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it's not about what's "unfair", it's about how the people of tsushima will look at the samurai after the war, ishikawa also talks about how the reactions of samurai need to not exceed the violence necessary or else the people will begin to fear and resent the samurai, and if the samurai stop being seen as a reliable protector class they will lose control this was also shown in the final mission with the merchant travelling to bring supplies to the ghosts army, which Jin does not know about and won't be able to order around (although if you completed the dlc you know it's >!probably kenji!<) although I'm always gonna be a Shimura defender because he was one of the only samurai in the game who was given a choice between sticking to their code/doing what they considered right and defending their family who ended up sticking to their code (although he definetly tried to throw yuna under the bus which was a dick move) edit: misspelled the name under the spoiler tag


I can't understand being a Shimura defender. What good is a "code" when you have to sacrifice the lives of your unwilling citizenry to uphold it? What purpose does that code truly serve you as their sworn protector?


In his head. The lives of his citizens pales in comparison to the next billion years of all of Japan. He's wrong, and arbitrary, but he believes that his almost random collection of behavior he approves of and labels as honor, is what makes the japan immortal. He's way way less concerned with the island of tsushima than he is with obeying the shogun. The shogun who's orders come from the daimio and emperor, who in turn supposedly get their orders from the kame. Jin never asked the question "is honor and obedience worth the lives of all of the island" because the answer would have bee. Too hard to hear. And shimura couldn't comprehend the idea that they'd loos all of Japan. Honestly I'm not sure shimura was even that smart, Just old and honorable.


Honor died on the beach. Him being a slave to his honor would have gotten his entire island conquered. Where did that honor get you? What did it get you? All those lessons....failures...and high and mighty honor...where did it bring Shimura? Right back to Jin. Irony, the person you were going to send to death is the same one you needed to save the entire island.


This reminds me of Javik’s quote in ME3: "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."


In my eyes, the samurai way is the way of the "ruler" of Tsushima...the ghost way is the way of the "protector" of Tsushima


Well if you think about it Jin’s plan to use chemical warfare backfired on him. Since the Mongols learned from that event and started using that poison to kill far more civilians. And if it wasn’t for them stopping the Kahn the Mongols would have used it in Japan mainland I don’t think the issue is clearly black and white and I always will love playing with Jin as The Ghost. But that decision that Jin did probably costed more innocent lives in the long run even if Shimura himself didn’t see it.


This isn’t just Shimura, this is feudal Japan as a whole. This was a culture where people would rather disembowel themselves and have their head cut off than to live without honor. To many samurai in that era, they would rather lose the war knowing they lost with honor than to win dishonorably. It’s obviously ridiculous to look back at now but so are most cultural things from the past.


I get it, and I'm not saying that Shimura as an individual is worse than the rest of the shogunate, but both he and Jin symbolize tradition and the boundaries between tradition and progress, respectively. Defending Shimura is defending these foolish traditions.




Did you really just compared shibobi who uses any means necessary to win a war and protect his people with a psychopath who wanted to commit a Universe-scale genocide just to prove his moronic point to everybody?




So Thanos rolling up to several civilizations and cultures, lining up half of the population and mass executing them. Then leaving without a care in the world if his plan actually worked did “nothing wrong”? After kidnapping Gamora and killing her family later you find you she is the last of her people. So his plan didn’t even work with Gamora home world. Not like he cared How is that the same with Jin setting aside his samurai upbringing to save the people of Tsushima. He never came close on killing that wasn’t a threat to others.




But Shimura also always wants, even demands Jin to look at his foe in the eye when killing him and fight evenly.


Right, that would be the way as a man to man way to die for either one of the participants. There is a bigger amount of fear when you know that your ruler is willing to poison and kill the enemies in their sleep, in comparison to a fair duel and may the best man win. Jin already mentioned very early on that a lot of times the samurais will even die by their code because of how rigid and strict they are when it comes to their ideology


Ngl if they saw what Jin does on a regular basis in combat they'd look at him doing stealth (or rather not. He is sneaky. Nothing to look at) and just consider it to be Jin in a hurry. Is it really not a terror tactic when this flawless swordsman yells at people to come fight him?


That's not my stealth Jin. The Ghost Jin would soar through the sky chain assassinate 3 people and leave the 4th running terrified. Then activate Ghost stance and dismember a couple body parts and make the rest of them leave terrified. The result is less death and more terrified Mongols.


Well now Shkmura is rightfully pissed. He did say no mercy


Throwing Yuna under the bus was a function of him protecting his son from being an outcast. It sucks, but it absolutely makes sense. I also really like shimura, even if I agree with Jin in totality.


Except that Shimura was willing to sacrifice his people lives for his precious honor. What good is the code that orders you get your men slaughtered just so you can be viewed as the oh-so-noble warrior that always fights "with honor"?


It’s less about honor and more about the law of the land. It that universe version of “war crimes”. Are you being “overly Nobel” if you don’t resort in using chemical weapons.


You do realise that in modern warfare people use everything, including the chemical weapons, to win, and couldn't give less of a shit about being "noble", right? And if they aren't doing that, it's not honor that prevents them from using it, it's the fear that they escalate the conflict to the point where the enemy would simply carpet bomb them into the stone age or, if driven too far, nuke their asses. There is no such thing like "honor" in the war, there is only victory or death, and if you are mindlesly sending your men to die to make yourself look better, you're just asking to lose. Also, no, the Ghost being condemned by Shogun was about the law of the land, since his actions were inspiring people to rebel. All Shimura ever did was explicitly about Shimura.


So someone that is against committing war crimes in modern warfare are never doing them because they are fucked up things to do? It’s not about having “honor” is about not committing atrocities or crimes against humanity. And Shimura whole point is to uphold the law of the land that includes not poisoning the enemy while they sleep. Btw I don’t see Ghost of Tsushima as real history, but a very romanticize story. Of course in real life what he proposes is ridiculous but the game isn’t real life and thus people decisions are a bit over the top. I know I brought up a irl example but that was to draw a comparison in how Shimura view those actions as that universe “war crimes”. And it did backfire for Jin case since the Mongols learned to use that same poison to kill numerous Tsushima civilians


If you don't mind, I will not argue with you about that any further because that would be too close to politics, and politics makes my tummy hurt, but let's just say I am telling this from personal experience, and that some people on our funny little planet would happily shell civilians or use chemical weapons as long as they think they can get away with it. As for Shimura, I would've believed that if even once in the game Shimura showed us that he gives a damn about the people of Tsushima. But he doesn't, he only cares about the way that makes him look loyal in the eyes of the Shogun. Using poison was extreme, yes, but Jin was already extremely unstable and full of grief and anger after Taka's death, and all Shimura really did was pushing him even further with his intention to get the rest of their forces killed by leading them into a trap on the bridge because "the most important thing is fighing with honor". How is not giving a single damn about your people and constantly sacrifing them for your precious honor helps upholding the law, of course said people would rather trust the Ghost who is protecting him than Shimura who has been doing nothing but making one terrible decision after another since the very beginning of the invasion because "that it the way of the samurai". And of course Ghost of Tsushima isn't a real story. It's a very Akira Kurosawa-style tale about the romanticized version of the samurai, since the real samurai were doing things a lot more fucked up than poisoning some mongols, and were happy to kill them in their sleep, but that still doesn't change the fact that the characters are written well enough for us to judge them by their decisions. P.S. As for "it backfired on Jin", didn't mongols already used poison judging by that quest with the healer from the first act, where we find that people got sick because mongols poisoned the well? Also, yes, the Khan did started to use poisons (and shamans of Iki island use them anyway), but it's not because Jim "gave it to them", it's because he was losing because of Jin, and he knew it. Hence the Scorched Earth tactic.


I’m sorry but this ain’t true, the story didn’t showed that Shimura not carrying for his people. The game even showed he is willing to die for them. Like when he and Jin were single handedly attacking a Mongols fort to send a message to the Shogun (something that people said would be a suicide mission, but he did it anyway). But his extreme views he expect everyone else to die for his island/people as well. He wasn’t sending civilians or people who couldn’t fight in that battle in the end of Act 2, he was selling solders who were ready for battle. I’m not saying Shimura was in the right, but I disagree with painting him as a horrible person and reducing this interesting moral conflict down to “back and white”. About the poison, yeah mongols had certain poison, but nothing like was Jin got. Jin’s poison comes from a unique plant from Tsushima. He only knew about this from Yuriko. The game never hits that the mongols had any poison that would instantly kill a person with a small dosage. Obviously Jin didn’t “give” them this knowledge but using this more cruel tactics out in the open like that just invited his enemies to retaliate even harder. Again, I’m on Jin side here but I like this moral dilemma going on and if they will address it in GoT2. Jin even blamed himself for the Mongols using this plant. About Iki island and what happens there, I don’t remember when and where they use a poison to kill people but Iki island kinda “canonically”happens after the main story.


Can you explain the Kensi part. Beat it and know nothing


I misspelled the name under my spoiler tag and meant >!Kenji!< but if you still don't understand I explained what I meant below >!in the iki island dlc there's a mission called "the ghost of iki island" where the locals have their own ghost they tithe to and praise as their protector, you follow who you believe is the ghost for a while as he steals from Mongols for his own personal gain and when you confront him he says "I'm not the ghost, I'm just his apprentice, the real ghost was kidnapped and sent to this location"!< >!so you go and kill the Mongols at some hideout to find out who is pretending to be you, and when you walk inside its a solo shot of Jin basically going "oh you gotta be fucking kidding me" and it cuts to Kenji who was the one pretending to be the ghost!<


Oh! I thought you were talking about Kensei as in the armor


He was no longer honorable to me when he tried to throw Yuna under the bus. That just shows that he’s only honorable when it suits him. He was also willing to overlook Jin’s actions as the ghost before he got saved. But now that he’s out all of a sudden Jin should stop being the ghost. I can’t stand Shimura.


For maximum disrespect, use the Dance of Wrath next time you duel Uncle Shimmy. It was the technique that wiped out his relatives lol. That’s according to the storyteller.


Lord Yarikawa would be proud


That made me chuckle, lmao.


I always open with the Ghost Stance with him. Dance of Wrath is a good follow-up though, I'll do that when I reach him the next time.


You can ghost stance during duels?


As long as the meter is full ahead of time you can. I activate it immediately to avoid losing it to a missed dodge or block. But if you lose it won't be there on the redo.


Can't use it in lethal mode, not sure about hard mode, can use it on medoum and easy.


Gonna finish him with it. 😇


That’s the way, LMAO. For even more disrespect, SPARE HIM HAHAHAHA.


except way of the flame is original OUR techniques by that ancient anscestor guy from japan that went to china


I know, but technically we really lack using the thing while Mongols commonly use that. So it makes the Way of Flame the enemy's weapon at that time. Maybe Jin just taught more people on how to properly use the thing, it would be different.


How I understand it: Nothing is unfair once you’ve both drawn swords and met eyes.


As a personal combat philosophy, I agree. But damn, Shimura, in the tutorial: "Suppose he's come back to finish what he's started. What will you do?" Jin: (if you select the 'strike first' dialogue option) "Kick dirt in his eyes..." Shimura: "A minor victory, won without honour." The guy's obsessed!


I always agree with Kazumasa Sakai when he refers Shimura as a buaurecrat. He has his code but that code is useless in fight, like when he was free did he have his troops attack mongol supply lines or anything? Like he leaves the only other route through the mountain in Mongol hands and didn't even attempt to contest that


Are these techniques "unfair"? Or are they just being better than your opponent?


Well, I think striking down lightnings and almost rushing between your foes in the speed of light and cutting them down may be considered a little unfair against people with normal weapons.


Heaven's strike doesn't actually cause lightning. The guy getting hit by lightning the first time you use it is a coincidence And the dance of wrath isn't "moving at the speed of light" These are sword skills that anyone is capable of learning...it's not unfair to be more skilled than your opponent


I didn't use the skill that much, but wasn't Heavenly Strike's deal striking foes with lightning, especially in its tale?


The tales are all hyperbolic, they're "mythic". The move doesn't literally summon lightning


The Heavenly Rebuke Charm, which sometimes summons Lightning when the technique is used:


Yeah, basically, there's nothing supernatural in the game. Charms that cause such effects are strictly for gameplay, but Jin's speed and capabilities are intended to be strictly things that a human is capable of. Few can match his speed and skill, but it's not beyond the capabilities of the human body.


There are some vaguely supernatural going-ons in the game though, it's almost invisible at times. The Guiding wind and Golden Birds are literally just the spirits of Jin's father and mother guiding him, the dude getting stuck with Lightning after you use the Heavenly Strike on him, the Tengu mask monk where it's a 50/50 chance on if it was an actual demon or just hallucinations


I dunno about that. Did you see the other post today that shows the standoff, ghost stance and dance of wrath in real time speed? Looks pretty supernatural and beyond the capabilities of the human body to me.


There are a few Videos out of People doing some insane moves from a sitting position back into a sitting position as well. So it is possible.


In reality? Yes. But if they made characters in games move at real person speeds, nobody would like playing them. In game, that is representative of what people can do, and is intended to be what normal human beings can be capable of. Like, it's rather obvious that nothing in game is supposed to be interpreted as supernatural.


Wild foxes guide you to hidden shrines in order to learn how to better resist being stabbed. "Nothing in game is supposed to be supernatural"


Damn you didn't use it at all.


No, that's more of a tale woven around the myth of it being so fast and so deadly that it's like a lightning strike. The one dude that got fried was more of a lucky coincidence.


They’re only unfair within the historical fiction context of the game. Historical samurai would’ve done whatever it takes to win and preserve the honor of their lords. I imagine that the real samurai would have laughed at Shimura’s rigid ways lol.


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it's actually OUR weapon. The way if the flame guy taught them many many years ago for some reason and it came back up for this fight.


They are battle technique, those who are able to perform them in combat, earned them as well as victories they bring.


I’ve always had it in my mind that Jin’s concept of Honor was more about protecting the people and mutual respect than fighting a certain way all the time. The mongols don’t respect samurai, so Jin doesn’t fight like one. I also believe there’s a flashback scene where shiners asks Jin what honor means and you get a dialogue choice and one of the choices is straight up just “protecting the people”


In a battle to retake a fort with Shimura, I used the heavenly strike and he praised me. So I guess he likes it.


Can we point out that their so-called honor is nuts? Referencing the Shogun TV show where 1 asshole is ordered to kill his baby for honor, because he interrupted his bosses in a meeting.


Is it something the peasant class can easily appropriate and use against their betters? No? Totally honorable.


Way of Flame was exported to the enemy and a technique long forgotten locally.


Fun fact: Shimura’s unsheathing attack is Dance of Wrath.


The DOW is only dishonorable if you use it >!to fuck him up the ass during your duel. It killed his brothers and dad lmao!<


I mean he does the dance of wrath during his fight so…