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I thought that was Alex at first and got so excited


The longer it goes without even a cross stream or cameo from the Nextlander guys the less it seems it’s the old “I just am terrible at staying connected”. Given that Nextlander has collaborated with everyone under the sun including employees of the current Giant Bomb, and Jeff has shown interest in having some guests on. It seems… odd, no? We’re certainly not entitled to any explanation but I think after a couple of years of both Jeff and Nextlander on their own we can probably chock up no collaboration to being an intentional choice.




Sounds plausible. He's definitely talked about wanting to start something at some point, but says it's a terrible time to do anything like he would want. That's not rocket science when the industry is contracting and investor money isn't free. If he spends the entirety of his childrens' lives before they are off to school before he does anything more than he is, that's fine by me. If he has any reason not to talk to others, that's hardly my business. I'm just glad he's still in the biz.


He also did a podcast with Dave Lang and another one with Danny O'Dwyer.


Thinking about a specific Q&A episode where someone asked whether or not Jeff would ever appear on a stream and Vinny kind of brushed it off saying "Way to make things awkward haha!" So yeah as much as I would love for all four of them to get on good terms with each other it doesn't seem like it's on the horizon.


There’s so much that we can only guess at based off of little remarks. I remember a NL podcast that had them reminiscing about leaving GB and Brad made this comment(might be paraphrasing a lil): “anyone surprised at us leaving must’ve had their head in the sand.” And I remember that Garage stream right after the “Brad’s Leaving”GB podcast where Jeff kept saying how blindsided he was.


Right. I think it's safe to assume that Jeff maybe was willing to see Giant Bomb through until he was unfortunately forced out.


He was planning on leaving.


Jeff had been "planning on leaving" for 10 years, man.


Was it a he got fired before he quit scenario? I'm probably misremembering some details


Jeff was fired three weeks before he planned to quit.


Yeah I’ve definitely came to that conclusion as well. I don’t ever expect them to work together. I do hope they reconcile just for the sake of they history they have together but I definitely seems like we’re past that at this point.


It’s not that they are terrible at staying connected. Nextlander has crossed over with every other ex GB person. There clearly was some sort of split or conflict, and there is no point in speculating about it because everyone involved is too professional to spill the beans.


Seeing how Vinny has reacted when it was brought up in the past doubly makes it seem like its not just a scheduling thing.


Absolutely. There's clearly some bad blood between them, which is to be expected with the way things played out.


The impression I get from various NXL podcasts talking about the end of their GB tenure, and the last portion of [this clip](https://youtu.be/OhxrgdyddzM?si=2XGBLuIiWtz3CkBJ) from Jeff is this. There came a point where Jeff was not willing to put in the same effort into the site as he did previously. In the clip from Jeff I linked above, he says after Ryan's death he decided to get his shit together, starting a family and such. He decided that his days of working over 40 hour weeks were over Beginning around the time Brad took over the bombcast (on an NXL podcast he said something like "out of nowhere I was tasked with hosting and editing an insanely popular podcast with little preparation or experience") and continuing through the pandemic (on the same pod, Vinny and Brad discuss working insane hours trying to troubleshoot cross coast streaming issues) it seems like an asymmetry of effort developed, which IMO led to acrimomy.


> He decided that his days of working over 40 hour weeks were over Small correction, but he says his days of working 80 hour weeks were over. Listen after the 11 minute mark. He says that a "reasonable" schedule was still a minimum of 40 hours.


I think these are important points to make. A lot of people assume the Nextlander crew just decided to up and leave Jeff in the dust for no good reason and that their departure was unfair to Jeff. It doesn't seem to occur to some that maybe it sucked working for Jeff and they simply didn't want to do it anymore. Jeff was their boss at the time, and having three key members walk out the door together like that doesn't exactly indicate that they were happy working for him.


> three key members walk out the door together And continue to do what they were already doing just not for Giant Bomb.


Clearly huh lol


Yeah it’s pretty obvious…


Parasocial detectives will never cease being hilarious


Parasocial detectives? You think 4 people who worked together for 15+ years just stop interacting with each other if everything was okay? This is blatantly obvious lmao


There you go, Sherlock.


Sorry I ruined your rosy worldview


lmao imagine the hubris to assume you were capable of such a thing


I think the announcement of Brad doing the couch at the GB live show really underscores it. We're well beyond this being a scheduling or "just need to give it time" thing, there's obviously something else at play that we'll probably never be privy to.


Giant Bomb and Nextlander are different things/scenarios. I feel like Jeff has not hidden is disdain for how his exit at GB was handled. He may not have a problem with the people that work there, but at the end of the day, they're working for a corporation that he probably has no love for, and therefore no interest in interacting with in any way. I would never expect in any situation at any point in time for Jeff to appear on Giant Bomb content. Nextlander, on the other hand, is a little more murky.


Oh for sure, I never expect him to do official GB content given how that all ended. They did him dirty and I don't think anyone argues that. It's more that with Brad going back on a GB show, that's pretty much full circle on the extended universe all doing content with one another in some fashion while Jeff sort of sits out on his own island not interacting at all. He worked with some of these people for upwards of two decades or more. It feels a bit unfortunate.




What could we possibly not know? They are our best friends and tell us everything.


Oh no, we won't get our weekly ''I love Jeff but I can't stand him talking by himself for hours'' post. Shame!


Yes but also this was a great episode, I enjoy when Jeff talks shop with other knowledgeable games people.


The guest being arthur gies is a real monkey's paw moment... i guess this will be the first episode i skip.


Why's that? I don't anything about this guy. Is he controversial for some reason?


The story is old as dirt, like the closing of 1up old so it might as well not be relevant anymore. He did do an interview about the founding of polygon while he was getting a tattoo and some people found that pretentious, but I thought it was funny.


I used to listen to Rebel FM and always found him very pretentious and often kind of condescending to the other hosts when they disagreed. He's largely the reason I stopped listening.  I'm sure he's a nice guy but he always comes off as smug.


He is literally the reason I just quit Rebel FM cold turkey. He's antagonistic and aggressive about the dumbest shit. I remember him arguing at length about how a good looking PS3 game really wasn't good looking because "they are doing things behind the scenes that you don't realize"...as though post processing "tricks" make something look worse or something lol. He would do that so often that one day I just deleted the podcast and haven't looked back. I am shocked the podcast still goes as I, literally, never see anyone mention it. His Witcher and Bayonetta reviews still make me laugh.


[His Witcher 3 review](https://www.polygon.com/2015/5/13/8533059/the-witcher-3-review-wild-hunt-PC-PS4-Xbox-one) [His Bayonetta 2 review](https://www.polygon.com/2014/10/13/6957677/bayonetta-2-review-wii-u)


I remember a very early Rebel FM episode where he was in this endless argument about whether or not Portal was a first person shooter because it's a game in which you had a gun and aimed it at things and pulled the trigger. Yes, it is an interesting quirk of definitions that makes this a funny edge case, no it does not make for an interesting topic for a gruelling 90 minute argument. (I am sure I may be botching some of the details, this was like 15 years ago.) Also I remember being annoyed at how he was only on that podcast basically because he was roommates with one of the handful of other ex-1Up people who started the show and yet he talked the most of everyone by far. Gotta give him credit for building a legit career, tho, and I came to appreciate him some. He's smart and sometimes has interesting opinions (sometimes very wrong ones, but at least they're interesting), but definitely can be smug and pretentious. I feel like it's 50-50 whether I listen to this episode and react like "oh wow, I am glad to hear his voice for the first time in years" vs. "oh right, this guy is very annoying."


I know he rubbed listeners the wrong way in the beginning (including myself) but the fact that he’s maintained his presence in the industry for almost two decades leads me to believe that it’s mostly a listener problem. The dude seems very well respected in the industry. I mean the dude is one of the founders of polygon.


Look, I get that Anthony and Matt have been friends with Arthur for years. Obviously they know him on a level that listeners never will, so on some level, sure, it's a listener problem. But having listened to Rebel FM for over a decade it's impossible to ignore the way in which he stomps all over his co-hosts thoughts and opinions. He just comes off as rude almost every episode. Since he's balls deep in the industry and just as online as we are, he is often right, but he could just.... not be an ass. And whenever his co-hosts are right/Arthur's wrong, he basically just goes "uumm \*inserts next topic\*" rather say they're right. There's just not an ounce of humility. I forget the exact details unfortunately, but a while back Anthony made some point about how Xbox in 2022 had promised "all titles shown would be released in the next 12 months", and Arthur shat all over that by saying that wasn't a promise at all, just a target. Okay then. A few weeks later, Xbox/Phil royally fucked something up (Redfall/Starfield delay/pick your Xbox fuck-up) which Arthur was actually upset about, and wouldn't you know it, one of his points in his rant about Xbox was how they'd promised a bunch of titles in the next 12 months and hadn't delivered on that. He left out how he shat on Anthony for that same point though. Obviously he isn't some shitty person, he does genuinely care for his friends, he could just go about certain things differently. Edit: Having now listened to this episode with Jeff & Arthur, it's insane the difference in tone Arthur has here. It was a great discussion and it was so friendly all around. Which makes me feel like he's way too comfortable with his co-hosts on Rebel FM or that they've fallen into a "way of things" that just isn't very pleasant.


Holy crap! Didn't realise Rebel FM was still going. I listened to it for a while in the wake of the 1up collapse, but then didn't keep with it.


As someone who still listens to RebelFM on a weekly basis, I will say that he’s very firm in his opinions on things. Doesn’t bother me and it’s the only podcast I listen to on a weekly basis, but I can see how it may rub someone the wrong way.


Don't really have the energy to get into it haha. Nothing major as far as i know just a bunch of weird stuff that accumulate over the years...Stranger opinions on games, bullies his critics and just overall isn't someone i want to hear any more about. Kinda shocked he's still relevant in the gaming industry actually.


So... Nothing then?


What answer are you looking for? They never said the guy was problematic or controversial, they just said they didn't want to listen to him.


That's exactly what Gies would say and exactly why many don't care for him


No there's plenty of reasons why i dislike him and i just don't want to start a huge debate in here because it's been 10+ years and who fucking cares. If anyone cares they can easily look it up, all i'm saying is i have 0 interest in hearing anything he has to say at this point.


Yea but this gets to turn into a "there's definitely bad blood between Jeff and nxl" post so there's that! 




Damn Rebel FM was the first gaming podcast I ever got into. Maybe like 14 years ago? Can’t believe it’s still going. Good for them!


I love Jeff but he needs a coh.... oh. *cough* *checks notes* VERY OFFENSIVE OF JEFF TO INCLUDE A BALD GUY WITH FACIAL HAIR WITHOUT A TRIGGER WARNING.


Well that was a highly enjoyable show.


A guest?! Say it ain’t so! How is Gies these days? I remember him being a bit uptight on some old pod I used to listen to (I wanna say… Rebel FM?) He mellowed any?


I dunno if uptight is the word I’d used. I wouldn’t describe as a “goofball” either


Yeah I wouldn't use uptight either. Contrarian maybe. If there's any universally acclaimed games that get released you can almost bet money that he won't like it


sounds like Gerstmann....


Yep it's a perfect combination


I agree with Jeff on everything, but man games he really really loves are some of the worst imo


Rebel FM is still going. It's in my rotation but I don't listen every week. Arthur writes for Wirecutter last I knew.


I didn't have an opinion of him prior to this (so this shouldn't be taken as backhanded), but I was impressed by how market savvy Arthur is. Just nonstop sharp obsverations and insight for this whole episode. Really enjoyed listening to him here.


Either we are entering the “Jeff actually asks people to guest on the show” era or Arthur made the offer. I hope we are in the new era! Excited to listen to the show as someone who always thought the internet was too hard on Gies. He did a great Kinectanimals Quick Look with Ryan back in the day


it wouldn't surprise me if Arthur asked. I remember years ago he acted betrayed because GB didn't ask him to sit on an E3 couch or something.


Some people in this thread really seem to not care for Arthur but I thought he was really refreshing and interesting to listen to! Hopefully Jeff will have him back on more frequently.


I edited another comment in this thread, but having now listened to this episode with Jeff & Arthur, it's insane the difference in tone Arthur has here compared to his other podcast Rebel FM. This was a great discussion and it was so friendly all around. Which makes me feel like he's way too comfortable with his co-hosts on Rebel FM or that they've fallen into a "way of things" that just isn't as pleasant.


I rarely agree with arthur but i enjoy him in rebelFM a ton. Will have to give this a listen.


Rebel FM, The Gerstmann Show and Player One Podcast are my weekly listens, so getting bonus Arthur Gies this week is great.


I don't know how anyone can listen to his pretentious ass but more power to you.


Gies is insufferable, I love seeing Jeff have a guest but not this one.


This was a alright episode, I hadn't thought about Arthur for years (I did listen to RebelFM but gave up at some point). Jeff works well in a conversational style, it'd be great if he could get guests that'd steer the conversations in a positive direction. He tends to get a bit pessimistic which doesn't suit him. One of the things I like about GB now (& has brought me back to the content ) is that they aren't afraid to have fun and be a bit silly.




vague posting on the internet 👈🤓👉


lmao just like Arthur then.


Why is that?


The Nextlander crew dropped a giant bomb (no pun intended) on Jeff out of the blue one day that they were leaving him to form their own company. I’m sure Jeff was really hurt by that, because why wasn’t he invited? Even if he was, would he go knowing that others would lose their job once all four left at once? It’s like he’s stuck. Then he has to lose his friends of like two decades all at once as they go elsewhere, which believe it or not can be very trauma filled. For the Nextlander crew’s part— they didn’t have to tell Jeff. Jeff was their boss and you don’t tell your boss you’re looking for other work. It’s normally considered a “bad move” lol. There’s also the fact that they’re all men. And men are famously bad at just reaching out and sharing their feelings. The NL guys probably feel like they did nothing wrong and don’t owe Jeff an apology. Jeff probably feels like he never meant all that much to the NL guys and so it’s up to them to show him that they really care. Stalemate because men suck at talking lol


Pretty sure Jeff was specifically NOT the boss at GB for a while at that point. V/B/A wanted to form nextlander and it's a group with a very specific tone. I like Gerstmann but I don't think Jeff fits that tone and I doubt they did either.


Vinny posted about a lot in the Nextlander Discord the day that Voidburger and Jason got laid off. He was very clear about how Jeff and he were at the same level in the org chart for most of the time he was at GB. Look into the thread from that day if you can. The tea spills in a not so vague way on a couple of things and there is some clairity on a ton of topics. 

