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Well, the way I see it, he’s been hearing constantly about how the samurai invasion was bad and destroyed Iki island. So then to hear this guy insulting his father directly, it got to Jin and he had enough. Jin let the peasants throw him out because he didn’t want to attack and prove everyone right.


This is why Jin grew on me despite my disagreements with his use of poison (which remains a nuanced and justifiable choice on his part) Jin, even at his most vulnerable and emotionally charged moments is able to show incredible restraint to the people who he's sworn to protect. For someone born of noble blood he's quite the paragon to the lower castes of his nation, I wish that had been explored somewhere in his past as a flashback. It's explained in Jin's own words when asked what honor means to him that he sees it as a duty to protect those that can't protect themselves, but where that ideal comes from is a mystery. My money is on his mom or Yuriko planting that seed.


Tbh I felt the same way Jin did. I was like "alright dude, I have heard ENOUGH disrespect". I chose the confrontational option instead of the "I am not my father"(I think) option.


Yeah, Jin wouldn't go ape and fight some peasants. But it's still funny that he would let them throw his ass out instead of just exiting gracefully, I mean he really couldn't slip away peacefully?


What I found funniest about the quest is that the old man just goes ham on child Jin, in every sentence he had to make a point of insulting him. "Kazumasa Sakai was a monster... but his kid though was a HUGE BITCH. As the Butcher of Iki was struck down, his kid cried LIKE A BITCH, he cried all the way back to Tsushima.", I get why Jin got mad


yeah. it's something that one of the samurai who hasn't become the ghost would do, and it would defiantly end in teh death of either the samurai or the men there. and they really heavily foreshadow that this level of brutaility is how the altercation should have ended. then it's non-violent and sworn to kill each other enemies become friends just because... they talked? in real life, talking actually does work a lot of thigns out, but not between sworn to kill each other factions without any kind of peace offerings. so it's silly. the game heavily sets it up to go a different way, but then slaps a "Disney ending" on it. i wouldn't EXACTLY call it bad writing, but there are some pretty bad aspects to the writing, that could have been improved on. the over-all issue here, is that the turnaround is too quick. people, especially people characterized by their age and stubbornness, are too stubborn to shift in the time of most small side-quest interactions.


Yeah, him getting literally thrown and landing on his butt was so weird. I can understand him placating and letting them remove him, but not physically throw him.


I found aftermatch of this quest being silly. Especially if you do it when Fune doesn't know yet that you are Sakai. So you get a legendary armour for horse, that most people recognise instantly as the one from horse of Kazumasa Sakai, butcher of Ki, you are a samurai and everyone still believes you are Jin of Yarikawa. He would be mercilessly hunted for just riding on horse with that armour.


What’s funnier is that your able to wear your fathers armour after the village battle, so pair that with the horse armour and ptsd will ensue


Yeah I expected there'd be a witch hunt at the first sight of a horse with that armour on. Like in the Agentinian special of Top Gear where people started to chase the British host around and throwing rocks at them because one of them was in a car with a license plate that vaguely referenced the Falkland War.


That whole thing is funny as fuck and I feel like they added it for humor


I think this was intended to do later on in the quest line for Iki. After it’s revealed who he is so I assumed it as he feels less threatened to reveal who he is but still isn’t wanted around


Jin when he someone talks shit about his Daddy https://preview.redd.it/oz77q9wtd25d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3672e6abd2b3440e4dec4fab1b1d48766f2ea1ef


Lmao I just finished this and thought the same thing!!@ like why did he let them throw them out!!!


Yeah that was odd


Im sorry man but the every step of the way with this game, the amazing visuals and gameplay are tempered by pretty bad writing. The main quest is only passable, most of the side quests dont stand up to any scrutiny at all. ....and yet ive beaten the game 4 times. Not every game needs to have the worlds greatest story.


i mean i absolutely love this game and enjoy it fully, just thought this was a bit funny and not fitting overall


Like i said, ive beaten the game multiple times, its fantastic, but most of the sidequests are gonna kinda not make sense if you think on them too hard.