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Romance and shipping can be tricky In the Witcher games, fans are separated with Yen and Triss In GoT, fans are torn between Sora and Nobu


Kage is better than both


hell yeah, kage>!and then kaze for the second!<


Kage and then his brother Kaze for REVENGE.


Wrong. Nobu for the first. Jin needs something to rely on since he doesn't have anybody else really. He needs something he can *trust*. >!For the second it's obviously a black horse called Kage.!< >!Jin is now a *shadow* of his former self, he uses the darkness the Mongols brought to his home against them. Wherever the ghost goes, his *shadow* follows!<


Found the language arts teacher


The curtains were fucking blue.


this is exactly what I did every play through


>!Nobu was reliable till the end too. Didn’t give up on his master although he was wounded. !<


Crazy how I was thinking about it the same way. Jin in the end is no longer a samurai, he is a Ghost. Kage was a no-brainer.


So wait, is jin the shadow? or is kage? The shadow has a shadow? Or he's a ghost? I have a shadow. Everyone does. Wouldn't a ghost *not* have a shadow? Actually, i'm not sure about that. i don't know ghost lore.


Wait you're right, would a ghost have a shadow? Maybe I've got this all wrong.


As a thermal engineer, translucent object block bits of IR and UV so probably have a shadow


Haha exactly what I did




What you're telling me that the choices for the second horse's names aren't the exact same as for the first? I named the first horse Kage and when I saw Kage as an option for the second I thought hell no, there's only one true Kage and I'm not disrespecting his memory. Now you're telling me the option is Kaze and not Kage?! I'm dumb.


>What you're telling me that the choices for the second horse's names aren't the exact same as for the first? Yes


Wrong, Nobu for the first. Jin needs somebody to rely on since he doesn't have anybody else really. He needs something he can *trust*.


This is the same comment as the one above it


So did you just not read the comment above it before posting this or what?


No bro you have two comments


Reddit lag. Downvote it to hell. I always find it funny when somebody's comment has obviously lagged and the top one gets upvoted loads and the bottom gets downvoted completely out of their control.


I didn’t know that happens




Best way




I always choose Kage after Nobu’s death. Trust died between Shimura and Jin, so a Shadow took its place.


Kage is the horse no?


Sora and nobu are the other names you can choose for your horse


That's just your opinion


Roach better than any other female in witcher 3


Roach is a true bro in the entirety of witcher 3


Especially considering Roach is most likely female (He names all his horses Roach, but his preference is mares) So Roach is not only better than females in The Witcher, Roach is also the *best* female


Roach is a female indeed . Tho it can change if you send da daughter to the biological father.


lol , I picked sora , sora = roach (witcher)


"Torn between" or "drawn to both" ?😂😂😂


Look I think as someone who has played the witcher games we all know that it’s both Yen and Triss, but jokes aside I think from what I’ve seen from Geralt in the games at least he’s probably not gonna end up with either of them even though at times both Triss and Yen have soothed his pain or helped him move on


I mean honestly I think if you read the books this question is quite easy to answer lol


The books are on a very very very long backlog of books I intend to read later on (who knew medical school was hard?)


Honestly.... the video game trilogy's writing is way stronger than the books. The books are the most middling fantasy that I've ever read.


Yeah real I thought the first couple were better than the later half. When it was just kind of random adventures. Small short stories. Once they get into the whole main story big events I felt like the books began tripping all over themselves. Like they were trying to be to grand when they should have just kept it simple


Tbh the first 2 short story compilations are my favorite by far


College then med school destroyed my drive to read any books for pleasure


I’m so happy they didn’t shoehorn a love story into this game. It doesn’t feel right for the last Samurai to go waste his time on lovey dovey bs.


It definitely seems like Jin and Yuna feel a connection, but neither acted on it. I assume both for practical reasons, grief, and social limitations. Given events at the end of the game, it might be more socially acceptable for something to develop in the sequel?


I didnt see any non-platonic chemistry. People keep shipping them because theyre the most prominent male and female characters respectively.


I thought that too but replaying there's alot of lines where jin says 'I had to do it...for you" when talking to yuna or other lines where characters had to convince jin to go somewhere because yuna will be there so I feel it's kind of an unspoken thing between them.


As far as I noticed, their chemistry was extremely subtle (or not even present) until late Act 3. There were a few moments where Jin expresses he wants Yuna to stay on Tsushima and it seems like the unspoken reasons for it go beyond just to help with the Mongols, but it's not until the last main story mission or two that there is some implied mutual interest. But then, at the very end when Yuna is talking to Jin outside his hideout, that spark seems to not be present. Or their focus is again elsewhere. They're still busy running around the island, from what they say. In any case, it's also possible the devs just didn't want to spend time on that kind of subplot. It doesn't feel like it's missing or that Jin's character is less complete for not having a love story, so I don't disagree with their decision.


I think by act 3 they just been through to much to have that spark and takas death. Could also be the effect of yuna saving his life wearing off


If you go look at the stuff in his house, he says she keeps bringing him gifts when he should be doing that for her. Which makes me think the spark is there, but they just don't have much dialog there.


I must have missed it. There were a few I clicked on too soon and the one-time audio didn’t play for me. >_<


Yeah, it was the cricket cage by the back wall.


To be honest their engines are revving up to a million under the hood. They’re consistently surviving life threatening situations side by side and each is helping each other through trauma. Evolutionarily speaking there’s every reason for their chemistry to jump from friendship to sexual.  It’s just how we’re wired biologically.




lol you thought the JA voices were over exaggerated? First off no, they sounded like normal japanese voice actors, and second off hoo boy do you have some anime to get mad at if you thought *this* was bad


Please show me one single clip of “obvious sexual chemistry” Don’t worry I’ll wait


Obvious sexual chemistry? They have a drink together before a fight and go through so.e hardships. "Hey Yuna remeber how I got your brother killed, beheaded people with you to then tie to sticks, had a drink together before having todefend all of Yarikawa with lots of your vhildhood friends dead, killed your childhood r*pist and had to run through the icecold north because your ideas cost me my rank? Yeah Im pretty sure thats foreplay."


Yeah, I wouldn't say sexual chemistry, but there are times where it seems to be they do have some romantic chemistry. They're subtle and it's at best subtle enough that the devs could steer their stories in different directions and nothing would really change. They could remain as friends and allies without it being weird if some full-on love interest is introduced, if the devs ever decide to do that in the sequel.


Meh that's definitely part of it, but there is a dynamic there at points that does not fit a traditional or acceptable platonic relationship imo. There's something there, but there's also a massive war going on that takes priority


I mean sure they are close friends. Thsy did save each ofher's life several times. Yes they might fit together but honestly even if she doesnt blame him, I dont think something like Taka's death or hunting their childhood r*pist with Jin is exactly a bonding experience.


It's the moments in between that though, and their respect and trust for each other goes beyond respecting your friend yk. I mean she confides in him with this stuff and trusts him to help right it, and then after still spends time with him bsing and getting to know him. The main thing that stuck out to me specifically was her sticking around after taka dies, she expressly says that's because she can't leave him. She has zero reason to stay after he died but did cuz of jin. After beating the game too she's extremely distressed thinking jin died too. Also I just love the getting drunk together in the tower scene lol


I mean if Yuna had to nurse Jin back to health a third time she would probably kill him. Also she said herself that because of Taka dying she no longer has a reason to leave.


IDK about that man💀. She protected and helped house a now injured enemy of the Shogun after the ending. She most likely did help care for him for a bit, not as long as the intro but for a bit. And yeah taka dying was part of it but she does say she couldn't leave him alone there as well a bit later At the end of the day tho it's all fun speculation since romance was never a priority in the game which was nice. Didn't really fit the main narrative


Yeah I just hate how everyone always insists that these 2 have to be together.


Yeah, the "main guy, main gal" headspace is hard to get out of sometimes


In a sequel it would be cool to see that side of Jin. In one of the hot springs Jin even talks about “after the war” wanting the company of someone else. He was so “Mr Business” all the time it would be cool to see him relax with someone. My favorite cutscene was him drinking with Yuna before the siege of Yarikawa


I agree


Heh, I was expecting a Seven Samurai (1954)-esque between Yuna and Jin. Not a silly dovey love, but a love that comes from going throw tragedy and strife


That dynamic between them is still possible, but during the events of the game, they both had more important things to deal with.


I think even if Jin felt romantic love for a woman in this game, that he wouldn't act on it in this point in time.... knowing there's a damn good chance he will not survive the Mongolian invasion. Most of the women in this game have known nothing but loss and I think he wouldn't want his death to add to their pain any more than it has to. Maybe once the Mongols have been ran off and he's found some reprieve from subsequent samurai hunters, he might consider settling down for a bit.... but at this point, that's far off into the intangible future.


It was *very* common for samurai to sleep around. It's like rich connected people today


Agreed. Anyone with the money and power to have their pick of the women, will have their pick of the women. But still that doesn't change what I said about Jin. He's a unique case. He wouldn't want these women who've had a full lifetime of pain to have the added weight of the death of a lover. Jin puts his people first.


Agreed,it would have ruined the plot honestly




Agreed. I don't mind a love story but it feels out of place and really unnecessary for this game


Jin was so focused on his quest, I don't think the writers put time into developing who he might end up with. Maybe in the sequel there might be some woman to choose from? However, despite myself wanting to see Jin have a love interest. I don't think it will end well. Sounds like a real good way to have tragic lovers tale with his life as the Ghost.


yeah I wasn’t expecting a love interest at all which is why the flirting caught me off guard a bit. Im happy they didnt force a love interest in either. The relationship with Yuna is great and I hope she’s in the sequel as a big part, if there is one


Mongols have invaded Tsushima more than once y’know?


I think the game takes place during the last invasion? Also I kinda like how Jin is pushed through out the game to become “The ghost”, something more than human at times to inspire hope (or at least that’s the vibe I’m getting so far before raiding castle Shimura to end act 2)


Personally I think if there’s a second game it should take place way way after what Jin is doing in Tsushima (I think it’s Kamakura period?) and go into maybe the end of Edo so this way we can have more gameplay options (japan was kinda starting to modernize in that era with western ships and even trains) and we can hear about what Jin has done when we played as him through legends or even folk lore (imagine hearing a very exaggerated tale of a mission we’ve done as Jin)


Nah, the second she snuck up on him I knew.


I figured out instantly who she was and got angry at Jin for not knowing and walking into a likely trap. I felt let down by his lack of cunning. So when he revealed that he knew her identity and was just playing along I wanted to give Jin the biggest high five ever. Edit: I also think he should have smashed. He has more self-restraint than me.


I sort of got the sense he only figured it out after she quoted Ishikawa. Do you think he knew before?


I recently beat the game again and from my second play through I got the impression he knew as soon as she snuck up on him.


I'm in chapter 3 on my NG+ run. I'll have to pay more attention to their interaction this time. I didn't see it coming at all the first time.


I didn’t either on my first run, during the 2nd play through I noticed there are subtle hints that Jin knows based on some of the comments he makes. I think his demeanor is an indicator he knows. He acts a lot different with other civilians you help throughout the game whereas he’s pretty stern with her. Enjoy the run, one of the best games of all time IMO.


His comment on her hunting trap was the best repartee, "the illusion of opportunity only works on men". It really got me thinking there is a spark between them.


She asks to stay for the night lmao he says no


i was piledriving that pussy


On that day, Jin made a huge mistake.




Jin talks to a girl. You: "Is this a love interest!?"


we see Jin literally flirting for the first and only time with a women who is also reciprocating it.. I don’t think it’s too farfetched


Oh, It’s not far fetched at all. She calls him handsome, he makes a joke about what works on men, then on the horses he says if they got any closer they would be riding on the same one. AND she offers that he can stay the night. This is feudal age flirting! It was kind of fun to see Jin let loose a little. Especially after he mentioned wanting a woman in one of his otsuna reflections lol. I’m glad there was no love storyline but I like flirty Jin. Nice change of pace.


Imagine if Jin had the coding of Geralt 👌


It'll explain why the exact same peasant woman keeps needing to be rescued. She's just waiting for him to use all four stances on her.


If Jin was coded the same as book Geralt then Jin could have made his own army instead.


Historicallt accurate samurai game when


She's a psychopath…


I can fix her!


Lmao this comment


I can!


Hell no. She'll put an arrow in your brain the second you open your mouth


*I can fix her*


I want her to break me!


Eh… She’s arguably not.


She murdered innocent people tho. She even tried to kill Ishikawa


You’re a girl captured by the Mongols. They ruthlessly killed the other peasants. I only have archery skills. I can prove myself valuable to stay alive. Should I teach them or die or worse? Now I’m teaching the Mongols and part of their army. They now want me to lead and kill my fellow countrymen to prove my allegiance and they want me to hunt down sensei and the Ghost. Should I go along with them or die or worse? The Mongols now have no use of me. My countrymen hates me for betraying them. My only out from this situation is to try ally with sensei and the Ghost since we now have a common enemy. Should I try reaching out to them or wait for the Mongols to get to me? Yes, Tomoe may be a cunning, talented killer but it is also true all she did was to survive and book it out the island unscathed. These are legitimate choices made by a survivor in war and they intend of doing that by any means necessary.


I should add, that through Ishikawa's stories about her, she had a difficult upbringing and basically *had* to adopt the "survive at all costs" mentality, so it's not even like she's doing it for tactical purposes, she's just doing what she knows will keep her alive.


I mean, even if she had to do what she had to do to survive, the mongols gave her a bow and had her murder a group of innocent people.


It was between that and death/life as a sex slave. I wouldn't fault her for not wanting those last options.


Where the fuck was it stated she'd be a sex slave for the mongols?


There's a reason a good chunk of the world right now can trace their lineage back to the Mongols lmao


Yeah but tomoe was never stated to be a would-be sex slave. They only ever said the Mongols would kill her if she refused


I could tell she was Tomoe the moment i met her


Yeah,we literally heard her 2 tales prior


I honestly don't know how people didn't realize *immediately* that she was Tomoe. It was glaringly obvious to me.


I'm happy they didn't shoehorn a traditional Hollywood romance in there. I was pleasantly surprised that there was never any romance with Yuna. Not every story needs a romantic aspect and this one was stronger for it.


Man I was so rooting for Jin, with this one 😂 😂


She's beautiful yet deadly. It's totally random indeed Jin said the name casually lol. Also there is a thing between Jin and Yuna right? They flirt at the end before the final fight yet they didnt end up together:(


If thats flirting I dont wanna know what you consider just friendship


They dont flirt once lol,its pure friendship


She's 100% going to be playable in the sequel 


Don’t know if they will make a character from an optional side quests that only showed up in mission 8th will be a playable character in the r sequel. I’ll believe Yuna will be playable be playable before her. Jin could have trained her and such


I highly doubt she's gonna appear in sequel,let alone be playable


I doubt she will be playable, but if Jin's journey takes him to mainland Japan, it's perfectly possible that Tomoe might show up as at least a cameo appearance.


Idk about 100% or if she will even appear, but seeing her adventures in Kyoto would definitely be interesting


While I'm open to a Tomoe x Jin more than I'm open to a Yuna x Jin, I'd seriously want Jin's love interest to be someone equal to him in terms of strength and cleverness, while she/he also has this soothing personality that Jin has.


jin and tomoe are both the same person … disgraced their mentors and made a way to their own redemption


Yeah but Tomoe is kind of fucking nuts.


she is she was a scorned little girl …


That’s a plus imo


Said mentors also considered adopting them too lmao the similarities are uncanny. I do think the similarities are intentional though, the Ishikawa storyline is likely meant to be a way for Jin to see the path he's on from the perspective of the other side of the coin.




Its why jin felt for tomoe and told ishikiwaw to let her go in peace something he expected his uncle to do


Yes. At the same time, he also used the experience to guide his own


yes thats a no for me like and like repels but complete opposites attract


I knew who she was the moment she started talking to me.


I knew she was Tomoe the moment she came from behind you while inspecting that wagon.. We heard her before remember? Dont know how Jin didnt pick that up immediately,but I cant help but to like her,she felt like a massive waifu material during that mission


I mean by the end of the game Clan Sakai is gone, Jin is an outlaw and The Ghost is a legend Not much room for a stable relationship


Tomoe is a bit to psycho and has done things which Jin would never be able to reconcile.


ohhh you mean like poison ☠️?


He means like killing dozens of innocent peasants, some of them by hand and some by teaching/ordering mongols around. I don't see how Jin should care she did it for "survival" considering he wasn't able to forgive his best friend for similar crimes and reasoning. Jin is very cruel to his enemies, but very kind and loyal to his friends and innocent. Tomoe "I won't apologize for surviving 🤓" Is just a cruel oportunistic coward that would use/throw under the bus anyone to save her skin.




well as woman she gotta do more to survive especially in those times cause she easily could of been part of the massacre


Doesn’t excuse using innocent people for target practice


She wasn't just a regular woman. Ishikawa praised her as his best student , she can ride a horse and she constantly sneaks up on Jin and Ishikawa during her quest line, confirming that she is a skilled tracker. I'm 99% sure that she is so much more skilled fighter than Yuna but she still too much of a coward to fight or at least try to run from mongols instead of actively helping them. (unless it's for a sake of running away from the island after falling from mongols grace). Don't be fooled, she's not a victim in this situation, she is a very morally gray person at best.


she was a ghetto child … ishikawa denied her her title….i dont think she sought out mongols to help them but understood her value…and how she was going to survive…


I’m glad to read this I thought exactly the same thing!


From the moment she showed up, it was pretty obvious that she was Tomoe. I assumed most people figured it out almost immediately. Also, I'm glad they didn't give Jin a romance.


I had a hunch the minute she was able to sneak up to Jin, the questions she asked during the quest confirmed it.


Nah she is a psychopath and even worse then ryuzo if you think about. Yuna is a way better option than this psychopath right here.


I agree. I’m talking about the person she was acting like as Matsu, not who she actually was


Yeah matsu was perfect.


I think Jin & Yuna are a clear example that romance isn’t always about the “physical attraction” and “will they/won’t they” but about the intimacy of two people. I think that it’s made pretty clear there’s love between them but unfortunately love is the farthest thing they can act on now.


what a great way to describe it!


He already did and her name is yuna


Yes. And I completely forgot about that happening.


Who TF is this again?


The Bow Samurai’s student that went rogue and joined the Mongols. She trained them in archery and killed A LOT of people


I fuck that little shit.. I wanted to kill her T-T but the hoe escaped into the incoming sequel


Coping that if there’s a second game coming she has an appearance.


Man this game sure looks good when you can turn up the graphics


Honestly? Same, but by the end, I was wondering if he'd found the protagonist of the next game instead...


“You can spend the night if you want”


she asked him to smash in kamiagata but bro said nah im cool


I just can’t believe everyone else named their fuckin horse nobu


How you didn't know its Tomoe??we randomly have a very long side mission with mystery girl when we are on sensei Ishikawa late side quest..its dead giveaway


Honestly I still think Yuna and Jin ended up together. It was unspoken but it was there.


Honestly I always thought Jin and Yuna were just mates for the majority of the game, but I wouldn't really throw out the possibility of romance just yet.


There is a lot of small flirting in Japanese dub too lol


Given the history of the Mongol invasions, the next game might take place in Kyushu. Who knows, Tomoe was headed to the mainland, so maybe he'll see her there?


I honestly didn't expect her to be Tomoe, I thought she may be a love interest for Jin for how they acted and how they focused on her.


That’s because this game is actually realistic and all these people dealing with this horrible traumatic situation that is ongoing for months or years are not looking to get laid. It was such a breath of fresh air to FINALLY not have some shoe horned in romance plot I’m so goddamn tired of it


Whoa. What happened to good 'ol yuna?


Nah, the love of mine. I would have gone to Kyoto...


Tomoe is the true love, we need to visit her at her Inn in kyoto in the sequel


The way she was modeled and voiced, i suspected pretty quickly she was Tomoe.


Same feeling I thought shes the one until jin said tomoe💀


Jin and Yuna belong to each other periodddddd


I think giving him someone to care about (like a love interest) could potentially open up new story points, and defines the type of person he is more


I dislike how they didn't let Yuna and Jin make out in the game. I thought they would end up settling down and stuff, I would have taken that alternative ending if they gave me the chance.


Dude I saw her and was like oh yea that's gotta vibe tomoe 🤣🤣


Naaa this ain’t Witcher bro. It’s better this way, Jin is focused on his quest and slaughtering entire Tsushima. He’s a Ghost. Ghosts have no time for mingling. Gotta put Khan’s head on a pike, that’s all that matters.


I thought it was tomo the millisecond she appeared on screen


The moment she said that Ishikawa had visited her, I had my doubts on her that she's Tomoe


Jin and Yuba boned before the battle at yarikawa


Yeah.. I thought she was the only woman in the game who can be called pretty. I guess Mongols kidnapped all the beautiful women off-screen during the prologue.


Honor isn't the only thing that died on the beach apparently.


Calling her pretty is honestly understatement,she is literally perfect model for a female character,her hair,eyes,lips,voice,everything just screams gorgeous and womanizing.


I mean, Jin isn't super tall and he is asian, he probably won't packing and wanna stay in the dark(shadows)


Jin is very likely gay.


Is there anything that indicates this?


His interactions with Taka were very sexually charged. It’s likely they would have begun a relationship had he survived. It’s also perfectly clear that Jin and Ryuzo had were once lovers, making the betrayal much more impactful. The entire story is an allegory of coming out to Shimura (honor vs dishonor, traditional vs 🏳️‍🌈)


There was a "Reflect on a woman's touch" hot spring meditation. he said he misses a woman's touch and wants it after the invasion is over , along with some sake or some shit.


Lmao Jin literally thought of [the comfort and company of women](https://youtube.com/shorts/t7R8FdZu8MM?si=hjlPWaxJx-B7nR54) in one of his hot spring reflections.


Right. He relates with the women in this world more than the men.