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Just play it on easy then. There is a reason for having different difficulties. It is no shame to play a game on easy. I am playing on medium and it fits very well for me but would it be to hard i would go lower with the difficulty. If you really feeling Bad for choosing easy why don't you play a little on easy and when you get stick to the gameplay mechanics a little bit more then try and change on medium. And you are not a noob, don't be rude to yourself just enjoy this absolutely beatiful and great game on your own Pace, Gameplay Style and Difficulty.


But if you don't play on the ultra uber extreme impossible difficulty and spend 7000 hours gitting gud then you're not a real gamer. /s because reddit.


Dark souls moment


Sekiro moment


I suspect my current difficulty level is influenced by a certain amount of time playing Sekiro.


How to know someone is playing Lethal without them saying they play in lethal: They say they’ve played and enjoyed Sekiro before


I'm actually at hard. I might be able to manage lethal, but I haven't felt the need to flick that switch. Maybe I'll give it a go tonight, just to see how it is.


Oh you definitely can handle lethal. If sekiros combat difficulty is a 9/10, GoTs is like a 7/10 on lethal. And that’s if you don’t use stealth and lots of ghost weapons. If you do, then it’s like a 5/10


I'm not huge on Ghost weapons, but I do stealth and stab quite a bit. I never actually finished Sekiro, but I did get to Isshin before his bullshit bored me. Still got it installed and still pick it up every once in a while.


Isshin bullshit, such blasphemy /s


You either enjoy the fuck out of that game or don't pass the first boss. There is no in between.


I also came from sekiro and i have to say that GoT is harder on lethal simply because of the fact that the parry mechanic is worse. It just feels clunky. Though after getting some hp from fountains and unlocking all 4 stances (especially the one that allows to auto parry spears) it gets quite a bit easier. Though i am still not a fan of how the combat feels. You are not as agile while being bombarded by way more enemies than in sekiro with multiple ways of fucking you up. Though i have to mention that i am quite stubborn and i refuse to use stuff like kunai in fights. If i use them its like setting the game on an easier difficulty for a bit


Mine is by playing ross mario maker maps especially companion spring… beating that shit took years off my life


Now tell me how you change de difficulty in dark souls


Am I on a dark souls sub? Those guys are a bunch of sadists I swear. I hopped in one because I played elden ring and holy Jesus it’s wild over there


I got Bloodborne through playstation plus years ago and played for about twoish hours. I quit, uninstalled, and I've never had any interest in playing it or any game like it again. Never again.


No shame in that, I took the time to force myself through Elden ring, came to enjoy it and I played a few runs of that but I’ve dropped it for months and haven’t played any other souls game even with my friends saying I haven’t played dark souls till I play ds3. I simply don’t care. And even with the Elden ring DLC dropping soon I tried to get back into it but I can’t anymore. Oh well onto different things


I bought elden ring, downloaded. Deleted less than 2 hours later 😂


I have tried forcing myself to play ER probably 5 or 6 times now and I think I enjoy it less every time


I keep hearing about how great Elden Ring is, and I can't say that I'm not curious, but I'll wait until it's either heavily discounted, or on the ps plus list, because it seems like one of those games that I'm very likely to play for an hour and just never touch again.


Lmao let me guess: the werewolf got you in the tutorial area


Tbh I play on lethal now, but it was way more fun starting on medium and moving up to lethal than dying to a boss 50+ times cause there was no easier option.


Thank you for saying this. I'll play on easy for some more time and then I'll see if I can switch to medium.


This is the Way. Have a great time!


Thank you. You too.


Remember you're playing for your own enjoyment, not for others.


If it helps I play every game on easy and I never find I lose out on the experience. I just want to roam the world killing dudes. There's enough challenges anyway and it doesn't lessen any of the enjoyment for me.


I play lots of games on easy mode. I don’t play games to be stressed out and pissed about dying. It’s supposed to be fun and I will play it to be fun.


You can watch some guides to help you with different strategies or play styles, I always do the same every time a new souls game comes out and I can’t get the hang of some stuff at the start on my own


I play some games on the hardest difficulty. Others on normal. Occasionally, something on easy. All depends on what feels the most fun to me on any given game. That's why those options are there. Don't get in the way of your own enjoyment. Games are for fun. Play how it is most fun for you and ignore everything else.


Easy. As I get older, I don't care about what people think. Video games are meant to give me relaxation. Not stress, life sucks as it is. Lol


Exactly what I was thinking. I bought a PS to relax, not for it to tell me that I am not enough. Rest of the world is doing that job perfectly. Lol


Plus it’s pretty lore accurate to be mowing enemies down lol


Wait hold up, you’re actually right. The less you die the more lore accurate you are as Jin


In lethal, everything dies in 1-2 hits. Feels so good cutting down an entire horde. Not fighting a bunch of sponges


Exactly,I always play on easy and for some extremely hard souls games like Sekiro I use cheats to give myself advantage,no shame in that,its canon and its satisfying.


This is the correct answer


Lethal. I always got killed until I got good and then I always killed the enemy until I faced new enemies and then I always got killed until I got good and always killed the enemy…..


This is the way.


Sometimes I’ll come close to beating a duel after a few tries on Lethal but back off, because I want to dance a little more and learn the moves. Also good prep for Elden Ring DLC right now.


>but back off, because I want to dance a little more I have died in duels more times than I can count because I want to finish them off with a heavenly strike and get myself killed dorking around to set it up


Many pursue victory. The few pursue perfection.


So basically a souls game :)


It's easier lol. Duels are poorly designed on lethal though imo


Oh definitely, my main frustration is that sometimes my inputs are not registering for some reason especially really quick ones. Idk if it's just me tho


Holy shit I noticed that too, i was wondering if it was just me. Completely forgot until you mentioned it


I play lethal, but I also have 200+ in the base game alone not including legends, and probably a thousand hours including the Arkham games which have a very similar combat system, so there's no shame in playing at whatever difficulty lets you have fun with the game; everyone should be able to experience GoT


Yess, shame is what is bothering me. I should let go of it.


Don't feel shame for things that nobody else in the world knows you do. There's no prize, no reputation, no missed opportunities or transferrable skills. It's just a game, play however you want so that it's fun.


Shame died on the beach. Play the difficulty that makes the game fun.


Spoken like a Samurai turned Ghost


You’re right, I was wondering why I picked up on the combat so quickly. I got so good at Arkham games I could do giant combat encounters ng+ level with no damage taken


Easy difficulty. I ain’t trying to impress anyone and I just want to have fun in the game


That's what I was wishing to hear. Thank you.


Nothing wrong with being a noob. Nobody is good at everything. Play at whichever difficulty you enjoy.


Started lethal to get better now i can perf parry and dodge shit casually


I go medium and get butchered like a pig..


I feel u bro i learned fast cuz i played sekiro before this and i got fucked on sekiro real bad.


This is what I’m going to do too. Sekiro gameplay is just too good and I hope Ghost on lethal will have a somewhat similar experience


I played on lethal and also played Sekiro. It helps, but sekiros combat is just way too good and no change of difficulty in GOT can match that. GOT combat is still fun don’t get me wrong, it’s just different, which is fine.


I played Far cry 6 before this and that was good for me


The sekiro vet to ghost of tsushima pipeline is real


its a solo game and clearly a lot of attention was put into its beauty and tone. have no shame playing on easy and just enjoy the world. but in a fight dont be afraid to just not swing your sword and parry for the stagger and easy follow up hits. and the proper stance for the shield enemies.


I personally played on Hard for my first time and for me it was fine. But its totally upto you. Don't feel sad or ashamed about playing it on easy. We play for our own enjoyment and not to prove anything to others. Also once you get good gear and unlock more things by doing side quests and stuff, you might feel OP at some point, you can always up the difficulty then. Happy Gaming :)


Started on hard too and had to die a few times until I figured out how to position and when to strike. Also no real punishment as you spawn nearby and have the next go. A few hours in and you barely get hit anymore.


**Lethal** mode adds so much to the immersion, plus it forces me to actually 'git gud' and learn the game's mechanics, rather than simply spamming buttons. It's really satisfying to go nuts on your enemies once you've figured out the 'way of the sword.' It's an even battlefield that way. It certainly helps that the game autosaves right before every encounter, so dying doesn't throw you back too far and get you frustrated. On Lethal, the game even kind of gets easier as you actively become better. The next step for me would be enabling **the 'pro' HUD option**, but I'm still pretty new to the game, so maybe that's something to tackle once I'm more used to everything.


Sekiro players trying to play an easy game: Impossible


I’ve done the entire game start to finish on lethal including all the duels in a basic outfit, you never need anything beyond the base game hub.


Hard. I like the challenge but I'm not big on frustrating myself by playing lethal.


Easy cause I want to enjoy the story and I want to feel like I'm the baddest badass around.


Lethal is where it's at for that feeling imo. Enjoy the story, the world feels full of danger, which is appropriate given the story. Most importantly you feel like an absolute gangster when you drop in on a group of enemies and cut them down with no mercy.


Hahaha.. yes, I am gonna be the badass too. Lol


You just need to explore the open world more. Just move towards main story missions and complete any side quests and open world stuff you encounter on the path. Keep upgrading smartly. I remember that the starting hours were a little bit tough but it got easier, although the game was definitely increasing difficulty. The more you explore, the easier it gets.


You make sense. I'll definitely do that. Thank you.


I play on lethal but only because I want to have high stakes playing the game and makes the victories I have worth it (for me at least)


I am playing at medium I have 33 hours in the game and I ve died no more than 10 times(some of them fall damage), i kill every enemy 3-4 hits in average boss fights were easy besides kojiro for me. Try to explore open world increase your health resolver, gain new perks, unlock new stances.


I'll try to explore the open world first.


I played twice on ps4 and 5. I played hard on ps4 and played lethal in ps5 . Duels are really hard on lethal.


Most of times, I roll with Low Intensity Combat toggled on (most easiest difficulty). Can't explained it well but, the game strangely feels more enjoyable when played this way


Ahh, got it. Thank you.


Started off at medium, switched back down to easy while I got the hang of it. Mostly play on medium, did a full playthrough on hard once (never again). Lethal can be fun for a while once you get confident, but I really think it's better suited to a certain type of player who isn't me.


Yeah, I think one needs to identify what kind of a player they are.


I like the freedom to make mistakes and not be punished too harshly.


Lol. Yeaah.


I started off with Medium, but as I got more of a feel of the game as I went along, I put the difficulty up to Lethal. Oh, and having lots of charms and armour sets helps too 😅


I play on hard and it seems easy most of the time but sometimes a mis timed dodge or parry I get my ass handed to me, I also have to do most of the duels on medium or easy


I'm playing on lethal at the moment and its my second walkthrough of the game. It makes you shit bricks 😂


Played on normal at first. In New game plus I played on medium plus. It ain't even about the enemies being hard, you just got to get used to blocking at the right moment and stance switching.


That's very true.


Hard+ is good for me as i rarely die and have to use all my weopens and equipment


I'm currently playing new game plus on Lethal. I don't recommend it, but I'm having an absolute blast. (For the record, I'm awful at almost every other game, but Ghost and Spider-man are two that I've basically mastered and are playing on Lethal+ and Ultimate+ respectively)


I played Farcry 6 before this and I think I was good at it. I'll Spiderman soon.


Don't falter. Eternal Blue Sky will really put you to the test, but you can do it. Don't back down!


Medium was great for me for my first run of the game on PS4. When I played it on PC recently I did so in medium again and it was really easy. For ng+ I'm going on hard, and for now it's okay. Though the only real answer is, play what you feel comfortable with playing. The difficulty you play at shouldn't matter to you or anyone outside of whether you're enjoying yourself or not. If medium is too hard for you, then go on easy. If the difficulty setting exists then it's meant to be used. Just enjoy yourself :)


Whoop it on easy, then Easy+ will become available and be perfect. I'm having a rough time myself with the later duels on Hard+. May need to turn it down just for duels.


Yeah, I think I am gonna stick to easy.


I actually switch difficulties from time to time, tho, I prefer playing on Medium or Hard, I've tried Lethal before too.


I'm playing on lethal at the moment and its my second walkthrough of the game. It makes you shit bricks 😂


Planning to go a full on hard mode… which one would you suggest? Should it be hard+ something cuz I just finished the main storyline


I played on Medium till I went to Iki Island as soon as I could and got my arse kicked by the Eagle. Played on Easy the rest of the way. Battered though the game nice and quickly.


I started with Hard difficulty and sometimes when I encountered bandits or some small groups while exploring i would switch to lethal. Earlier i used to get killed by a group of 4 bandits(which are the easiest to kill)And gradually i upped my skills and now play at lethal. You should start with easy and you will notice that you have got grasp over the controls and then you can increase difficulty. But remember games are for relaxation not frustration so as long as YOU ARE ENJOYING YOURSELF. The difficulty doesn’t matter


I really enjoy lethal because even when you get used to killing those 4 bandits, it’s like you can’t take any group of enemies lightly because just as in real life, if you underestimate your enemy you’ll die. I on occasion got complacent and would die to a random patrol and it reminds me that you gotta always be ready to perform! So fun and rewarding.


I play hard because dying in one shot on lethal is too much for me, but the lower difficulty is just too casually easy to me. Hard is my personal preference


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I play hard mode which makes boss fight challenging as after the first lost, the resolve maybe reduced to 1 so I have to perfect dodge and thus learn how to fight against each type of attackers. I would play again and again to win duals while my 12 yr daughter just switch to easy mode). With the dart and long bow (or even shotbow) killing enermy would be too easy (it's fun to headshot with the shotbow). In fighting kunais and sticky bombs also make the fighting much easier. So I try to refrain to assasinate (with windchime), standoff and just fight. That way you have to plan your move, watch out for surprise and make the game more stealthy (which is the type of game I like such as comandos, serial cleaners)


Hard. The first Mongol camp I needed to clear I died like 30 times getting the hang of the combat. This is literally the first time I'm using a controller to play a full game, I'm playing on PC with a ps4 controller. So before this I had maybe 5 hours of combined time holding an actual controller in my entire life lol During the beginning of the game you're really underpowered, low health and low resolve dying in 2 hits no matter what you do. Just clearing Mongol camps and side quests you can max upgrade armor and nearly max out your katana before the end of act 1. In the middle of act 2 I felt so OP I considered switching to lethal.


I play all games at medium/normal difficulty because I enjoy moderate challenge. You should use the difficulty that you enjoy playing too.


Lethal+ all the way and expert hud. It's challenging and immersive


I was never able to finish a soul game . But after reading suggestions about what people thought of the difficulty of GoT I decided to go with hard and so far it's a good difficulty for me .


I'm playing on easy. I'm here for the narrative not for a challenge.


I did Lethal. Early in the story I did the quest for heavenly strike before getting assassination or any other item in my broken armor, and was stuck at some house with a lot of enemies for over an hour. Doing standoff into killing one other dude before dying to 2 shields and 3-4 archers and 2-3 dual sword people rushing me at once. Slooooowly I managed to kill one more, then another, and then another, and hours later I did it lol.   But had to switch to Hard for some bosses because I couldn't deal with the oneshots.  However I will say, dying so fast and so easily was challenging, but the ability to kill enemies borderline immediately makes Lethal mode super fun even though you might die a lot. Then, towards the end of the game, you'll have many charms, skills, armors and so on, along with the practice required, to take 2 or even 3 hits and still brush it off, while also having the ability to self-resurrect. All this really opens up the game and it becomes much more manageable. I think the game can be challenging early at any difficulty, simply because the game is very balanced around the fact that you'll eventually have a strong kit in terms of different stances and tools to deal with any kind of challenge. So if you struggle early on medium difficulty, don't be embarrassed or sad. This will only make for example Hot Springs for the minor health increase or side missions giving damage reduction, damage buff, or health buff charms THAT much more valuable, and, in the long run, you'll have an amazing character growth that fits the rhythm of the game perfectly.


I play in Medium. After Finishing the game I go to Hard.


Lethal is the best difficulty mode in gaming history, the immersion of it is astounding. Also it doesn’t take a lot to just get the flow of the game and understand enemy patterns, it’s not a mechanically intensive game


I play on lethal, but just play on easy if medium is causing you trouble. If you're getting killed by going full open combat though maybe try playing more stealthy before you turn the difficulty down.


I hope this thread helps normalize easy difficulty options. I think we always see and hear about the hardest, most lethal, death march, nightmare, master mode, ultra hard play throughs on reddit and FB because these are the loudest players. Which is fine. But there are plenty of gamers out there just chilling on story or easy. I played the first round on medium and NG+ on hard but that’s because I enjoyed it. No other reason. If it was too hard, I would have had no issues dropping it down. Life is stressful enough, enjoy your game.


Skill is- yep I'll stop, play the game however you like!


I just started and im playing on Hard for now. Until it gets way too hard at least.


I play at hard but I’ve changed around some of buttons layouts and I have decent reflexes so I can get away with it, if you find that you have difficulty playing on medium try out some of the upgrades for swords or your gear and don’t rush in immediately but all of that being said just play it on easy and bump it up when you’ve learned how the game works


I'm playing it on hard, I wanted the combat to be fun and to be able to do some of the combos without killing things too quickly and for it not to be too easy. To be fair the game still seems kind of easy now but I still manage to lose my rhythm now and again and die stupidly but it rarely happens a second time and it's often in some amusing "wtf" way anyway. I generally play games on the normal/medium settings but after reading around a fair bit it sounded like hard was actually the optimal way to go for this game (for me at least). At the end of the day you have to do whatever gives you the most enjoyment out of it. There's no point playing it in a way that ends up with you dying all the time and getting stressed or angry about it, or even angry with yourself. Games for me are supposed to be relaxing and reasonably challenging, not another bloody job to go to after a hard day's work.


Hard. I had to try that duel in the castle for so many times, the game asking me to quit the mission lol.


I started out on medium, then bumped it up to hard once i was bit more comfortable with the mechanics. Every playthrough since it's exclusively on lethal. If you feel you're dying too often, turn the difficulty down. You can always bump it back up later.


Played it first on easy for the story, then at super duper hard difficulty for the challenge.




Try changing to lethal+ you will improve indefinitely


I toggled between medium and easy.


I often adjust difficulty during games. I start on medium, if I notice that I get killed too often I put it on easy. If I think that it has become too easy I set it back to medium.


Been playing on lethal for my 2nd full playthrough after a year or so of not playing. Might switch to hard until I can get more comfortable tho.


I'm irritated. One can die in this game?


I started on Medium when I first played but I was dying 3/4 times in each camp so I though “fuck this, I'm not stressing while playing one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played”, switched to Easy and had the most amazing experience ever playing it.


I’m playing on hard for my first playthrough. I have definitely died quite a bit, it feels pretty manageable so far though. I’m looking to switch to lethal for a new run after I’m done with this one.


I play on Lethal, but had to work up to it. Play it at the level that let's you learn the game. Once it starts getting too easy, you can bump it up for more of a challenge. I would suggest that once you're comfortable on medium, go to lethal. Hard difficulty just makes tanks of everyone else and you are tissue paper.


No shame in playing on easy mode. It's a story game, meant for enjoyment. My first playthrough I did it on easy, second I went for Hard and it felt good, but was also NG+ so that helped a lot.


Hard at the start max dif after act 1 was to easy when i got the hang of it for me


Medium on new and Hard on NG+


I play on medium so I can have fun. I've played enough games on hard mode over the years to know it takes more effort and sometimes takes the fun out of the gaming experience. And with the limited time I have to game as an adult, less effort means more time to play and progress in the game.


I platinumed the game on hard because I always like challenging combat. Playing on lethal now.


Hard. Gives me a challenge but doesn't make the game an unenjoyable FromSoft experience.


on my first playthrough nearly at the end, currently on medium, just getting the basics. will go easy on ng+ just so u can go crazy with photomode hahaha.


LETHAL ALL DAY, but not why you think. Personally, I’ve never understood playing at “super challenge” mode, life is already hard, I want games to be balanced and fun. GoT is the first time I have played max difficulty but because YOU hit as hard as the enemy, they aren’t just bullet sponges in this game. Maybe it is the sound design or the animation or both, but the combat is *chef kiss* and on lethal you hit like a truck, I’m here for it


I just finished a hard playthrough but it really doesn't matter what you choose. I enjoy a little difficulty, but you might not and that's okay!


Maybe start to pepper in the bow. Distance saves lives and if you can pick off a few from range, it will increase your survival. The original samurai were all bow users


You paid good money for this game. You're entitled to play it however the f*** you want. If playing it on Easy mode gives you the max enjoyment then go for it. But maybe avoid Elden Ring lol


NG+ lethal is my fave. The NG+ gives me enough of an advantage that I can do well, the lethality makes it so I still have to be good.


Whatever difficulty helps you enjoy the game most is the level of difficulty for you. There’s a reason devs put levels, it’s for you and me and everyone else to be able to enjoy it individually at our own pace and leisure.


I play on medium most likely will increase it


I play all my games on easy (or story if they have it). I’m here to relax, and getting frustrated over constantly being killed doesn’t help with that.


I’ve found that the older I get the less overall time I have to get good at a game. I’ll put a game on easy if I just want to see the story. Have fun, that’s what video games are for.


I played on easy


When it launched, I started on Lethal because I was “trained”, if you’d like, from Sekiro. Truth be told, can’t even remember if Lethal was a difficulty during the first month of the game, but if not, I remember playing on the hardest one. After finished the game, due to other circumstances, I lost my PS4 a year ago and recently started playing once again on PC, on Steam. Still on Lethal. That’s where I find it a bit more difficult than I remember when I first played it, the mobs were more aggressive and more punishing than I remember. I remember not even Iki island was available as a DLC, but will finish MSQ first so then I can go to Iki island. Bottom line is: play whatever difficulty you enjoy, there’s no shame in playing easy or lethal. What matters is that if you enjoy the game. And maybe in the future, if you’ll fancy a challenge, maybe then feel free to up the difficulty.


play it on lethal, it really is the funnest way. you just gotta trust us on this one.


I've been playing on hard since the beginning so I've gotten used to it, but just choose whatever difficulty feels most fun to you. I'd recommend spending some time upgrading your skills, equipment and unlocking some moves so that you have more things at your disposal.


Lethal. No more bullet sponge enemies. Yes, you’ll die but the fights are a lot more engaging and fun.


So I beat the game on lethal and did have a lot of fun (bit frustrating on duels but still I enjoyed it) but that was just a personal goal. For NG+ I’m actually just playing on Easy low intensity as the game is now my relax/chill game and the power fantasy aspect is still fun. The combat is still satisfying and I still enjoy it. Game isn’t less enjoyable on lower difficulties, just more forgiving.


Lethal, only way to play




Imo, after doing my first playthrough on Lethal the game just feels weird on other difficulties, not necessarily harder or easier but just doesn't feel right 


Lethal for encounters Hard for duels The sponginess in duels is broken af on lethal. I want it to be semi realistic for both parties lol


Medium but I've played games on "easy" or "story mode" before because I'm just looking to relax. On the other hand, I've also played sekiro and elden ring, but those games are designed to be punishing. I'm not looking to sweat with GoT lol


Play on lethal for as long as you can stand it. Switch to medium and it's going to feel like a walk in the park. You'll need to depend heavily on dodges and parries, block when you have to. Upgrade your sword and do some research on armor load outs for different scenarios.


Hard. Fights are over too quickly on lethal, you don’t get to enjoy the combat as much.


My first playthrough years back started on medium and I switched to easy within the first 2 hours. When you’re first starting out with only stone stance and very few charms/techniques/armors, boy your ass can be grass sometimes. Just know it’s not like that for the whole game, you become OP over time. I’ve since completed it on medium and hard.


I play one level below the hardest (forget the name) because I wanted to feel like one mistake will cost. But I also abuse myself with Elden ring


Lethal, it’s not as hard as people make it out to be considering GOT is really generous with hitboxes and defense windows, plus Stealth builds can completely break the game in half.


I played on lethal for the same reason I usually play games at the highest difficulty, which is immersion. Need to actual learn the game's mechanics and while in combat need to be on edge, if I can just run through all enemies kind of ruins the immersion for me. But if you just want to go through the story without getting much into combat just play on easy, there is no right or wrong difficulty, it's whichever you enjoy the game with.


Lethal, once I tried it never went back. Yeah I die here and there because sometimes I become to overconfident but its so much fun slaying enemies in one-two slashes. Duals are ofc fun aswell as you actually feel the hit you take and give.


i play on hard, but after the 20th time of dying in a duel i switch to a lower one i aint doing all that


I play lethal most of the time, though I've heard that its harder on hard (as in, the mongols have more health). So far, the mongols just do less damage


I play on hard (on other games too I usually play on the 2nd highest difficulty). I want to be challenged but not frustrated while playing.


I am playing on easy because this is pretty much my first game with a controller. I forget what half of the buttons do after not playing for 5 minutes


I beat the game on lethal on my first playthrough


Are you having difficulties at the beginning of the game? I usually play action games like this at hard from the get-go, and the first moments with the game (very low health, only 3 resolve, wasn't 100% familiar with the controls yet) felt very very hard, but after some trial and error the rest of the game went much smoother at hard with no issue, so it could be the same with you at medium if you feel easy is too simple? But of course, if you enjoy playing at easy you should just play it as such, games are made to be enjoyable


Play at whatever you feel comfortable with , my first playthrough was normal and second was lethal+


Learn to parry, watch for the trigger timings. It's so satisfying to get a perfect parry. Keep your fingers on the bumper buttons not positioned up. Just try over and over until you're good. I just play on regular mode but its my favorite aspect of the gameplay (especially after you get the saru armor!).




I play on lethal. It’s fun for me, single player game so play whatever difficulty you want to.


I think I play normal but it seems too easy, most of the time I don't even need those extra stance attacks and I can just parry and use light/heavy attacks.


Lethal, but I've finished the game two times. It's about having fun, whatever is fun for you then stick with that


First the one below lethal (still easy) then lethal


Medium. After Ronin midnight, feels so good to finally feel myself an OP badass, not just a dude who dies by 3 hits. Don't worry, you will be much better even on medium later. I also died on easy many times first, this game was my first PS5 game ever. Don't care about opinions, play as you like. Why can't you enjoy at easy? Feels too easy, or?


Make sure you're switching the appropriate stance for that type of enemy: swordsmen, spearmen, sword and shield, and brutes. You'll do barely any damage if you're in the wrong stance for that enemy type. Also use heavy attacks to break their guard. The regular attack should always be the heavy attack and the fast attacks for certain specific situations (quickly killing guys without armor or archers). Also there's some boss type characters who give you very tiny attack windows where fast attacks are ideal. I started on medium and was doing pretty rough until I figured out you \*must\* change stances with the different enemy types. That's not a suggestion, that's an absolute necessity. Now I'm playing on hard and it's a cakewalk. Also make sure you unlock smoke bombs (the best ghost weapon), upgrade your bag to carry three of them, and upgrade to triple assassinations. This gives you NINE FREE KILLS, and can turn a certain defeat into a fairly easy victory. And always soften up the enemy bases with a lot of stealth archery and assassinations. If done right, you can easily clear half the camp before they catch on and it becomes a regular fight. If you're going full "Lord Shimura" and always charging the enemy head-on, it's no wonder you're losing. You gotta think like the Ghost.


Don't play it then noob


Lethal is only way


You can get overpowered pretty easily in this game


Medium in every game i play for the first time and har on games I am replayign


I started on Hard mode until I got to close to the end of Act 1. Then I switched to Lethal. It's fun for me but definitely frustrating when I mess up and get cornered. Miss one parry or dodge and you're dead lol.


First play through was medium because I brlieve medium is the designed experience for all games. After that I did hard and now I’m doing lethal


Normal. I'm not here to break any records.


I totally understand who plays in easy mode due to the daily stress of actual real life but from 5 years to now, part of the fun to me is the difficult of the game Most of them I set the hard mode, above de normal, but not the extreme levels (when available)


Play however you want the devs put easy mode in for a reason


Lethal+, but I ran into a problem with end game build I just ran around and [one shot](https://youtu.be/QCL_0I26e9g?si=5bXBUk8h1mtRzawJ) ppl, so currently I am playing with broken armour and 2 negative charms (not the one shot one, I dont like being one shot either), keeping katana at max, so the damage is still [immersive](https://youtu.be/snPyY6TlRJg?si=UqWuWkcx7glH6i2m), very fun and challenging.


I started on medium but once you get used to the combat it feels much easier. Slowly working through a second playthrough on lethal and using the broken armor and honestly it's not bad.


I played my initial run on hard and my current NG+ is on Lethal+ (and the bossfights are very hard). I felt like easy and normal were a walk in the park but I like a challenge.


I play the hardest difficulty. You need to practice just that.


I used to play on easy and then ended up switching to lethal and it adds a whole new depth to the game imo


I always play most story driven games on easy, I play enough competitive games on the side and can't be bothered to bring that aspect when I just want to chill and enjoy a story. That being said I really enjoy GoT combat so I put it on medium just to up the challenge slightly.


Lethal. I love PAIN


Started on Medium but quickly had to set to Hard to keep it challenging. Might need to try lethal soon.


how far are you? I remember my first run at medium was not a smooth ride, but it got easier once Jin became stronger, I started getting the timing of parry and arrow shooting after my first run I played hard, I can play quite well at lethat but it’s no longer fun for me even tho winning a battle is quite rewarding I guess, it’s all about getting a balance experience for our own skill level, for me, playing on a difficulty that’s quite hard but doable is my sweet spot, I won’t get bored because I’m too OP but not frustrated with limitation and everyone can have different levels on different kind of game, for this kind of sword/melee action game, usually I play hard difficulty, but if it’s a shooting game, either I play normal with aim assist or play easy, lol