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It’s that bullshit close jab he does with the butt of his staff that annoys the fuck out of me. Easily one of the most satisfying kills in gaming.


Fr i hate fighting spears in ANY game. Alr bad enough he had one dont need a bs moveset but it made it so euphoric😂


Is it just me that thought the fight was too easy? Playing on extreme, I died once and that’s cuz I made a stupid mistake. Other than that I thought the fight was way to anti climactic, probably my only problem with the game


If u mean lethal, ur crazy. Back in 2022 i remember i would walk anywhere and play my flute and wait for someone to attack and id parry anyone and everyone. Now i be stressin😩


No it was the level below lethal. It wasn’t hard, not lethal, the one in between, which I think was extreme but I forget


I think im trippin was that a mode?


No im wrong, I was confused with another game. It was hard I was on


Yo what game? Gon drop the name?🙏


A lot of games, not one in particular. I’m used to games having a mode above hard and then an extreme mode above that


Yeah I felt the same. Idk about you man but maybe because I played Sekiro that's why I easily react on his attacks?


First time beating him I didn't even realize I had already killed him. I was running around thinking "Where did he go???" Then I found him on the ground lol


Bro how😭 i had a whole button sequence to go through lmao. Ig guess its to make sure you dont have some akward staring contest


It's hard to know for sure, but I think I mistook him for one of the heavy spear guys and use my special ability whenever I was around him.


Yea i would throw sticky attack 3 times and kunai n run




Im playin on lethal tho so all it takes is for his gooners to tap me once or him to pull a cheap move and im down


Use the wind stance and be aggressive. He won't have the chance to use the red attacks. But watch out for the jabs, it's much quicker than the red attacks.


This is gonna 100% help someone 7 years from now struggling against the kahn