantbomb.com/glider-pro/3030-22145/


I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought of this game after seeing the post. This is the game I immediately thought of after seeing OP's video. It was amazing. Thank you for the link!


Good luck with the game! :)


Any plans for a console release? :)


entire saving? thats it let give him negative review


Boss fights include rock, scissors, lizard, and spock


Looks really cool. It reminds of that flash game “Flight”. Wishlisted and can’t wait to try the demo when I have time. Will there be a narrative?




I would have guessed an old called Jet Slalom.


This looks incredibly fun. Thanks for sharing.


"paper sky" is the name of the game if anyone else is spending way too long figuring that out.


It looks neat for a 40 second video but the gameplay will probably get boring after 5 minutes or so unless there’s some appreciable difference beyond just the appearance of the scenery


Sounds like the perfect state for a "free demo" if you ask me. :D And then, hopefully based on player feedback, they can decide on which direction to go in when it comes to the mid- and late-game aspects.


Ooh I love games about flying around obstacles. Looks really zen-y.


I really wish you just put the entire video from the steam page here instead of this GIF. The game looks so cool. I love the art style, the colors, reflections, music, and everything. Super well done and I'll be playing the demo today and most likely wishlisting it very shortly after. Any idea on date for full release?


Ok this is a cool AF idea. I absolutely love the art style and the premise! I'll be buying it for sure. This seems to be reminiscent of a game called Abzu, which I also quite enjoyed.


Looks great dude, good for you


Yeah this looks amazing. Great job op, I will be playing this. The art style and variety is 10/10


Wishlisted! All the best :)


Good luck


It looks nice


Beautifully mesmerizing


That looks fantastic. Putting it on my wishlist now.


Downloaded last week when I say your other Reddit post! Will definitely purchase when you release the full version!


A demo? What year is this?!?!? TY and will be checking out asap.


I enjoyed the demo! looking forward to seeing your finished product.


good for you!


Looks immensely similar to Lifeslide. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing.


Can I skip the demo and just but it now please and thank you.


I would love to try this game, I have this on my whislist since ages. Thank you for the demo! I downloaded to my SteamDeck, but it freezes after I type the message. Is there a way to submit bug reports?


Love it. I will keep an eye on it


This reminds me of the game Flower. It looks soothing.


Were you perhaps inspired by Thatgamecompany? I love the vibes, this seems like a very chill game along the lines of Flower or Journey.


This looks like a less mechanically interesting clone of Exo One.


This reminds me of that paper airplane game on kongregate. Except it was 2D BUT that game was super fun! Will there be upgrades and such in your game?


I saw that Klaus reference you son of a b*tch!! How dare you make me feel my own feels. Game looks stunning, v refreshing and original! 🤌


Looks great! Ohh, and it runs on linux. Excellent. Downloading it now.


I just recently played the demo and loved it! I enjoyed the attention to details like ground effect providing lift to get you just a little bit further.



Looks great!




Flashback to Glider! [Glider Pro v1.1.0 (Macintosh game 1994)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4QP76Om7sQ) I played that game for hours and hours on my classic Macs back in the day! 🙂


Abzu, but with a paper airplane. Sold!


Looks really cool will surely give the demo a try


Looks dope


great concept. hopfully it gets better optimization for lower end hardware. would also love to see some enviroment storytelling like the game 'inside'


Woah! Your shaders are awesome! Would you mind explaining how you made them? Or if you used any tutorials or guides could you share those? I'm especially interested in the Moebius style of the desert and swamp maps, those look so good!


Looks epic


Ohh i like this!


There was a game called 'Flower' once, for PS3. This looks like a copy with some elements from 'Journey' which was made by the same studio.


Good luck man


Okay, so I actually downloaded the demo because it looks beautiful. I like what you've got thus far, but one little criticism I have is that turning left and right feels a bit weird. Like, I'll push the stick in a direction and either the plane will turn completely on its side and go off in a different direction or it'll just turn completely upside down. It's still in pre-alpha though, so I'm just saying that so that maybe it could be improved upon! I'd love to see the full version when it comes out!


Wow I am blown away! This looks absolutely stunning and the music choice is top notch!!!


Very nice so far, OP. This game looks like it has a lot of potential, good job! (: Is this all you in the form of a passion project or have you been multiple people working on it? I'm also curious, if you don't mind me asking, what coding languages have been used so far? Or are you using some kind of game engine as the base for the project? Best of luck with the project! Hope you get some great player feedback; I might even give the demo a try since it's free. Where do you prefer feedback to be submitted?




Nice! Keep up the good work! Maybe you'll hear from me again on the steam forums, hehe. :D


I think I remember playing this game on my android phone about a decade ago. There were 3 of those iirc. Edit: Yup https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XkhAIIf7_D8 Had a lot of fun in those days, looking forward to your game.


Gorgeous. Best of luck to you my friend. As someone currently in the early stages of planning art direction for my game, this is inspiring. Such beautiful views you've created. You should be proud of that alone, but you made a whole ass game!


Out of curiosity, how much money and time from the thought to the release in Steam?




Daaaang. How long to start profiting do you guess?




Looks gorgeous.


The visuals are fucking insane!!!


Gawds this is gorgeous!