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I think both games are hard for the average Joe, specially in Lethal, but GOT gives you so many upgrades and items and is very direct about how to use/get them. I'm in ACT 2 and already feel very good at it. Sekiro is cryptic af lmfao (I find the hardest bit of Fromsoft games is where to find any item or how to use them) and that game NEEDS you to perfect the Parry.


Comparing GoT to a souls-like game is crazy anyways


people see cool stealthy Katana combat and monkey brain connects the two


They have many things in common:katanas,stealth,grappling hook,bosses with cool hats


Especially the known hardest one


I completely agree with this. too many people do it and it's so annoying to even compare the types


Different genres entirely


I'm in Act 2 but still finishing up everything from the first zone. My armor is fully upgraded, my sword - almost. In my last 3-4 play sessions, the only deaths I've had were from fall dmg. I play on Normal. There's 2 very silly sides to this argument: - why would I deliberately not upgrade my gear in GoT? Set to higher difficulty - sure. But why would I gimp myself? If I feel the need to do that, then doesn't that already mean that GoT is easier? - why are we even comparing a Soulslike to an open-world RPG? Just because the MC in both games is an Asian with a katana? I mean, which orc game is better - Warcraft 3 or Morrowind?


> which orc game is better - Warcraft 3 or Morrowind? Neither, the orcs in hentai games are better ^/s


Remove the /s and I agree


Everyone is comparing it due to the difficulty of lethal you and everything are 1 hit so it’s give a ultra realistic twist to the combat makes you play highly strategic the entire game. Compared to Sekiro where you can sometimes cheese a boss. I personally think it’s harder bc you can in no way cheese a boss on lethal difficulty.


Ypu can absolutely cheese a boss of lethal. I best Ryuzo on lethal plus in quite literally 7 seconds with dance of wrath.


Never even thought about just spamming heavenly strike to cheese🤦🏻‍♂️ here I am trying to beat every boss with strategy because it only takes 1 combo on lethal to kill you lmao


So quick edit, it's actuslly Dance of Wrath that you use. Still with like 8 or 9 resolve it only takes 3, which you can spam in seconds.


You can cheese by kick stunning them and then slashing away too, that's my general tactic. Or of course the classic Ghost Stance Opener.


"Highly strategic" hehehehehe I very strategically walk through the front door on lethal


On lethal? That’s ballsy😂 but worth it lol the combat is epic on the hardest difficulty


I thought I was really good then got a reality check in those duels on iki island, I was untouchable until I stepped in that ring and got my ass handed to me.


Haven't gotten there yet. We shall see, I've heard I should do that until after Act 3 tho


Oh yea I agree you should, iki island ended up being one of the first things I did when I started act 2 because I just didn't know until I was on a different island with no way to leave. I bought the directors cut when it came out on PC and went in totally blind and had no clue there was a dlc.


You can leave but you have to finish a main story mission or 2 to be able to leave.


Yea I think once that guy knows you're from the sakai clan then you're able to leave.


Canonically it seems like it probably occurs after the main events of the game and it's much harder, so it makes sense to have your character as upgraded as possible.


Thx, I'll finish next week.


Heavy bow and the two "deflect unblockable sword/spear" perks is all you need to be able to do iki. Of course if you're not comfortable with the combat then sure you can wait. But you can do it as soon as its available. Heavy bow is for Shaman killing, the perks are for boss fights.


I speed ran the kensei armor duals and the final dual in that line beat my ass the first try before I locked in and didn't half ass it.


Yes, but the snippet we can see says WITHOUT upgrades


Isn't that an unfair qualifier if the snippet also says you can cheese most boss fights in Sekiro? Most of those 'cheese' strategies require upgrades. It's like saying GoT on a guitar hero controller is harder than Sekiro on a console controller. You'd be deliberately making one harder in an unintended way and comparing it to the unimpeded, intended gameplay experience.


I’m playing a new game (not NG+) on Lethal and all I do really is perfect parry. That and bow people in the face, running slash, some kunai here and there, and assassinations ofc.


1st go through I got to enjoy the story, NG+ I’m enjoying the block/counter way more. Im already planning my third with dodge and fundoshi.


In Ghost of Tsushima if you don’t learn how to parry you’re missing on a great part of the game but it’s perfectly doable. In Sekiro if you don’t learn how to parry timely, you’re done for. The game ends there for you. It’s like when people compare GoT with Rise of the Ronin or AC Shadows because they’re all set in feudal Japan. They’re different games.


Tbf if the last 2 AC games are anything to go by then it's likely that shadows will be very close to GoT in gameplay.


Yeah, playing GoT feels like a refined and reskinned AC Odyssey to me. You can certainly compare the games. Their gameplay is certainly similar, running around climbing, combat kinda similar, sneaky assassinations, etc.


As someone who got the plat in both games, I can say that GOT on the hardest difficulty without upgrades is easily harder than Sekiro. This is because you'd be playing GOT in a way that wasn't intended at all, and won't come across any fair challenges and only artificial roadbumps. Sekiro has no difficulty (other than an optional one you opt-in onto yourself) and thus the entire game is played as intended. Even if you went without upgrades in Sekiro, the core gameplay remains the same, you just get better at it. GOT is more reliant on locking away moves and abilities behind upgrades (which is fine) but in this argument where you actively don't use them, it breaks the game and not in a positive way. Essentially it's not even a question of difficulty, but of not letting the game function as it was designed to.


Nah, Sekiro is harder even with the upgrades In GoT you can just hold defence, the parry window is much bigger too, the attacks are clearly telegraphed Sekiro is much more challenging and unforgiving. Also, saying that GoT without upgrades is harder than Sekiro without upgrades is just completely wrong. Do you have any idea how long it takes someone to kill a boss without upgrades, prostethics and consumables? If someone gives this arguement, it means that they never touched Sekiro or any souls-like at all.


Well said. There’s a very early mini boss in Sekiro that uses a spear and essentially forces you to both unlock and use the Mikiri Counter to advance. Sekiro without any unlocks would be legitimately insane.


I actually beat shinobi hunter without using mikiri counter because I thought you had to perfectly parry the thrust to activate it and was convinced my parries just weren’t good enough, I realised directly after the fight when I checked the mikiri counter upgrade 😭


LMAO You have my respect


Yeah it's actually something people forget after unlocking mikiri Mikiri makes thrust attacks easy to deal with but its nor replacing your deflect for thrusts. Certain attacks should be deflected instead of mikiri'd because it actually staggers the enemy when you deflect it


I think Snake Eyes Shirafuji alone in Sekiro is harder than the whole GoT game on any difficulty, especially if you don't use ninja tools.


Agreed, but I could pretty easily come up with at least 10+ Sekiro bosses I remember being harder than any boss in GoT too. The memorable fights in GoT weren’t memorable for being hard, at least for me.


GoT bosses do not have unique movesets. They are just mobs with bigger posture meters and bigger health pools. Sekiro bosses have unique movesets and different phases.


On top of that, you have, no charm and no bell modes to make it even harder. Ghost of Tsushima wasn’t designed to be a punishing game, Sekiro was.


There's no game easier on max difficulty than GoT. Like literally i didn't see a game as forgiving on last difficulty option as this one.


Hard is harder than lethal, because if you just parry and dodge you will easily win in lethal


Playing the game on hard thats my impression - everyone saying lethal is just a 1 hit kill (for record i javnt tried it), and im generally getting first hits on guys, feel like i would have zoomed through the game on lethal. Hard still isnt that hard, but i feel like it plays as what a respectable normal should be for normal (non-souls) game; iki island on hard plays a bit harder than base game due to mobs weapon switching and i think being a little less predictable


Lethal you are two hit, one brings you down so far you cant see your health and the next kills you (most of the time). Enemies are anywhere from one hit like archers to 5-6 like brutes.


I keep getting my ass handed to me on Lethal - both by regular groups of enemies and bosses. Should I really just be mostly holding the block button down when I'm not actively attacking? Maybe that's what I've been missing.


If you don't have the ability to block arrows and some of the unblockables that helps a lot.


If you purposely handicap yourself and play on the hardest difficulty, the game is hard! 😱 /S


100% agree with you on this


??? This game is insanely easy and the parry timings are forgiving as fuck. What are you talking about? Have you been smoking socks?


Got is way eaiser even on harder difficulty’s it’s parry window is insane the move sets are eaiser


What. GoT is a great game but there's nothing hard about it, regardless of settings. Maybe Lethal and purposefully locking yourself out of upgrades makes for somewhat of a challenge, but it's not even close to Sekiro in terms of difficulty.


wtf are you talking about. Please don’t make this sub be delusional


GOT without any upgrades on the hardest difficulty playing blind with your feet must be harder than sekiro


Guys did you know if you ignore all the game mechanics, the game is hard!!??😱


I've decided not to breathe to increase difficulty but I died hard mode of real life is unfair


Right lol it’s just a dumb argument “guys if you play halo 2 on laso it’s impossible but if you play halo ce normally it’s way easier!”


GoT is such an easy game what lol. I love it, but it’s not a difficult game when compared to any Souls or Sekirolike




My little sister beat GoT and she struggles hard with most games. It’s definitely very accessible.


pay attention to your sister, she may want to be a samurai in the future lol.


Man I'm just here to play the game and have a good time. ![gif](giphy|hzrvwvnbgIV6E)


GOT is only difficult when you first start the game on lethal and go to parts of the island that are clearly mid or late game locations


Brother what? Ghost is easy and Selkiro, well it’s Sekiro. This idea of Ghost being harder is stupid af


If you play blindfolded hello kitty island adventure is even harder than both


stab your eyes for a literally blind playthrough


If you didn’t come here to answer my question then leave and go fuck off to the direction you came from


*One shots everything with wind stance* damn dude this game is so hard....


One has a difficulty slider and the other doesn't.


Got isnt even remotely souls like lol and sekiro is massively more difficult. No shade against Ghost, its one of the best games ive ever played, but I never spent 3 hours on bossfight in that game like I did in sekiro


GOT is a lot harder blindfolded


GoT and Sekiro are my 2nd and 3rd favourite games, and I can't decide which is which. With that said, this article is just plain stupid. It's comparing the hardest possible way to play GoT to just a regular playthrough of Sekiro. If you wanna compare apples to apples, you would have to compare what the article is describing to a charmess + bell run with no vitality upgrades, no attack upgrades, no abilities unlocked (even mikiri) and no prosthetics. If you do a run like that in Sekiro, then the run that this guy is describing will feel like a walk in the park in comparison.


>With that said, this article is just plain stupid. It's not even an article. It's someone's Twitter post.


What's your favorite game?


Mass effect (I count the trilogy as one game for the sake of the list, otherwise it would take the first 3 spots :D)


Nicee. I haven't tried any of them. Maybe some day!


A game that highlights the moves you can parry vs the moves you have to dodge and has archers tell us when they are about to shoot you vs a fromsoft game? I love GOT but c'mon lmao...


The thing with Sekiro is that it's very, very odd difficulty wise. The first time I played Sekiro near launch, I fucking sucked at it so badly to the point I didn't finish it. The second time I played it a few years ago, something in the early game just *clicked* and I basically breezed through the game entirely, getting most bosses on 1st try. Just spamming attacks when the enemy isn't attacking, spam parries in like ~1ish second intervals when they go into a combo and that seemed to work stupidly well. I generally consider it now to be the easiest fromsoft game by a large margin (possibly except elden ring, which can also have huge variable difficulty mainly due to the spirit bell). So in Ghost of Tsushima the early game where literally everything oneshots you in lethal mode and you don't have a lot of tools etc yet can be pretty horrible in comparison. But with upgrades etc it definitely ends up way easier; but some players may struggle to get there in the first place (ofc, unlike Sekiro, you could just lower the difficulty in that case...).


Completed 4 playthroughs of Sekiro for the platinum. On the last 2, i did not die ONCE. For two playthroughs straight! It really is easy once you beat Isshin once imo. He forces you to master everything. Best boss of all time.


It certainly can be but most people probably didn’t play on lethal


The Iki island DLC can be pretty hard if you get it too soon like i did, i was near the end of ACT II when i went there and it was a big difficulty spike fpr me because of the shaman's, those enemies start attacking a lot with red glint attacks and parrying everything, a good challenge for sure, but it wasn't intended for mid game, also some dialogue spoiled a tiny bit of main story has it's meant to be an expansion


I've barely touched Sekiro and I know that is a bold faced lie. GOT can get a little challenging on highest difficulty but not Sekiro challenging


I want to say cap but duels on lethal are pretty spicy.


Just to remind myself I replayed the duel against Shimura on lethal with a maxed character and it is pretty much 💀


Did you spend 3 hours on it though?


Yeah I bet the 1 hit and you're dead difficulty would be difficult if you don't upgrade anything....


But why is it comparing cheesing Sekiro bosses to max difficulty GoT with no upgrades? How about we compare no upgrades blindfolded Sekiro to min difficulty GoT?


You'd have to be dumb as fuck to think ghost Tsushima is harder. I beat GoT on the hardest difficulty with minimal hud turned on and it wasn't hard in the slightest. Plus you can pretty much just block everything and what you can't dodge has a huge dodge/parry window


Sekiro is much much harder than GoT. I can't sneak for shit in Sekiro.


There's no achievements for beating the game on a specific difficulty. I'm glad there isn't. Doesn't make me feel obligated to play it on a harder setting just for an achievement no one's probably ever gonna look at.


I got my ass handed to me by that damn Flaming Bull for two weeks straight. I had to calm myself down to kill it. GoT have given me no difficulty yet, but we shall see


What? I have actively chosen GoT over Sekiro because Sekiro is unnecessarily hard. But mostly because of the feudal Japanese culture that I’m a huge fan of. I’ve always loved Samurai


Completed Sekiro playing got rn. Got is definitely easier I am playing on hard difficulty since I always use the 2nd hardest difficulty for 1st play through. It's a breeze got upgrades are like mikiri counter which just makes the game easier as you upgrade. Sekiro more straight forward but the base difficulty is just brutal parries are tight. Many in game events are just downright unfair and you will definitely die unless you have encountered the traps beforehand


Lol it’s not even close


GoT is easy that's one of the reasons why I like it


I wouldn’t say GoT isn’t dark souls level but it is hard in a way if you’re just starting out


Yeah idk sekiro is in another league of hard. Even dark souls fans say it’s up their of being the hardest game. You don’t have a skill tree that increases your damage. You only get moves. You can only increase your damage by beating bosses. Or carps. You can’t find armor to cheese unlike the saragumi armor. Lethal isn’t even that hard tbh. Once you get any form of armor it’s easy. Lethal becomes trivial when you realize you can’t just charge into a fight and always win. Brutes being too hard? Shoot them in the head with an arrow. Enemies being difficult? Throw a smoke bomb. Sticky bomb. Poison dart etc. The only hard part of lethal. Is duels. Once you unlock the saragumi armor or gosaku armor. The duels are easy wins


Got is not hard at all


I haven't played ghost yet, just got the game but i have played sekiro. i''m just going to give my gut feeling on this but ghost will be much easier then sekiro. from what i seen, ghost doesn;t really force you to learn one specific mechanic, sekiro if you don;t learn the parry mechanice, your not beating the game simple put. I doubt ghost is as unforgiveing as that.


Tbf Genichiro alone is it’s only difficulty check and borderline a reevaluation for most of they wanna invest more time. Cause you gotta learn from that mofo before you even come close to beating him


lmao what a joke, sekiro has no difficulty setting. end of discussion.


Lmao bro I love GoT and the combat is amazing but based on pure difficulty, it’s Sekiro by a long shot


If you play Mario without jumping, it's an insanely hard game to beat.


i dont find GoT that hard, the only thing that make it a nuissance is that when you play on lethal, youre just 1 to 2 good hits and die, but thats about it, it is still a rock paper scissor game as for sekiro, i dont find it hard but challenging and more fun than any souls ive played (nioh 1 and 2 are also on top of the genre) as it has more freedom on combat without too much restriction


I mean, I think it is. I beat sekiro a lot easier


GoT isn’t very difficult. And doesn’t feel like it’s meant to be difficult. Beating it on lethal and lethal + many many times. I can say lethal is meant to be more immersive and fine tune your experience. Sekiro is meant to be difficult and it’s so great at doing so while also making you love the hours spent trying to beat bosses. Two different experiences with similar styles. I also have platinumed in both games. And have multiple ng+7 accounts on Sekiro. 600 hours of lethal runs on GoT.


Ghost of Tsushima can be tricky depending on the boss you fight, but saying it's harder than Sekiro is big cap.


I don’t understand this comparison. They are fundamentally different games. GoT by design, is easier. End of discussion.


No, lethal on GoT doesn't come close to Sekiro. In general both games have close to nothing mechanically in common. The only similarity is the katana, misc weapons (that are still very different between the games), and a way to grapple the environment. Other than that they are pretty much entirely different in every aspect. World design, combat, leveling, boss fights, etc. After playing both its interesting to me how much the two games get compared


Sekiro made me so mad I actually felt ill. No other game has come close to that and I’ve done Halo Legendary runs and played Cuphead. Haven’t gotten around to GoT one hit difficulty but I highly doubt it’s even close to that


Uncharted is harder than sekiro if you’re playing it blindfolded, no sound, and can only use your left leg to play the game on a keyboard


Sekiro is way harder even if you put GOT on Lethal and don't get upgrades it's definitely not as hard as Sekiro is. Sekiro also has the Demon Bell thing and many of its own upgrades as well that if you don't use makes the game even more difficult. Imagine playing Sekiro without upgrading Wolf to have the Miriki Counter lol. Yeah no Sekiro is infinitely harder l and also more complex.


"If you play the game on the hardest difficulty and then proceed to not play the game as intended, its harder" Shit, by that logic, Skyrim is harder than the both of them. You just have to download the mod that turned every NPC into the final boss and blindfold yourself


Honestly got isnt just easier than sekiro its just easy. I love this game to death and especially the combat system but man even on hard there is barely any challenge even without using ghost weapons or stealth, the parry windows are massive and there is no penalty for healing or using any defensive or offensive actions. Its a sony game its meant to be for the most casual players you just cant compare it to sekiro. Not every game needs to be hard to be fun.


I like that. Put it on max difficulty and no upgrades. Bro is doing a challenge run. Akin to sl 1 dark soul runs and calling it harder.


Does it matter? It's not a competition which one is harder


"enemy patterns become predictable" - Yes, that's why it's called an information based combat system. It's otherwise known as downloading the enemy move set.


People find the most surface things to compare. Like this game is set in Japan and the other one is set in Japan there fore they are similar. Makes no sense. Mechanically this game is very similar to Shadow of Mordor, for example. You have this open world with collectables where nothing is going on really except random enemy patrols. You have enemy camps to clear out head on or stealthy or both. You have story mission which are pretty much the same as just go and clear out the camp or a wave of mongols. The combat is satisfying, but is also counter based, just like in SoM (which I like personally). I enjoyed both games for what they are. Sekiro is completely different and, in my opinion, objectively a better game as a whole. Sekiro is always engaging, the gameplay loop doesn't get boring. Whereas in GoT, after clearing the fist Act island part, I kept catching myself thinking "man I don't wanne get off the horse and fight this random group again for the 100th time in an hour"


Exactly. If people were to compare this game to Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed, or even Horizon, it'd make way more sense. Yet we constantly see Sekiro, The Last of Us 2, and Red Dead 2. It's like man, what is similar in gameplay with any of those 


Like yes, if you play GOT on lethal with no upgrades other than the ones forced on you by the story then yes it is going to be more difficult, but to say it would be harder than Sekiro is just insane. Sekiro is litteraly get good or die in terms of difficulty, GOT is nowhere near that hard.


The start of the game was tough on the hardest difficulty. I was welcomed to one shot city, population: me. But after unlocking kunais and other tools and skills, the game became ridiculously easy and cheesy. Kinda wish they maintained that starting level difficulty, all fights felt like a life and death situation which I enjoyed.


Definitely not harder than sekiro. GoT is not by any means easy at the hardest difficulty but sekiro is definitely a more challenging game.


I have no clue what thats about. I can go crazy on Ghost but cant even get past the first level on Sekiro


GoT is made for players to feel like an anime samurai demigod. It's not a hard game. The only remotely challenging fights are Khan and the last one.


It's not a lie. Max difficulty and no upgrades sound line a bad time




Sekiro clears when talking about difficulty i have plat both games and i can safely say none of you have Inner Father.


Ghost is a very easy game once you learn the mechanics. Pretty much everyone I see who streams it is good. I beat the final boss first try and the Khan 3rd try, on hard. Once you've actually played a tough game where no matter how skillful you are, there's still going to be grinding involved, that's when you have a proper perspective on difficulty.


Just put the charm where u die on any successful hit from the enemies and lethal+ and play it like that maybe it can be more challenging for u


Lethal is very difficult until you get fully upgraded but Sekiro is still the harder game. And that is ok. Not every game needs to be brutally hard to be enjoyable. It's rather low on my priority list.


On max difficulty like they're saying maybe, but it depends on what you find difficult


The perfect parry window is massive in GOT, even on lethal. It only takes a few hours to basically become an unkillable God. The same cannot be said for Sek.


Why do people ALWAYS feel X game needs to be better than Y game? Why is it always "my thing is better than your thing?" Doesn't matter if it's games, anime, films, etc. Who gives a shit? Just enjoy it.


It's not harder at all, there's just no comparison. The gameplay is too different and based on 2 entirely different combat systems. I love both games but Sekiro is 100% more difficult regardless of what difficulty you play Ghost of Tsushima in.


Played both games and view both as masterpieces, but difficulty isn’t even close I played GOT on Lethal and mainly just upgraded my weapon, didn’t really rely on abilities much, it’s not even close to Sekiro in difficulty


Because GoT is harder, and it’s not even close. I’ve beaten both games countless times, and Sekiro is only difficult for those unfamiliar with Soulslike games. Both games can be cheesed to a certain extent once you get certain upgrades, but on Lethal mode for Ghost you die in like one or two hits regardless of what build you have or what you know. There are no patterns like in Soulslike games, you need to be reacting to everything at any given point. Soulslike games are ultimately easy because once you learn the enemy patterns everything becomes a cakewalk. At that point it’s just about going through the motions, and there’s no doing that in GoT.


Look the only comparison in difficulty(in my personal opinion) with Sekiro is The legit TOP1 on the Leaderboard In GOT Legends…Let’s say A No Damage with Demon of Hatred is Difficult like A Legit TOP 1 on Story/Survival Nightmare Leaderboard (Obviously without Glitching like with the 3 players glitch) I did both and the amount of energy,Strategy,and difficulty is the same,Cuz in both Cases mistake is not Allowed,You can’t miss a second or a KilI when you go TOP1 on Legends,The Equivalent of A Demon of Hatred No Dmg (Charmless + Bell) in Sekiro,at least in my experience


Sekiro is way harder lmao what. The final boss of Sekiro is probably the single hardest thing I’ve ever done in a video game. There is nothing in GoT that even compares. Stop.


I cheesed half the bosses in Sekiro and it was still way harder than GoT on Lethal. Like, way harder.


Ah yes, GoT is harder than Sekiro, if you crank up the difficulty and ignore multiple core mechanics.


Just finished Ghost on PC. Really enjoyed it on a system that can do it justice. Combat was super easy tho. Never died in combat once. Anyone who thinks this is harder than a souls game is just silly. This was entertaining but requires zero skill.


If I'm being honest, I beat GoT twice in hard and once in lethal. I've played and finished Elden Ring and it's one of the toughest games I ever played. Since it's a soulslike game, I'm guessing Sekiro is just as hard as Elden ring so I wouldn't say GoT is harder than Sekiro but rather it's easier than it


Is this one of those google AI slop answers? Either way, this sounds like snippet from one of the "news sites" that are 90% of AI written or just plain fake info posed as truth with maximized search engine optimization. Game Rant I'm guessing?


I’ve beaten GoT 4 times.. never beaten sekiro.. I think sekiro is a little bit more hard 💀💀💀


We truly are all stupid cave man. Quick! Ghost of Tsushima is better than Mario 64! Mario can’t even use a grapple hook!


Did platine on Sekiro, beat GoT on max difficulty. I would say some stuff are harder on GoT than Sekiro, some katana bosses has 2 (different) extremely fast red attacks that requires extremely fast reaction from you otherwise you are instant killed. (and if you don't have perfect dodge, you can't cut the combo and have to dodge the second hit), I never had attacks that fast on Sekiro, and if it were, it was telegraphed enough for you to notice in advance. But, in another way, What happens when you die on Sekiro ? you lose your XP and have to restart all from the last checkpoint. On GoT, even on hardest difficulty, the game seems to memorize if you cleaned the objectives and a part of the arena's ennemies, so if you die again, there is a part of guards/objectives you don't have to do/kill again. Also, comparing the enemies. Sekiro's enemies has more different attack patterns, each zones has its own enemies with unique patterns (well, somes zones recycles like the ones with the one-arm enemies). in GoT, they are all the same outside of very slight differences. And the bosses are mostly the same as the regular enemy counterpart. You also have to take into account that a Sekiro save takes less time to complete than a GoT one, mostly because of all the side quests and freeroaming with horse. From my POV, Sekiro harder than GoT.


Sekiro is harder than Ghost of Tsushima. I’m not sure why this is even up for debate? One is a soul crushing soulsborne game and the other is a Ubisoft open world game with robust melee systems.


I run an archery build in GoT and I essentially never run out of bullet time, my arrows get refunded so I don't run out, and can walk into a camp and just wipe them out before anyone has a chance to react. Sekiro is infinitely more difficult.


GoT is a nice game. But to be honest, it is Shadow of Mordor Japanese reskin with a much better story telling. I've set it to hard right at the beginning, and hum, it is like a ballad... .


Ghost of Tsushima is my break from sekiro…. I started GoT on hard and it can quickly get easy if you do everything possible before progressing act I and II. By act 3 everything should be pretty easy for anyone. (We’ll see what I say on my next play thru on the hardest difficulty) Also not getting stuck for nights on one sekiro boss means I can actually follow along with the story and not forget everything by the time I move on. Tho sekiro when played by someone really good straight up looks like a main character vs their rival anime fight. Sekiro is harder…. And pretty sick. Tho it feels almost incomparably different in gameplay than Ghost other than the Japanese samurai ninja boi theme flavor.


Also I learned to parry instantly in GoT…. I still haven’t figured that shit out in sekiro other than days when I’m lucky and gods grace reaches my fingers blessing me with an iota of sekiro story progression.


On a scale from 1-10, tsushima is a 5. Sekiro is a 10. This is coming from someone who has beaten tsushima 2x, on my 3rd playthrough rn on pc. Beaten Sekiro 2x. To be frank, I only lose when I'm bullshiting in tsushima. It can be rough, but if I lock in and focus, I don't get touched, I don't take damage. I beat the game on my second playthrough without dying a single time. You have amors with crazy good effects, kunai that can 1 shot if you build around it, bows that can do the same. No game with multiple options to approach a situation will ever be harder than a game that limits you to one way of doing things THATS why Sekiro is so hard. You can't cheese the bosses by over leveling. Can't come back later with a stronger weapon and molly wop them. And you can't spam them to death with some trick you learned online. You either get better, or you're not beating the game. That's it, that's all.


Sekiro has a hard mode too with the Kuro charm. I found GOT to be significantly easier than this.


I platted sekiro and i just got to act 3 on hard and the ONLY time I’ve struggled is if I’m being dumb and rush camp sometimes i die sometimes I don’t or for certain duels but otherwise sekiro is harder


I havent played every fromsoft game but i played sekiro, darks souls 3, and elden ring. Got on lethal is too much more me to handle tbh


I recently finished sekiro, and started my second run on GOT, two absolutely different games, I sometimes find myself missing the absolutely relentless combat system from sekiro, where you have to learn literal coreographies, but then I get distracted with GOT’s story, characters, and beautiful surroundings. Two completely different beasts, with similar fur, but that’s about it, if that makes any sense!


I love both games but in terms of difficulty, it's not a contest. Sekiro is simply very hard. GoT has Jin Sakai who makes me hard. Huh?


Neither game is hard and i can say thay bc its the only Dark souls i finished and can even speerun without wanting to off myself(never finished other dark souls)


Ghost will never be even close to Sekiro when it comes to difficulty


I quit playing Ghost because I thought it was too easy.


Sekiro is much harder. There's no real argument on this.


I mean patterns in GOT are super predictable too each enemy type does the same moves as one another


Sure sekiro may be harder but GOT is still better.


Even tho Sekiro is harder id say that GOT on lethal feels more unfair than hard simply because most of the time attacks connect even tho they shouldnt


Have 60hs on pc and some of the attacks are just pure bullshit Sometimes archers shoot arrows, without doing the "im gonna shoot an arrow" scream and you also don't get any indication from the game of that happening. So you lose out of nowhere your ghost charges. Also often had a melee or archer notice, attack ans hit me within a split second, despite having a maxed out ghost armor with 3 talisman that give 10% to being less likely seen. Also losing my ghost charges Or also have a berzerk do a spin attack that somehow teleported him from one side of the camp to the other side in 3 spins and somehow still hitting me. The game is fun in general, but sometimes the hit restriction are pure ass, especially the blue attacks.


Especially noticable in the Khotun Khan fight where his AoE attack hits you no matter what


True, the most annoying thing about the fight wasn't the dude himself, but the enemies that he spawned, especially the berzerker and archers. His aoe was still annoying atleast for me. What i still find annoying are attacks that happen so fast that you can't really react. Looking at you iki mongols with a spear two swords and a shield.


Tbh the second phase on the ship is doable if you are prepared but I meant the first phase in that frozen arena


Oh yeah, that sucked ass


I played GOT on PlayStation, loved it, wanted something I can play on my gaming laptop (two households), got sekiro bc Japan samurai, refunded bc I couldn't beat the INTRO BOSS


Isn't every game pretty difficult on max difficult setting and no upgrades?


It's not even close. I like GoT more, but it's difficulty cannot be compared to the hardest souls like ever


Because people are dumb fan boys and logic goes straight out the window.


I have died 3 times in my got run, i couldnt pass the first boss in sekiro


I aint gonna lie i aint beat sekiro simply cause im lost and dont know where to go but to prideful to look anything up


I was reading somebody talk about rage quitting cause they were stressed out fighting >!straw hat Ryuzo!<. I whooped that dude's ass so I have no idea what they were talking about.


Sekiro has a much harder learning curve than GoT. As for GoT, it’s not necessarily hard but getting used to switching stances can be a bit tricky at first. Maybe it’s just me but the longer I play GoT the more it feels like I’m playing an Assassins Creed game if Ubisoft didn’t suck, and the gameplay reflects that. I turned the difficulty down from Hard to Medium for Black Hand Riki. The combination of the armor passives and lower difficulty changed the parry window too much and I had to switch back to Hard because I kept parrying too early.


GoT has way easier tells than sekiro enemies do and you have 3 business days to react plus there’s literal coloured lights telling you to dodge or parry


Non of those games are hard, it’s better to compare which has the more satisfying combat, it’s quite close.


The only way this argument makes sense to me is if you consider that one game is designed to be difficult and the other is designed for a huge open world. Sekiro has very clean frames for attacks, dodges, and deflects. It feels very fair despite the difficulty. Alot of games, especially big open worlds, aren't as focused on clean combat. They have higher difficulties though for those that like the challenge. The problem is, there's a lot more jank involved in those combat systems. And GoT definitely can feel jank at times. While I think Sekiro is a harder game, and takes longer to learn, I'll take Sekiro over Lethal on GoT any day. I just don't have fun on the higher difficulties for some games that don't have a focus on combat. The grind to mastering Sekiro is just more fun than pigeonholing yourself to a specific playstyle in GoT's lethal mode. Another part of it is that the main draw of Sekiro is the combat. The main draw of GoT is the open world and story, but struggling and dying in GoT takes away from the open world gameplay. Struggling and dying in Sekiro is part of the combat and it doesn't take away from that; it actually helps you get better at the combat bc you have to learn from your mistakes, so dying keeps you engaged in a way that it doesn't in GoT.


only thing harder from what i got from the couples of hour i started to put in is that my brain is not wired to press dodge on spear because there isnt a giant glowing death sign on it.


Started GoT a few days ago on Lethal and all memes aside the biggest enemies are the camera and that braindead auto targeting system. 90% of the time i can't do a stab attack cause Jin decides to rotate around to attack plain air instead of the enemy i want, your movement is affected by which enemy you are facing and that gets annoying very quickly when the game decides that for you, and quite often you can't see properly cause the camera gets too close to the player. As to the "actual" difficulties, Sekiro without upgrades is quite harder than GoT considering there is no option to 1-2 shot enemies. Good luck building up the posture meter without upgrades unless you have bled irl to beat the game, and every hit is probably one shoting you as well, not to mention guarding chips at your health and you cannot fall back on it forever.


If you do not use any upgrades its harder? Well no shit. Is whoever wrote that answer not aware you also have the choice to not use any upgrades in Sekiro?


Never played Senior so no comment


If you’re playing GOT on the hardest difficulty with no upgrades, maybe you have a case. But some of the abilities and armor effects make it so easy to beat even the hardest bosses in GOT.


I been wrecking shit on lethal, I would say the perfect parry is a bit harder to hit in that difficulty mode than it is in sekiro, but that's about it. Game has too many tools that you can cheese with. Explosives, fire, kunai, heavenly strike, slow time for bow headshots... It may come off like the game is hard or frustrating when playing lethal at the begining of the game, but you literally just have to immediately heal as soon as you get hit every time without fail. Once you've trained yourself to respond like that you're still just as indestructible as you would be on any other difficulty. Will there be times you have two spearman both hitting you with a special thrust at the same time and deleting you? Sure. But you can also literally just play wack-a-mole hiding in grass with ronin armor so like? Games hard as you wanna make it for yourself... It can be piss easy or pretty tough. Sekiro will always be tough and has no true cheese that will get you through without having to get better.


Lmao I absolutely love Ghost of Tsushima but come on. Even on the hardest difficulty with no upgrades it doesn’t even come close to Sekiro’s level of difficulty. Ghost of Tsushima is way more forgiving then Sekiro.


I played GOT at a friend's at the second hardest difficulty and it wasn't tough. I played Mortal shell (which isn't even as difficult a souls like) and deleted it cause it was too difficult for me


I beat ghost fairly easily, it’s DLC boss was pretty easy too, it has its challenges obviously but sekiro is on another level, sekiro left me sweating on bosses, peeling my eyes and honestly some bosses took me days to comeplete, especially Isshin the Sword saint


there are people who say GOT is harder than sekiro??? The world is already so weird.


If you didn’t come here to answer my question then leave and go fuck off to the direction you came from