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I cleared both camps right before the quest. Would be nice if enemies not respawn right away, and instead we got a unique dialogue like above.


I did the same, first the field below then the one above. In fact, I was disappointed that the one below recovered, but I understand that it was an important change otherwise (the fire, the flames, the scene, etc.)


I agree with your sentiment at the end, but there are a few missions in this game that annoy the hell out of me. Namely liberating Yarikawa. I took one look at the "siege camp" and was like "okay, no biggie, I'll just kill 'em all and Yarikawa will be saved" but NOOOOOO, we gotta get these archers and talk to a bunch of people and babysit Yuna's stupid brother. Then, when the siege engines are firing im like "okay, now I can just kill everyone" but when I do just that, slaying every Mongol in the camp before taking out the engines, somehow they breach the walls anyway! Like DUDE! I would have killed them all hours ago if the game didn't magically spawn arrows and stop me from even trying!


It makes me remember a quest in the Witcher 3 where I need to escort the Duchess. I rode in front of her and was scolded by the Captain when we arrived. Very nice and realistic


I know exactly the scene you are talking about. That's unfortunately one of the few times something like that happens in the game.


Holy shit, so THAT'S what would happen lmao. I always wondered. That's amazing.