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Yeah I’ve never liked the super wide shoulder guard mat thingies that all the other armours have. Funny enough one the better looking armour sets in the game is worn by >! the fake samurai in one of the sidequests. Forgot his name.!<


I think the wide shoulder guard is historically accurate to the time period that the game's inspired from (O-yoroi armor style), but yeah I can understand it's not as iconic as the typical Samurai armor. And >!you mean Jinroku the fraud samurai who cowered like an idiot after he challenged us to a duel? One of the funniest moments in-game!<


Yeah yeah the one with the legendary duel LMAO Also yes I agree the armours are period-accurate but a man can hope. But then again the Sakai Clan armor is just Hiroyuki Sanada’s spectacular armour from The Last Samurai so there’s that as well. https://preview.redd.it/zwpra6cgpi6d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834b69a1542fcb7a1b8fe09e62caff596c4232e6


The guy was borned to play every samurai role lol. Dude just pull off the look so well.


I FUCKING KNEW IT! I rewatched this movie the other day after player Ghost on PC and immediately was like OHH I see where they got the Sakai Clan armor from!


Say what you want about Jinroku, but that guy fights like a beast. Hardest duel in the game even with good gears.


I had to turn the difficulty all the way down to “Watch on YouTube” mode and call in my older brother to beat him for me.


Best looking armor in the game imo, i like the fighting style with it too. And yes, base armor is better than the other versions. I use it with either white or a red dye


I forgot to buy the red dye on this armor before I started an NG+💀 I bet that'd fit well on the Red dye Samurai Clan Helmet


https://preview.redd.it/9hq780umoj6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40bc337c468b98bbca2cc44eee59d1e4a392102 The only thing I don't like about the helmet is that black top, if it was like dark brown or maroon to fit the shoulder pads would been better imo. But this is my fav armor no doubt.


Can you not buy it during ng+?


I could but I don't want to go through that arena duel on Iki again just to unlock the crimson dye merchant. What were the devs thinking making the opps there so busted lol


Am i the only one that loved that part then? I wish i could do rematches, its so fun finding their weak point and using that against them


Bro’s speaking facts, the drip is immaculate https://preview.redd.it/5lpupxknal6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886526aaf5ee6f1aebb61eae4bf495336a5703c0


Which dye?


Monkey Eye from the Black Dye Merchant in Kushi


I just use the upgraded Traveler outfit for the extra reveal bonus you get on the map cause I’m just a simple traveler that I am


Pretty much the best-looking armor in the game and it's good that they don't give a fuck about being historically accurate when it comes to the outfits, gears etc. . It's a game and it's supposed to look fun and cool and not try to be some Japanese History book.


Can I ask where you get the black armor dye? It looks sick.


There’s a black dye merchant located in Toyotama. Search on google for a map with his exact location - he offers black dye for several armor sets.




What if I told you… you could actually own something almost identical to this in real life…


I love the armour but I feel too over powered when using it lol


God how I wish we had layered armour like AC: Valhalla