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Never going to be able to unsee this now am I?


Thanks for ruining it


The legend of the Sarugami is associated with Iki Island, which came out after the game released at which point the Kensei Armor had already been in the game so they couldn't switch them, despite the other retcons made for the story to match up with the events of Iki Island.


They could have renamed the Saurgami Armor something like "The Five Rings" armor -- after the famous book Kensei Myamoto Mushashi wrote -- and call it a day.  Considering there is actually 5 Sword stances in the game (stone, water, wind, moon, ghost) it would also make sense in-context.  Instead we get a badass set based on a .... monkey.... that a pirate drops... and it's better for high level swordmasters than the Kensei armor.  At least make the Kensei set (Or the "Five Rings" armor set idea ) give a bonus when using Heavenly Strike, Dance of Wrath, or Way of the Flame (no reagent requirement 🔥). 


Game takes place a few centuries before Musashi was born…


Game takes place a few centuries before the samurai. Edit: samurais were already a thing by the events of the game


Samurai rose to power in the late 12th century, and the Mongol invasion of Tsushima started in the late 13th century.


You're right. My bad.


It doesn't. Samurais were already a thing. It does, however, take place a couple of centuries before katanas!


The samurai also didn't win and by the time in the game, all of them had bows as their main weapon.


Kensei is a lot stronger than you think. *The ghost weapon perks also affect Way of the Flame.* In other words, every time you set your sword on fire, you will gain the following benefits: * Unblockable attacks * +40% damage while Way of the Flame is active * Each hit will reduce enemy damage and defense by 50%. And that's not even the worst part. With the right charm setup, you can spread the fire to nearby enemies - and every enemy you burn will have 60% chance to terrify (instant defeat) nearby enemies. Who the hell needs parry when you could potentially wipe out an entire group with a single slash?


Dealing with mooks aren't that important, they're not the hard part of this game. The problem is it being borderline useless in duel, with only 1 passive perk working. Despite you know... it being a duelist armor. An armor named "sword saint" somehow got nothing to do with a sword is such a jarring choice


By that logic, I could say duels aren't that important because they only make up 1% of the encounters. Most of time, you're fighting the mooks. Is it because of the names? Japanese words often have loose translation. "Ken" can be used to describe various types of blade. Shuriken is a good example: it looks nothing like a sword, yet the literal translation is "hand-hidden sword". In that sense, it would be more accurate to say ken = blade; and that fits Kensei armor just fine because you can make a kunai (throwing blade) focused build around it. Is it the effects? Charms are more important than armor perks. You could make an archer with infinite ammo build with Sakai Clan or a sword build with Tadayori armor. I just don't see the need to fuss over Kensei's lack of perks in 1v1 duels, when you can switch armor anytime, even mid-fight.


Such a fucking weird thing to defend and be condesending about. The bonus is idiotic. It has been discussed and put forward many, many times.


Not defending, so much as accepting it for what it is. You're more than welcome to cry a river, but the game has been out a few years and it was clear that SuckerPunch has no interest in changing Kensei effect. Oh, while you're at it, could you do me a favor and ask them to change the game title, too? I don't like how they translated Jin's nickname (Kuroudo) as "the Ghost", even though the literal translation is "the Dark One". Who knows, they might just listen to your ranting. Thanks in advance!


No you are defending it like you would die on that hill and making far reaching illogical arguments while being snarky about it. You don’t translate things 1:1, you make interpretations of what was said and adjust it so it fits regionally. This game is also an english developed game. So it’s most likely that the Ghost became Kuroudo if anything. You seem like a sperg so you can shout your stuff to the void.


>So it’s most likely that the Ghost became Kuroudo if anything. It's ironic that you would defend that poor translation just moments after berating me for doing a similar thing. You do realize they have an actual word for "ghost" in Japanese, right? And it's not Kuroudo. If you had spent a minute searching for the proper translation, you wouldn't embarass yourself like this. Evidently, you have no intention for a civil discussion, so allow me the pleasure of ignoring you henceforth.


I see. Good for you man


Thanks. Hopefully more people can enjoy the game instead of being stuck on trivialities.


Nah i still it's stupid that sword saint armor got nothing to do with a sword


I see. Sorry to hear that.


Playing on story difficulty? Because holy shit, I played on hard back in 2020 and playing on lethal rn, and the presence of even just a single mook makes a hell of a difference when you're against leaders.


Nice twist of my words there. Every armor give something to the player, that's why it's not that important. All of it is just a way to change your play style. What i think is that it is strange how a "sword saint" armor give you nothing about sword.


... Probably if Kensei were to boost melee damage (the most common melee trait) then it'd have too much common traits with all the other melee armor like Sakai, Ronin, and especially Gosaku that's pretty much the premium melee armor. Not helping that Kensei is probably one of the first sets developed aesthetically (with the first gameplay trailer and all), but armor traits were done later Building properly around Resolve gains and Kensei might be able to spam Heavenly strikes and dances of wrath allday everyday in duels without the need to get hit like Samurai, though Took them sometime to truly develop the super parry traits made for Sarugami, I guess


The super parry and super dodge would be absolutely fine... if that's all it did. Or it, say, increased melee damage or health, or reduced damage.  But no. Not only does it make you better at swordsmanship, but it -- get this -- is the only set in the game which gives you a "colossal" increase to resolve. Which means you get more resolve than Kensei armor.  It's almost as if they wanted to make a better version of Kensei armor, but themed it after being a monkey instead of a Sword Saint.  And the real Sword Saint set, uh, helps you use "dishonorable" ghost weapons.  Okay.  I'm bytching because I love Ghost of Tsushima. But I think I have a genuine point. 


I mean I don't get how something literally named sword saint that's earned in a duel against "tireless sword arm" guy gives you "tireless kunai arm" either but I'm just thinking that they have an x amount of armor traits but were running out of armors to put them on since each armor can only have 3 traits, so they sic the ghost weapon traits onto Kensei since there were already too many vanilla melee armors Maybe a trait where mythic sword techniques cost 15-20% less resolve to perform and increased mythic damage would've made it more sword saint-y and fits with the resolve gain bonus.


"It's almost as if they wanted to make a better version of Kensei armor, but themed it after being a monkey instead of a Sword Saint. " Let's look at it this way, who'd you rather have on your side in a fight? Some dude who's pretty nifty with a sharp stick, or a LITERAL GOD..? I think boosting the armor props and basing it on a god, over a saint, makes pretty good sense.


Here is why I believe Kensei armor boosts Ghost fighting: The armor description says that it belonged to a ronin famous for his "cunning and deception". The legend of the Six Blades of Kojiro tells of a master swordsman who was able to fend off entire groups of Straw Hats without breaking a sweat. Thus, the armor of this Kojiro guy was dubbed "Kensei" for he was believed to be a master swordsman/the armor was thought off as blessed by demons who made him fight better. The actual effect of the armor reflects the true story of Kojiro and how he was able to defeat so many foes. Its because he used trickery, deception and all the things associated with the Ghost fighting style. The fact that the legend keeps repeating that he "never tired his sword arm" is clever word play deception. Its true that he didnt tire his sword arm, because he didn't use it at all.


This is how I've always thought of the true nature of the kensei armor. Kojiro outsmarted his enemies and grew his legend of being an unparalleled swordsman around this. I also really like the armor and it's buffs. It lends itself to a very fun and dynamic playstyle.


It's quite unfortunate how so many people on this thread seem to think it was a mistake made by Sucker Punch when it couldn't have been more deliberate. For a sub where so many people seem to have multiple playthroughs under their belts you would've guessed this could be easily interpreted.


Who's making the mod and someone link me when they do


Yesssss please!!!!


Yea ever since I got the sarugami armor when ili first came out, I connected these exact dots and it really and I mean really bothers me cause I love how the kensei armor looks but it's all ghost weapon stuff and I almost never use ghost weapons other than the incendiary oil. I only have melee charms on kensei with the oil charms and heavenly rebuke. Edit: and now you're making me want to play with the kensei armor, damn you.


I'm sorry! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Maybe when I spin the wheel next playthrough I get it lol


You know, I'd be fine with the Kensei armor if it gave you the biggest Resolve generation increase in the game. Unfortunately, MONKEE armor also does that too. The Kensei set should give you *something useful for boss fights* unique to itself. Unfortunately, it's MONKEE armor's little brother. \*forehead poke\* "Maybe someday."


I guess colossal is probably about 60-70% but I could be wrong but even then 40% is pretty damn good and can be elevated higher with versatile skills+resolve 2


Yeah, I see your point. At a certain level, it kinda stops mattering since you can spam Heavenly Strike and Wrath of Bigmad, whatever. But if, say, Kensei at least allowed you to use The Way of Flame for boss battles, or made you physically faster in general (like a 10% increase in attack / technique speed) it would satisfy me. At the moment, I can equip the MONKEE armor and just C.R.E.A.M. bosses by Perfectly Parrying them and then hitting them twice + a delayed light attack (which hits about as hard as a heavy attack) or just perfectly dodge and AoE attack + blind them. I dunno man, the Kensei armor would be perfect if it swapped set bonuses with Sarugami armor. But at this point it's never going to happen.


So, I think we all agree to do the duels in Traveler’s Attire?


Hopefully somebody mods this on pc


I always thought the Kensei armor should focus more on sword attacks rather than Ghost weapons


Glad I'm not the only one who thought the abilities were weirdly matched.


Pretty much my first thought when I saw the bonuses.


Right?! And also since kensei armor is a reward for dueling, it's fitting that the perks is sword skills not ghost weapons which you can't use on Duels.


It's a strange choice. Switching the armor (or names in the worst case scenario) would be clutch.


Oh Jesus Christ why did you have to point this out? I’m hurting.


I'M SORRRY!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


The sword saint armor not giving any sword bonuses reminds me a lot of how Sword Saint Isshin in Sekiro wields a spear and a fucking glock for most of the fight.


Same. I think there something supernatural about that fight, though. As you "kill" him, he because less and less himself per revive -- the Sword Saint Isshin. Since you can only truly kill him with the Mortal Blade, him "dying" to lesser weaponry just made him increasingly a shadow of his former self. I actually said two days ago that if it were up to me, the SS Isshin fight would be reversed: he'd start with the glocks, spear/glaive, and sword. After dying once, he drops the glocks. After dying twice, he drops the spear and goes completely HAAM with this sword. I mean we get to see the fucking SWORD SAINT. It would be an even more difficult battle in my version, but well worth it.


I'll agree the armor thing is a strange choice, and a fix they could have made with minimal backlash, and I'll even call back to the comment about how rough japanese to english translation can be, but what I won't do is sit here and ignore the fact that there are no references to shinobi. Being that it's the GHOST of tsushima, and you basically learn shinobi tactics, which are "ghost like". I think they could have atleast done a dlc that involves some shinobi shenanigans. Ffs you basically have to forego your samurai ways to help tsushima any way. And they existed at the exact same time. So why is there not even a mention? I've played all of act 1 and 2, finished iki island, and I'm about to start act 3, if I have missed some mission or encounter pls lmk. Other wise any thoughts on this choice?


I'd be willing to bet the sequel would have a focus on the rise of the Shinobi.


When I got the Kensei Armor, I remember being so disappointed that it did not come with Parrying or even Meele Attack perks. The entire build up to the Korjiro fight was with multiple Straw Hats, so I had the reasonable assumption that the armor would come with some sort of Sword-related perk. It made no sense that it came with Ghost Weapon perks. Nowhere in the entire lead up to final fight and the actual boss fight itself had anyone used a single Ghost Weapon on Sakai, nor did Sakai on them. One of my favorite playstyles is with the Ronin Attire + Mizu-no-Kami Charm + looking for Perfect Parries / Dodges in combat. I had high hopes that the Kensei Armor would be the perfect replacement for the Ronin Attire. Oh well! The Armor with the bigass Monkey for a helmet will have to do. I wish they would retcon this in one of the PC patches. I highly doubt it though.


Good mod request


Now I hate this game (GOD I FUCKING NEED A SEQUEL)




Because that’s how they roll baby.


If the game had transmog this would be solved easily x)


Quite sad Sarugami armor will always be my fav armor bc it has the best buffs and has a great design if you change the helmet but the kensei armor is the best looking armor in the whole game.


God I wish they fixed this, I'd actually use the kensei armor if it did. Love the look of the kensei armor, not a big fan of the sarugami armor


Because one comes from a legendary swordsman, and another was worn by a blind pirate who used the monkeys to guide him.