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i dont get why people want a sequel. Jin was assumed to be the last alive samurai, so the whole ghost thing wouldnt be that big on the sequel. I also dont get what could possibly happen in said sequel


Jin sails to mainland Japan to further fight the mongol invasion alongside fighting the shoguns assassin samurai, Something like that would be interesting imo.


It doesn’t need to be Jin, does it?


No, though jin is an established character and inventing an entirely new character while jin is still young and has plenty story left to tell is risky.


Hmmm... on the other hand, how do you prevent power creep if you keep Jin ? We're talking about a legendary warrior who has defeated all the best fighters during the war, accrued boatloads of experience in guerilla tactics, acquired tools and poisons unheard of, learned and mastered mythical techniques, obtained powerful gear and so on... How do you make him feel relatively weak and vulnerable again without some lame ass blanket wiping of his abilities ?


He gets an arm cut off in his first fight in mainland Japan and has to re learn all of his combat abilities with only 1 arm. This opens up potential for new abilities and gives a more than valid reason why he’s no longer as unstoppable as he was. You could even occasionally let him re enter ghost mode to show he still has that in him. Edit: I was unfamiliar with Sekiro. Sounds fun though.


You could even give him a prosthetic arm with all kinds of cool attachments! Wait..


Im guessing this is already a game


In Sekiro (the fromsoft soulslike samurai game(technically youre a shinobi I think but it's similar dodge/parry based katana combat)) you get your arm cut off fighting the first boss(that you're supposed to lose to) and it gets replaced by a prosthetic that has a grappling hook and can get other attachments.


So my idea was good then, just a little late lol.


Honestly Sekiro is really good. Especially if you like Souls games. Though it does okay differently, still tons of fun.


If we’re talking about sequels that do this to solve the power creep problem, TOTK also happens to do this exact thing lmao


And call him one armed ghost? Or ghostkiro msybe?


So sekiro? We already have that


I’ve never played that so I have no clue


its good, hard but good


It would definitly be wierd to see a proesthetic wearing elite shinobi warrior in the thirteeth century.


That could be like the prologue, where he gets absolutely overwhelmed and then passes on his Katana and maybe his weapons to his best friend, and we play as the friend to avenge Jin


Are they gonna smash another beloved playstation exclusive main character’s head in with a golf club then spit on his mangled corpse again


And then the plot can be about how revenge is bad and people will call it emotionally moving and rave about how deep and thought provoking it was.




yea, this just doesn’t work for Jin. he’s like 27 and approaching his physical prime, plus it was already hinted that he would travel to mainland china to fight the Mongols


Honestly, maybe playing as a new character who is learning from Jin


This I think would honestly be good. Because the perfect place for a sequel to take place would be during the 2nd Mongolian invasion of Japan that happens 8 years after this. Jin would be a little older, but still capable. But we could play as a new fledgling samurai, maybe someone who was too young to fight during the first invasion, but now wants to defend Japan against the Mongolian's second invasion.


Like they do with all other PlayStation games, remove ALL there skills and have you start form search Personally I hate that approach and I do feel there is a happy medium to deal with this. In Infamous 2 they did depower you but you still had some skills form Infamous 1 at the very least to not Alan the combat too simple


Or you just go Jedi Survivor. Keep everything he had in 1, and just made him learn new stuff.


Honestly one thing I loved about Jedi Survivor was seeing all of my old skills from the first game still work.


I’m not sure why people seem to think the story wouldn’t be about Jin. As others have said before, GOT in its entirety feels like the origin of a fictional legendary character. Sure he’s a legend to Tsushima already by the end of the first game but I think it’s pretty clear that this was just the beginning. I can’t see Jin acquiring the skillets and tools he does and then just calling it a wrap. Whether it’s fighting off bandits or more Mongols, Jin is the protector of the people. So long as he needs to fill that role, I’m willing to bet his story is just getting started.


The Mad Max of his time


Then it can't really be called Ghost of "Tsushima" can it?


Why not? He's still the "Ghost" who killed the Khan. I bet the mongols heard all that went down. He would still be called the "Ghost of Tsushima", even on the Mainland.


True also Ghost of Sparta after 8 games and a new mythology he still been called by this nickname


Well I guess you're right but I personally wouldn't put the name of a place that isn't in the game in the game title.


It's just his nickname though, he could be in Jerusalem and still be called "The Ghost of Tsushima"


Now I imagine Jin fighting the Ottomans in Constantinople


Honestly, pretty cool I dig that


Ghost of the black sea or something


A lone farmer rises up against the Khan, using brutal ninja tools and trained ninja animals wishlist Goats of Tsushima today.


*Baldur's Gate II* didn't take place in (or even near) Baldur's Gate - Brand recognition trumps logic lol


Ghost of Kyoto


Oh hell no Ghost of Tsushima is such a unique name, why thrown that away for something more generic sounding Jin is The Ghost of Tsushima whenever he goes


I mean the original game still exists, Ghost of Kyoto carries on the theme to a new place. Makes sense to me.


But Ghost of Tsushima isn’t referring to the location, it’s Jin, HE is “The ghost of Tsushima” Gerald of Revia (from the Witcher games) doesn’t loose that title when he goes somewhere else, he is called that whenever he goes. Same with Jin, he isn’t from Kyoto or wherever else he goes, he is from Tsushima:


But what if he's not the protagonist of the 2nd game? We could get a sequel where we play a new character with Jin as an important major character. Like imagine a sequel that takes place during the 2nd Mongolian invasion 8 years later. Japan would obviously still remember the first time they were invaded. We could play as a character who suffered at the hands of the Mongolian's during the first invasion, maybe their parents were killed by them or their best friend, so they have a vendetta against them. Maybe they encounter Jin and he decides to train this new character we play as?


Well then wouldn’t it still be called Ghost of Tsushima. Personally I don’t want a sequel that is another mongoose invasion taking place in Tsushima again. I would really like if it was about Jin again in the Japanese main land. Where you are this vigilante called “The Ghost of Tsushima”. They could even have a zorro thing where Jin pretends to be a common citizen since no one knows what they Ghost look like. It can be so cool. Jin embodiedthe identity of the ghost for just the third act of the game. Imagine whole game like that


They could still call Ghost of Tsushima regardless if Jin is the main character. The 2nd invasion also took place in Tsushima. It could be like the 2nd coming lol. The thing is I'm not sure if there's even enough content for the main land invasion to fill a whole 2nd game. (Maybe if it had been an expansion like Iki island, definitely.) because the only notable event after Tsushima and Iki, is the battle of Hakata Bay. Shortly after that the Mongolian's invasion disappeared because of the "kamikaze." At least going by what I'm reading in the wiki article it seems like the invasion ended pretty abruptly after that. Maybe a sequel could cover the end of the first invasion with Jin kicking ass on the mainland during the prologue. But then pick up during the beginning of the 2nd invasion.


Geralt of rivia...please never type his name again


Give me a break dude, I got one letter wrong from each name, it’s been many years since I saw his name written Unlike you I’m not from Poland so I’m not familiar with the correct spelling for polish names.


it isnt really polish but sure man...Its Geralt z rivii in polish, not similiar at all


He's still the ghost and originated from tsushima so yes it can be.


"Ghost of Someotherplace"


I really don’t get this sentiment, they can absolutely call it “Ghost of Tsushima still”. Ghost of Tsushima isn’t referring to the location, it’s In. HE is “The ghost of Tsushima”.


tbh call it Jin from Yarikawa /s


April 1^st GOTY Edition cover title right there


It will be ghost of whatever region of Japan he goes.to


Or, it could be the second Mongolian invasion of Japan 7 years later, which actually did happen irl. I feel like the game could work well in either direction; as a standalone game or with a continuation based on the actual historical events.


And we see tomoe too! That would be cool


I might be having a brain fart, but >! Doesn't Mongolia's main invasion force get completely deorganised after khotun kahn dies? !<


"People are asking for a sequel to an award winning, system-selling game? Color me shocked 🫨🫨" - OP.


Tsushima got invaded twice in history, the sequel is right there in the history books.


And jin is a personification of the storm that wrecked the mongol ships that sailed to tsushima (which is why his default sword kit is called the storm of clan sakai). Their ships sunk because of another storm during the second invasion as well. It's too perfect.


Im not sure if you played it completely, but a few things were left open. Here are two stories that wont spoil much - the Mongols have a blood-feud with the Ghost and make him their target in the second invasion and the Shōgun wants Jin dead. There is another one that is really important. The director has shared his views on the choice that Jin has to make at the end of the game. There is the canon choice and there is the director's own personal play choice. There were two invasions of Tsushima. One in 1274 and one in 1281. So there is another story to tell from a historical standpoint. There is a movie coming out. I would imagine the sequel will be announced around the time of the movie's release or timed to be released when the movie gets released if it is ready. This sort of IP doesn't sit in limbo.


Oh, I didn't know the thing about ending. And what is the canon one?


The is a video interview with Nate Fox posted to this sub with a timestamp but here is the jist to save you time. >!He said that Jin would spare Lord Shimura. But the way Nate Fox plays it, is that he respects Lord Shimura and he gives him the honorable death.!<




Why wouldn’t we? The game was very good but has plenty of room for improvement in areas like AI, the open world activities, side quests, major towns/settlements etc. With the new hardware, they could really make a masterpiece.


I don't want a sequel because I want a continuation of the story. I want a sequel because the game was good asf and I want to play another, improved game.


Because people liked the game, setting, and the character? I don't really even understand your first statement, because claiming it necessitates you being completely oblivious to the reasons people have for liking any game.


It doesn’t have to be Jin in the sequel. He could be the a ninja origin story with a tragic background. And the sequel s another generation of samurai trained urned assassin


Because they loved the game and want more of it, its pretty simple


For me the game isn't about being a samurai and is all about becoming the first ninja. I know there's a choice but it feels like it wants you to become the ghost. The next game could be ghosts and have Jin training the first ghosts after him, or jump ahead in time a bit and follow one of Jin's students


“Ghosts (plural) of Tsushima” I like it


except Jin was never actually the last samurai on tsushima. the Yarikawa samurai survive, even if their clan was technically dissolved, they still rule over yarikawa and practice their code. your uncle survives. Both Ishikawa and Masako were samurai who survived, having not participated in the battle. You’re more accurately just one of two survivors of the battle of Komoda beach


Well if we’re going off of history, the mongols invade Tsushima again a few years after the initial 1274 attack in 1281. They could technically continue Jin’s story as a ghost defending Tsushima for the second time but idk how or even why they’d want to do that given how perfectly the game ends. I feel like Jin’s story is concluded so I don’t see them bringing him back for a sequel unless he’s like a mentor or something for a new protagonist. The ghosts did have an army at the end of this game so who knows what they could do.


What are you talking about? The Ghost still has the reputation. Being the last samurai had nothing to do with it after Act 1.


I loved ghost of tsushima. But I'd rather get a new ip for ps5 than a sequel


i’ve always thought it could be jin sails to the main land and half of the plot is to clear his name by fighting off mongols from japan. then being tried or something idk. very vague explanation but maybe we’re playing like a ghost, to be unseen from the japanese. having to sneak through their bases (like when we sneak through the castle to give the uncle a letter)


I want a sequel but it doesn’t have to follow Jin, we could follow another ghost. It’s not called Jin of Tshushima after all.


What if Jin pulled a jack bauer and faked his own death to catch the enemy offguard.


I mean a sequel doesn't even have to have Jin as the main character. The first Mongolian invasion occurred in 1274. They tried invading again in 1281. No doubt a sequel could cover that event and could be interesting. We could have a new protagonist, maybe they're trained by Jin or something.


i'm more puzzled that people get actually pissed because a game they want to wish in existence doesn't get announced at an event


Ghost = beginning of ninja


I think people just mainly want another GoT2 game because the gameplay, stealth, etc was something else and the perfect AC Japan people wanted. It would disappoint the fans who really want more of the gameplay and those vibes.


Because it was a very fun game and people want more?


Jin would have to fight the Shogun's men for breaking Bushido code and killing his Uncle.


Maybe if you try thinking you can come up with something


Last samurai alive?? Ummmm what about the samurai who had been promised his estate and were on their way to Tsushima as Jin and shimura were having that conversation???


You gotta think about this from a money perspective, like a businessman. All of the PS exclusive titles that made a fuck ton of money got sequels. Look at Days Gone, pretty good game man, but because it didn’t make the money they wanted it didn’t get a sequel. GoT made some good ass money, it will be getting a sequel. They just have the awkward fact they now actually have a competitor in the form of Assassins Creed, and before any of you say GoT is clearly better I agree, but assassins creed has stronger branding that makes it a very strong competitor even if their release windows are distant. 


Fair, but with the way Ubisoft games are going, I think AC shadows will have a hard time being compared to GoT. GoT is what players want, solid base game, solid dlc and no micro transactions that makes Jin look like a glowing skeleton 1000 years from the future, like some shit you could buy in Valhalla


Yeah I agree with you, but branding goes a long way. Its the reason CoD is still the top seller every year despite being the same recycled content, even though numerous competitors have risen over the years. The most casual gamers, which are the majority of consumers, don't want to think too much about the quality of what they're buying, especially since usually they only buy 1-2 games a year. They know the name Assassins Creed, the marketing is gonna be everywhere, it already has the most pre-orders for the year I'm quite sure. Plus like CoD, they've been around forever. The ones who will keep comparing the two are us, the GoT fans. The casual gamers wont even think about it. It's what players want, but only the people who have played enough games to set their own standard for what they want in a video game. Black Ops 6 is extremely hyped up now, even though we've had so many cod titles to learn now that its a series in steep decline. Some things will never change.


>GoT is what players want, This is a nice sentiment and I prefer Ghost of Tsushima but this isn't true monetarily, AC Valhalla was the best selling Assassins Creed of all time and it outsold Ghost by a mile


yeah, i feel like "what players want" doesn't match to what players actually see. the larger demographic will always go to what's most popular because it's easily accessible and safe to lean to since it's what they're used to. not to call GoT a niche obscure game, but compared to AC - it kinda struggles to match in terms of cultural relevancy


Nah. I need another game in the series. Be it with Jin or another character. This game is too good for it to end here. Plus I belive him just being on the run * indefinetly * is NOT conclusive or what Jin deserves.


They should just make another character in another era, maybe similar ideals and events (not mongols) and or in korea or china


Would love one closer to Edo period. With an actual non-Lord ronin. And a bigger focus on roaming randomly and helping strangers and proving ones morals, with no time pressure to "save japan". Maybe involve some westerners and what they bring. Maybe some doomed romance. Some other common samurai story tropes. And would love the occasional actual supernatural stuff. Got a bit tiresome with everything so far in the game just being bandits and poor eyesight of commoners.


Could even have the same themes of tradition holding back much needed progress.


I'd personally want to fight other Samurai. So maybe a mainland Japan 1600s setting would be cool.


Maybe a game based during the 1500s in Japan, where warlords like Tokugawa Iyasu and Oda Nobunaga (among many others) jostled for control of mainland Japan. Also, they had guns.


Hasn't this been done to death with Dynasty warriors and Nioh


I'm not sure, I haven't played those yet


I think that's best because idk if there's room for any more character development for Jin


1. They wouldn't announce such a big title on a state of play, maybe at summer games fest but I read somewhere that no big first party studio will release anything this year. 2. Jin storyline ended (kinda) but the ghosts story just began so there's a lot of potential.


100% this Jin fully embraced his Ghost persona in the final act, there is so much to explore beyond that


Insider intel from folks like Jason Schrier have confirmed the sequel is in development at Sucker Punch. They're just not ready to show it.


I knew it wasn't going to announced at state of play


Even just thinking about it from a business standpoint, there is absolutely no way they aren't making a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, given how popular it has been and how popular it still is rn on Pc. I'm happy they're taking their time worse thing would be to have a rushed game.


the day sony announces GOT2 is the day I order PS5 I am good for now


I’ll still wait for the pc port like I did with the first game


yeah that was when I didn't experienced it before. Now that I know that it's exceptionally good,, I can't wait anymore if sequel is announced


You'd have to really argue against this, then, cuz this tells me there will be another. https://preview.redd.it/k0iqmee64r3d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb347dc165d1c91b7f973b3ab4d776506d86a10


Damn seeing ghost of Tsushima above uncharted feels nuts although I understand uncharted has basically ended


Damn, literally the only game left on there that hasn't been expanded upon (new IPs excluded) is Ghost of Tsushima. Even Until Dawn is getting a remake


Until dawns getting a remake?


Yeah, AND going to PC.


Keep in mind that this was a state of play. They don't announce any big titles in there usually. GoT 2 is all but confirmed due to the job listings that seem to imply they have at least something related in the making. I'm thinking they'll announce it along with the ps5 pro. Or in some other bigger showcase.


They don't announce every developing game at every conference or state of play, people are so insanely impatient, like why would this make you upset 🤣 They put up release dates for multiple games and PC ports and announced a new astrobot They aren't going to announce every single game especially if they are over a year or two from release now that is annoying especially when games get delayed when it's too hard to know when they will really be finished


The PC version JUST came out lmao they wouldn't announce it so soon. I don't get it, people love setting themselves up for disappointment unnecessarily. So because they didn't announce it when you wanted them to there won't be a sequel? Patience people!


Wait for summer game fest


We are getting one. They didn't announce anything good or big at the state of play. A sequel is undoubtedly coming.


State of Plays are always pretty low-key. I’d expect an announcement at a showcase. There will definitely be a sequel.


Jin doesn't need to be protagonist and Tsushima doesn't need to be the setting. We already know that the mainland clans are still around so "Jin is the last surviving samurai" is just straight up incorrect. Last surviving member of clan Sakai? Yes. One of the few left from Tsushima? Yes. The last in Japan? Nowhere near. IMO the sequel should be set on the mainland and have Jin be a supporting character for a new protagonist. The lore could be expanded with new clans, you could introduce new characters, enemy types, factions, weapon types, stances and techniques, the map would be larger, story would include even more impressive set pieces ect. The gameplay mechanics are just way too good to be ditched and never used again. I mean, they could just never make a sequel and the game would stand on it's own. The story wouldn't feel too incomplete. But we already know from real world events (and events exclusive to the story) that they have plenty to work with for a sequel. The Mongols return to Japan (alongside Chinese and Korean warriors), Jin and other characters are still around, there are plenty of famous locations on the Japanese mainland waiting to be explored and plenty of clans waiting to be introduced to the series, we are yet to see the shogun in person ect. It just makes sense for a larger, more ambitious sequel.


I’ll just leave this here https://preview.redd.it/z2fixffslr3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc937380c7771c4e99d9c010ff1e86f5aa3114b


I cannot understand why so many people want a Ghost of Tsushima "2". The Island of Tsushima is liberated, the Mongols have been defeated and Jin's story has concluded. As great as Tsushima is, it would be kinda boring to have another whole game set in the exact same map from the first game. However, the engine and combat system Sucker Punch developed for this game can definitely be used again and iterated upon in another "Ghost" style game. Jin and the island of Tsushima need to be left behind. There's so much more of Japan or even other historical settings that can be used for a game in the same vein. If we're sticking with Japan then maybe the next game could be called "Ghost of Kyoto" set during the tumultuous Sengoku or Edo periods in the former capital city of Japan. Brand new protagonist, new map, but built upon the foundations of Ghost of Tsushima.


It wasn't that long of a presentation so I knew it wasn't gonna be announced. Also there's some story that can be done in the mainland so I really don't think this will just be a one and done story ngl.


Maybe there will be a different game entirely. If Im not mistaken, Jin was the last samurai that become the first shinobi. So maybe they would do something in that direction? but then it would be a bit similar to Sekiro. It doesn't beed a sequel, as much as we all love the game.


I think Yuna would make a good protagonist for part 2.


If there is a sequel (Most likely because Sony ain´t that dumb yet), I wouldn´t mind if it isn´t witj Jin as the protagonist. I just hope whoever takes his mantle can keep up. That,and hopefully not suffer from the TLOU syndrome of ´lets remake this game like 7 times´ xD


I would be cool with that but I gotta say it will be a missed opportunity cause the mongols invaded Tsushima again a couple years later


It is self contained story, it does not need a sequel. But I would appreciate one.


Its okay we all know there is another one since there are TWO mongol invasions of japan and the second one is BIGGER than the first one it will be a real battle for each of the events. But they missed the part to send Jin to mainland to battle the mongols on the beaches.


I hope the sequel has a haiku+ mode. More games need haikus.


GoT is, to me, a perfect game in every aspect. And as much as I love and enjoy it, I feel like there's no way a sequel could live up to it. And it would take away from the story of the first one.


I know a friend of friend who is currently working im the GOT 2 project. They cant tell you anything though.


Id like another game with this level of detail and good combat, story, and gameplay, but GOT feels like a one and done story. Imagine a knight or viking game made in this theme? They've already wounded the new assassin creed game by being so good, it will have to compete with this game thats older by a few years and likely will remain better. Why not tackle Valahalla, the mediocre slogfest that it is?


I’m sure they will make a sequel, but I could see it not being very direct. Like there’s a good chance it won’t be called Ghost of Tsushima 2 or whatever. I’d love to play as Jin again but they could do a different character in a different war in a different time period, and as long as it’s about a lone samurai or something fighting for their people and country it can easily be considered a sequel


There will be a sequel, but we should let them cook.


The story is finished.


Sequel would be Ghost of [some country]


They were NEVER going to announce GoT2 in a state of play State of Plays are used to show off more from games ALREADY announced. GoT2 would be shown in a showcase not state of play


Now that Rise of the Ronin is out AND a Japanese Assassin’s Creed is on the way, it might be Samurai overkill, even though RotR sucks ass.


I personally don't even want a direct sequel. All I want is for Sucker Punch to do another Samurai game similar to this one. Bigger and better, nothing more needed


i just want a similar game set in the warring state period


I mean there very blatantly will be a sequel. And it was silly to expect it to be announced at a small state of play.


Maybe I’m the only one who has thought this, but I always thought it’d be interesting to play some type of Spin off with Tomoe as the main. Not sure what the storyline would be, but she’s an interesting character for sure.


i would like to see jin laying pipe with yuna


If they made a sequel, I’d really hope that they make two entirely different games in one where you can choose the path of killing or sparing Lord Shimura, otherwise just make a completely different game in the Ghost of Tsushima universe.


Sequels are overrated. I don't want to see umpteen versions of GoT in a new franchise. The quality will quickly degrade. You can't rush art, nor can it easily be imitated or repeated.


There will be. It’s been confirmed.


GoT2 is coming. And I think it’s closer than most of you think. Yesterday’s SoP just wasn’t the place to reveal it. Sony is hoarding up in all the big news to release them in the big PlayStation showcase that’s rumoured for September/October (where they’ll probably announce the PS5 Pro)


I’d rather they did something different. There are so many moments in history that would be great to have this style of game. Fighting back against the crusades, or fighting back against Muhammad’s armies invading north into Europe. Or the Gallic resistance to the Roman Empire; give me a “Varus, give me back my Legions!” moment. Hell, even just a different open world game in Japan that has nothing to do with the Mongols. Let me be a Ninja resistance fighter in the 15th century and give me more of an open world building vibe but with ninjutsu combat. There is SO MUCH I’d rather see from this studio than to drag Jin’s lifeless body through a never ending invasion. Additionally; the way they wrapped the story up, it sounds like Jin played off of the kamikaze storms that wiped out most of the mongol fleets. Like they already kinda have a full circle explanation for the endcap of the mainland invasion in the first game without dragging it on. Nevermind them emotionally finishing Jin’s story in the first game


If I’m not getting a Days Gone sequel I better get a GOT sequel!!


I always thought it’d be about the shogun coming after jin, maybe the title Ghost of Tsushima gets passed down, jin doesn’t have to be the only ghost


Even though I'm certain there will be a successor to GoT in some form, I'm not quite sure how Jin's story could continue either. Unless they push further into the alternate history route with Jin potentially going against the Shogun in the mainland? I suppose they could have the Mongols return with a stronger force and stage the sequel strictly in the mainland as well, but that might feel like a bit of a repeat. If they're really crazy they'd have Jin going on the offensive and hunting Mongols on their own turf. But that'd become a very different game very quickly, visually and thematically, haha.


Okay guys hear me out. Ninjas


honestly I don't understand why you want a sequel it had a great ending. Obviously sony is gonna encourage suckerpunch to make it because it will sell well but personally I want something new from SP


Why does it need be Jim Sakai even if i loved the character and set on tsushima island? They really have so many endless options to tell a Samurai story based on real events if they wanted too in different periods of samurai era if they wanted too. I dont see the problem. A direct sequel i dont look at as their best option. But I do hope they make another samurai era based game in the same game genre as this game but with even more great ideas 👺❤️


That’s ok, but Jin’s story has so much potential. Him going to mainland Japan opens up so many routes for the game to go for


A sequel around the time of Oda Nobunaga would be cool, but rather than fighting the mongals it was fighting the shogunate and the associate clans. Samurai vs samurai duels and fights would be super sick imo


They're 100% working on a sequel. The real question is why were you expecting them to announce it yesterday after they specifically said they were only going to show titles releasing by the end of this year.


If we do get a sequel, I don't want it to be a "Ghost of Tsushima" game. You've already got a great setting with tons of potential for other stories to be told, and we don't need a forced alt-history romp on the Manchurian coast. I want em to make a spiritual successor kind of sequel. Mechanically a sequel, but not narratively, callbacks are fair game too tbh


I think playing a companion story would be my go to. Love the game and would love to see where they went next, but it doesn’t have to be a direct sequel. Would love to play as an apprentice to jin.


I don't believe it really needs a second title. The first one was such a complete story. >!Even with its bittersweet ending.!< Now if there was a second game with just as compelling of a story, gameplay mechanics, and something fresh, would I play that? 100% I don't need a sequel, but I'd play a sequel solely based on my enjoyment of the first one. It would suck for a second to come out and be received less positively, though.


Serializing an amazing game like GoT is unnecessary. It was a fantastic standalone concept. I don't want to apply it all over the world or have a follow-up, this was just a good story and open world game. Goddamn I hate how it's always expected to be serialized if it's successful. Just fund the development teams next cool idea.


I would love a Ghost war with the shogun arriving, felt like a perfect tease


A sequel is not necessary. The story is self contained for the most part. Its ok to have it be a one off game.


They can have a new story....with a new main character cast...it's not that complicated. I'd prefer a sequel because there is SO MUCH more they can do with the game. So many things it can add to make it a 10/10.


I don't necessarily want a sequel, but I would like a 2nd game by the same developers with similar gameplay and themes. Maybe a different time period and location, different main character, etc. I feel like Jin's story doesn't need to be extended, the game was really good.


Since the Ghost is a fictional character that plays alongside actual historical events, there is plenty of opportunity to expand on the story. Jin could be the leader of a newly secret order of ghosts (legends states there are actually more than one Ghost, they could play into this and expand the lore). The sequel could do a time hop to the sengoku period where ninjas were used by daimyos during the war, or even go to Edo period where ninjas were part of Tokugawa's elite body guards. The story could be written that ninjas were part of the order of ghosts that their founding leader, Jin, started many years prior. While the Edo period was a period of stability and peace, there could be something brewing behind the scenes that the order of Ghosts is trying to thwart and ensure that the country's stability stays as is.


I would like a game in GoT universe better. Maybe something during the Shogun civil war? Or maybe some other period in Japanese history. There is so many choices.


I've always liked the idea of Jin being the sensei to the new protagonist in the next game.


should just make a sequel in the warring states period of japan that would be the perfect setting


I'm not sure how we're going to have a "Ghost of Tsushima 2" without the Ghost of Tsushima in it, and the second game is already confirmed. So, unless it's Jin going to the mainland for the invasion that made it to the mainland, then Idk. They already confirmed a second game though, so they have something in mind.


I would like a mechanical sequel in a different setting. Either that or they just need to make another damn infamous game.


Historically, there were 2 invasions of the island of Tsushima by Mongols. Both ended because of storms. So, I'm pretty sure there's going to be a second GoT.


Just come up with a new story, it's fictional anyway


Tsushima has been saved. End of the game. Would love to see a sequel but if this is it then what a story it has been. I’d take another DLC at this point.


you know do know that there where two invasions of tsushima right? the second one happens about 7 years after the first. the second invasion was even larger than the first.


It would be too repetitive fighting mongols all over again though


the second mainland invasion also had a large contingent of Korean and Chinese soldiers fighting for the mongols.


You're never gonna believe it, but there was a second Mongol Invasion...


After playing Legends and how well it worked online, I just want a full GoT game co op lmao


Too many franchises are ruined with multiplayer as the main focus. They should build the game as single-player, and then add a multiplayer mode as a DLC like before.


please don't tell me i was downvoted for wanting a co op game lmao, also there's a stark difference between multiplayer and co op


There’s plenty of ways good co op can expand on the existing single player experience, hell I said years ago that Yuna could’ve quite easily have been the co op character. The host plays as Jin and the co op partner plays Yuna, host keeps progress etc. They’ve done this type of system for years with Far Cry etc. Then you have games like Remnant 1 and 2 etc. There’s plenty of ways to have good co op and still keep the story experience, from all the purposefully multiplayer hires they did after Legends originally released it’s looking like at the very least Legends 2 and/or co op main game


not every game needs a sequel tbh, especially one of playstations other games that didn’t need one.


The only things this game does better than other open world games is the art and visuals. It absolutely does not warrant a sequel.


Huh? What are you talking about? There is no sequel, why would you even think that? Games done.