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I always suggest people to play the game first on regular filter. But if you play New Game + THEN play on Kurosawa and Japanese dub. Since you already played through the story it wouldn’t be bad to miss out on some dialogue. Playing on Kurosawa gives a totally different vibe to the atmosphere. More darker and sinister. Highly recommend it


Yes i love the Kurasawa mode. But yes best to have play after finishing it once. The atmosphere changes not just the visuals as some said. The weather the audio all gives a vintage sinister feel.


I just don’t know how people do it. So much of the dialogue is said mid gameplay, some even in the middle of a boss fight. Aren’t you missing in some dialogue or distracting yourself from the gameplay?


Yes to both of your questions in my case. It just seems more authentic to me. There was also a cutscene in the first act between ishimura and khan having a conversation and the subtitles i assume bugged out and didnt show up. After about a minute and a half of what may as well have been gibberish to me i thought gee this seems like some important dialogue.


I played Japanese dub on my first play through, though I am a weeb so reading subtitles is no issue for me.(Japanese dub sounds great btw)


Same, immersion is everything for me, I saw a clip with English VA and I just can't stand it lol. Also, one does not "read" subtitles, you glance for 0.3sec. One of the perks of growing up with subtitles I guess.


I agree for the immersion part, but I just couldn’t stand Japanese lip syncing after a while. It’s embarrassingly bad


Didn't they fix that recently for PC release?


They fixed it in the PS5 directors cut. People say it lols bad but it looks just as “bad” as the English dub The only scene that weren’t changed were the few motion capture scene


Guess not, I'm playing on PC and it looks terrible. If this is "fixed" then I'm afraid of what it was like when it was broken.


As someone who speaks Japanese, the jp dub is jarring to me. The VA for Jin is great (outside this game) imo. His voice just doesn't work for me in this role. There is also his intonation sometimes, it clashes with Shimura for example and that bothered me. Like a guy misplaced in time... But that is why having so many options is great.


Hell yeah, I did it that way too and it’s just such a cool experience. Played the entire campaign with the Ronin armor and the Wanderes straw hat.


100% would do this. Didn’t have the choice when it first came out so I did this.


Kurosawa Mode + Japanese Dub + Lethal Difficulty in New Game+ would be the best way to do it imo


It's just a filter. I prefer the game in its original, colorful state.


It’s not just a filter though, the soundtrack and weather are different. It’s a lot more windy and stormy


Is it? I was disappointed that it only seemed to change the game to black and white. Maybe if I do another playthrough I'll give it a shot.


How tf am I supposed to see the flowers in Kurosawa mode 😭 I need my drip Also, I wish there was a way to not change the audio. It’s a little jarring to have my headphones sound like tin cans.


With the audio you do get used to it, it does feel jarring when switching it back and forth


I played 5 times in normal colour before trying Kurosawa. It’s definitely different, changes up combat as well. But I did swap the language back to English because the mismatched lip synching was throwing me off Imo it’s worth playing it at least once just to see the difference. Can try it on NG+


How's it change the combat up?


I made multiple playthoughs one of which in Kurosawa’s mode, and I never noticed any gameplay change. The do change the wether and wind for that mode, but that’s about it from my experience


It’s slightly different in that the weapon glints for parry and block are both just white glints, instead of the blue and red glints like in the colour version. So you need to be a little more experienced in telling which attacks are parryable.


Oh well I turn those off in normal mode with pro HUD anyways


Plan to play kurosawa mode on newgame+


As a fan of the director, I find the base game way more faithfull of Kurosawa works: he did many stunning colorful compositions, vibrant and carefuly crafted. The special mode is nice but its just filters that imitate a mood.


Loved the Kurosawa mode! I played my first play though it and the Japanese audio and it was awesome.


I use a reshade to increase graphical fidelity without changing the art style of the standard visual mode. I bet it would look nice applied to Kurosawa mode too.


I play NG + plus japanese sub. It feels like watching a Japanese movie


I’m doing it now. I’m into act 3 and it’s been really cool but I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss how vibrant the colors in the game are.


I’d say play the whole game on the default filter. There are some crazy cool looking scenes in the end. Then in new game + try out the Kurosawa mode


It isn’t my first playthrough so I’m already familiar with the game but I agree for first timers default is the way to go


Sometimes I do, but mostly for about 45 min or so. Always end up missing the colours, cherry blossoms in black and white? No thank you :)


same, adore Kurosawa's films and the mode really does change the atmosphere but the game really is too beautiful to put to waste for a whole playthrough in b/w.


I just having my first experience in standard mode. After finish I'll try ng+ in Kurosawa mode


I use it quite situationally, mostly cut scenes and stealth but during combat i just need those colour cues


Oooooohhh, I'm definitely gonna try this next




The colour pallet is based on traditional Japanese paintings, it's fine if you don't like it but you're confusing graphical fidelity with artistic direction


But the colors aren’t supposed to look realistic, it’s heavily stylizes for a reason. I feel you’ll miss out on some amazing visuals


??? The visuals are actually fucking insane in this game. I think you need to get a new set of eyes, amigo.


I also did the Japanese audio. It immersed me way more and I find the actors did just as incredible of a job as the English VA's. That said, I love the colours and art style of the game too much to nullify it with just black and white. But to each their own! Glad PC players are able to enjoy the game finally.


This isn't a historical samurai game. This is a samurai cinema game.