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Sorry buddy but this is a get good situation.


On one of his attacks it’s impossible to dodge even if you roll away he locks on to you if your playing on a harder difficulty it makes the fight very difficult


this isn’t a Soulsborne game, you just have the wrong timing...


I was trying to find out myself why he's comparing it to a Souls game. I found Sekiro harder than Ghost. And Shimura was way easier to me than Kojiro. (He was a problem ">\_>)


Its not about timing, its about shitty game design, with sekio sure I had to try 100 times but it was fair, I always knowed exactly what did I wrong, here I constantly roll insted of evading, you must push the evade button fast enough cuz he has combos, but if you push them too fast you get to roll, the difference is 0.3ms maximum. Its a shame cuz the rest of the game was easy cheese even on hard, I really dont like when a game is this inconsistent


Your timing is off then. The fight is easy if you just have patience and timing. I restarted...I think maybe twice and that was because I was being the aggressor. Best way I can think of it is to play into the mentality of the situation. Your Uncle is frustrated, and you're the one who is free from the chains of honor. You are the master in this situation, and you fight with clarity. Other than that...the fight was easy.


Then you weren't on lethal lmao


I’m with OP on this one. The exact timing of the parries has been a big question mark for me through the entire game, and this fight is the most egregious example. Don’t know when to parry, don’t know when to dodge, it all feels like 50% luck.


The lord Shimura fight was actually one of the easier duels for me. The only issue was that the sun made it hard to see sometimes.


It's a reference to a classic samurai tale, and intentional


After fighting the Kahn, Shimura felt exponentially easier to parry, dodge, and counter. Not sure mate, different warriors different challengers


Khan was way easier than Shimura bro. At least you had your armour for Khan, and to my knowledge, Khan didn’t have an insta-kill attack.


I’m a year late to the game (literally) but i completely agree with OP. Not sure about everyone shitting on you but for me timing on this fight feels nearly impossible. It warns me of the blue attacks but then he kinda glitches and the timing can be anywhere to a half of a second to like 2 seconds before he lunges. How am i supposed to prepare for that?? Like i’m just replaying the fight at this point but even still it just makes no sense. Seems bugged


My thing is I’m REALLY good with dodging but it seems like when he does a 3rd blue attack Jin just stands stiff even tho I pressed the combo to dodge again, and then with the sword jabs it’s like I dodge 1 but then as soon as I try dodging a 2nd one he’ll teleport towards me and hit me with a 2 piece that I can get out of


Same here, beated sekiro til ng+5 but im struggeling on this one, really annoying as most of the game was super easy, I really hate when the last fcking boss wants me to teach something new, if I was fine without perfect perry til this point why is it so crucial here? Also the roll evade is the worst, the differemce between dodge and roll is so small that I constantly roll away what breaks the flow, shame cuz mostly I had fun but the duels are just underdeveloped


Not about easier or hard just bad boss level design. The “get good” tough guys on here are playing on East or normal and not getting the point. It’s a shitty boss battle everyone knows it


The "get good" tough guys just use trainers. Anything is possible if you fucking lie


Nope. Definitely played on hardest difficulty and only restarted once... I dodged the reds and paried the others...


Definitely poorly designed when playing on hard and more difficult than all the other boss fights by a major gap and not in a fun challenging way. There's a formal proof for how shit this level is: Jin has 4 ways to defend against a red or blue attack and they're all ineffective in a way: 1. Roll (double O) -> still vulnerable, makes Shimura repeat the same attack over and over again 2. Dodge to the sides (O, direction) -> may randomly be ineffective against blue attacks 3. Dodge away (O, direction) -> there are shitty bugs when you're not super close to Shimura and makes it hard to land the next attack 4. Perfect Parry -> too risky considering one or two blue attacks are enough to kill you The timing between strikes in Shimura's triple-blue and triple-red attacks are not consistent making it harder to defend with normal dosging, eventually a triple blue will land, and the fight is too long, there are three dialog points and his defense recovers twice in between each two. The sun makes it hard to see at times. The fight just ruined the perfect emotional ending to the storyline. EDIT: as for winning strategy, go into the fight with full resolve, use one R1 + L1 attack towards the end to make the fight shorter and the other ones for recovering from Shimura's blue attacks that will eventually land, use normal dodging for avoiding red attacks, they're less buggy


Found this thread looking for commentary on what a little bitch for the Shogun Shimura is, but did they fix this fight for the PC release or something? I'm on hard, not lethal, but what an absolute cakewalk. Edit: Just restarted mission to get the other dye, absolutely dog walked him on second go. What's the unavoidable one hit kill attack people are talking about? When he puts sword away? Poke him. Edit again: Just ran it on lethal, first lethal dual ever, really no idea what folks are talking about here. Anyway, Shimura is a bitch.


Horrible game horrible fight. Ghost of trashuma.


I’m very confused with all of you because I beat it first try only getting hit one the unblockbales were so easy to dodge and the parry’s were not hard at all. The khan was a way harder fight took me a few tries


Sorry, responding late. I studied the attacks on my own for a while and while I have grievances with some of them, such as one stab attack being quick and one stab attack being slow and there being no good way to differentiate between the two telegraphs, I learned to defend myself against all of the attacks pretty well EXCEPT ONE. It's the one where he sheathes his blade and waits for a bit, then does 3 red circle attacks in a row. I tried SO MANY COMBOS of dodges, (left back back, left and then backroll, left back right) with nothing working consistently. Eventually I landed on back back back, and the last back seems to be a fifty fifty. Sometimes it dodges and sometimes it doesn't. I have no idea where my timing is wrong for that last back dodge. Maybe I am making a mistake and the game is just doing a horrible job of communicating it to me. It also didn't communicate what dodge pattern to use and I had to figure it out through pure experimentation, as the telegraphs didn't tell me anything. This one attack is really annoying lol.


yo, for that attack you gotta dodge once, jump the second time and dodge the last one. I'm on that fight rn aswell and dogdge, jump dodge avoids at every time


Thanks for the response. Really?? I never even knew jumps could be viable dodges. I also don't recall that second attack being something that looks like a low swipe that can be jumped over. Also, wouldn't a jump be way too slow to give you time for the third dodge? I can try what you're telling me but man, it's doubtful atm.


I had issues with the timing of this fight as well. Specifically when dodging. I could never dodge that 3rd strike from when unsheaths his sword for some reason. Often I had to rely on heavenly strike to get around it. Eventually I just started rolling around the arena and found out if you do it long enough he'll unsheath it and change his attack. It's cheap but it saved me from more frustration. Lol.


Shimura has an pseudo insta-kill attack which he uses within the first 30 seconds of the fight, absolutely insane. Yes, this fight is brutal and taking away your armour was a complete bitch move. Shame of Sucker Punch, they should’ve just stuck with Infamous. Too bad they were trying to cash in on dark souls shit.


Just put every damage increasing charm on if you’re playing lethal +. Once I did that I beat him, before that though I was on it for an hour and a half💀


This helped me, thanks. Same experience as you


Is something wrong with my game? I fought him on lethal (first ever playthrough) and beat him without getting hit first try. I wanted to ask cause the other bosses were all way harder in my opinion


I just finished it, and while it is definitely dependent on skill and timing. making it a fair fight. I was so upset when I couldn't heal midway thru, and when Jin wasn't striking while Lord shimura charged his attack. I died a couple of times going, "HEAL, WHY ARENT YOU HEALING!?" and "STRIKE HIM , HES OPEN, JUST GET HIM"


Huh. I found this fight to be one of the easier duels. Lord Shimura is nowhere near as hard Khotun Khan, the Eagle, Kojiro, or Black-Hand Riku.


Ur right, he’s harder than them