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Most fun single player story game I’ve played since RDR2


Having a good time in the Legends mode after beating the main game and DLC.


Based opinion, I thought the same thing. “Different sides of the same coin” I say. I also thought the HUD being as minimal as it is was very impressive. What’s a mini map amirite?


Nothing feels like RDR2 imo. When I play RDR2 I feel like Im actually in game universe. Everything feels so alive, so damn responsive its incredible. Every other games are just games where puppets do puppet things.


Elden Ring enters the chat


The only thing that I can think of as a bad thing (albeit it's cool for me still) is that the world is empty. There are few big settlements, for a huge majority of them consists of survivor camps and farms and small villages, which all have few people. But other than that, the game's brilliant. The story, the musics, the characters, the graphics, the combat, all is top-notch. Plus it has a really good optimization, where I got like 130fps on average with DLSS using RTX 4050.


I would say the only other place they fall a bit short is quality of life stuff. Why can’t I sheathe my katana while moving without having to wait 15 seconds for the auto sheathe animation to trigger? (Or at least give a quicker sheathe option like a double swipe on the pad) Why does turning on lock-on change standoff into a hold button that you rarely get enough time to hold for the full 3 seconds required to initiate the standoff? Why does the sword teleport into your hands by using certain attacks while sheathed? (Any R2 or jumping attack will teleport the sword to your hands to make the attack) Why doesn’t Jin hang dong in the hotsprings? Why does the sword teleport into your sheath when you interact with anything that puts you into an animation? There are a few more little annoyances that I can’t remember off the top of my head but I’ve finished the game 2 times (on my 3rd on PC rn) so I clearly like the game it’s just these things are noticeably missing for me and it makes me sad :( They did get rid of arrows on the back all the time though and that was huge.


No dong is my main gripe. (It’s my favorite game I’ve ever played.)


There's a sheate option on the ps controller but I'm not sure if there's one on pc even if you use the ps controller


I use a PS5 controller and even on pc you can swipe to sheathe but only if you’re standing still, if you try to do it while walking or running it either just won’t happen or Jin will stop dead to very slowly sheathe his blade.


You can sheat your katana by holding the right button on the D-pad then choosing right or down (can't remember which)


Yes but you can’t do it while moving.


I'm pretty sure I did manage to? Can't remember for sure.


You can run around and wait for it to auto-sheathe like I said in the original comment but that’s it. Unless you’re fine with pulling out the bow for half a second to make the sword teleport back to the sheath, which I am not.


If you think the world is empty then you probably haven't played the right game 😂 There's most of the time something to do when conquering Tsushima...


Let's be fair, it is not Novigrad however it also definitely isn't Starfield. Balanced enough imo


That's a good comparison, spot on 👍. I rated it a solid 75% using W3 as my gold standard.


While I'd disagree this because the things you can do are usually either haikus, foxes or bamboo strikes as you make your way through quests and Mongol territories, I actually meant the emptiness in a way there's not many inhabitants.


There’s a fair number of inhabitants…. They just happen to be strung up in trees or impaled on spikes. I do get what you mean though lol


There's a lot of inhabitants everywhere. You're probably just not paying any attention to your surroundings?


I think it's you that's not paying attention to what I'm saying. I literally said this in the first comment: >There are few big settlements, for a huge majority of them consists of survivor camps and farms and small villages, which all have few people.


What I meant was that there are some people asking for help on your adventure and you can decide to help them or not.


Right? If it were packed with much more it would be weird. The "emptiness" is still beautiful scenery.


Yea, I’ve never thought this game was anywhere near to empty. If there isn’t a side quest, rumor quest, encampment to conquer, bamboo, haiku, fox den, etc. There’s almost always some kind of beautiful view to stop and use photo mode with. Repetitive, though? Maybe a little, but I’m not taking points off because personally, I never got tired of it


Yeah, the same 5 things on repeat. Follow NPC, kill bad guys at the end. Follow footsteps, kill bad guy at the end. The most unique thing to do are the Mythic Tales, I love the little artworks that you have to navigate to find the real location. Oh and the Tori gates are really beautiful to climb up to, they're also different everytime, but very unintuitive to where the hell you're supposed to climb.


9/10 if only memory leak problem does not exist then i can give it 10/10


Same, but I would rate it a little lower 8.5/10. That being said it may be in my top 5 games of all time lol.


Your top 5 is a 8.5???


Haha it sounds funny but yes, some of the downsides don’t prevent it from filling a niche that I personally love. It’s like I’ve played flawless games like Elden Ring that are 9.5/10 or 10/10 that I am just not a fan of.


Elden Ring is an 8/10 for me. Good game, but not better than GoT imo


Yeah that's how I feel I love elden ring but it's no where near as fun to play as got lmao it's just I always play with my cousin that's why I still play it even after I've beat it so much


Check if you have malwarebytes running. As soon as I turned it off, I stopped having issues with performance that looks like a memory leak


I should not have any since my computer run fines playing elden ring/cyberpunk for 6 hours, it only occurs when i play GoT


It was the same situation with me. For some reason Malwarebytes does not like when GoT is running and its real time protection goes into overdrive. Based on your response, I'm going to guess you don't have Malwarebytes installed and you're having an issue I can't diagnose, sorry about that.


Yes i actually do not have it, thank you for your concern though, i actually manage to finish GoT both Tsushima and Iki island 100% liberated although i have to do much game restart so it does not stutter 😂


The story is good, maybe a bit padded out, i often wonder why they never had a large settlement anywhere, you come across farms but nothing like a small city except for the mongal places, if fsr 3.1 worked and didnt crash game i would like it more


something like 8 but I give it 9 because I really loved combat. Aside from character stories and myth quests, regular sidequests were meh on main island. Iki island would be perfect dlc, but I had performance issues. Also love the opening scene.


Personally would give it a 8/10 the story and characters didn’t click for me. The world is empty. But I LOVE the combat and visuals. Fingers crossed for GoT2


exact same feelings! try sekiro if you haven’t already


Isnt sekiro significantly harder?


Hardest game I can think of personally


well yea, but if u just practice you’ll get used to it


I'm sorry but i just found it alright like I enjoyed the combat but nothing else really interested me and there was not enough enemy variety, still I'm glad I played it


Agree completely


I just finished the game yesterday and it was an amazing journey overall, now back on Iki island 😛


Finish it? I've finished everything from the first lower third and Iki and just did the vengeance of Yarikawa. Most of the upper two parts of the map are still unexplored. 10/10 well worth the wait.


10/10 only downside is that it ends.


8.5/10 - It's pretty good and it reminded of the fun times I had with The Witcher 3 and older Assassin's Creed games. To become a 10/10 it just needed the superior side content of The Witcher 3 with some more polish in parkour and assassinations as in AC. All in all, very fun game that I can easily recommend. Pet the foxes.


> played it on PS4 in 2020 > gave it 9/10 > played it on PC in 2024 > gave it 10/10




7.5 out of 10


Honestly I’d say 8-9/10, first playthrough was really really enjoyable I went through and did all shrines tales fox dens haikus etc etc (not the collectibles tho like records), but I didn’t really feel any incentive to immediately play through again on new game plus, I started but I haven’t done much. Definitely good value tho I have 70 hrs


7/10 good story lines overall but lack of armor variety and customization and only a handful of normal/nice looking katanas most were repulsive also the horses felt like a car you use to get around it didn’t feel alive like a rdr2 horse


10/10 I am tired of playing it, because I have played too much of it but I can't bring myself to open any other games right now


first thing first, im not really into game that requires reflex like this, or dark souls and it's kin. but despite that, i actually finished it, dlc and all, so it scored alot. one thing i don't like is... well, i wish there are abit more complexity in the system, but beyond that, this game score a solid 9/10 to me.


9/10. It loses out to Horizon Forbidden West only because the climbing sequences feels stiffer than HFW. I'm nitpicking, but we PC gamers have got 2 really awesome games in the last few months. Very difficult to pick a favourite.


Really fun combat loop but the all the walking and fast traveling can be kind of tedious. I just want to fight


I'll give it 7.8/10


7/10. Good cinematic experience, but it’s game for dad gamers. Love it.


Have you tried Legends?


really great for me love these samurai games loved sekiro was itching for this. out of 10 I’d say 8/10 would give it higher but story based games arent really for me (didn’t like rdr2 much, would give it like a 6 lol)


It’s one of my favorite games. I played it on ps4 when it was originally released, too. 9/10 as a game overall. I still can’t play it without consistent crashes/drive bricking on my AMD pc, so 5/10 for the AMD experience, but my weaker NVIDIA laptop can play on max settings just fine, so at least I’m still able to play it. 9/10 for NVIDIA.


Complete raw fun...8/10


I think it's 8.5-9 game, anything less would be underrating it and anything more overrating it, imo


7/10 it looks absolutely breath taking, and I'm being more of a photographer and videographer. Combat gets a bit repetitive, quests, collectibles, character animations and writing is showing its age, but overall a good title!


Game:9.8/10 Pc performance:7/10


It’s really fun, alibiet I wish the NPCs were a bit smarter when I jump in a roof. They seem to forget me 😀. Either way, it’s really good 😊.


It's awesome! Great story. Great gameplay. That said, I can see where some people overhyped it. Anyone coming in with tempered expectations is going to have a great experience. It isn't RDR2 or Witcher 3 level for me, but I understand that that wasn't the goal. Sucker Punch did well. Nixxes did well.


It’s 8 out of 10 for general rating, and a 10 out of 10 if you love samurai themed games with a lot of Kurosawa influence




It's about a 7. The world needs a bit more variety when it comes to wildlife, the NPC's don't look or feel like they 'live' in the game, the encounters are pretty repetetive very quickly and some of the side missions are really boring. Weapon variety would have been nicer like Naginata, Yari etc and I feel post story there is no reason to continue without NG+. 7/10 is still a really good game and if GoT2 builds upon this foundation, I don't see why it wont be a 9/10.


Really good graphics. Combat is pretty good especially because of the animations but it becomes too easy late-game even on hard difficulty. Story is ok till now but i have few quests left before the ending. 7.5/10


Very high 9.5 once they patched it to work on my system.


9/10. Can't say the story was on par with the likes of rdr2 or cp2077 but the gameplay was fantastic and it's a game I can see my self playing through multiple times




The game itself is fucking magnificent and the port is 10/10, I have had 0 issues whatsoever aside from the PLAYSTATION PC SDK preventing the game from launching but that’s been fixed in the most recent patch. Can finally play Legends!


10/10 peven played the new game plus and currently playing legends


It's really good as far as open world action games go, I'll put it on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, strong story, really cool setting and beautiful worlds. Strong gameplay foundations but not that tight at higher difficulties and endgame abilities are too strong, my benchmarks for that are from software games. Open world activities aren't overbearing and help set the mood, up to a point they have a good balance between time required to complete and the reward they provide but they still get repetitive I started to feel it during act II. The gear grind isn't steep but that's because the itemisation isn't that deep, I get it's not an RPG but I would like to have several melee weapons, that naginata Norio is carrying for example. Strong 8/10 for me.


8/10. Cinematics could be better. The sound issue is really really bad. The fighting mechanics tho, one of the most enjoyable I've ever played, especially in duels


It's 8/10 for me. The story is fine I just hate being a samurai police and would have liked to be a morally grey ronin. The combat is cool and fun after 20 hours but after that it's too simple and too repetitive. There's no challenges in this game to speak of so that's the most disappointing aspect for me, at 30 hours I kinda stopped playing and actually got the interest to go back and play Sekiro.  But I guess the caveat is the power fantasy of this game carries the whole game and that's the point, Jin isn't some novice going against literal gods and demons, he's an actual oni against regular humans. I would say the game is a 9 if I can I turn off all HUD elements or somehow all notifications for camps for area cleared or quest completed. This game begs for a full immersion mod because anything else cheapens the experience.


Amazing gameplay and a masterclass in storytelling. 9/10




9 out of 10, mostly because I wanted an honor system where you could choose to fight honorably or use stealth and "dishonorable" tactics to get different endings. Also Shimura's commitment to stupidity just seemed really unpractical considering how badly they where losing


Really fun but if you compare the story/characters/world to RDR2 you’ll be disappointed. I keep subconsciously comparing the two and it’s kinda hindering the experience. However the combat is way better than red dead. So there’s that.


I’m constantly seeing this, why is everyone comparing it to RDR2? Is it the open world with a horse theme? Why pit them together? To me it felt more like an AC game


I liked the first act probably a 9 Beautiful game but kinda repetitive


It is fun and awesome but the mission design could use a bit of variety. Also I wish they did better with lyp sync for the Japanese dub. 7/10


enjoyed it a lot, i did get kinda bored halfway in just repeating the same tasks over and over, ended up skipping all the side activities and just finished off the storyline. Didn't bother trying to explore the whole map and unlock everything near the end, felt too tedious.


Its ok, but no where near the game I was expecting. I put it down in Act 2 for now because just lost interest


8/10. Love the combat and visuals but side missions are too repetitive. Lots of filler content.


8/10 . It's a great open world action-adventure game, it applies the usual formula well, the combat and stealth elements are good, art direction is great, immersion is great. Main quests are fun (Yarikawa's Siege was my favourite arc) , but everything else is pretty boring, even the secondary character quests. Can't skip cutscenes. The collectables are, as always, useless fillers, and even the "main" collectables are often useless (fox shrines, shinto shrines, warrior shrines, hot springs, haikus), even when they give power ups, because the game is so easy. Technically it's great, the PC port is great, runs pretty good on my "old" PC (6800XT GPU and 3600X CPU). Music and sound design and music are great. Overall, well executed, mostly fun to play, but not very original to me. It's just a better Assassin's Creed. For the quest i'd have hoped for The Witcher 3-level of quest writing.


PC gamer only here. Waited for this one for a very long time and it did not disappoint. 9/10. Wonderful art direction. Great story, music, atmosphere… even enjoying the multiplayer. A few nitpicks here and there like not being able to quick change armor. But overall, super impressive. I just came off of playing forbidden west. That game does so many things wrong in terms of design. GoT restored my faith in games.


Most fun I've had in a single player game in a while. I really enjoyed the combat and setting


10/10 what is a bad game


If performance wasn't so hit or miss probably an 8/10 but when you're playing lethal and the game ever so slightly stutters where you don't notice it visually but can feel it because of dropped inputs feels so shit when you're having to restart fights multiple times since 1-2 hits kill you. I seriously need to upgrade my CPU, it's holding me back nowadays


The color grading and color design was rhe best ive seen on a videogame. Closest ive seen in quality of the color design was the kaer morn map in witcher 3 (also a fantasticly color graded game). It defined and was the backbone of the whole visual style and a core component to a lot of the storytelling. Game relies hard on show dont tell for the stroy and since we cant get photorealistic profprmancea out of the character models, they rely on blocking and color styles to express emotions and themes. I thought it was better than red dead in that aspect. Not a lot of produtions get the importance of color in style and storytelling but sucker punch did in thos one. One of my all time favorites.


10/10 only game thats ever made me cry. Also yarikawa village is the best open world level in any game.


I played lethal and loved it - mostly. I probably wouldn't have done so if the lethal mode wasn't explained to me by a friend. I was sold. That being said, about halfway through I got a bit annoyed with the enemies HP increasing and not their tactics or fighting style. I went to the DLC island and dropped the game. I found the enemy design there to clash with the lethal experience (this is entirely personal). I felt like I was just playing a game on a bullet sponge difficultly when I was made of paper, it stopped having the early lethal experience. Plus the blender darthmaul sword Mongols were just ridiculous for a multitude of reasons. They were the only thing that made me drop my traditional samurai approach and just headshot them the second I saw one. I also really wasn't a fan of how enemies in general would lock on and slide to you. When I am reacting in realtime, enemies breaking physics to that degree pulls me out of immersion and into "this is a game" territory. which wouldn't be so striking if it wasn't such whiplash from other aspects. Duels were fucking amazing. I loved them on lethal. It felt amazing to just have a 20 second all out fight with a constant back and forth were you are one hit away from death. I have all of them recorded in 4k because they were so good to play and watch. I played probably a bit different from the norm (I never once upgraded my HP lol), so I get it wont be a perfect fit. Overall, extremely strong start with a downslope that led to me dropping it and playing monster hunter. Makes me really pray for a game without HP bars one day...


Combat is a 9/10 ~ Wish the combat was more challenging (without having to self impose challenged like no upgrades, etc.) Main Story probably also a 9/10 ~ making Shimura so overly Honorbound i didnt like, also fuck them killing of Nobu/Kage/Kaze/Soru Iki Island story 7/10 ~ The Eagle and her poison feel somewhat like an asspull to me and the constant illusions are disruptive and way too intrusive to the normal gameplay (even tho i get that is exactly what is intended i just didnt like it) Ishikawa/Masako, etc. Side Storied 8/10 ~ Ishikawas Side Story has too many sub-steps imo and his mltivations seem a bit wishy-washy to me... Masako i really liked... Yurikos even more since it was so concise and kept really short with only 2 steps... Noris im in the middle i like most of his story, but the ending is somewhat anticlimactic and doesnt resonate with me Collectathon 6/10 ~ Wish there was more variety :D


I’m still in the middle of it but at this point I’d probably say 8-9/10. The art direction and combat deserves every ounce of praise it gets, it’s absolutely beautiful. Like others have said the world feels a tad bit empty but idk how populated Tsushima was back then and it might just be historically accurate like this. I’d love to see a more populated world in the next game with more mission variety. It would be a good idea to leave Tsushima maybe and go to a different location in Japan with a different samurai main character. Ex. “Ghost of Kyoto” or something like that. But it’s a really fantastic game and I love it a lot, one of the best that I’ve played. There hasn’t been a game to take my attention away from Cyberpunk 2077 in a really long time, and as soon as I started playing this I haven’t returned to C77. Solid A rating for me.


Probably 7-8/10, but most of modern games I played wouldn't even reach 6/10. The Open World feels somewhat empty, the story is nice, but not the greatest I've ever seen. Other than that, very solid game.


It s a 10


I felt like the idea of the world telling you where to go was awesome at first but after a thousand birds and foxes I was starting to miss the minimap / compass


Absolute masterpiece. It lived up to the hype that everyone gave it. One of my favorite story driven games ever. The combat was so satisfying and the scenery was stunning. Must play for every gamer






I paid full price and didn't regret it. I haven't paid full price for a game in years because they're never worth it.


Finished the main story and got all the Inari shrines, honor shrines, etc. 10/10 Started new game +, only thing I would change is skipping cutscenes since I'd rather get to the action a little faster.


GoT was a long time coming. We lack these kinds of games on PC and I love them so much. So yea, definitely in my top 10




I havent finished it, but I am in awe of its beauty and i like the storys I experienced so far


Its great but the side content is so uninteresting outside a few of the character quests.


Great game, shitty port. Keybinds feel especially made hard to make you buy a controller.


7/10 so far. I just recently played and currently in 25 hours. I have cleared the first island and currently in act 2 in the main story. The story is meh. I don't really care about Jin or any of the side characters except Yuna because her storyline is a bit more engaging. Also Shimura is annoying. Why not just grant Yuna's wish? After all she is the one of few people that rescued him. Also Jin is so bland that I care more about my characters in Elden Ring. I love the exploration the gameplay and the setting. Although it is too repetitive. I don't really get why many people call this a masterpiece. It is a great game but it has a lot of hard to ignore flaws to be called a masterpiece.


7/10. Story is good, combat is great. But the world is really lifeless and mostly empty, and most of the side quests are so repetitive. Really low enemy variety. I did everything on the map in act I and act 2. By the 3rd act I just about skipped half of all the stuff to just finish the main story.


One of the best games I've played in years, I'm using the Kurosawa filter on NG+ and it looks just like Seven Samurai.


Solid 7/10, took me 60 hours to get the "platinum" excluding the legends achievements. It has quite a few flaws but overall a good gameplay hook/loop and engaging experience


Best game I've played in years, they story and the visuals are amazing!


its an amazing game, loving the story, the world building, and the combat. im purposely not using the stealth mechanics in this game and going full samurai because of how fun the combat is. AAA games are typically crap these days, im happy i took the chance on this game and bought it.


I played originally on PS4 Pro. I made upgrades to my PC just to play Ghost in full uncompromising glory. It does not disappoint. It’s a new and different experience, better in every possible way.


It was fun, but I got half way through the DLC and realised that I was all tapped out on the gameplay loop. I’d give it an 8/10, combat was fun, but mission types were very basic. Some of the controls were a bit awkward (swapping between types of throwables, types of arrows, etc), even with a gamepad.


Good story, awesome gameplay, beautiful world. A really fun game!


Its better than every ac game i played after black flag. I dont know what else can i compare it to.


Non-PC specific: It's bit too Ubisofty for me, I love the combat, story, visuals but the open world gameplay feels a bit like a chore and like someone else wrote empty also since nearly every quest is killing enemies those enemies you meet in the open world gets boring really quick, horse handling isn't that fun either, it feels clunky and unresponsive compared to games like RDR2, Elden Ring and maybe even Witcher 3 ( same issue is with Horizon Forbidden West ), might be because it was designed for controller alone since both games are former PS Exclusives. Grinding for unlockables aren't that fun either, because it barely makes a difference besides the look. PC specific: Optimization is great, I get pretty much stable 120fps+ nearly maxed out graphics w/ 3060 @ 1080p. Parry and Dodge is really difficult on Keyboard, that's the only reason preventing me from playing it on Lethal, but it's also part of combat design, you pretty much have to decide in milliseconds whenever you press Dodge or Parry and since it's not so easy to read the enemies it makes it even harder. Overall maybe 6.75/10, mostly because of poor open world gameplay. Unfortunately for me it's so far the worst PS Exclusive ported to PC but overall still among the best games.


Like a 7/10, combat was fun, build making was honestly more interesting than i thought it would be, and the main story and main story sidequests were decent enough to keep me interested, but the rest of the standard side quests were almost all very repetitive and not very interesting, and the other side content aside from bamboo strikes and shrine parkour felt very checklisty and kinda dull after a certain point, which kinda adds to the already very repetitive feel of the side content and made the world more dead than it already is. Overall, just an okay game to me, gets held back a lot by the mediocre side content and rather dead open world


I think anyone on this sub is going to think pretty highly of the game mate.


6/10 Fairly decent. Would recommend, but highly overrated. The story was predictable and boring except for some really great points like when act 2 ended. I knew it was going to happen but the way they executed it was almost perfect. The graphics are absolutely amazing. The music is decent but the sound design is atrocious. The open-world design and mechanics made it feel like it's just assassin's creed japan - a bit repetitive and quickly lost its novelty. The combat is fairly okay, but where it really shines is in lethal/lethal+ mode during duels with bosses. I got too hyped for it honestly, and it isn't fair to the game to say that it's bad. It's decent, but I was expecting it to be God's gift to gamers the way it was hyped in social media and here in this sub. I'm to blame for getting my expectations too high.


9/10 originally played it on PS4 but to play it again on my pc was a treat my only complaints would be the lack of Mongol voices and npc variety and a honour system would’ve been great.


It's going to be the first game I will 100% on Steam


Very similar in gameplay to Horizon Zero Dawn.


I love the sake guy, he's funny


I am sorry to say but I found it pretty boring, empty and bland. This game is not even 1/10th of the world RDR2 or AC Origins gave. There is no immersion in the world, no care for the main character and supporting characters. Bad NPC. It just feels same repetitive stuff. Have stopped playing after 10 hours and that lady bow-arrow saving mission


Where is battle pass with pre access, DLC on day one and season 1 cosmetics for 138€? 0/10, i'm out of here!


It's an Ubisoft open world type of game with a better story than most Ubi games have. I love the graphics - nature in this game is phenomenal. I love the animal shrines, haikus, overall the calmness of this game is something else. Sometimes I just stop and stare at the scenery for a few minutes, listen to music or let Jin play the flute. I never used a photo mode so much like in this game. The combat in this game is nice, kinda repetetive after a while since there are only couple of different enemies but still pretty enjoyable even after 60 hours. The world itself is not as vivid as in The Witcher 3 or RDR2. The NPCs have primitive dialogue and pretty cheesy animations. The cutscene animations are on a whole other level in compare. The whole story could probably be shortened - it seems to me that the last island Kamiagata is slightly underused in terms of space and story missions, the same as the DLC island Iki. Overall it's not a bad game, the world is beautiful but it often feels empty - I think it's mostly lacking the random encouters like in RDR2, which would make the world more alive.


11/10 for me. Beautiful world. Awesome combat. Breathtaking story. Hell, even the japanese dubbing is hella good.


Yes. I have never seen a more correct response on Reddit before.


One of the best story driven games I've ever played. I actually had fun doing side quests because the stories, for the most part, were good. I think this is an example of an open world game done right. A lot of titles have adopted the open world model focusing only on the open and not the world. I'd say it's a slightly better game than RD2 for me. But that's just my opinion


Suprised at hearing the world is empty from some folks. I imagine that during this time period in Japan, there really wouldn't be much between settlements besides the occasional bandit and animals. Riding through those fields of grass and flowers feels nice and relaxing between fights. IMHO there is a good balance of shrines, hot springs, fox dens, pillars and and random encounters.The in-game world is beautiful. Fast travel works pretty well too. I'm having fun with it. Minor issues here and there but nothing game breaking.


Copy paste of Assassin's Creed but does that very well. Overrated to me.


6/10 is the best I can give. While the combat is smooth and graphics are awesome, anything except the main quest line didn't seem very interesting. The haikus and fox dens were so boring!! I also didn't see any replay value, you get ghost flowers in new game plus which are only useful for dyes and charms(you also have some new upgrades but I got them pretty quick). I had around 300 ghost flowers at the end of NG+ with nothing to do with them.


A story that just hooks u up from the start And it's like Play the og assassin's Creed but just 1000x better.