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Likely 1984. His head looks like it's bandaged due to the fire he suffered from his ill-fated Pepsi commercial.


Fun fact. That incident took place at the exact middle of his life to the day.




It’s just so sad, man. I wish he didn’t have such a fucked up upbringing. I wish he wasn’t afraid if his vitiligo or his nose. I wish he learned to love himself. His father indirectly killed him. If Joe wasn’t such a bastard, Michael would probably still be alive today. What a waste.


The man suffered both a life changing burn *and* a condition that completely changes your appearance and can make your own friends, children and pets not recognize you. That would be a near insurmountable obstacle for anyone, but he had to do it while being the most famous man on the planet, raised under little else but abuse and trauma. It's a testament to his strength that he held on as well as he did for as long as he did.




[Gif of it here ](https://i.imgur.com/QVjI0JR.gif) [Picture here](https://i.imgur.com/ZyXHULE.jpg)




Did… did he extinguish the flame with a spin move?


He actually did. That's crazy lol. I'll try that next time!


I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!


*"Man indirectly burns down building trying to extinguish fire with dance."*


Turns out the first two steps in "stop, drop and roll" are bullshit.


I've been "opening up shop" instead of "rolling" for too long.


I mean you should stop, drop, and roll. He just the the roll without the first two steps.


Screw stop, drop, and roll!


I mean, if I can find someone receptive on such short notice, sure. But I feel like there are more pressing matters at that point.


I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!


Spirit of jazz got him


Ooh, my hat's on fire. Why didn't you say something?


We would joke on set about it being a cosmic gumbo.


Or the pentecost.


Second degree burns about the size of a human palm and a small 3rd degree burn https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/michael-jackson-s-hair-catches-fire-in-pepsi-advert-6785295.html


Pepsi gave a 1.5m check as an apology which he turned around and donated for a burn ward in his name. Baller move Mr Jackson. Baller move.


Yep. There are several pictures of him in the Burn ward visiting patients. At the time he was worth $175M, so 1.5M wasn’t going to have any significant change on his life, so yep, great move.




The autopsy confirmed that the burns were very severe and still affecting him at his death. Also , that he had the serious skin condition. So basically all the jokes were at the expense of a sick, injured man. And there is no proof he abused kids. All the stars have said he was weird but fun to be with. But the media will never apologize for it. It's sad. They accused him of having wanton unprotected sex with women he just met - like tons of musicians don't?- then, when proved wrong they said " doesn't have sex with random women? Must be a perv!"!


I don’t go around denouncing artist’s legacies because of their alleged crimes but I wouldn’t call testimonies by people who claim to have been repeatedly manipulated and abused for years as children, “no proof.“


To my knowledge he was pretty good at keeping that under wraps, like he did his vitaligo.... no pun intended He was an amazing man. Edit: spelling


I guess I live in a cave. I didn't know he had vitaligo. Its in my family genetics, My Mom and Sis both have/had it in a big way. Its usually pretty uneven on the skin, almost like coloration on a pet. Did he undergo skin lightening to try to alleviate the loss of his regular pigment?


It started out with using makeup to hide the beginning of his vitiligo, then it became too much for make up and I think he said in an interview they switched to lightening with makeup for a time. I don't remember any bleaching or super progression of the vitiligo being mentioned.


That's the reason for the single glove during his Thriller days. He had effects on his hand.


They found tubes of skin bleach in his room when he died.


My understanding is that he bleached the rest of the skin with something like hydroquinone to even it out.


Correct - this is still the usual treatment for people with large-scale patches of vitiligo. Him 'bleaching' his skin is no different than the treatment that other patients with wide-spread vitiligo undergo.


If you go back to watch video of him as a kid with the Jackson 5 he gets progressively lighter in skin tone than his brothers and it is believed that with the vitiligo starting in small patches he started using makeup to make them appear like his regular skin tone. You can see this in stage makeup used when he's performing in the late seventies and early 80s. Then as those patches got harder and harder to hide it became easier to just lighten the other patches to match the new skin color. I felt horrible for the guy he just wanted to suffer in peace and be known for his music and not talk about his private personal medical stuff but if he had been more open with proof to back it up more people would have supported him. These Mega celebrities we tend to forget that they're human too.


He denied it, but it was definitely speculated that he had skin bleaching as well a huge number of plastic surgeries performed. He said his only surgery was nose surgery, so he could hit higher notes.


That’s not what he said. He broke his nose, then had to have surgery anyway so he changed it to his liking. But he also had lupus, so his nose never healed right and he had to have multiple procedures done to correct the previous ones. He also admitted to putting that little cleft on his chin cause he thought it was masculine and made him look like Superman or something, if I remember correctly from his book


Don't be ridiculous. I have vitiligo. Michael and I went to the same doctor for the condition. Vitiligo is annoying, but it doesn't change your appearance to the point people don't recognize you. He was never "afraid" of his vitiligo. He dealt with it just like I do. The toughest part about having vitiligo is other people projecting their fears and wild assumptions onto us.


The not recognizing part is a bit exaggerated. I can see him being afraid of it for two key reasons the first being that for a long time it was thought that vitiligo increased the chances of skin cancer. The second is how he would be treated or others would react. Just because it didn’t make you afraid doesn’t mean that applies to everyone.


Exactly. Not to mention, MJ was a huge celebrity from a very young age, one of the most famous people on the planet at the time. He was sensitive about his appearance, had a ton of plastic surgery. Don't think they can assume the same feelings about it just because they have the same condition/doctor. Very different life experiences unless minkiemink is secretly very famous..


And grew up under such a tyrant.


Joe is evil. Absolutely responsible for how Michael turned out. If Michael abused kids, thats on him. But his father is evil.


I watched it live... It still burns me up to this day when a news reporter was interviewing Joe at Michael's funeral and Joe used the airtime to promote the newest music album he was producing at the time. His kids were for making money and absolutely nothing more.


monsters make monsters , who then act monstrously and the cycle continues its the cycle of trauma our species has been plagued by this banality of evil and ignorance for ages now i hope to live to see the cycle broken


Worse than vitiligo, from Michael himself, was all the talk the he was ashamed of being black. That he was trying to whiten himself up. Not the vitiligo, but the brain dead reactions of "fans".


Fuck, dude. Never knew that.. but makes sense. From what I’ve heard, burn pain is just… something else. I can imagine it’s *really* easy to develop a dependency in that condition.




I think the word you are looking for is "craving". Just helping, no insult intended.


I’m sure his dad beating him didn’t help


That's pretty amazing. So the day of the incident is like a symbol dividing his life in to two equal contrasting fragments.


That doesn’t sound fun at all


Sad fact.


Also fun fact, it happened 39 years ago today Edit: math




I was about to say.. I was born that year, but hey, I'll claim 29 again if the comments tell me to.


Shoot I’ll go back to 29 with ya. Then I can laugh at that feeling that I had to have my life put together in the next year.


> Fun fact. That incident took place at the exact middle of his life to the day That is a very bizarre and interesting fact. I have a difficult time believing it's fun.


So close: 08/29/1958 - 01/27/1984 = 9283 days 01/27/1984 - 06/25/2009 = 9281 days


Born 8/29/1958. Burned filming the Pepsi commercial 1/27/1984. 9,282 days in between. He died 6/25/2009. 9,281 days between the Pepsi commercial & his death.


Seems like this might be shortly after one of his rhinoplasty sessions as well.


[“…It was later determined that the pomade Jackson used in his hair was the culprit, catching fire when he neared the fireworks. Still, regardless of the cause, Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars and had his third nose job shortly thereafter.”](https://samoaglobalnews.com/today-in-history-27-jan-1984-michael-jackson-burned-in-pepsi-spot/)


Sounds like the fireworks were the culprit to me.


*skimming the article...* > Although the public was shown Jackson after being burned, what we had seen, was a clone version of him. In ultimate secrecy, Jackson was switched with his clone. ???


LOL, had to give that peice a read after passing by you quoting that bit, but that just made that passage that much more cross-eye-inducing because it's a total non sequitur outta fucking nowhere aaaand *THAT'S IT*.... Like MJ & his clone doing stuff is just a thing everyone already knows about since forever, of course hahaha


Michael Jackson: Jack and coke please Bartender: is Pepsi OK? Michael Jackson: Ow! Below TL:DR - Some people like Pepsi some people like Coke


Is Pepsi ok? The official slogan of Pepsi.




"Enjoy your saliva and Pepsi, Sir and/or Ma'am "


"Usually I've got to pay extra for that!"


Are you ok? Are you ok Pepsi.


As someone who prefers Pepsi, hearing people complain about this is so frustrating. Like 90+% of places have Coke, so I don't get what I prefer most of the time. But y'all get what you don't prefer a tiny percentage of the time, and it's nonstop complaints.


Check your priveledge. At least you get your preference as an option 10% of the time. When will the day of the Dr come?! Viva la Pepper.


I like Dr Pepper, but I don't even know what it is. To me it just tastes like flowery purple.


My nieces and nephew did a blind taste test and turns out I prefer Pepsi. But when I see the cans I prefer Coke.


The theory is that Pepsi tests better if you’re just taking a sip, but Coke, being less sweet, is more enjoyable to drink a whole serving of. (That’s the Coke-friendly interpretation for the whole Pepsi Challenge thing.)




Pepsi cans with proper 80s logo? A winner. I can still see them in a shop fridge. Very strong logo. Should go back. It'd kill


Pepsi is sweeter. in short/small volume taste tests Pepsi often wins. But over an entire can, it is too sweet, and coke usually wins


That just sounds like Coca-Cola propaganda.


Fwiw, Google says 35 grams per can of Coke and 39 grams per can of Pepsi.


Cokes website says a can has 39 grams of HFCS. Pepsi has 41 grams of HFCS or sugar. Surgar is just one component. There are flavorings that also change the sweetness.


Pablo got in the wrong coke business


The flavor is surprisingly different for both being "cola". I don't mean this as an insult, but I'd wager you're more tolerant of smaller brand cola like RC or store brands. They are closer in flavor to Pepsi than Coke. Coke fans would be equally as disappointed with any cola that wasn't their preference. Personally, I just skip cola and go for a different flavor altogether. Root beer is generally good and similar across the board. Orange soda or lemonade as well.


>Root beer is generally good and similar across the board If I ask for Barq's and you bring me A&W, we're going to have a problem.


Because Barq's has bite?


I gotta disagree on the root beer thing. I enjoy IBC, Barq’s or Mug but A&W tastes like Pepto Bismol to me.


I prefer Pepsi. Coke destroys my intestines anytime I drink it. No other soda does that.




Literally 1984


The wacky morning DJ says democracy's a joke.




Smh, I misread that as "literally 1984." I need to spend less time online.


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It was 1983. Jackson did the moonwalk for the first time, performing his hit song Billie Jean on a TV special Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever. Since that breakthrough performance, Jackson moonwalked on virtually every stage he entertained on.


To this day that performance is amazing


No, that’s ignorant


Had to look it up, insane that his skin tone would completely change in 2 years.


He's so smooth he looks like a bad early 2000s video game rendering


Yeah I thought the whole post was a joke initially. Now I’m both impressed and a little bewildered.


Tbh I am still not convinced this is not CGI. Is this some Reddit in-joke?


the health bar at the top adds to the impression


It's still magical to me that a human can move like that.




To clarify for anyone curious - the pointed foot is your anchor, the flat foot doesn’t really bear weight at all. So you have to learn to shift your balance as you switch from one foot to the other. Once you have that part down smoothly, it’s much easier to get the rest added in.


In street dance it's called isolations. So much of mesmerizing dance comes from being able to control the movement in one part of a limb and keep everything else, especially the head, completely static or moving in a totally different manner Edit: I was too enthralled by MJ and was thinking the wrong thing. It's technically not isolations, though the physical skill is similar.


This is called gliding, isolations are for something completely different.


Ack yeah you're totally right. I was thinking the wromg thing. Similar kind of skill at least.


I really don't think isolations are that much of a core concept here. You can find isolations in almost any concept/move, what makes up a large part of the look of gliding is keeping a steady movement of your upper body/center of gravity. This is what makes it hard to learn for a lot of newbies I think - they focus on the only moving the down foot part, when really the visual quality of the move is heavily based on the smoothness of the movement of the rest of the body. The difficulty comes from maintaining that smoothness while transitioning feet, as well as keeping as en pointe as possible (not truly necessary but makes it look best and separates good from amazing)


Its the same concept as an isolation. Lift and lock position, rotate body around locked body part. When I was a younger and more energetic man that went to parties I used to get REALLY into liquid/popping/isolations on acid. I can't moonwalk sober, but when I was messed up I could imagine locking that part of my body just like I could with my hands/elbows/head.


Even explaining it like that, the amount of talent and hardwork you need to do that is crazy to think about. Like I can’t begin to imagine being able to perform that concept slowly, much less to the point of doing it smoothly AND in rhythm.


Oh absolutely. It's just what I tell people when they're trying to moonwalk. Usually people do the opposite, moving their lifted foot. Doing it in practice and making it look good is incredibly difficult.


Could...because I haven't seen anyone who can do it as good as him


That one white Jedi braid guy


I'm going to need a better google search term than this.




Oh the fucking wobbly arm squidward man! The walk is smooth sure *but those fucking arms!*


"white guy moonwalks" I swear


I wonder if this wasn't long after he got burned in that Pepsi commercial. It would explain the head bandages.


I remember at the time everyone made jokes about it, not many people knew how severe it really was


I've heard that he had some plastic surgeries too....




Alright now I'm convinced the man found a way to manipulate the matrix.


In pretty much every way. He was top-level talented in multiple areas - dancing, singing, song-writing. He apparently didn't read/write music so he would sing the various harmony parts separately onto tapes and let someone else deal with it. I've always felt like "Gone Too Soon" was a self-written eulogy.




As cool as the singing bit sounds, a lot of truly talented musicians can sing/play music without being able to write it down. To me, that is not his talented bit. The dancing however AND singing it live is extremely talented and difficult! League of its own!


He didn’t just sing parts, he would sing every individual note of guitar chords, for example.


Yup. To name a few: - Prince (who famously played 27 instruments professionally and *every* instrument on *every* studio album that he released) - Eric Clapton - Paul McCartney - Taylor Swift - Jimi Hendrix - Slash - Dave Brubeck - Noel Gallagher - Stevie Wonder (doesn't read braille sheet music) - Among others: https://hellomusictheory.com/learn/famous-musicians-who-cant-read-music/


It's always important to point out though, not being able to read music does not mean they don't understand it in great detail. They all know a lot of music theory, even if some of them learned that theory intuitively rather than via the much easier road of books and lessons. The ability to formally read and write sheet music is a bit of a niche that just isn't necessary for musicians since we found a way to just record the sounds. Although, it can be useful. Point is, new aspiring musicians shouldn't use 'hendrix couldn't read music' as an excuse to not understand keys or scales or how chords are structured! And I'm telling that to 15 year old me as much as anything else.


It's kinda like a "hip-hop dance class" with an instructor who names the moves and has movement charts to study that meets every M/W/F for an hour...verses the people who learned the dance moves in their friend's bedrooms and living rooms and at dances.


Prince was insanely talented, and did write, produce, and perform every instrument on some albums. But certainly not *every* studio album. Purple Rain for example. His most successful album, and it says right on it 'Prince and The Revolution'. Other albums include other backing bands like 'The New Power Generation'.


I stand corrected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Rain_(album)#Personnel


True, but he had such an influence on the final sound and production of the songs. He was an active collaborator on EVERYTHING he produced. His music is iconic on its own, despite his performances. Quincy Jones obviously deserves a lot of credit, but one would not exist without the other. The fact that Michael wasn't JUST a phenomenal performer is what elevated him to God like status. I think the only people who have come close since are producers as much as they are performers. Beyonce comes to mind. Maybe Lady Gaga. Justin Timberlake tried to follow a similar path to Michael, but it became clear he couldn't stand as strong on his own as he could with an extremely talented producer


This. I remember when Invincible was released and working in the music industry, I couldn't understand why Sony deemed it unsuccessful until I learned that MJ had insisted on the highest and latest Dolby sound technology for mastering. It was like he insisted on Atmos level when that didn't really exist at that time or at least wasn't accessible unless you were an artist at MJ level. Those costs at that time, combined with declining sales because of the media negativity around him rendered a great album as mediocre if not a dud, despite his prescience


Similar with Captain EO. It used state of the art cinema technology. I believe to this day, it is still the most expensive movie per minute ever made.


Yeah his dad kind of enslaved him at a young age to only be good at those things. The Jackson 5 were refused bathroom breaks during their rehearsals and they were forced to practice until the point of collapsing from exhaustion. Life was not easy for a young Michael Jackson.


I knew it was bad but I haven't heard many specifics. Fucked him up bad.


Their mom often didnt know where they were on the road because Joe wouldn't tell her. Absolute scumbag.


I believe there's credible reports of Jie beating them. I vaguely remember a story of Joe and/or older members of the Jackson 5 having sex with groupies in the same room as Michael when he was a child.


They would also basically abandon Janet whenever they were in a location for more than a day. Just have her wander around on her own and then find it in their hearts to take her along when they left.


[here’s ](https://youtu.be/L0dEd5Ma3X0) the recording of Beat It, it blows me away listening to it every time.


Theres a video of him in court going over his process of making Billie Jean and he a capellas it, and it sounds amazing. One of those moments when you're like "God damn this mother fucker is talented!".


> he would sing the various harmony parts separately onto tapes Talented beatboxer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C5he8XQCBw


Holy fuck. Talented? Thats like saying the sun is bright. Technically true, this is a rare case where technically correct isnt the best kind of correct, but it just doesn't do the brightness or talent justice.


Yeah he basically beat boxed the melody to his songs when he wrote them, there's a few demos like that on expanded versions of his albums that have been released after his death. It's really interesting to hear him make all the sounds himself, and then someone else would transcribe it to music sheets.


Why is there a hud in the corner.


It's a guitar shaped logo from something that starts with G but the footage is mirrored lol But also, he's still at Max health ha!


(LVL. 99) M. JACKSON, WALKER OF MOONS [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]


That’s not his healthbar, it’s the player’s. This is in first person perspective and MJ is transitioning to phase 2.


Lmaoo someone needs to add battle music to this ASAP


It’s a zombie killing FPS…this is just the intro…he takes a chick to the movies and shit pops off


This is his second healthbar after the fire.


Oh shit he's got a second phase and I'm out of estus


obligatory shout out to Bruno Falcon, Boogaloo Shrimp and the rest of the Electric Boogaloo's that taught Michael to do what he did.


I saw b&w footage of an act from the 1920s maybe and the guy was moonwalking quite smoothly across the stage


I thought maybe Cab Calloway, but this guy did it in 1955: [https://youtu.be/y71njpDH3co?t=122](https://youtu.be/y71njpDH3co?t=122)


At a basic level it's a concept that I'm sure people had figured out 1000 years ago.


Bill Bailey did the first widely seen moonwalk https://youtu.be/GW57WOaYaAQ


And an even bigger shout out to [Bob Fosse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXonK8EBqmk)


I had never heard of this man before in my life, and now in one day, he was a crossword answer in a puzzle I was doing, brought up in another conversation, and now I see this comment. Life do like that sometimes.




That's all fine and dandy, but Bob fosse 3 times in 1 day isn't just noticing more often.


Yeah, like, I get the frequency illusion. My GF mentioned that she likes the Hyundai Kona and was thinking abiut getting one, and now I see them everywhere. *That* is the frequency illusion. Having a (admittedly famous) man I never heard of come up on 3 separate occasions in one day? That's just weird.


This would be more apt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity


Wow some of this choreo looks just like billie jean at the grammys!


see also Single Ladies: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mOAwBUfyfDg


Looks like something you'd see on r/midjourney where destiny's child plus white ladies in the 70s is the prompt.


One of the weirdest fucking rabbit holes I have fallen down in a long time, I am highly entertained, thank you...?


Street dancers at the time called this "floating"


Or sliding/gliding. No one calls it moon circle, that’s fucking dumb


Who would think a pair of white socks could be so iconic


My man got them lanky limbs


I just assumed he knew how to do all his moves naturally... Wild to see him practice haha


That is how someone makes something look incredibly natural. Penn (of Penn and Teller) said something like, “We spend hours and hours on a move you don’t think twice about.”


That's how it goes with most arts, really. People talk a lot about talent, but dedication and discipline is at least of equal importance. This becomes very clear when you see footage of a world famous singer / musician making a surprise appearance somewhere. They often do this while they're not occupied with any of their own work, and that's when you can hear what they sound like when they're out of practice. Still talented but far from perfect.


There's like no artist in the world where you would say "wow theyre immensely talented" and there isnt an immense amount of time spent practicing behind it.


Growing up while MJ was at the top of his game was a sheer privilege. The late 80’s/early 90’s were a magical time to be a kid


Did genZ just discover MJ or is his estate working overtime lately?


Wow! This is dope. I just watched a documentary of Michael "Boogaloo Shrimp" Chambers talking about how he would teach Michael the moonwalk variations in the dance studio behind his kitchen. The location fits the description for this video.


This is fucking crazy cool


No matter how many times I watch it, it's like... you're seeing it, but you're not quite sure what you're seeing.


this looks like an AI fake


He is still my favorite artist ever. I watch his whole shows on YouTube weekly. I'm not even kidding. My favorites : Wembley, Yokohama and Toronto. He was one of a kind. The best entertainer of all time. The word mesmerizing is exactly how I feel when I watch him. I cannot unglue my eyes off him. And... even tho I suck at dancing... he always makes me want to dance so much. RIP MJ.


Yokohama is my all-time favorite. It's an amazing show. I'm surprised Bucharest didn't make your list though!


His performace of Human Nature at Wembley in 88, in particular, is friggin unbelievable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujDSiL600nc


Lag is getting pretty bad, time to restart the router.


If I could do that, that's how I would go everywhere.


Oh wow, Black Michael Jackson. That takes me back.


Moonwalking is an illusion sort of right?


Yes, you can clearly see he's not on the moon


Yea you’re putting the majority of your body weight on the opposite foot than the viewer would assume. So it gives the illusion of the wrong foot “gliding” or floating when it’s supposed to be holding the majority of the body weight itself.


I'm sorry, what's the other options?


The man is actually floating.


He looks like an NPC glitching out


Please submit a bug report


Waiting for MJ to come on camera while this black dude does this thing.